Commit d77ec03c authored by sanderux's avatar sanderux

Suppress mission ack error until target_system is properly handled

parent 71a57cb2
......@@ -588,7 +588,8 @@ void PlanManager::_handleMissionAck(const mavlink_message_t& message)
switch (savedExpectedAck) {
case AckNone:
// State machine is idle. Vehicle is confused.
_sendError(VehicleError, tr("Vehicle sent unexpected MISSION_ACK message, error: %1").arg(_missionResultToString((MAV_MISSION_RESULT)missionAck.type)));
// TODO: properly handle target_system before claiming these types of errors
//_sendError(VehicleError, tr("Vehicle sent unexpected MISSION_ACK message, error: %1").arg(_missionResultToString((MAV_MISSION_RESULT)missionAck.type)));
case AckMissionCount:
// MISSION_COUNT message expected
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