Commit d779e7f1 authored by Bryant's avatar Bryant

Fixed compilation warnings with regards to unused variables and uninitialized variables.

parent 975f6fb5
......@@ -207,7 +207,6 @@ void MAVLinkSimulationLink::mainloop()
uint8_t buffer[MAVLINK_MAX_PACKET_LEN];
int bufferlength;
int messageSize;
mavlink_message_t msg;
// Timers
......@@ -458,7 +457,7 @@ void MAVLinkSimulationLink::mainloop()
chan.chan7_raw = (chan.chan4_raw + chan.chan2_raw) / 2.0f;
chan.chan8_raw = 0;
chan.rssi = 100;
messageSize = mavlink_msg_rc_channels_raw_encode(systemId, componentId, &msg, &chan);
mavlink_msg_rc_channels_raw_encode(systemId, componentId, &msg, &chan);
// Allocate buffer with packet data
bufferlength = mavlink_msg_to_send_buffer(buffer, &msg);
//add data into datastream
......@@ -513,7 +512,7 @@ void MAVLinkSimulationLink::mainloop()
detectionCounter = 0;
detected.detected = 1;
messageSize = mavlink_msg_pattern_detected_encode(systemId, componentId, &msg, &detected);
mavlink_msg_pattern_detected_encode(systemId, componentId, &msg, &detected);
// Allocate buffer with packet data
bufferlength = mavlink_msg_to_send_buffer(buffer, &msg);
//add data into datastream
......@@ -528,7 +527,7 @@ void MAVLinkSimulationLink::mainloop()
status.load = 33 * detectionCounter % 1000;
// Pack message and get size of encoded byte string
messageSize = mavlink_msg_sys_status_encode(systemId, componentId, &msg, &status);
mavlink_msg_sys_status_encode(systemId, componentId, &msg, &status);
// Allocate buffer with packet data
bufferlength = mavlink_msg_to_send_buffer(buffer, &msg);
//add data into datastream
......@@ -546,7 +545,7 @@ void MAVLinkSimulationLink::mainloop()
// Pack message and get size of encoded byte string
messageSize = mavlink_msg_boot_pack(systemId, componentId, &msg, version);
mavlink_msg_boot_pack(systemId, componentId, &msg, version);
// Allocate buffer with packet data
bufferlength = mavlink_msg_to_send_buffer(buffer, &msg);
//add data into datastream
......@@ -568,7 +567,7 @@ void MAVLinkSimulationLink::mainloop()
// Pack message and get size of encoded byte string
messageSize = mavlink_msg_heartbeat_pack(systemId, componentId, &msg, mavType, MAV_AUTOPILOT_PIXHAWK, system.base_mode, system.custom_mode, system.system_status);
mavlink_msg_heartbeat_pack(systemId, componentId, &msg, mavType, MAV_AUTOPILOT_PIXHAWK, system.base_mode, system.custom_mode, system.system_status);
// Allocate buffer with packet data
bufferlength = mavlink_msg_to_send_buffer(buffer, &msg);
//qDebug() << "CRC:" << msg.ck_a << msg.ck_b;
......@@ -577,7 +576,7 @@ void MAVLinkSimulationLink::mainloop()
streampointer += bufferlength;
// Pack message and get size of encoded byte string
messageSize = mavlink_msg_heartbeat_pack(systemId+1, componentId+1, &msg, mavType, MAV_AUTOPILOT_GENERIC, system.base_mode, system.custom_mode, system.system_status);
mavlink_msg_heartbeat_pack(systemId+1, componentId+1, &msg, mavType, MAV_AUTOPILOT_GENERIC, system.base_mode, system.custom_mode, system.system_status);
// Allocate buffer with packet data
bufferlength = mavlink_msg_to_send_buffer(buffer, &msg);
//qDebug() << "CRC:" << msg.ck_a << msg.ck_b;
......@@ -597,7 +596,7 @@ void MAVLinkSimulationLink::mainloop()
// // Pack message and get size of encoded byte string
// messageSize = mavlink_msg_heartbeat_pack(54, componentId, &msg, MAV_HELICOPTER, MAV_AUTOPILOT_ARDUPILOTMEGA);
// mavlink_msg_heartbeat_pack(54, componentId, &msg, MAV_HELICOPTER, MAV_AUTOPILOT_ARDUPILOTMEGA);
// // Allocate buffer with packet data
// bufferlength = mavlink_msg_to_send_buffer(buffer, &msg);
// //add data into datastream
......@@ -607,23 +606,15 @@ void MAVLinkSimulationLink::mainloop()
// // Pack message and get size of encoded byte string
// messageSize = mavlink_msg_heartbeat_pack(60, componentId, &msg, MAV_FIXED_WING, MAV_AUTOPILOT_PIXHAWK);
// mavlink_msg_heartbeat_pack(60, componentId, &msg, MAV_FIXED_WING, MAV_AUTOPILOT_PIXHAWK);
// // Allocate buffer with packet data
// bufferlength = mavlink_msg_to_send_buffer(buffer, &msg);
// //add data into datastream
// memcpy(stream+streampointer,buffer, bufferlength);
// streampointer += bufferlength;
mavlink_sys_status_t status2;
mavlink_heartbeat_t system2;
system2.base_mode = MAV_MODE_PREFLIGHT;
status2.voltage_battery = voltage;
status2.load = 120;
system2.system_status = MAV_STATE_STANDBY;
// Pack message and get size of encoded byte string
messageSize = mavlink_msg_sys_status_encode(54, componentId, &msg, &status);
mavlink_msg_sys_status_encode(54, componentId, &msg, &status);
// Allocate buffer with packet data
bufferlength = mavlink_msg_to_send_buffer(buffer, &msg);
//add data into datastream
......@@ -646,7 +637,7 @@ void MAVLinkSimulationLink::mainloop()
// Attitude
// Pack message and get size of encoded byte string
messageSize = mavlink_msg_attitude_pack(systemId, componentId, &msg, usec, roll, pitch, yaw, 0, 0, 0);
mavlink_msg_attitude_pack(systemId, componentId, &msg, usec, roll, pitch, yaw, 0, 0, 0);
// Allocate buffer with packet data
bufferlength = mavlink_msg_to_send_buffer(buffer, &msg);
//add data into datastream
......@@ -681,7 +672,7 @@ void MAVLinkSimulationLink::writeBytes(const char* data, qint64 size)
// Parse bytes
mavlink_message_t msg;
mavlink_status_t comm;
mavlink_status_t comm = {};
uint8_t stream[2048];
int streampointer = 0;
......@@ -147,7 +147,15 @@ void QGCFlightGearLink::setRemoteHost(const QString& host)
void QGCFlightGearLink::updateActuators(uint64_t time, float act1, float act2, float act3, float act4, float act5, float act6, float act7, float act8)
void QGCFlightGearLink::updateControls(uint64_t time, float rollAilerons, float pitchElevator, float yawRudder, float throttle, uint8_t systemMode, uint8_t navMode)
......@@ -225,13 +233,10 @@ void QGCFlightGearLink::readBytes()
// Parse string
double time;
float roll, pitch, yaw, rollspeed, pitchspeed, yawspeed;
double lat, lon, alt;
double vx, vy, vz, xacc, yacc, zacc;
double airspeed;
time =;
lat = * 1e7;
lon = * 1e7;
alt = * 1e3;
......@@ -250,8 +255,6 @@ void QGCFlightGearLink::readBytes()
vy = * 1e2;
vz = * 1e2;
airspeed =;
// Send updated state
emit hilStateChanged(QGC::groundTimeUsecs(), roll, pitch, yaw, rollspeed,
pitchspeed, yawspeed, lat, lon, alt,
......@@ -2432,6 +2432,9 @@ void UAS::disarmSystem()
void UAS::setManualControlCommands(double roll, double pitch, double yaw, double thrust, int xHat, int yHat, int buttons)
// Scale values
double rollPitchScaling = 1.0f * 1000.0f;
double yawScaling = 1.0f * 1000.0f;
......@@ -2720,7 +2723,6 @@ void UAS::stopHil()
void UAS::shutdown()
bool result = false;
QMessageBox msgBox;
msgBox.setText("Shutting down the UAS");
......@@ -2739,7 +2741,6 @@ void UAS::shutdown()
mavlink_message_t msg;
mavlink_msg_command_long_pack(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, uasId, MAV_COMP_ID_ALL, MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_REBOOT_SHUTDOWN, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
result = true;
......@@ -1075,12 +1075,13 @@ void HSIDisplay::updateSatellite(int uasid, int satid, float elevation, float az
// If slot is empty, insert object
if (satid != 0) // Satellite PRNs currently range from 1-32, but are never zero
if (satid != 0) { // Satellite PRNs currently range from 1-32, but are never zero
if (gpsSatellites.contains(satid)) {
gpsSatellites.value(satid)->update(satid, elevation, azimuth, snr, used);
} else {
gpsSatellites.insert(satid, new GPSSatellite(satid, elevation, azimuth, snr, used));
void HSIDisplay::updatePositionYawControllerEnabled(bool enabled)
......@@ -335,6 +335,7 @@ void HUD::updateAttitude(UASInterface* uas, int component, double roll, double p
void HUD::updateBattery(UASInterface* uas, double voltage, double percent, int seconds)
fuelStatus = tr("BAT [%1% | %2V]").arg(percent, 2, 'f', 0, QChar('0')).arg(voltage, 4, 'f', 1, QChar('0'));
if (percent < 20.0f) {
fuelColor = warningColor;
......@@ -102,12 +102,10 @@ void MAVLinkDecoder::receiveMessage(LinkInterface* link,mavlink_message_t messag
quint64 MAVLinkDecoder::getUnixTimeFromMs(int systemID, quint64 time)
bool isNull = false;
quint64 ret = 0;
if (time == 0)
ret = QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds() - onboardToGCSUnixTimeOffsetAndDelay[systemID];
isNull = true;
// Check if time is smaller than 40 years,
// assuming no system without Unix timestamp
......@@ -183,7 +181,6 @@ quint64 MAVLinkDecoder::getUnixTimeFromMs(int systemID, quint64 time)
void MAVLinkDecoder::emitFieldValue(mavlink_message_t* msg, int fieldid, quint64 time)
bool multiComponentSourceDetected = false;
bool wrongComponent = false;
// Store component ID
if (componentID[msg->msgid] == -1)
......@@ -196,7 +193,6 @@ void MAVLinkDecoder::emitFieldValue(mavlink_message_t* msg, int fieldid, quint64
if (componentID[msg->msgid] != msg->compid)
componentMulti[msg->msgid] = true;
wrongComponent = true;
......@@ -573,10 +573,6 @@ void UASView::refresh()
//qDebug() << "UPDATING UAS WIDGET!" << uas->getUASName();
quint64 lastupdate = 0;
//// qDebug() << "UASVIEW update diff: " << MG::TIME::getGroundTimeNow() - lastupdate;
lastupdate = QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds();
if (generalUpdateCount == 4)
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