Unverified Commit d6272a76 authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #8567 from DonLakeFlyer/StatusIndices

Plan - Terrain Status: Vertical index display. Click anywhere in bar.
parents 1a668297 f722a84b
......@@ -99,12 +99,32 @@ Rectangle {
checked: object.isCurrentItem
label: object.abbreviation.charAt(0)
index: object.abbreviation.charAt(0) > 'A' && object.abbreviation.charAt(0) < 'z' ? -1 : object.sequenceNumber
showSequenceNumbers: true
visible: true
onClicked: root.setCurrentSeqNum(object.sequenceNumber)
showSequenceNumbers: false
Rectangle {
id: indexBackground
anchors.leftMargin: -2
anchors.rightMargin: -2
anchors.fill: indexLabel
color: qgcPal.window
opacity: 0.3
visible: indexLabel.visible
transform: Rotation { angle: 90; origin.x: indexBackground.width / 2; origin.y: indexBackground.height / 2 }
QGCLabel {
id: indexLabel
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: object.sequenceNumber
visible: indicator.index != -1
transform: Rotation { angle: 90; origin.x: indexLabel.width / 2; origin.y: indexLabel.height / 2 }
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: root.setCurrentSeqNum(object.sequenceNumber)
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