<long_desc>This parameter defines the minimum condition under which the system will command the ANTI_COLLISION lights on 0 - Always off 1 - When autopilot is armed 2 - When autopilot is prearmed 3 - Always on</long_desc>
<long_desc>This parameter defines the minimum condition under which the system will command the LIGHT_ID_LANDING lights on 0 - Always off 1 - When autopilot is armed 2 - When autopilot is prearmed 3 - Always on</long_desc>
<long_desc>This parameter defines the minimum condition under which the system will command the RIGHT_OF_WAY lights on 0 - Always off 1 - When autopilot is armed 2 - When autopilot is prearmed 3 - Always on</long_desc>
<long_desc>This parameter defines the minimum condition under which the system will command the STROBE lights on 0 - Always off 1 - When autopilot is armed 2 - When autopilot is prearmed 3 - Always on</long_desc>