Commit d2488d0a authored by Donald Gagne's avatar Donald Gagne

Use QCoreApplicationName::applicationName()

Instead of hardcoded "QGroundContorl" strings
parent 6db6d272
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.2
import QGroundControl 1.0
import QGroundControl.FactSystem 1.0
import QGroundControl.FactControls 1.0
import QGroundControl.Controls 1.0
......@@ -89,8 +90,8 @@ SetupPage {
id: controller
factPanel: powerPage.viewPanel
onOldFirmware: showMessage(qsTr("ESC Calibration"), qsTr("QGroundControl cannot perform ESC Calibration with this version of firmware. You will need to upgrade to a newer firmware."), StandardButton.Ok)
onNewerFirmware: showMessage(qsTr("ESC Calibration"), qsTr("QGroundControl cannot perform ESC Calibration with this version of firmware. You will need to upgrade QGroundControl."), StandardButton.Ok)
onOldFirmware: showMessage(qsTr("ESC Calibration"), qsTr("%1 cannot perform ESC Calibration with this version of firmware. You will need to upgrade to a newer firmware.").arg(QGroundControl.appName), StandardButton.Ok)
onNewerFirmware: showMessage(qsTr("ESC Calibration"), qsTr("%1 cannot perform ESC Calibration with this version of firmware. You will need to upgrade %1.").arg(QGroundControl.appName), StandardButton.Ok)
onBatteryConnected: showMessage(qsTr("ESC Calibration"), qsTr("Performing calibration. This will take a few seconds.."), 0)
onCalibrationFailed: showMessage(qsTr("ESC Calibration failed"), errorMessage, StandardButton.Ok)
onCalibrationSuccess: showMessage(qsTr("ESC Calibration"), qsTr("Calibration complete. You can disconnect your battery now if you like."), StandardButton.Ok)
......@@ -1038,10 +1038,10 @@ void ParameterManager::_checkInitialLoadComplete(void)
_missingParameters = false;
if (initialLoadFailures) {
_missingParameters = true;
QString errorMsg = tr("QGroundControl was unable to retrieve the full set of parameters from vehicle %1. "
"This will cause QGroundControl to be unable to display its full user interface. "
QString errorMsg = tr("%1 was unable to retrieve the full set of parameters from vehicle %2. "
"This will cause %1 to be unable to display its full user interface. "
"If you are using modified firmware, you may need to resolve any vehicle startup errors to resolve the issue. "
"If you are using standard firmware, you may need to upgrade to a newer version to resolve the issue.").arg(_vehicle->id());
"If you are using standard firmware, you may need to upgrade to a newer version to resolve the issue.").arg(qgcApp()->applicationName()).arg(_vehicle->id());
qCDebug(ParameterManagerLog) << errorMsg;
if (!qgcApp()->runningUnitTests()) {
......@@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ void ParameterManager::_initialRequestTimeout(void)
} else {
if (!_vehicle->genericFirmware()) {
QString errorMsg = tr("Vehicle %1 did not respond to request for parameters. "
"This will cause QGroundControl to be unable to display its full user interface.").arg(_vehicle->id());
"This will cause %2 to be unable to display its full user interface.").arg(_vehicle->id()).arg(qgcApp()->applicationName());
qCDebug(ParameterManagerLog) << errorMsg;
......@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ bool FixedWingLandingComplexItem::load(const QJsonObject& complexObject, int seq
QString itemType = complexObject[VisualMissionItem::jsonTypeKey].toString();
QString complexType = complexObject[ComplexMissionItem::jsonComplexItemTypeKey].toString();
if (itemType != VisualMissionItem::jsonTypeComplexItemValue || complexType != jsonComplexItemTypeValue) {
errorString = tr("QGroundControl does not support loading this complex mission item type: %1:2").arg(itemType).arg(complexType);
errorString = tr("%1 does not support loading this complex mission item type: %2:%3").arg(qgcApp()->applicationName()).arg(itemType).arg(complexType);
return false;
......@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ bool GeoFenceController::_loadTextFile(QTextStream& stream, QmlObjectListModel*
} else {
errorString = QStringLiteral("The mission file is not compatible with this version of QGroundControl.");
errorString = QStringLiteral("The mission file is not compatible with this version of %1.").arg(qgcApp()->applicationName()));
return false;
......@@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ bool MissionController::_loadTextMissionFile(Vehicle* vehicle, QTextStream& stre
} else {
errorString = QStringLiteral("The mission file is not compatible with this version of QGroundControl.");
errorString = QStringLiteral("The mission file is not compatible with this version of %1.").arg(qgcApp()->applicationName());
return false;
......@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ bool SurveyMissionItem::load(const QJsonObject& complexObject, int sequenceNumbe
int version = v2Object[JsonHelper::jsonVersionKey].toInt();
if (version != 2 && version != 3) {
errorString = tr("QGroundControl does not support this version of survey items");
errorString = tr("%1 does not support this version of survey items").arg(qgcApp()->applicationName());
return false;
if (version == 2) {
......@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ bool SurveyMissionItem::load(const QJsonObject& complexObject, int sequenceNumbe
QString itemType = v2Object[VisualMissionItem::jsonTypeKey].toString();
QString complexType = v2Object[ComplexMissionItem::jsonComplexItemTypeKey].toString();
if (itemType != VisualMissionItem::jsonTypeComplexItemValue || complexType != jsonComplexItemTypeValue) {
errorString = tr("QGroundControl does not support loading this complex mission item type: %1:2").arg(itemType).arg(complexType);
errorString = tr("%1 does not support loading this complex mission item type: %2:%3").arg(qgcApp()->applicationName()).arg(itemType).arg(complexType);
return false;
......@@ -191,12 +191,12 @@ QGCApplication::QGCApplication(int &argc, char* argv[], bool unitTesting)
if (!_runningUnitTests) {
if (getuid() == 0) {
QMessageBox msgBox;
msgBox.setInformativeText("You are running QGroundControl as root. "
"You should not do this since it will cause other issues with QGroundControl. "
"QGroundControl will now exit. "
msgBox.setInformativeText(tr("You are running %1 as root. "
"You should not do this since it will cause other issues with %1. "
"%1 will now exit. "
"If you are having serial port issues on Ubuntu, execute the following commands to fix most issues:\n"
"sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER\n"
"sudo apt-get remove modemmanager");
"sudo apt-get remove modemmanager").arg(qgcApp()->applicationName()));
......@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ public:
QGroundControlQmlGlobal(QGCApplication* app);
Q_PROPERTY(FlightMapSettings* flightMapSettings READ flightMapSettings CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(LinkManager* linkManager READ linkManager CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(MultiVehicleManager* multiVehicleManager READ multiVehicleManager CONSTANT)
......@@ -123,6 +125,7 @@ public:
// Property accesors
QString appName () { return qgcApp()->applicationName(); }
FlightMapSettings* flightMapSettings () { return _flightMapSettings; }
LinkManager* linkManager () { return _linkManager; }
MultiVehicleManager* multiVehicleManager () { return _multiVehicleManager; }
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
"name": "batteryPercentRemainingAnnounce",
"shortDescription": "Announce battery remaining percent",
"longDescription": "QGroundControl will announce the remaining battery percent when it falls below the specified percentage.",
"longDescription": "Announce the remaining battery percent when it falls below the specified percentage.",
"type": "uint32",
"defaultValue": 30,
"units": "%",
......@@ -92,8 +92,8 @@
"name": "BaseDeviceFontPointSize",
"shortDescription": "QGroundControl font size",
"longDescription": "The point size for the default font used in QGroundControl.",
"shortDescription": "Application font size",
"longDescription": "The point size for the default font used.",
"type": "uint32",
"units": "pt",
"min": 6,
......@@ -102,8 +102,8 @@
"name": "StyleIsDark",
"shortDescription": "QGroundControl color scheme",
"longDescription": "The color scheme for the QGroundControl user interface.",
"shortDescription": "Application color scheme",
"longDescription": "The color scheme for the user interface.",
"type": "uint32",
"enumStrings": "Indoor,Outdoor",
"enumValues": "1,0"
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"name": "VideoSource",
"shortDescription": "Video source",
"longDescription": "Source for video. UDP, RTSP and UVC Cameras may be supported supported depending on Vehicle and QGroundControl version.",
"longDescription": "Source for video. UDP, RTSP and UVC Cameras may be supported depending on Vehicle and ground station version.",
"type": "string",
"defaultValue": ""
......@@ -97,16 +97,16 @@ void MultiVehicleManager::_vehicleHeartbeatInfo(LinkInterface* link, int vehicle
<< vehicleType;
if (vehicleId == _mavlinkProtocol->getSystemId()) {
_app->showMessage(QString("Warning: A vehicle is using the same system id as QGroundControl: %1").arg(vehicleId));
_app->showMessage(QString("Warning: A vehicle is using the same system id as %1: %2").arg(qgcApp()->applicationName()).arg(vehicleId));
// QSettings settings;
// bool mavlinkVersionCheck = settings.value("VERSION_CHECK_ENABLED", true).toBool();
// if (mavlinkVersionCheck && vehicleMavlinkVersion != MAVLINK_VERSION) {
// _ignoreVehicleIds += vehicleId;
// _app->showMessage(QString("The MAVLink protocol version on vehicle #%1 and QGroundControl differ! "
// _app->showMessage(QString("The MAVLink protocol version on vehicle #%1 and %2 differ! "
// "It is unsafe to use different MAVLink versions. "
// "QGroundControl therefore refuses to connect to vehicle #%1, which sends MAVLink version %2 (QGroundControl uses version %3).").arg(vehicleId).arg(vehicleMavlinkVersion).arg(MAVLINK_VERSION));
// "%2 therefore refuses to connect to vehicle #%1, which sends MAVLink version %3 (%2 uses version %4).").arg(vehicleId).arg(qgcApp()->applicationName()).arg(vehicleMavlinkVersion).arg(MAVLINK_VERSION));
// return;
// }
......@@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ QGCView {
readonly property string title: "FIRMWARE"
readonly property string highlightPrefix: "<font color=\"" + qgcPal.warningText + "\">"
readonly property string highlightSuffix: "</font>"
readonly property string welcomeText: "QGroundControl can upgrade the firmware on Pixhawk devices, SiK Radios and PX4 Flow Smart Cameras."
readonly property string welcomeText: qsTr("%1 can upgrade the firmware on Pixhawk devices, SiK Radios and PX4 Flow Smart Cameras.").arg(QGroundControl.appName)
readonly property string plugInText: "<big>" + highlightPrefix + "Plug in your device" + highlightSuffix + " via USB to " + highlightPrefix + "start" + highlightSuffix + " firmware upgrade.</big>"
readonly property string flashFailText: "If upgrade failed, make sure to connect " + highlightPrefix + "directly" + highlightSuffix + " to a powered USB port on your computer, not through a USB hub. " +
"Also make sure you are only powered via USB " + highlightPrefix + "not battery" + highlightSuffix + "."
readonly property string qgcUnplugText1: "All QGroundControl connections to vehicles must be " + highlightPrefix + " disconnected " + highlightSuffix + "prior to firmware upgrade."
readonly property string qgcUnplugText1: qsTr("All %1 connections to vehicles must be ").arg(QGroundControl.appName) + highlightPrefix + " disconnected " + highlightSuffix + "prior to firmware upgrade."
readonly property string qgcUnplugText2: highlightPrefix + "<big>Please unplug your Pixhawk and/or Radio from USB.</big>" + highlightSuffix
property string firmwareWarningMessage
......@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ Rectangle {
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
font.pointSize: ScreenTools.mediumFontPointSize
text: "QGroundControl does not currently support setup of your vehicle type. " +
text: tr("%1 does not currently support setup of your vehicle type. ").arg(QGroundControl.appName) +
"If your vehicle is already configured you can still Fly."
onLinkActivated: Qt.openUrlExternally(link)
......@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ Rectangle {
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
font.pointSize: ScreenTools.largeFontPointSize
text: "Connect vehicle to your device and QGroundControl will automatically detect it." +
text: qsTr("Connect vehicle to your device and %1 will automatically detect it.").arg(QGroundControl.appName) +
(ScreenTools.isMobile ? "" : " Click Firmware on the left to upgrade your vehicle.")
onLinkActivated: Qt.openUrlExternally(link)
......@@ -867,8 +867,8 @@ void LinkManager::_activeLinkCheck(void)
qgcApp()->showMessage(foundNSHPrompt ?
QStringLiteral("Please check to make sure you have an SD Card inserted in your Vehicle and try again.") :
QStringLiteral("Your Vehicle is not responding. If this continues shutdown QGroundControl, restart the Vehicle letting it boot completely, then start QGroundControl."));
tr("Please check to make sure you have an SD Card inserted in your Vehicle and try again.") :
tr("Your Vehicle is not responding. If this continues, shutdown %1, restart the Vehicle letting it boot completely, then start %1.").arg(qgcApp()->applicationName()));
......@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ void MAVLinkProtocol::receiveBytes(LinkInterface* link, QByteArray b)
warnedUserNonMavlink = true;
emit protocolStatusMessage(tr("MAVLink Protocol"), tr("There is a MAVLink Version or Baud Rate Mismatch. "
"Please check if the baud rates of QGroundControl and your autopilot are the same."));
"Please check if the baud rates of %1 and your autopilot are the same.").arg(qgcApp()->applicationName()));
......@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ void QGCFlightGearLink::readBytes()
qDebug() << "RETURN LENGTH MISMATCHING EXPECTED" << nValues << "BUT GOT" << values.size();
qDebug() << state;
emit showCriticalMessageFromThread(tr("FlightGear HIL"),
tr("Flight Gear protocol file '%1' is out of date. Quit QGroundControl. Delete the file and restart QGroundControl to fix.").arg(_fgProtocolFileFullyQualified));
tr("Flight Gear protocol file '%1' is out of date. Quit %2. Delete the file and restart %2 to fix.").arg(_fgProtocolFileFullyQualified).arg(qgcApp()->applicationName()));
......@@ -820,7 +820,7 @@ bool QGCFlightGearLink::connectSimulation()
// Setup and verify directory which contains QGC provided aircraft files
QString qgcAircraftDir(QApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/flightgear/Aircraft");
if (!QFileInfo(qgcAircraftDir).isDir()) {
QGCMessageBox::critical(tr("FlightGear HIL"), tr("Incorrect QGroundControl installation. Aircraft directory is missing: '%1'.").arg(qgcAircraftDir));
QGCMessageBox::critical(tr("FlightGear HIL"), tr("Incorrect %1 installation. Aircraft directory is missing: '%2'.").arg(qgcApp()->applicationName()).arg(qgcAircraftDir));
return false;
_fgArgList += "--fg-aircraft=" + qgcAircraftDir;
......@@ -841,7 +841,7 @@ bool QGCFlightGearLink::connectSimulation()
// Verify directory which contains QGC provided FlightGear communication protocol files
QDir qgcProtocolDir(QApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/flightgear/Protocol/");
if (!qgcProtocolDir.isReadable()) {
QGCMessageBox::critical(tr("FlightGear HIL"), tr("Incorrect QGroundControl installation. Protocol directory is missing (%1).").arg(qgcProtocolDir.path()));
QGCMessageBox::critical(tr("FlightGear HIL"), tr("Incorrect installation. Protocol directory is missing (%1).").arg(qgcProtocolDir.path()));
return false;
......@@ -849,7 +849,7 @@ bool QGCFlightGearLink::connectSimulation()
QString fgProtocolXmlFile = fgProtocol + ".xml";
QString qgcProtocolFileFullyQualified = qgcProtocolDir.absoluteFilePath(fgProtocolXmlFile);
if (!QFileInfo(qgcProtocolFileFullyQualified).exists()) {
QGCMessageBox::critical(tr("FlightGear HIL"), tr("Incorrect QGroundControl installation. FlightGear protocol file missing: %1").arg(qgcProtocolFileFullyQualified));
QGCMessageBox::critical(tr("FlightGear HIL"), tr("Incorrect installation. FlightGear protocol file missing: %1").arg(qgcProtocolFileFullyQualified));
return false;
......@@ -868,7 +868,7 @@ bool QGCFlightGearLink::connectSimulation()
! {
QGCMessageBox::warning(tr("FlightGear HIL"), tr("Unable to verify that protocol file %1 is current. "
"If file is out of date, you may experience problems. "
"Safest approach is to delete the file manually and allow QGroundControl install the latest file.").arg(_fgProtocolFileFullyQualified));
"Safest approach is to delete the file manually and allow %2 install the latest file.").arg(qgcApp()->applicationName()).arg(_fgProtocolFileFullyQualified));
QByteArray fgBytes = fgFile.readAll();
......@@ -878,7 +878,7 @@ bool QGCFlightGearLink::connectSimulation()
if (fgBytes != qgcBytes) {
QGCMessageBox::warning(tr("FlightGear HIL"), tr("FlightGear protocol file %1 is out of date. It will be deleted, which will cause QGroundControl to install the latest version of the file.").arg(_fgProtocolFileFullyQualified));
QGCMessageBox::warning(tr("FlightGear HIL"), tr("FlightGear protocol file %1 is out of date. It will be deleted, which will cause %2 to install the latest version of the file.").arg(_fgProtocolFileFullyQualified).arg(qgcApp()->applicationName()));
if (!QFile::remove(_fgProtocolFileFullyQualified)) {
QGCMessageBox::warning(tr("FlightGear HIL"), tr("Delete of protocol file failed. You will have to manually delete the file."));
return false;
......@@ -889,7 +889,7 @@ bool QGCFlightGearLink::connectSimulation()
if (!QFileInfo(_fgProtocolFileFullyQualified).exists()) {
QMessageBox msgBox(QMessageBox::Critical,
tr("FlightGear Failed to Start"),
tr("FlightGear Failed to Start. QGroundControl protocol (%1) not installed to FlightGear Protocol directory (%2)").arg(fgProtocolXmlFile).arg(fgProtocolDir.path()),
tr("FlightGear Failed to Start. %1 protocol (%2) not installed to FlightGear Protocol directory (%3)").arg(qgcApp()->applicationName()).arg(fgProtocolXmlFile).arg(fgProtocolDir.path()),
......@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ Item {
MessageDialog {
id: unsavedMissionCloseDialog
title: qsTr("QGroundControl close")
title: qsTr("%1 close").arg(QGroundControl.appName)
text: qsTr("You have a mission edit in progress which has not been saved/sent. If you close you will lose changes. Are you sure you want to close?")
standardButtons: StandardButton.Yes | StandardButton.No
modality: Qt.ApplicationModal
......@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ Item {
MessageDialog {
id: activeConnectionsCloseDialog
title: qsTr("QGroundControl close")
title: qsTr("%1 close").arg(QGroundControl.appName)
text: qsTr("There are still active connections to vehicles. Do you want to disconnect these before closing?")
standardButtons: StandardButton.Yes | StandardButton.Cancel
modality: Qt.ApplicationModal
......@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ QGCView {
icon: StandardIcon.Warning
standardButtons: StandardButton.Yes | StandardButton.No
title: qsTr("Clear Settings")
text: qsTr("All saved settings will be reset the next time you start QGroundControl. Is this really what you want?")
text: qsTr("All saved settings will be reset the next time you start %1. Is this really what you want?").arg(QGroundControl.appName)
onYes: {
clearDialog.visible = false
......@@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ QGCView {
QGCLabel {
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
text: qsTr("QGroundControl Version: " + QGroundControl.qgcVersion)
text: qsTr("%1 Version: %2").arg(QGroundControl.appName).arg(QGroundControl.qgcVersion)
} // settingsColumn
} // QGCFlickable
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