Commit d1d510b3 authored by Gus Grubba's avatar Gus Grubba

Allow custom code to replace resources.

parent b5e14ab6
......@@ -255,12 +255,31 @@ include(src/QtLocationPlugin/QGCLocationPlugin.pri)
# Main QGroundControl portion of project file
# Resources (custom code can replace them)
qgroundcontrol.qrc \
CustomBuild {
exists($$PWD/custom/qgroundcontrol.qrc) {
message("Using custom qgroundcontrol.qrc")
RESOURCES += $$PWD/custom/qgroundcontrol.qrc
} else {
RESOURCES += $$PWD/qgroundcontrol.qrc
exists($$PWD/custom/qgcresources.qrc) {
message("Using custom qgcresources.qrc")
RESOURCES += $$PWD/custom/qgcresources.qrc
} else {
RESOURCES += $$PWD/qgcresources.qrc
} else {
$$PWD/qgroundcontrol.qrc \
# Main QGroundControl portion of project file
DebugBuild {
# Unit Test resources
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