diff --git a/crowdin.yml b/crowdin.yml
index b1838c5b943ce59a3cdd64561a548d8dacb5236d..090f00c7f0d9ee1ac7fe5d64edc7aaf75061e08e 100644
--- a/crowdin.yml
+++ b/crowdin.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
- - source: /translations/qgc.ts
- translation: /translations/qgc_%locale_with_underscore%.ts
+"files": [
+ {
+ "source": "/translations/qgc.ts",
+ "translation": "/translations/qgc_%locale_with_underscore%.ts"
+ },
+ {
+ "source": "/translations/qgc-json.ts",
+ "translation": "/translations/qgc_%locale_with_underscore%.ts"
+ },
diff --git a/translations/README.md b/translations/README.md
index cf14a555f1f467ac82962e1e453e77b04fd7b859..40ec8b1845c4b43049f0168d73472e4b734df36d 100644
--- a/translations/README.md
+++ b/translations/README.md
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
QGC uses the standard Qt Linguist mechanisms for string translation. QGC uses crowd sourced string translation through a [Crowdin project](https://crowdin.com/project/qgroundcontrol for translation).
+## `source qgc-lupdate.sh`
+Run this command to update the translations files for both Qt and Json. Crowdin will automatically pull these up and submit a pull request back when new translations are available.
## C++ and Qml code strings
These are coded using the standard Qt tr() for C++ and qsTr() for Qml mechanisms.
diff --git a/translations/qgc-json.ts b/translations/qgc-json.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..02565bfa3d31e2bec7dda652320b140dd9c60f84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translations/qgc-json.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3985 @@
+ SubmarineFact.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[lights2].shortDescription,
+ Lights 2 level
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[inputHold].shortDescription,
+ Input Hold
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[rollPitchToggle].enumStrings,
+ Disabled,Enabled,Unavailable
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[lights1].shortDescription,
+ Lights 1 level
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[tetherTurns].shortDescription,
+ Tether Turns
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[inputHold].enumStrings,
+ Disabled,Enabled
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[cameraTilt].shortDescription,
+ Camera Tilt
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[rangefinderDistance].shortDescription,
+ Rangefinder
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[pilotGain].shortDescription,
+ Pilot Gain
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[rollPitchToggle].shortDescription,
+ Roll/Pitch Toggle
+ SetpointFact.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[pitchRate].shortDescription,
+ Pitch Rate Setpoint
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[pitch].shortDescription,
+ Pitch Setpoint
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[yaw].shortDescription,
+ Yaw Setpoint
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[yawRate].shortDescription,
+ Yaw Rate Setpoint
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[roll].shortDescription,
+ Roll Setpoint
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[rollRate].shortDescription,
+ Roll Rate Setpoint
+ EstimatorStatusFactGroup.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[accelError].shortDescription,
+ Accel Error
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[haglRatio].shortDescription,
+ HAGL Ratio
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[vertPosAccuracy].shortDescription,
+ Vert Pos Accuracy
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[horizPosAccuracy].shortDescription,
+ Horiz Pos Accuracy
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[goodConstPosModeEstimate].shortDescription,
+ Good Const Pos Mode Estimate
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[goodPredHorizPosAbsEstimate].shortDescription,
+ Good Pred Horiz Pos Abs Estimate
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[goodAttitudeEsimate].shortDescription,
+ Good Attitude Esimate
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[goodHorizVelEstimate].shortDescription,
+ Good Horiz Vel Estimate
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[goodVertPosAbsEstimate].shortDescription,
+ Good Vert Pos Abs Estimate
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[horizPosRatio].shortDescription,
+ Horiz Pos Ratio
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[velRatio].shortDescription,
+ Vel Ratio
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[goodVertPosAGLEstimate].shortDescription,
+ Good Vert Pos AGL Estimate
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[goodHorizPosRelEstimate].shortDescription,
+ Good Horiz Pos Rel Estimate
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[magRatio].shortDescription,
+ Mag Ratio
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[tasRatio].shortDescription,
+ TAS Ratio
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[vertPosRatio].shortDescription,
+ Vert Pos Ratio
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[gpsGlitch].shortDescription,
+ Gps Glitch
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[goodVertVelEstimate].shortDescription,
+ Good Vert Vel Estimate
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[goodHorizPosAbsEstimate].shortDescription,
+ Good Horiz Pos Abs Estimate
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[goodPredHorizPosRelEstimate].shortDescription,
+ Good Pred Horiz Pos Rel Estimate
+ VehicleFact.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[headingToNextWP].shortDescription,
+ Next WP Heading
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[missionItemIndex].shortDescription,
+ Mission Item Index
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[altitudeRelative].shortDescription,
+ Alt (Rel)
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[throttlePct].shortDescription,
+ Throttle %
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[airSpeed].shortDescription,
+ Air Speed
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[altitudeAMSL].shortDescription,
+ Alt (AMSL)
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[hobbs].shortDescription,
+ Hobbs Meter
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[groundSpeed].shortDescription,
+ Ground Speed
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[yawRate].shortDescription,
+ Yaw Rate
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[distanceToHome].shortDescription,
+ Distance to Home
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[heading].shortDescription,
+ Heading
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[headingToHome].shortDescription,
+ Heading to Home
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[climbRate].shortDescription,
+ Climb Rate
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[pitch].shortDescription,
+ Pitch
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[rollRate].shortDescription,
+ Roll Rate
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[flightTime].shortDescription,
+ Flight Time
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[pitchRate].shortDescription,
+ Pitch Rate
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[flightDistance].shortDescription,
+ Flight Distance
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[roll].shortDescription,
+ Roll
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[distanceToGCS].shortDescription,
+ Distance to GCS
+ TemperatureFact.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[temperature3].shortDescription,
+ Temperature (3)
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[temperature2].shortDescription,
+ Temperature (2)
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[temperature1].shortDescription,
+ Temperature (1)
+ WindFact.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[verticalSpeed].shortDescription,
+ Wind Spd (vert)
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[direction].shortDescription,
+ Wind Direction
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[speed].shortDescription,
+ Wind Spd
+ GPSFact.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[lock].enumStrings,
+ None,None,2D Lock,3D Lock,3D DGPS Lock,3D RTK GPS Lock (float),3D RTK GPS Lock (fixed),Static (fixed)
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[vdop].shortDescription,
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[hdop].shortDescription,
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[count].shortDescription,
+ Sat Count
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[mgrs].shortDescription,
+ MGRS Position
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[lon].shortDescription,
+ Longitude
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[courseOverGround].shortDescription,
+ Course Over Ground
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[lat].shortDescription,
+ Latitude
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[lock].shortDescription,
+ GPS Lock
+ ClockFact.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[currentDate].shortDescription,
+ Date
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[currentTime].shortDescription,
+ Time
+ VibrationFact.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[clipCount3].shortDescription,
+ Clip Count (3)
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[clipCount1].shortDescription,
+ Clip Count (1)
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[yAxis].shortDescription,
+ Vibe yAxis
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[xAxis].shortDescription,
+ Vibe xAxis
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[clipCount2].shortDescription,
+ Clip Count (2)
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[zAxis].shortDescription,
+ Vibe zAxis
+ GPSRTKFact.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[active].shortDescription,
+ Survey-In Active
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[currentAccuracy].shortDescription,
+ Current Survey-In Accuracy
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[currentAltitude].shortDescription,
+ Current Survey-In Altitude
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[valid].shortDescription,
+ Survey-In Valid
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[currentLongitude].shortDescription,
+ Current Survey-In Longitude
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[connected].shortDescription,
+ Connected
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[currentDuration].shortDescription,
+ Current Survey-In Duration
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[numSatellites].shortDescription,
+ Number of Satellites
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[currentLatitude].shortDescription,
+ Current Survey-In Latitude
+ BatteryFact.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[instantPower].shortDescription,
+ Watts
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[temperature].shortDescription,
+ Temperature
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[timeRemaining].shortDescription,
+ Time Remaining
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[mahConsumed].shortDescription,
+ Consumed
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[percentRemaining].shortDescription,
+ Percent
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[current].shortDescription,
+ Current
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[voltage].shortDescription,
+ Voltage
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[chargeState].enumStrings,
+ n/a,Normal Operation,Low Battery State,Critical Battery State,Emergency Battery State,Battery Failed,Battery Unhealthy
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[chargeState].shortDescription,
+ Charge State
+ DistanceSensorFact.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[rotationYaw90].shortDescription,
+ Right
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[rotationYaw225].shortDescription,
+ Rear/Left
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[rotationYaw45].shortDescription,
+ Forward/Right
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[rotationYaw135].shortDescription,
+ Rear/Right
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[rotationYaw315].shortDescription,
+ Forward/Left
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[rotationPitch90].shortDescription,
+ Up
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[rotationPitch270].shortDescription,
+ Down
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[rotationNone].shortDescription,
+ Forward
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[rotationYaw180].shortDescription,
+ Rear
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[rotationYaw270].shortDescription,
+ Left
+ TerrainFactGroup.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[blocksPending].shortDescription,
+ Blocks Pending
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[blocksLoaded].shortDescription,
+ Blocks Loaded
+ APMFollowComponent.FactMetaData.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[distance].shortDescription,
+ Horizontal distance from ground station to vehicle
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[height].shortDescription,
+ Vertical distance from Launch (home) position to vehicle
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[angle].shortDescription,
+ Angle from ground station to vehicle
+ APM-MavCmdInfoFixedWing.json
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TURNS].param4.enumStrings, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TIME].param4.enumStrings,
+ Center,Tangent
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TURNS].param4.label, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TIME].param4.label,
+ Exit loiter from
+ APM-MavCmdInfoCommon.json
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_FENCE_ENABLE].param1.label,
+ Enable
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_VTOL_LAND].description,
+ Land using VTOL mode.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_VTOL_TAKEOFF].description,
+ Takeoff to specified altitude.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONTROL].param3.label,
+ Yaw
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONTROL].param2.label,
+ Roll
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_VTOL_TAKEOFF].category, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_VTOL_LAND].category,
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_RELAY].param2.enumStrings,
+ On,Off
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_RELAY].param2.label,
+ Setting
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONTROL].param1.label,
+ Pitch
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_FENCE_ENABLE].param1.enumStrings,
+ Enable,Disable
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF].description,
+ Take off from the ground and ascend to specified altitude.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_UNLIM].param4.label, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TURNS].param4.label, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TIME].param4.label,
+ Heading
+ PX4-MavCmdInfoMultiRotor.json
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_UNLIM].description,
+ Travel to a position and Loiter indefinitely.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TIME].description,
+ Travel to a position and Loiter for an amount of time.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF].description,
+ Hover straight up to specified altitude. Then travel to specified position.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TURNS].description,
+ Travel to a position and Loiter for a number of turns.
+ AirMap.SettingsGroup.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[apiKey].shortDescription,
+ AirMap API Key
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[password].shortDescription,
+ AirMap Password
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[enableTelemetry].shortDescription,
+ Enable AirMap Telemetry
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[enableAirMap].shortDescription,
+ Enable AirMap
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[clientID].shortDescription,
+ AirMap Client ID
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[userName].shortDescription,
+ AirMap User Name
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[enableAirspace].shortDescription,
+ Show Airspace on Map (Experimental)
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[usePersonalApiKey].shortDescription,
+ Use Personal AirMap API Key
+ MissionSettings.FactMetaData.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[PlannedHomePositionAltitude].shortDescription,
+ Launch position altitude
+ FWLandingPattern.FactMetaData.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[StopTakingVideo].shortDescription,
+ Stop taking video
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[StopTakingPhotos].shortDescription,
+ Stop taking photos
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[LoiterAltitude].shortDescription,
+ Aircraft will proceed to the loiter point and loiter downwards until it reaches this approach altitude. Once altitude is reached the aircraft will proceed to land.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[LandingAltitude].shortDescription,
+ Altitude for landing point.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[ValueSetIsDistance].shortDescription,
+ Value controller loiter point is distance
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[LoiterRadius].shortDescription,
+ Loiter radius.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[LandingDistance].shortDescription,
+ Distance between landing and loiter points.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[LandingHeading].shortDescription,
+ Heading from loiter point to land point.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[GlideSlope].shortDescription,
+ The glide slope between the loiter and landing point.
+ UT-MavCmdInfoFixedWing.json
+ .mavCmdInfo[Override testing].description, .mavCmdInfo[Override testing].category,
+ override fw 4
+ .mavCmdInfo[Override testing].param7.label,
+ override fw 4 7
+ .mavCmdInfo[Override testing].param5.label,
+ override fw 4 5
+ .mavCmdInfo[Override testing].param7.enumStrings, .mavCmdInfo[Override testing].param5.enumStrings, .mavCmdInfo[Override testing].param3.enumStrings, .mavCmdInfo[Override testing].param1.enumStrings,
+ 1,2
+ .mavCmdInfo[Override testing].param3.label,
+ override fw 4 3
+ .mavCmdInfo[Override testing].param1.label,
+ override fw 4 1
+ UT-MavCmdInfoCommon.json
+ .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_3].category, .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_4].category, .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_5].category,
+ category
+ .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_5].friendlyName,
+ Unit Test 5
+ .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_2].param1.label, .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_3].param1.label, .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_4].param1.label, .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_5].param1.label,
+ param1
+ .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_4].friendlyName,
+ Unit Test 4
+ .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_3].param7.enumStrings, .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_3].param6.enumStrings, .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_3].param5.enumStrings, .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_3].param4.enumStrings, .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_3].param3.enumStrings, .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_3].param2.enumStrings, .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_3].param1.enumStrings, .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_4].param7.enumStrings, .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_4].param6.enumStrings, .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_4].param5.enumStrings, .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_4].param4.enumStrings, .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_4].param3.enumStrings, .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_4].param2.enumStrings, .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_4].param1.enumStrings, .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_5].param7.enumStrings, .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_5].param6.enumStrings, .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_5].param5.enumStrings, .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_5].param4.enumStrings, .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_5].param3.enumStrings, .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_5].param2.enumStrings, .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_5].param1.enumStrings,
+ 1,2
+ .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_3].param7.label, .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_4].param7.label, .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_5].param7.label,
+ param7
+ .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_3].param6.label, .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_4].param6.label, .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_5].param6.label,
+ param6
+ .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_3].param5.label, .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_4].param5.label, .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_5].param5.label,
+ param5
+ .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_3].param4.label, .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_4].param4.label, .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_5].param4.label,
+ param4
+ .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_3].param3.label, .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_4].param3.label, .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_5].param3.label,
+ param3
+ .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_3].param2.label, .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_4].param2.label, .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_5].param2.label,
+ param2
+ .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_3].friendlyName,
+ Unit Test 3
+ .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_3].description, .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_4].description, .mavCmdInfo[UNITTEST_5].description,
+ description
+ CameraSpec.FactMetaData.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[FocalLength].shortDescription,
+ Focal length of camera lens.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[SensorHeight].shortDescription,
+ Height of camera image sensor.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[FixedOrientation].shortDescription,
+ Camera orientation ix fixed and cannot be changed.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[ImageWidth].shortDescription,
+ Camera image resolution width.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[SensorWidth].shortDescription,
+ Width of camera image sensor.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[ImageHeight].shortDescription,
+ Camera image resolution height.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[Landscape].shortDescription,
+ Camera on vehicle is in landscape orientation.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[Name].shortDescription,
+ Camera name.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[MinTriggerInterval].shortDescription,
+ Minimum amount of time between each camera trigger.
+ CorridorScan.SettingsGroup.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[Altitude].shortDescription,
+ Altitude for the bottom layer of the structure scan.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[TurnaroundDistance].shortDescription,
+ Amount of additional distance to add outside the survey area for vehicle turnaround.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[CorridorWidth].shortDescription,
+ Corridor width. Specify 0 width for a single pass scan.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[GridSpacing].shortDescription,
+ Amount of spacing in between parallel grid lines.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[Trigger distance].shortDescription,
+ Distance between each triggering of the camera. 0 specifies not camera trigger.
+ SpeedSection.FactMetaData.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[FlightSpeed].shortDescription,
+ Set the current flight speed
+ CameraSection.FactMetaData.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[CameraAction].shortDescription,
+ Specify whether the camera should take photos or video
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[CameraPhotoIntervalDistance].shortDescription,
+ Specify the distance between each photo
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[CameraMode].shortDescription,
+ Specify whether the camera should switch to Photo, Video or Survey mode
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[CameraPhotoIntervalTime].shortDescription,
+ Specify the time between each photo
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[CameraMode].enumStrings,
+ Photo,Video,Survey
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[GimbalYaw].shortDescription,
+ Gimbal yaw rotation.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[GimbalPitch].shortDescription,
+ Gimbal pitch rotation.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[CameraAction].enumStrings,
+ No change,Take photo,Take photos (time),Take photos (distance),Stop taking photos,Start recording video,Stop recording video
+ CameraCalc.FactMetaData.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[FrontalOverlap].shortDescription,
+ Amount of overlap between images in the forward facing direction.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[DistanceToSurface].shortDescription,
+ Distance vehicle is away from surface.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[ValueSetIsDistance].shortDescription,
+ Value specified is distance to surface.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[SideOverlap].shortDescription,
+ Amount of overlap between images in the side facing direction.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[ImageDensity].shortDescription,
+ Image desity at surface.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[CameraName].shortDescription,
+ Camera name.
+ MavCmdInfoCommon.json
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_DIGICAM_CONFIGURE].param7.label,
+ Cut off
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_PATHPLANNING].friendlyName,
+ Path planning
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_CONDITION_DISTANCE].friendlyName,
+ Wait for distance
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_GUIDED_ENABLE].friendlyName,
+ Guided enable
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_GUIDED_LIMITS].param1.label,
+ Timeout
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_INVERTED_FLIGHT].description,
+ Change to/from inverted flight.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI_NONE].description,
+ Cancels the region of interest.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_RELAY].description,
+ Set relay to a condition.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_CAM_TRIGG_DIST].description,
+ Set camera trigger distance.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_GRIPPER].param1.label,
+ Gripper id
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_ALTITUDE_WAIT].friendlyName,
+ Altitude wait
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_CONDITION_CHANGE_ALT].friendlyName,
+ Wait for altitude
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_SERVO].description, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_REPEAT_SERVO].description,
+ Set servo to specified PWM value.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_CONTINUE_AND_CHANGE_ALT].category, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_CHANGE_SPEED].category, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_LAND_START].category, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_INVERTED_FLIGHT].category,
+ Flight control
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_CALIBRATION].friendlyName,
+ Calibration
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_IMAGE_START_CAPTURE].param3.label,
+ Photo count
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_HOME].friendlyName,
+ Set launch location
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW].param3.label, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_REVERSE].param1.label,
+ Direction
+ Reboot/Shutdown vehicle
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_SERVO].param1.label, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_REPEAT_SERVO].param1.label,
+ Servo
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONFIGURE].param4.label,
+ Stabilize Yaw
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_GRIPPER].param2.enumStrings,
+ Release,Grab
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONTROL].param3.label,
+ Alt/Yaw
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_DIGICAM_CONTROL].param3.label,
+ Step
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_CONDITION_GATE].param2.label,
+ Ignore Alt
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_HOME].param1.enumStrings,
+ Vehicle position,Specified position
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TO_ALT].friendlyName,
+ Loiter (altitude)
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_DIGICAM_CONFIGURE].param5.label,
+ Exposure
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_REPOSITION].friendlyName,
+ Reposition
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_CONTINUE_AND_CHANGE_ALT].description,
+ Continue on the current course and climb/descend to specified altitude. When the altitude is reached continue to the next command.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF_LOCAL].friendlyName,
+ Takeoff local
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_DELAY].friendlyName,
+ Delay until
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_VIDEO_START_CAPTURE].param2.label,
+ Status Frequency
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TURNS].param1.label,
+ Turns
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_RELAY].friendlyName,
+ Set relay
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_UNLIM].description,
+ Travel to a position and Loiter around the specified radius indefinitely.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_RETURN_TO_LAUNCH].friendlyName,
+ Return To Launch
+ .mavCmdInfo[HomeRaw].param6.label,
+ Longitude
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_VTOL_TRANSITION].param1.enumStrings,
+ Hover Mode,Plane Mode
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI].friendlyName,
+ Region of interest
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_PAYLOAD_PREPARE_DEPLOY].friendlyName,
+ Payload prepare deploy
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_INVERTED_FLIGHT].param1.enumStrings,
+ Normal,Inverted
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_FOLLOW].friendlyName,
+ Follow Me
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_MISSION_START].friendlyName,
+ Mission start
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_VTOL_TRANSITION].friendlyName,
+ VTOL Transition
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_CONTINUE_AND_CHANGE_ALT].param1.enumStrings,
+ Climb,Neutral,Descend
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_INVERTED_FLIGHT].param1.label,
+ Inverted
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_SPLINE_WAYPOINT].description,
+ Travel to a position in 3D space using spline path.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_MODE].param2.label,
+ Custom Mode
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TO_ALT].param4.enumStrings,
+ Center,Tangent
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_VTOL_LAND].friendlyName,
+ VTOL land
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_REPEAT_SERVO].friendlyName,
+ Cycle servo
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_REPEAT_RELAY].param2.label, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_REPEAT_SERVO].param3.label,
+ Cycles
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_MODE].param3.label,
+ Sub Mode
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_FENCE_ENABLE].category, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_PARACHUTE].category,
+ Safety
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_IMAGE_START_CAPTURE].friendlyName,
+ Start image capture
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_RELAY].param1.label, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_REPEAT_RELAY].param1.label,
+ Relay #
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TIME].description,
+ Travel to a position and Loiter around the specified radius for an amount of time.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_DIGICAM_CONFIGURE].param2.label,
+ Shutter spd
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_PATHPLANNING].param2.label,
+ Full planning
+ Set sensor offsets
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_CAM_TRIGG_DIST].friendlyName,
+ Camera trigger distance
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_JUMP].description,
+ Mission will continue at the specified item.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TURNS].description,
+ Travel to a position and Loiter around the specified radius for a number of turns.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_DELAY].description,
+ Delay unti the specified time is reached.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI_LOCATION].category, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI_WPNEXT_OFFSET].category, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI_NONE].category, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI].category, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_DIGICAM_CONFIGURE].category, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_DIGICAM_CONTROL].category, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_CAM_TRIGG_DIST].category, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_SET_CAMERA_MODE].category, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_IMAGE_START_CAPTURE].category, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_IMAGE_STOP_CAPTURE].category, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_VIDEO_START_CAPTURE].category, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_VIDEO_STOP_CAPTURE].category,
+ Camera
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LAND].param1.label,
+ Abort Alt
+ .mavCmdInfo[HomeRaw].param5.label,
+ Latitude
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW].friendlyName,
+ Wait for Yaw
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_CHANGE_SPEED].param1.label,
+ Type
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT].param3.label,
+ PassThru
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW].param4.enumStrings, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_CHANGE_SPEED].param4.enumStrings,
+ Relative,Absolute
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_GUIDED_ENABLE].param1.label, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_FENCE_ENABLE].param1.label, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_AUTOTUNE_ENABLE].param2.label,
+ Enable
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI_WPNEXT_OFFSET].param7.label,
+ Yaw offset
+ Get capabilities
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_REVERSE].friendlyName,
+ Set moving direction
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI_WPNEXT_OFFSET].description,
+ Sets the region of interest to point towards the next waypoint with optional offsets.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_START_RX_PAIR].friendlyName,
+ Bind Spektrum receiver
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_RALLY_LAND].friendlyName,
+ Rally land
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_AUTOTUNE_ENABLE].param2.enumStrings,
+ Enable,Disable
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT].param1.label, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TIME].param1.label, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_SPLINE_WAYPOINT].param1.label, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_DELAY].param1.label, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_CONDITION_DELAY].param1.label,
+ Hold
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_TRIGGER_CONTROL].friendlyName,
+ Trigger control
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_PATHPLANNING].category, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_MODE].category, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_JUMP].category, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_HOME].category, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_REVERSE].category, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONFIGURE].category, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONTROL].category, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_GRIPPER].category, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_AUTOTUNE_ENABLE].category,
+ Advanced
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT].description,
+ Travel to a position in 3D space.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_CHANGE_SPEED].param3.label,
+ Throttle
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_CONTINUE_AND_CHANGE_ALT].friendlyName,
+ Change Altitude
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_FENCE_ENABLE].description, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_PARACHUTE].description,
+ Enable/Disable geofence.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_SERVO].friendlyName,
+ Set servo
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF].friendlyName,
+ Takeoff
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_RELAY].param2.label,
+ Value
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_DIGICAM_CONTROL].param2.label,
+ Zoom
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_CAM_TRIGG_DIST].param3.label, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_PARACHUTE].param1.label,
+ Trigger
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_DIGICAM_CONFIGURE].param6.label, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_DIGICAM_CONTROL].param5.label,
+ Command
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_GUIDED_ENABLE].description,
+ Enable/Disabled guided mode.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LAND].description,
+ Land vehicle at the specified location.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_DELAY].param4.label,
+ Sec (utc)
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI].param3.label,
+ ROI Index
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONTROL].friendlyName,
+ Control Mount
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_INVERTED_FLIGHT].friendlyName,
+ Inverted flight
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI_LOCATION].description, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI].description,
+ Sets the region of interest for cameras.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_IMAGE_STOP_CAPTURE].description,
+ Stop taking photos.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_PANORAMA_CREATE].friendlyName,
+ Create panorama
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_CONDITION_CHANGE_ALT].description,
+ Delay the mission until the specified altitide is reached.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_DIGICAM_CONTROL].param1.label,
+ Session
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_UNLIM].param3.label, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TURNS].param3.label, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TIME].param3.label, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TO_ALT].param2.label,
+ Radius
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_UAVCAN].friendlyName,
+ UAVCAN configure
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TO_ALT].param1.label,
+ Heading wait
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_SPLINE_WAYPOINT].friendlyName,
+ Spline waypoint
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_VTOL_TAKEOFF].description,
+ Hover straight up to specified altitude, transition to fixed-wing and fly to the specified takeoff location.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_VTOL_TRANSITION].category,
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_SET_CAMERA_MODE].friendlyName,
+ Set camera modes
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT].param4.label, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_UNLIM].param4.label, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TURNS].param4.label, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TIME].param4.label, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LAND].param4.label, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF].param4.label, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_VTOL_TAKEOFF].param4.label, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_VTOL_LAND].param4.label, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW].param1.label,
+ Yaw
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_PAYLOAD_CONTROL_DEPLOY].friendlyName,
+ Payload control deploy
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_SET_MESSAGE_INTERVAL].friendlyName,
+ Set message interval
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TO_ALT].description,
+ Loiter at specified position until altitude reached.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_CHANGE_SPEED].description,
+ Change speed and/or throttle set points.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_VIDEO_START_CAPTURE].friendlyName,
+ Start video capture
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_DIGICAM_CONFIGURE].param4.label,
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_FLIGHTTERMINATION].friendlyName,
+ Flight termination
+ .mavCmdInfo[HomeRaw].category, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT].category, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_RETURN_TO_LAUNCH].category, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LAND].category, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF].category, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_SPLINE_WAYPOINT].category, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_VTOL_TAKEOFF].category, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_VTOL_LAND].category, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_CONDITION_DELAY].category,
+ Basic
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_GUIDED_ENABLE].param1.enumStrings,
+ Disable,Enable
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_AUTOTUNE_ENABLE].friendlyName,
+ AutoTune Enable
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW].description,
+ Delay the mission until the specified yaw is reached.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_JUMP].param2.label,
+ Repeat
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_DIGICAM_CONTROL].description,
+ Control onboard camera.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_CONDITION_GATE].description,
+ Delay mission state machine until gate has been reached.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_DELAY].param2.label,
+ Hour (utc)
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_FOLLOW_REPOSITION].friendlyName,
+ Vehicle reposition
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_SET_CAMERA_MODE].description,
+ Set camera photo, video modes.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_PATHPLANNING].param4.label,
+ Heading goal
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_GRIPPER].description,
+ Operate EPM gripper.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONFIGURE].description,
+ Configure the vehicle mount (e.g. gimbal).
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_SET_CAMERA_MODE].param2.enumStrings,
+ Take photos,Record video,Survey photo mode
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_FENCE_ENABLE].friendlyName,
+ Enable geofence
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW].param4.label, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_CHANGE_SPEED].param4.label,
+ Offset
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_GET_HOME_POSITION].friendlyName,
+ Get launch position
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_IMAGE_STOP_CAPTURE].friendlyName,
+ Stop image capture
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LAND].friendlyName,
+ Land
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_IMAGE_START_CAPTURE].description,
+ Start taking one or more photos.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_GRIPPER].friendlyName,
+ Gripper
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_VIDEO_STOP_CAPTURE].friendlyName,
+ Stop video capture
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_CAM_TRIGG_DIST].param2.label,
+ Shutter
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_VTOL_TRANSITION].description,
+ Perform flight mode transition.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_PAUSE_CONTINUE].friendlyName,
+ Pause/Continue
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TO_ALT].param1.enumStrings, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_CONDITION_GATE].param2.enumStrings,
+ False,True
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_PATHPLANNING].param1.label,
+ Local planning
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_REPEAT_RELAY].param3.label, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_REPEAT_SERVO].param4.label,
+ Time
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_GRIPPER].param2.label,
+ Action
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONTROL].param2.label,
+ Lon/Roll
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_CONDITION_CHANGE_ALT].category, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_CONDITION_DISTANCE].category, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW].category, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_CONDITION_GATE].category,
+ Conditionals
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW].param3.enumStrings,
+ Clockwise,Counter-Clockwise
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_GUIDED_LIMITS].friendlyName,
+ Guided limits
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_DELAY].param3.label,
+ Min (utc)
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_LAND_START].description,
+ Marker to indicate start of landing sequence.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI].param2.label,
+ Mission Index
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONFIGURE].friendlyName,
+ Configure Mount
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_AUTOTUNE_ENABLE].description,
+ AutoTune Enable.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_CHANGE_SPEED].friendlyName,
+ Change speed
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONFIGURE].param1.enumStrings, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONTROL].param7.enumStrings,
+ Retract,Neutral,Mavlink Targeting,RC Targeting,GPS Point
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_DIGICAM_CONFIGURE].description,
+ Configure onboard camera controller.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_CONDITION_GATE].friendlyName,
+ Condition Gate
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF].description,
+ Launch from the ground and travel towards the specified takeoff position.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_PARACHUTE].param1.enumStrings,
+ Disable,Enable,Release
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_CONTROL_VIDEO].friendlyName,
+ Control video
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_OVERRIDE_GOTO].friendlyName,
+ Override goto
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_REVERSE].description,
+ Set moving direction to forward or reverse.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_CONDITION_DISTANCE].description,
+ Delay the mission until within the specified distance of the next waypoint.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI_WPNEXT_OFFSET].friendlyName,
+ ROI to next waypoint
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_CONDITION_DELAY].description,
+ Delay the mission for the number of seconds.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_GUIDED_LIMITS].param3.label,
+ Max Alt
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_PATHPLANNING].param1.enumStrings,
+ Disable,Enable,Enable+reset
+ .mavCmdInfo[HomeRaw].description,
+ Planned home position for mission.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT].param2.label,
+ Acceptance
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_GO_AROUND].friendlyName,
+ Go around
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONFIGURE].param2.label,
+ Stabilize Roll
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_CONDITION_DELAY].friendlyName,
+ Delay
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_PARAMETER].friendlyName,
+ Set Parameter
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI_NONE].friendlyName,
+ Cancel ROI
+ .mavCmdInfo[HomeRaw].friendlyName,
+ Home Position
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT].friendlyName,
+ Waypoint
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_CAM_TRIGG_DIST].param3.enumStrings,
+ No Trigger,Once Immediately
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_REPEAT_RELAY].description,
+ Cycle relay on/off for desired cycles/time.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_GUIDED_LIMITS].param2.label,
+ Min Alt
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONFIGURE].param3.label,
+ Stabilize Pitch
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_DIGICAM_CONTROL].param4.label,
+ Focus lock
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_FENCE_ENABLE].param1.enumStrings,
+ Disable,Disable floor only,Enable
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_MOTOR_TEST].friendlyName,
+ Motor test
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_GET_MESSAGE_INTERVAL].friendlyName,
+ Get message interval
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TO_ALT].param4.label,
+ Exit loiter from
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_DIGICAM_CONTROL].friendlyName,
+ Camera control
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI_WPNEXT_OFFSET].param6.label,
+ Roll offset
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_REVERSE].param1.enumStrings,
+ Forward,Reverse
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_PARACHUTE].friendlyName,
+ Trigger parachute
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_GUIDED_LIMITS].param4.label,
+ H Limit
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONTROL].description,
+ Control the vehicle mount (e.g. gimbal).
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_JUMP].param1.label,
+ Item #
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_STORAGE].friendlyName,
+ Store parameters
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_VTOL_TAKEOFF].friendlyName,
+ VTOL takeoff
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_MODE].friendlyName,
+ Set flight mode
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LAND_LOCAL].friendlyName,
+ Land local
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_CONDITION_DISTANCE].param1.label, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_CAM_TRIGG_DIST].param1.label,
+ Distance
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_IMAGE_START_CAPTURE].param2.label,
+ Interval
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI].param1.enumStrings,
+ None,Next waypoint,Mission item,Location,ROI item
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_PATHPLANNING].description,
+ Control autonomous path planning.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_REPEAT_RELAY].friendlyName,
+ Cycle relay
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_CONTINUE_AND_CHANGE_ALT].param1.label, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_MODE].param1.label, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_HOME].param1.label, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI].param1.label, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_DIGICAM_CONFIGURE].param1.label, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONFIGURE].param1.label, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONTROL].param7.label, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_SET_CAMERA_MODE].param2.label, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_VTOL_TRANSITION].param1.label,
+ Mode
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TURNS].friendlyName,
+ Loiter (turns)
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_UNLIM].friendlyName, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_UNLIM].category, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TURNS].category, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TIME].category, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TO_ALT].category,
+ Loiter
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI_LOCATION].friendlyName,
+ Region of interest (ROI)
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_DIGICAM_CONFIGURE].param3.label,
+ Aperture
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_LAND_START].friendlyName,
+ Land start
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_SERVO].param2.label, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_REPEAT_SERVO].param2.label,
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_VIDEO_STOP_CAPTURE].description,
+ Stop video capture.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_COMPONENT_ARM_DISARM].friendlyName,
+ Arm/Disarm
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_VTOL_LAND].description,
+ Fly to specified location at current altitude, transition to multi-rotor and land.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_PATHPLANNING].param2.enumStrings,
+ Disable,Enable,Enable+reset,Enable+reset route only
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_GUIDED_LIMITS].description,
+ Set limits for external control
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_MODE].description,
+ Set flight mode.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_DIGICAM_CONFIGURE].friendlyName,
+ Camera config
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_CHANGE_SPEED].param2.label,
+ Speed
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONFIGURE].param4.enumStrings, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONFIGURE].param3.enumStrings, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONFIGURE].param2.enumStrings,
+ No,Yes
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI_WPNEXT_OFFSET].param5.label,
+ Pitch offset
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_FOLLOW].friendlyName,
+ Nav follow
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TIME].friendlyName,
+ Loiter (time)
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_CONDITION_CHANGE_ALT].param1.label, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW].param2.label,
+ Rate
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_VIDEO_START_CAPTURE].description,
+ Start video capture.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONTROL].param1.label,
+ Lat/Pitch
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF].param1.label,
+ Pitch
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_MODE].friendlyName,
+ Set mode
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_RETURN_TO_LAUNCH].description,
+ Send the vehicle back to the launch position.
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_JUMP].friendlyName,
+ Jump to item
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_DIGICAM_CONTROL].param6.label,
+ Id
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_CHANGE_SPEED].param1.enumStrings,
+ Airspeed,Ground Speed
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_DO_SET_HOME].description,
+ Changes the launch location either to the current location or a specified location.
+ Survey.SettingsGroup.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[GridAngle].shortDescription,
+ Angle for parallel lines of grid.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[SplitConcavePolygons].shortDescription,
+ Split mission concave polygons into separate regular, convex polygons.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[FlyAlternateTransects].shortDescription,
+ Fly every other transect in each pass.
+ TransectStyle.SettingsGroup.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[CameraTriggerInTurnAround].shortDescription,
+ Camera continues taking images in turn arounds.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[Refly90Degrees].shortDescription,
+ Refly the pattern at a 90 degree angle
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[TurnAroundDistance].shortDescription, .QGC.MetaData.Facts[TurnAroundDistanceMultiRotor].shortDescription,
+ Amount of additional distance to add outside the survey area for vehicle turn around.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[HoverAndCapture].shortDescription,
+ Stop and Hover at each image point before taking image
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[TerrainAdjustMaxDescentRate].shortDescription,
+ The maximum descent rate from one waypoint to another when adjusting for terrain. Set to 0 for no max.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[TerrainAdjustMaxClimbRate].shortDescription,
+ The maximum climb rate from one waypoint to another when adjusting for terrain. Set to 0 for no max.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[TerrainAdjustTolerance].shortDescription,
+ Additional waypoints within the transect will be added if the terrain altitude difference grows larger than this tolerance.
+ VTOLLandingPattern.FactMetaData.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[LoiterAltitude].shortDescription,
+ Aircraft will proceed to the loiter point and loiter downwards until it reaches this approach altitude. Once altitude is reached the aircraft will fly to land point at current altitude.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[StopTakingPhotos].shortDescription,
+ Stop taking photos
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[LoiterRadius].shortDescription,
+ Loiter radius.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[LandingAltitude].shortDescription,
+ Altitude for landing point on ground.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[StopTakingVideo].shortDescription,
+ Stop taking video
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[LandingDistance].shortDescription,
+ Distance between landing and loiter points.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[LandingHeading].shortDescription,
+ Heading from loiter point to land point.
+ QGCMapCircle.Facts.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[Radius].shortDescription,
+ Radius for geofence circle.
+ StructureScan.SettingsGroup.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[StartFromTop].shortDescription,
+ Start scanning from top of structure.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[Layers].shortDescription,
+ Number of scan layers.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[ScanBottomAlt].shortDescription,
+ Altitude for the bottomost covered area of the scan. You can adjust this value such that the Bottom Layer Alt will fly above obstacles on the ground.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[EntranceAltitude].shortDescription,
+ Vehicle will fly to/from the structure at this altitude.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[GimbalPitch].shortDescription,
+ Gimbal pitch rotation.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[StructureHeight].shortDescription,
+ Height of structure being scanned.
+ RallyPoint.FactMetaData.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[Longitude].shortDescription,
+ Longitude of rally point position
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[RelativeAltitude].shortDescription,
+ Altitude of rally point position (home relative)
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[Latitude].shortDescription,
+ Latitude of rally point position
+ BreachReturn.FactMetaData.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[Longitude].shortDescription,
+ Longitude of breach return point position
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[Altitude].shortDescription,
+ Altitude of breach return point position (Rel)
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[Latitude].shortDescription,
+ Latitude of breach return point position
+ MavCmdInfoFixedWing.json
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TURNS].param4.enumStrings, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TIME].param4.enumStrings,
+ Center,Tangent
+ .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TURNS].param4.label, .mavCmdInfo[MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TIME].param4.label,
+ Exit loiter from
+ APMMavlinkStreamRate.SettingsGroup.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Defines.StreamRateEnumStrings,
+ Controlled By Vehicle,0 hz,1 hz,2 hz,3 hz,4 hz,5 hz,6 hz,7 hz,8 hz,9 hz,10 hz,50 hz,100 hz
+ Video.SettingsGroup.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[showRecControl].longDescription,
+ Show recording control in the UI.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[rtspTimeout].longDescription,
+ How long to wait before assuming RTSP link is gone.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[videoFit].shortDescription,
+ Video Display Fit
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[udpPort].longDescription,
+ UDP port to bind to for video stream.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[disableWhenDisarmed].longDescription,
+ Disable Video Stream when disarmed.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[rtspTimeout].shortDescription,
+ RTSP Video Timeout
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[videoSource].longDescription,
+ Source for video. UDP, TCP, RTSP and UVC Cameras may be supported depending on Vehicle and ground station version.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[gridLines].enumStrings,
+ Hide,Show
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[disableWhenDisarmed].shortDescription,
+ Video Stream Disnabled When Armed
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[gridLines].shortDescription,
+ Video Grid Lines
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[aspectRatio].longDescription,
+ Video Aspect Ratio (width / height). Use 0.0 to ignore it.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[recordingFormat].longDescription,
+ Video recording file format.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[tcpUrl].shortDescription,
+ Video TCP Url
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[videoFit].longDescription,
+ Handle Video Aspect Ratio.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[maxVideoSize].longDescription,
+ Maximum amount of disk space used by video recording.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[gridLines].longDescription,
+ Displays a grid overlaid over the video view.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[udpPort].shortDescription,
+ Video UDP Port
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[tcpUrl].longDescription,
+ TCP url address and port to bind to for video stream. Example:
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[maxVideoSize].shortDescription,
+ Max Video Storage Usage
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[streamEnabled].shortDescription,
+ Video Stream Enabled
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[videoFit].enumStrings,
+ Fit Width,Fit Height,Stretch
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[rtspUrl].shortDescription,
+ Video RTSP Url
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[lowLatencyMode].shortDescription,
+ Tweaks video for lower latency
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[recordingFormat].shortDescription,
+ Video Recording Format
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[streamEnabled].longDescription,
+ Start/Stop Video Stream.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[recordingFormat].enumStrings,
+ mkv,mov,mp4
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[videoSource].shortDescription,
+ Video source
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[videoSavePath].shortDescription,
+ Video save directory
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[enableStorageLimit].longDescription,
+ When enabled, old video files will be auto-deleted when the total size of QGC-recorded video exceeds the maximum video storage usage.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[lowLatencyMode].longDescription,
+ If this option is enabled, the rtpjitterbuffer is removed and the video sink is set to assynchronous mode, reducing the latency by about 200 ms.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[aspectRatio].shortDescription,
+ Video Aspect Ratio
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[enableStorageLimit].shortDescription,
+ Enable/Disable Limits on Storage Usage
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[showRecControl].shortDescription,
+ Show Video Record Control
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[videoSavePath].longDescription,
+ Directory to save videos to.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[rtspUrl].longDescription,
+ RTSP url address and port to bind to for video stream. Example: rtsp://
+ AutoConnect.SettingsGroup.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[nmeaUdpPort].shortDescription,
+ Udp port to receive NMEA streams
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[autoConnectSiKRadio].longDescription,
+ If this option is enabled GroundControl will automatically connect to a vehicle which is detected on a SiK Radio communication link.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[autoConnectRTKGPS].shortDescription,
+ Automatically connect to an RTK GPS
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[autoConnectUDP].longDescription,
+ If this option is enabled GroundControl will automatically connect to a vehicle which is detected on a UDP communication link.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[autoConnectPX4Flow].longDescription,
+ If this option is enabled GroundControl will automatically connect to a PX4 Flow board which is connected via USB.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[udpTargetHostPort].shortDescription,
+ UDP target host port for autoconnect
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[autoConnectLibrePilot].longDescription,
+ If this option is enabled GroundControl will automatically connect to a LibrePilot board which is connected via USB.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[autoConnectPixhawk].longDescription,
+ If this option is enabled GroundControl will automatically connect to a Pixhawk board which is connected via USB.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[autoConnectNmeaPort].shortDescription, .QGC.MetaData.Facts[autoConnectNmeaPort].longDescription,
+ NMEA GPS device for GCS position
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[autoConnectSiKRadio].shortDescription,
+ Automatically connect to a SiK Radio
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[autoConnectUDP].shortDescription,
+ Automatically open a connection over UDP
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[autoConnectNmeaBaud].shortDescription, .QGC.MetaData.Facts[autoConnectNmeaBaud].longDescription,
+ NMEA GPS Baudrate
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[udpListenPort].shortDescription,
+ UDP port for autoconnect
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[udpTargetHostIP].shortDescription,
+ UDP target host IP for autoconnect
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[autoConnectPX4Flow].shortDescription,
+ Automatically connect to a P4 Flow
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[autoConnectPixhawk].shortDescription,
+ Automatically connect to a Pixhawk board
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[autoConnectLibrePilot].shortDescription,
+ Automatically connect to a LibrePilot
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[autoConnectRTKGPS].longDescription,
+ If this option is enabled GroundControl will automatically connect to an RTK GPS which is connected via USB.
+ BrandImage.SettingsGroup.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[userBrandImageIndoor].shortDescription, .QGC.MetaData.Facts[userBrandImageOutdoor].shortDescription,
+ User-selected brand image
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[userBrandImageOutdoor].longDescription,
+ Location in file system of user-selected brand image (outdoor)
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[userBrandImageIndoor].longDescription,
+ Location in file system of user-selected brand image (indoor)
+ FlyView.SettingsGroup.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[guidedMinimumAltitude].shortDescription,
+ Minimum altitude for guided actions altitude slider.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[showAdditionalIndicatorsCompass].shortDescription,
+ Show additional heading indicators on Compass
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[maxGoToLocationDistance].shortDescription,
+ Maximum distance allowed for Go To Location.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[alternateInstrumentPanel].shortDescription,
+ Use Vertical Instrument Panel instead of the default one
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[keepMapCenteredOnVehicle].shortDescription,
+ Keep map centered on vehicle
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[guidedMaximumAltitude].shortDescription,
+ Maximum altitude for guided actions altitude slider.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[lockNoseUpCompass].shortDescription,
+ Lock Compass Nose-Up
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[showLogReplayStatusBar].shortDescription,
+ Show/Hide Log Replay status bar
+ ADSBVehicleManager.SettingsGroup.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[adsbServerConnectEnabled].shortDescription,
+ Connect to ADSB SBS server
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[adsbServerConnectEnabled].longDescription,
+ Connect to ADSB SBS-1 server using specified address/port
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[adsbServerHostAddress].shortDescription,
+ Host address
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[adsbServerPort].shortDescription,
+ Server port
+ App.SettingsGroup.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[offlineEditingDescentSpeed].longDescription,
+ This value defines the cruising speed for multi-rotor vehicles for use in calculating mission duration.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[saveCsvTelemetry].longDescription,
+ If this option is enabled, all Facts will be written to a CSV file with a 1 Hertz frequency.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[virtualJoystick].longDescription,
+ If this option is enabled the virtual joystick will be shown on the Fly view.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[mapboxToken].shortDescription,
+ Access token to Mapbox maps
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[savePath].longDescription,
+ Directory to which all data files are saved/loaded from
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[language].shortDescription,
+ Language
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[indoorPalette].enumStrings,
+ Indoor,Outdoor
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[showLargeCompass].longDescription,
+ Show large compass on instrument panel
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[followTarget].enumStrings,
+ Never,Always,When in Follow Me Flight Mode
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[offlineEditingVehicleType].shortDescription,
+ Offline editing vehicle type
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[autoLoadMissions].shortDescription,
+ AutoLoad mission on vehicle connect
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[language].enumStrings,
+ System,български (Bulgarian),中文 (Chinese),Nederlands (Dutch),English,Suomi (Finnish),Français (French),Deutsche (German),Ελληνικά (Greek), עברית (Hebrew),Italiano (Italian),日本人 (Japanese),한국어 (Korean),Norsk (Norwegian),Polskie (Polish),Português (Portuguese),Pусский (Russian),Español (Spanish),Svenska (Swedish),Türk (Turkish)
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[checkInternet].shortDescription,
+ Check Internet connection
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[enableMicrohard].shortDescription, .QGC.MetaData.Facts[enableMicrohard].longDescription,
+ Enable Microhard Module Support
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[telemetrySave].shortDescription,
+ Save telemetry Log after each flight
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[useChecklist].longDescription,
+ If this option is enabled the preflight checklist will be used.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[gstDebugLevel].shortDescription,
+ Video streaming debug
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[telemetrySave].longDescription,
+ If this option is enabled a telemetry will be saved after each flight completes.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[offlineEditingHoverSpeed].longDescription,
+ This value defines the default speed for calculating mission statistics for multi-rotor vehicles or VTOL vehicle in multi-rotor mode. It does not modify the flight speed for a specific flight plan.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[firstRunPromptIdsShown].shortDescription,
+ Comma separated list of first run prompt ids which have already been shown.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[appFontPointSize].shortDescription,
+ Application font size
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[telemetrySaveNotArmed].longDescription,
+ If this option is enabled a telemtry log will be saved even if vehicle was never armed.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[offlineEditingFirmwareType].shortDescription,
+ Offline editing firmware type
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[defaultFirmwareType].shortDescription,
+ Default firmware type for flashing
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[mapboxToken].longDescription,
+ Your personal access token for Mapbox maps
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[userBrandImageIndoor].longDescription,
+ Location in file system of user-selected brand image (indoor)
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[esriToken].shortDescription,
+ Access token to Esri maps
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[enforceChecklist].longDescription,
+ If this option is enabled the preflight checklist must pass before arming.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[virtualJoystickCentralized].longDescription,
+ If this option is enabled the virtual joystick throttle stick will be centralized.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[enforceChecklist].shortDescription,
+ Preflight checklist must pass before arming
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[defaultMissionItemAltitude].longDescription,
+ This value specifies the default altitude for new items added to a mission.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[showLargeCompass].shortDescription,
+ Show large compass
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[offlineEditingDescentSpeed].shortDescription,
+ Offline editing descent speed
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[esriToken].longDescription,
+ Your personal access token for Esri maps
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[usePairing].longDescription,
+ Use Link Pairing.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[userBrandImageIndoor].shortDescription, .QGC.MetaData.Facts[userBrandImageOutdoor].shortDescription,
+ User-selected brand image
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[savePath].shortDescription,
+ Application save directory
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[batteryPercentRemainingAnnounce].shortDescription,
+ Announce battery remaining percent
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[offlineEditingAscentSpeed].shortDescription,
+ Offline editing ascent speed
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[offlineEditingVehicleType].enumStrings,
+ Fixed Wing,Multi-Rotor,VTOL,Rover,Sub
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[gstDebugLevel].longDescription,
+ Sets the environment variable GST_DEBUG for all pipeline elements on boot.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[saveCsvTelemetry].shortDescription,
+ Save CSV Telementry Logs
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[defaultMissionItemAltitude].shortDescription,
+ Default value for altitude
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[enableTaisync].shortDescription, .QGC.MetaData.Facts[enableTaisync].longDescription,
+ Enable Taisync Module Support
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[apmStartMavlinkStreams].shortDescription,
+ Request start of MAVLink telemetry streams (ArduPilot only)
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[disableAllPersistence].shortDescription,
+ Disable all data persistence
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[batteryPercentRemainingAnnounce].longDescription,
+ Announce the remaining battery percent when it falls below the specified percentage.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[indoorPalette].shortDescription,
+ Application color scheme
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[offlineEditingCruiseSpeed].shortDescription,
+ Offline editing cruise speed
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[disableAllPersistence].longDescription,
+ If this option is set, nothing will be saved to disk.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[autoLoadMissions].longDescription,
+ Automatically load a mission file named AutoLoad#.mission when a vehicle with id # connects.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[audioMuted].shortDescription,
+ Mute audio output
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[offlineEditingHoverSpeed].shortDescription,
+ Offline editing hover speed
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[offlineEditingAscentSpeed].longDescription,
+ This value defines the ascent speed for multi-rotor vehicles for use in calculating mission duration.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[virtualJoystick].shortDescription,
+ Show virtual joystick
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[appFontPointSize].longDescription,
+ The point size for the default font used.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[audioMuted].longDescription,
+ If this option is enabled all audio output will be muted.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[userBrandImageOutdoor].longDescription,
+ Location in file system of user-selected brand image (outdoor)
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[checkInternet].longDescription,
+ Check Internet connection before accessing Internet resources.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[usePairing].shortDescription,
+ Use Pairing
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[telemetrySaveNotArmed].shortDescription,
+ Save telemetry log even if vehicle was not armed
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[offlineEditingFirmwareType].enumStrings,
+ ArduPilot,PX4 Pro,Mavlink Generic
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[virtualJoystickCentralized].shortDescription,
+ Set virtual joystick to be centralize throttle (spring-loaded).
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[followTarget].shortDescription,
+ Stream GCS' coordinates to Autopilot
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[offlineEditingCruiseSpeed].longDescription,
+ This value defines the default speed for calculating mission statistics for vehicles which do not support hover or VTOL vehicles in fixed wing mode. It does not modify the flight speed for a specific flight plan.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[indoorPalette].longDescription,
+ The color scheme for the user interface.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[enableTaisyncVideo].shortDescription, .QGC.MetaData.Facts[enableTaisyncVideo].longDescription,
+ Enable Taisync Video Support
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[useChecklist].shortDescription,
+ Use preflight checklist
+ RTK.SettingsGroup.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[surveyInAccuracyLimit].shortDescription,
+ Survey in accuracy (U-blox only)
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[useFixedBasePosition].longDescription,
+ Specify the values for the RTK base position without having to do a survey in.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[fixedBasePositionLatitude].shortDescription,
+ Base Position Latitude
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[surveyInMinObservationDuration].longDescription,
+ Defines the minimum amount of observation time for the position calculation.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[fixedBasePositionAccuracy].shortDescription,
+ Base Position Accuracy
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[fixedBasePositionAltitude].shortDescription,
+ Base Position Alt (WGS84)
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[fixedBasePositionAltitude].longDescription,
+ Defines the altitude of the fixed RTK base position.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[surveyInAccuracyLimit].longDescription,
+ The minimum accuracy value that Survey-In must achieve before it can complete.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[useFixedBasePosition].shortDescription,
+ Use specified base position
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[surveyInMinObservationDuration].shortDescription,
+ Minimum observation time
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[fixedBasePositionLongitude].longDescription,
+ Defines the longitude of the fixed RTK base position.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[fixedBasePositionLongitude].shortDescription,
+ Base Position Longitude
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[fixedBasePositionAccuracy].longDescription,
+ Defines the accuracy of the fixed RTK base position.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[fixedBasePositionLatitude].longDescription,
+ Defines the latitude of the fixed RTK base position.
+ FlightMap.SettingsGroup.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[mapType].shortDescription,
+ Currently selected map type for flight maps
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[mapProvider].shortDescription,
+ Currently selected map provider for flight maps
+ FirmwareUpgrade.SettingsGroup.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[defaultFirmwareType].shortDescription,
+ Default firmware type for flashing
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[apmVehicleType].enumStrings,
+ Multi-Rotor,Helicopter,Plane,Rover,Sub
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[apmChibiOS].enumStrings,
+ ChibiOS,NuttX
+ PlanView.SettingsGroup.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[displayPresetsTabFirst].shortDescription,
+ Display the presets tab at start
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[takeoffItemNotRequired].shortDescription,
+ Allow missions to not require a takeoff item
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[showGimbalOnlyWhenSet].shortDescription,
+ Show gimbal yaw visual only when set explicitly for the waypoint
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[aboveTerrainWarning].shortDescription,
+ Don't warn user about 'Above Terrain' usage
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[showMissionItemStatus].shortDescription,
+ Show/Hide the mission item status display
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[useConditionGate].shortDescription,
+ Use MAV_CMD_CONDITION_GATE for pattern generation
+ OfflineMaps.SettingsGroup.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[minZoomLevelDownload].shortDescription,
+ Minimum zoom level for downloads.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[maxZoomLevelDownload].shortDescription,
+ Maximum zoom level for downloads.
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[maxTilesForDownload].shortDescription,
+ Maximum number of tiles for download.
+ RCToParamDialog.FactMetaData.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[Scale].shortDescription,
+ Scale the RC range
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[MaxValue].shortDescription,
+ Maximum parameter value
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[MinValue].shortDescription,
+ Minimum parameter value
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[CenterValue].shortDescription,
+ Parameter value when RC output is 0
+ EditPositionDialog.FactMetaData.json
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[Easting].shortDescription,
+ Easting of item position
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[Latitude].shortDescription,
+ Latitude of item position
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[Northing].shortDescription,
+ Northing of item position
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[MGRS].shortDescription,
+ MGRS coordinate
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[Zone].shortDescription,
+ UTM zone
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[Hemisphere].shortDescription,
+ Hemisphere for position
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[Hemisphere].enumStrings,
+ North,South
+ .QGC.MetaData.Facts[Longitude].shortDescription,
+ Longitude of item position
diff --git a/translations/qgc-lupdate-json.py b/translations/qgc-lupdate-json.py
index abcc8de76ed607de429fa3844e863497e77ec200..2faa978b62c6cd43e6c26a6ee63a44be3b4f0113 100755
--- a/translations/qgc-lupdate-json.py
+++ b/translations/qgc-lupdate-json.py
@@ -86,17 +86,11 @@ def walkDirectoryTreeForJsonFiles(dir, multiFileLocArray):
if (os.path.isdir(path)):
walkDirectoryTreeForJsonFiles(path, multiFileLocArray)
-def appendToQGCTSFile(multiFileLocArray):
- originalTSFile = codecs.open('qgc.ts', 'r', "utf-8")
- newTSFile = codecs.open('qgc.ts.new', 'w', "utf-8")
- line = originalTSFile.readline()
- while (line != "\n"):
- newTSFile.write(line);
- line = originalTSFile.readline()
- originalTSFile.close()
+def writeJsonTSFile(multiFileLocArray):
+ jsonTSFile = codecs.open('qgc-json.ts', 'w', "utf-8")
for entry in multiFileLocArray:
- newTSFile.write("\n")
- newTSFile.write(" %s\n" % entry[0])
+ jsonTSFile.write("\n")
+ jsonTSFile.write(" %s\n" % entry[0])
singleFileLocStringDict = entry[2]
for locStr in singleFileLocStringDict.keys():
disambiguation = ""
@@ -108,25 +102,25 @@ def appendToQGCTSFile(multiFileLocArray):
disambiguation = workStr[:terminatorIndex]
locStr = workStr[terminatorIndex+1:]
- newTSFile.write(" \n")
+ jsonTSFile.write(" \n")
if len(disambiguation):
- newTSFile.write(" %s\n" % disambiguation)
+ jsonTSFile.write(" %s\n" % disambiguation)
extraCommentStr = ""
for jsonHierachy in singleFileLocStringDict[locStr]:
extraCommentStr += "%s, " % jsonHierachy
- newTSFile.write(" %s\n" % extraCommentStr)
- newTSFile.write(" \n" % entry[1])
- newTSFile.write(unicode(" %s\n") % locStr)
- newTSFile.write(" \n")
- newTSFile.write(" \n")
- newTSFile.write("\n")
- newTSFile.write("\n")
- newTSFile.close()
+ jsonTSFile.write(" %s\n" % extraCommentStr)
+ jsonTSFile.write(" \n" % entry[1])
+ jsonTSFile.write(unicode(" %s\n") % locStr)
+ jsonTSFile.write(" \n")
+ jsonTSFile.write(" \n")
+ jsonTSFile.write("\n")
+ jsonTSFile.write("\n")
+ jsonTSFile.close()
def main():
multiFileLocArray = []
walkDirectoryTreeForJsonFiles("../src", multiFileLocArray)
- appendToQGCTSFile(multiFileLocArray)
+ writeJsonTSFile(multiFileLocArray)
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/translations/qgc-lupdate.sh b/translations/qgc-lupdate.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f7117ebb1f56072ad157adf21111c382bc5f655e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translations/qgc-lupdate.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# This script will update both the Qt and Json string translation files.
+rm qgc-qt.ts
+$QT_PATH/lupdate ../src -ts qgc.ts
+python qgc-lupdate-json.py
diff --git a/translations/qgc.ts b/translations/qgc.ts
index 334d234d1c0a0cba18aa24c222566c79814de5b0..03e86c7a30ef7d26960b9c691478c16c85090854 100644
--- a/translations/qgc.ts
+++ b/translations/qgc.ts
@@ -1,45 +1,59 @@
+ ADSBVehicleManager
+ ADSB Server Error: %1
+ Airframe is currently not set.
+ Currently set to frame class '%1'
+ and frame type '%2'
+ .period for end of sentence
+ To change this configuration, select the desired frame class below and frame type.
+ Frame Type
+ Invalid setting for FRAME_TYPE. Click to Reset.
+ Frame
@@ -54,12 +68,12 @@
+ Param file github json download failed: %1
+ Param file download failed: %1
@@ -67,26 +81,26 @@
+ Frame Class
+ Frame Type
+ Firmware Version
+ Unknown
@@ -94,7 +108,7 @@
+ WARNING: The flight board you are using has a critical service bulletin against it which advises against flying. For details see: https://discuss.cubepilot.org/t/sb-0000002-critical-service-bulletin-for-cubes-purchased-between-january-2019-to-present-do-not-fly/406
@@ -138,78 +152,78 @@
+ Input channel:
+ Gimbal angle limits:
+ min
+ max
+ Servo PWM limits:
+ Gimbal Settings
+ Type:
+ Gimbal Type changes takes affect next reboot of autopilot
+ Default Mode:
+ Tilt
+ Roll
+ Pan
@@ -332,84 +346,84 @@
+ Servo reverse
+ Stabilize
+ Servo PWM limits:
+ min
+ max
+ Gimbal angle limits:
+ Gimbal Settings
+ Type:
+ Gimbal Type changes takes affect next reboot of autopilot
+ Default Mode:
+ Tilt
+ Roll
+ Pan
@@ -417,56 +431,66 @@
+ QGroundControl fully supports Version %1.%2 and above. You are using a version prior to that. This combination is untested, you may run into unpredictable results.
+ Error during Solo video link setup: %1
+ Unable to change altitude, vehicle altitude not known.
+ Vehicle does not support guided takeoff
+ Unable to takeoff, vehicle position not known.
+ Unable to takeoff: Vehicle failed to change to Guided mode.
+ Unable to takeoff: Vehicle failed to arm.
+ Unable to start mission: Vehicle failed to change to Auto mode.
+ Unable to start mission: Vehicle failed to change to Guided mode.
+ Unable to start mission: Vehicle failed to arm.
+ Follow failed: Home position not set.
+ Follow failed: Ground station cannot provide required position information.
+ APMFlightModesComponent
@@ -592,22 +616,22 @@
+ Off
+ Simple
+ Super-Simple
+ Custom
@@ -615,126 +639,320 @@
+ Flight Mode 1
+ Flight Mode 2
+ Flight Mode 3
+ Flight Mode 4
+ Flight Mode 5
+ Flight Mode 6
+ APMFollowComponent
+ Enable Follow Me
+ Waiting for Vehicle to update
+ The vehicle parameters required for follow me are currently set in a way which is not supported. Using follow with this setup may lead to unpredictable/hazardous results.
+ Reset To Supported Settings
+ Vehicle Position
+ Maintain Current Offsets
+ Specify Offsets
+ Point Vehicle
+ Maintain current vehicle orientation
+ Point at ground station location
+ Same direction as ground station movement
+ Vehicle Offsets
+ Angle
+ Distance
+ Height
+ Click in the graphic to change angle
+ L
+ Follow Me
+ Follow Me Setup is used to configure support for the vehicle following the ground station location.
+ APMFollowComponentSummary
+ Batt1 monitor
+ Batt1 capacity
+ Batt2 monitor
+ Batt2 capacity
+ Servo Setup
+ Servo
+ Function
+ Min
+ Max
+ Trim
+ Reversed
+ 1
+ 2
+ 3
+ 4
- Swash Setup
+ 5
+ 6
+ 7
+ 8
+ Swashplate Setup
+ Throttle Settings
+ Governor Settings
+ Miscellaneous Settings
+ * Stabilize Collective Curve *
- Throttle Setup
+ * Tail & Gyros *
- Collective Curve Setup
@@ -747,36 +965,46 @@
Heli Setup is used to setup parameters which are specific to a helicopter.
+ APMLightsComponent
+ Disabled
+ Channel
+ Light Output Channels
+ Lights 1:
+ Lights 2:
@@ -881,10 +1109,40 @@
+ Motors
+ Warning: Unable to determine motor count
+ All
+ Moving the sliders will causes the motors to spin. Make sure you remove all props.
+ Careful: Motor sliders are enabled
+ Propellers are removed - Enable motor sliders
+ APMNotSupported
@@ -919,253 +1177,271 @@
+ Reboot vehicle
+ Battery 2
+ Battery2 monitor:
+ ESC Calibration
+ WARNING: Remove props prior to calibration!
+ Calibrate
+ Now perform these steps:
- Click Calibrate to start, then:
- - Disconnect USB and battery so flight controller powers down
- - Connect the battery
+ Click Calibrate to start, then:
- - The arming tone will be played (if the vehicle has a buzzer attached)
+ - Disconnect USB and battery so flight controller powers down
- - If using a flight controller with a safety button press it until it displays solid red
+ - Connect the battery
- - You will hear a musical tone then two beeps
+ - The arming tone will be played (if the vehicle has a buzzer attached)
- - A few seconds later you should hear a number of beeps (one for each battery cell you’re using)
+ - If using a flight controller with a safety button press it until it displays solid red
- - And finally a single long beep indicating the end points have been set and the ESC is calibrated
+ - You will hear a musical tone then two beeps
+ - A few seconds later you should hear a number of beeps (one for each battery cell you're using)
+ - And finally a single long beep indicating the end points have been set and the ESC is calibrated
+ - Disconnect the battery and power up again normally
+ Power Module 90A
+ Power Module HV
+ 3DR Iris
+ Blue Robotics Power Sense Module R2
+ Other
+ Battery monitor:
+ Battery capacity:
+ Minimum arming voltage:
+ Power sensor:
+ Current pin:
+ Voltage pin:
+ Voltage multiplier:
+ Calculate
+ Calculate Voltage Multiplier
+ If the battery voltage reported by the vehicle is largely different than the voltage read externally using a voltmeter you can adjust the voltage multiplier value to correct this. Click the Calculate button for help with calculating a new value.
+ Amps per volt:
+ Calculate Amps per Volt
+ If the current draw reported by the vehicle is largely different than the current read externally using a current meter you can adjust the amps per volt value to correct this. Click the Calculate button for help with calculating a new value.
+ Amps Offset:
+ If the vehicle reports a high current read when there is little or no current going through it, adjust the Amps Offset. It should be equal to the voltage reported by the sensor when the current is zero.
+ Measure battery voltage using an external voltmeter and enter the value below. Click Calculate to set the new adjusted voltage multiplier.
+ Measured voltage:
+ Vehicle voltage:
+ Calculate And Set
+ Measure current draw using an external current meter and enter the value below. Click Calculate to set the new amps per volt value.
+ Measured current:
+ Vehicle current:
@@ -1183,26 +1459,26 @@
+ Batt1 monitor
+ Batt1 capacity
+ Batt2 monitor
+ Batt2 capacity
@@ -1223,50 +1499,50 @@
+ Roll
+ Setup required
+ Channel %1
+ Pitch
+ Yaw
+ Throttle
@@ -1274,238 +1550,238 @@
+ Requires vehicle reboot
+ Low action:
+ Critical action:
+ Low voltage threshold:
+ Critical voltage threshold:
+ Low mAh threshold:
+ Critical mAh threshold:
+ Reboot vehicle
+ Battery1 Failsafe Triggers
+ Battery2 Failsafe Triggers
+ Failsafe Triggers
+ Throttle PWM threshold:
+ GCS failsafe
+ Ground Station failsafe:
+ Throttle failsafe:
+ PWM threshold:
+ Failsafe Crash Check:
+ General Failsafe Triggers
+ Disabled
+ Always RTL
+ Continue with Mission in Auto Mode
+ Always Land
+ GeoFence
+ Circle GeoFence enabled
+ Altitude GeoFence enabled
+ Report only
+ RTL or Land
+ Max radius:
+ Max altitude:
+ Return to Launch
+ Return at current altitude
+ Return at specified altitude:
+ Loiter above Home for:
- Land with descent speed:
+ Final land stage altitude:
- Final loiter altitude:
+ Final land stage descent speed:
+ Arming Checks
+ Warning: Turning off arming checks can lead to loss of Vehicle control.
@@ -1851,132 +2127,132 @@
+ Arming Checks:
+ Enabled
+ Some disabled
+ Throttle failsafe:
+ Failsafe Action:
+ Failsafe Crash Check:
+ Batt1 low failsafe:
+ Batt1 critical failsafe:
+ Batt2 low failsafe:
+ Batt2 critical failsafe:
+ GeoFence:
+ Disabled
+ Altitude
+ Circle
+ Altitude,Circle
+ Report only
+ RTL or Land
+ Unknown
+ RTL min alt:
+ current
@@ -2779,34 +3055,34 @@
+ Compass
+ Setup required
+ Not installed
+ Accelerometer(s)
+ Ready
@@ -2872,23 +3148,42 @@ propellers on the green thrusters and counter-clockwise propellers on the blue t
+ Reverse Motor Direction
+ Moving the sliders will cause the motors to spin. Make sure the motors and propellers are clear from obstructions! The direction of the motor rotation is dependent on how the three phases of the motor are physically connected to the ESCs (if any two wires are swapped, the direction of rotation will flip). Because we cannot guarantee what order the phases are connected, the motor directions must be configured in software. When a slider is moved DOWN, the thruster should push air/water TOWARD the cable entering the housing. Click the checkbox to reverse the direction of the corresponding thruster.
Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run in air. Testing the thrusters in air is ok at low speeds for short periods of time. Extended operation of Blue Robotics in air may lead to overheating and permanent damage. Without water lubrication, Blue Robotics thrusters may also make some unpleasant noises when operated in air; this is normal.
- Slide this switch to arm the vehicle and enable the motor test (CAUTION!)
+ A 10 second coooldown is required before testing again, please stand by...
+ Slide this switch to arm the vehicle and enable the motor test (CAUTION!)
+ Automatic Motor Direction Detection
+ This will attempt to automatically detect the direction (normal/reversed) of your thrusters.
+Please place your vehicle in water, click the button, and wait. Note that the thrusters still need to be connected to the correct outputs (thrusters 2 and 3 can't be swapped, for example).
@@ -2908,176 +3203,176 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
+ Basic Tuning
+ Roll/Pitch Sensitivity
+ Slide to the right if the copter is sluggish or slide to the left if the copter is twitchy
+ Climb Sensitivity
+ Slide to the right to climb more aggressively or slide to the left to climb more gently
+ RC Roll/Pitch Feel
+ Slide to the left for soft control, slide to the right for crisp control
+ Spin While Armed
+ Adjust the amount the motors spin to indicate armed
+ Minimum Thrust
+ Adjust the minimum amount of thrust require for the vehicle to move
+ Warning: This setting should be higher than 'Spin While Armed'
+ AutoTune
+ Axes to AutoTune:
+ Channel for AutoTune switch:
+ None
+ Channel 7
+ Channel 8
+ Channel 9
+ Channel 10
+ Channel 11
+ Channel 12
+ In Flight Tuning
+ RC Channel 6 Option (Tuning):
+ Min:
+ Max:
+ Roll
+ Pitch
+ Yaw
@@ -3124,60 +3419,60 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
- Custom Airframe Config
+ Your vehicle is using a custom airframe configuration.
+ This configuration can only be modified through the Parameter Editor.
- If you want to reset your airframe configuration and select a standard configuration, click 'Reset' above.
+ If you want to reset your airframe configuration and select a standard configuration, click 'Reset' below.
- Clicking “Apply” will save the changes you have made to your airframe configuration.<br><br>All vehicle parameters other than Radio Calibration will be reset.<br><br>Your vehicle will also be restarted in order to complete the process.
+ Reset
- You've connected a %1.
+ Clicking 'Apply' will save the changes you have made to your airframe configuration.<br><br>All vehicle parameters other than Radio Calibration will be reset.<br><br>Your vehicle will also be restarted in order to complete the process.
- Airframe is not set.
+ To change this configuration, select the desired airframe below then click 'Apply and Restart'.
- To change this configuration, select the desired airframe below then click “Apply and Restart”.
+ You've connected a %1.
+ Airframe is not set.
+ Apply and Restart
@@ -3188,7 +3483,7 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
- Airframe Setup is used to select the airframe which matches your vehicle. This will in turn set up the various tuning values for flight parameters.
+ Airframe Setup is used to select the airframe that matches your vehicle. This will in turn set up the various tuning values for flight parameters.
@@ -3674,54 +3969,46 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
+ (Rel)
+ (AMSL)
+ (Abv Terr)
+ (TerrF)
- AnalyzeView
- Analyze
- Log Download
+ Warning
- GeoTag Images
+ 'Above Terrain' will set an absolute altitude for the item based on the terrain height at the location and the requested altitude above terrain. It does not send terrain heights to the vehicle.
- MAVLink Console
+ Don't show again
+ AnalyzeView
- MAVLink Inspector
+ Analyze
@@ -3736,52 +4023,62 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
+ Search:
+ Clear
+ Clear All
+ Log files (*.txt)
+ All Files (*)
+ txt
+ Select log save file
+ Save App Log
+ GStreamer Debug
+ Show Latest
+ Set Logging
+ Turn on logging categories
@@ -3797,30 +4094,40 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
+ Armed
+ Disarmed
+ Arm
+ Disarm
+ AudioOutput
+ negative
+ point
+ meters
@@ -3833,33 +4140,49 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
+ AxisMonitor
+ Not Mapped
+ Battery Status
+ Voltage:
+ Accumulated Consumption:
+ BlankPlanCreator
+ Blank
+ Bluetooth Link Settings
+ Bluetooth Not Available
@@ -3867,7 +4190,7 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
+ Bluetooth Link Error
@@ -4031,158 +4354,76 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
- BuiltInPreFlightCheckModel
- Initial checks
- Hardware
- Props mounted? Wings secured? Tail secured?
- Please arm the vehicle here
- Actuators
- Move all control surfaces. Did they work properly?
- Motors
- Propellers free? Then throttle up gently. Working properly?
- Mission
- Please confirm mission is valid (waypoints valid, no terrain collision).
- Last preparations before launch
- Payload
- Configured and started? Payload lid closed?
+ CameraCalc
- OK for your platform? Lauching into the wind?
+ CameraCalc section version %1 not supported
- Flight area
+ Custom Camera
- Launch area and path free of obstacles/people?
+ Manual (no camera specs)
- CameraCalc
- Camera
+ CameraCalcCamera
+ Width
+ Height
+ Sensor
+ Image
+ Focal length
+ CameraCalcGrid
+ Front Lap
+ Side Lap
+ Overlap
+ Select one:
- Ground Res
- CameraCalc section version %1 not supported
- Custom Camera
- Manual (no camera specs)
+ Grnd Res
@@ -4319,127 +4560,142 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
+ Video Settings
+ Camera Settings
+ Trigger Camera
+ Camera
+ Free Space:
+ Battery:
+ Camera Selector:
+ Stream Selector:
+ Off
+ Blend
+ Full
+ Picture In Picture
+ Thermal View Mode
+ Blend Opacity
+ Single
+ Time Lapse
+ Photo Mode
+ Photo Interval (seconds)
+ Grid Lines
+ Video Screen Fit
+ Reset Camera Defaults
+ Reset
+ Reset Camera to Factory Settings
+ Confirm resetting all settings?
+ Storage
+ Format
+ Format Camera Storage
+ Confirm erasing all files?
@@ -4447,37 +4703,37 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
+ Camera
+ Time
+ Distance
+ Mode
+ Pitch
+ Yaw
+ Gimbal
@@ -4501,7 +4757,7 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
- Home
+ Launch
@@ -4544,7 +4800,7 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
- Home
+ Launch
@@ -4566,11 +4822,16 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
+ This Pattern does not support Presets.
+ '%1' is a built-in preset which cannot be deleted.
+ ComplianceRules
@@ -4583,23 +4844,23 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
+ %1 does not support loading this complex mission item type: %2:%3
+ %1 complex item version %2 not supported
+ Corridor Scan
+ C
@@ -4607,82 +4868,97 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
+ WARNING: Photo interval is below minimum interval (%1 secs) supported by camera.
+ Altitude
+ Trigger Dist
+ Spacing
+ Corridor
+ Width
+ Turnaround dist
- Take images in turnarounds
+ Use the Polyline Tools to create the polyline which defines the corridor.
+ Grid
+ Camera
+ Images in turnarounds
+ Relative altitude
+ Rotate Entry Point
+ Terrain
+ Vehicle follows terrain
+ Tolerance
+ Max Climb Rate
+ Max Descent Rate
+ Statistics
@@ -4705,19 +4981,6 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
- CustomCommandWidgetController
- Select custom Qml file
- Qml files (*.qml)
@@ -4871,6 +5134,94 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
+ DefaultChecklist
+ Generic Initial checks
+ Hardware
+ Props mounted? Wings secured? Tail secured?
+ Please arm the vehicle here
+ Actuators
+ Move all control surfaces. Did they work properly?
+ Motors
+ Propellers free? Then throttle up gently. Working properly?
+ Mission
+ Please confirm mission is valid (waypoints valid, no terrain collision).
+ Last preparations before launch
+ Payload
+ Configured and started? Payload lid closed?
+ Wind & weather
+ OK for your platform? Lauching into the wind?
+ Flight area
+ Launch area and path free of obstacles/people?
@@ -5041,52 +5392,70 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
+ Latitude
+ Longitude
+ Set Geographic
+ Zone
+ Hemisphere
+ Easting
+ Northing
+ Set UTM
- Set From Vehicle Position
+ Set MGRS
+ Set From Vehicle Position
+ ExitWithErrorWindow
+ Close
@@ -5099,67 +5468,110 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
+ Loiter point
+ Altitude
+ Radius
+ Loiter clockwise
+ Landing point
+ Heading
+ Landing Dist
+ Glide Slope
- Altitudes relative to home
+ Altitudes relative to launch
+ Drag the loiter point to adjust landing direction for wind and obstacles.
+ Done
+ Camera
+ * Approximate glide slope altitudes.
+ * Actual flight path will vary.
+ * Avoid tailwind on landing.
+ Click in map to set landing point.
+ - or -
+ FWLandingPatternMapVisual
+ Loiter
+ Landing Area
+ Glide Slope
@@ -5191,34 +5603,34 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
+ Other
+ Misc
+ Value must be within %1 and %2
+ Invalid number
@@ -5226,7 +5638,7 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
+ Internal Error: %1
@@ -5244,6 +5656,39 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
+ FactValueGrid
+ Default
+ Small
+ Medium
+ Large
+ Settings version %1 for %2 is not supported. Setup will be reset to defaults.
+ Load Settings
@@ -5489,128 +5934,138 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
+ Canon S100 PowerShot
+ Canon EOS-M 22mm
+ Canon G9 X PowerShot
+ Canon SX260 HS PowerShot
+ GoPro Hero 4
+ Parrot Sequioa RGB
+ Parrot Sequioa Monochrome
+ RedEdge
+ Ricoh GR II
+ Sentera Double 4K Sensor
+ Sentera NDVI Single Sensor
+ Sony a6000 16mm
+ Sony a6300 Zeiss 21mm f/2.8
+ Sony a6300 Sony 28mm f/2.0
+ Sony a7R II Zeiss 21mm f/2.8
+ Sony a7R II Sony 28mm f/2.0
+ Sony DSC-QX30U @ 4.3mm f/3.5
+ Sony DSC-RX0
+ Sony ILCE-QX1
+ Sony NEX-5R 20mm
+ Sony RX100 II 28mm
+ Yuneec CGOET
+ Yuneec E10T
+ Yuneec E50
+ Yuneec E90
- Vehicle is not running latest stable firmware! Running %2-%1, latest stable is %3.
+ Flir Duo R
+ Vehicle is not running latest stable firmware! Running %1, latest stable is %2.
@@ -5647,167 +6102,182 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
+ Select Firmware File
+ Firmware Files (*.px4 *.apj *.bin *.ihx)
+ All Files (*)
+ Multiple devices detected! Remove all detected devices to perform the firmware upgrade.
+ Detected [%1]:
+ Found device
+ PX4 Pro
+ Standard Version (stable)
+ Beta Testing (beta)
+ Developer Build (master)
+ Custom firmware file...
+ PX4 Pro
+ ArduPilot
+ Standard Version
+ Detected PX4 Flow board. The firmware you use on the PX4 Flow must match the AutoPilot firmware type you are using on the vehicle:
+ Detected Pixhawk board. You can select from the following flight stacks:
+ Press Ok to upgrade your vehicle.
+ Flight Stack
+ Downloading list of available firmwares...
+ No Firmware Available
+ Advanced settings
+ Select the standard version or one from the file system (previously downloaded):
+ Select which version of the firmware you would like to install:
+ Select which version of the above flight stack you would like to install:
+ This firmware version is ONLY intended for beta testers.
+ Although it has received FLIGHT TESTING, it represents actively changed code.
+ Do NOT use for normal operation.
+ This firmware has NOT BEEN FLIGHT TESTED.
+ It is only intended for DEVELOPERS.
+ Run bench tests without props first.
+ Do NOT fly this without additional safety precautions.
+ Follow the mailing list actively when using it.
+ Flash ChibiOS Bootloader
@@ -5815,100 +6285,193 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
+ Connect not allowed during Firmware Upgrade.
+ Connected to bootloader:
+ Version: %1
+ Board ID: %1
+ Flash size: %1
+ Custom firmware selected but no filename given.
+ Unable to find specified firmware for board type
+ No firmware file selected
+ Downloading firmware...
+ From: %1
+ Download complete
+ Image load failed
+ Bootloader not found
+ Image size of %1 is too large for board flash size %2
+ Upgrade complete
+ Upgrade cancelled
+ Choose board type
+ FixedWingChecklist
+ Fixed Wing Initial Checks
+ Hardware
+ Props mounted? Wings secured? Tail secured?
+ Please arm the vehicle here
+ Actuators
+ Move all control surfaces. Did they work properly?
+ Motors
+ Propellers free? Then throttle up gently. Working properly?
+ Mission
+ Please confirm mission is valid (waypoints valid, no terrain collision).
+ Last preparations before launch
+ Payload
+ Configured and started? Payload lid closed?
+ Wind & weather
+ OK for your platform? Lauching into the wind?
+ Flight area
+ Launch area and path free of obstacles/people?
+ %1 does not support loading this complex mission item type: %2:%3
+ Fixed Wing Landing Pattern: Setting the loiter and landing altitudes with different settings for altitude relative is no longer supported. Both have been set to altitude relative. Be sure to adjust/check your plan prior to flight.
+ %1 complex item version %2 not supported
@@ -6034,131 +6597,19 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
- FlightDisplayView
- Flight Plan complete
- %1 Images Taken
- Remove plan from vehicle
- Leave plan on vehicle
- Resume Mission From Waypoint %1
- Resume Mission will rebuild the current mission from the last flown waypoint and upload it to the vehicle for the next flight.
- If you are changing batteries for Resume Mission do not disconnect from the vehicle when communication is lost.
- If you are changing batteries for Resume Mission do not disconnect from the vehicle.
- Single
- Multi-Vehicle
- Action
- Approval Pending
- Flight Approved
- Flight Rejected
- FlightDisplayViewMap
- R
- rally point map item label
- Goto here
- Goto here waypoint
- Orbit
- Orbit waypoint
- Go to location
- Orbit at location
- FlightDisplayViewWidgets
- No GPS Lock for Vehicle
@@ -6252,54 +6703,160 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
- GPSIndicator
+ FlyViewAirspaceIndicator
- GPS Status
+ Approval Pending
- GPS Data Unavailable
+ Flight Approved
- GPS Count:
+ Flight Rejected
+ FlyViewMap
- N/A
- No data to display
+ R
+ rally point map item label
+ Go here
+ Go to location waypoint
+ ROI here
+ Make this a Region Of Interest
+ Orbit
+ Orbit waypoint
+ Go to location
+ Orbit at location
+ ROI at location
+ FlyViewMissionCompleteDialog
+ Flight Plan complete
+ %1 Images Taken
+ Remove plan from vehicle
+ Leave plan on vehicle
+ Resume Mission From Waypoint %1
+ Resume Mission will rebuild the current mission from the last flown waypoint and upload it to the vehicle for the next flight.
+ If you are changing batteries for Resume Mission do not disconnect from the vehicle.
+ FlyViewToolStrip
+ Fly
+ GPSIndicator
+ GPS Status
+ GPS Data Unavailable
- GPS Lock:
+ GPS Count:
+ N/A
+ No data to display
+ GPS Lock:
+ --.--No data to display
+ Course Over Ground:
@@ -6307,32 +6864,32 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
+ Survey-in Active
+ RTK Streaming
+ Duration:
+ Accuracy:
+ Current Accuracy:
+ Satellites:
@@ -6340,336 +6897,411 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
+ Units
+ Distance
+ Area
+ Speed
+ Temperature
+ Miscellaneous
+ Language
+ Color Scheme
+ Map Provider
+ Map Type
+ Stream GCS Position
- Font Size:
+ Mute all audio output
+ AutoLoad Missions
+ Clear all settings on next start
+ Clear Settings
+ All saved settings will be reset the next time you start %1. Is this really what you want?
+ Announce battery lower than
+ Application Load/Save Path
+ <not set>
+ Browse
+ Choose the location to save/load files
+ Data Persistence
+ Disable all data persistence
+ When Data Persistence is disabled, all telemetry logging and map tile caching is disabled and not written to disk.
+ Telemetry Logs from Vehicle
+ Save log after each flight
+ Save logs even if vehicle was not armed
+ Fly View
- Use preflight checklist
+ UI Scaling
+ Use Vehicle Pairing
+ Check for Internet connection
+ Save CSV log of telemetry data
+ Use Preflight Checklist
+ Enforce Preflight Checklist
+ Keep Map Centered On Vehicle
+ Show Telemetry Log Replay Status Bar
+ Virtual Joystick
+ Auto-Center throttle
+ Use Vertical Instrument Panel
+ Show additional heading indicators on Compass
+ Lock Compass Nose-Up
+ Guided Minimum Altitude
+ Guided Maximum Altitude
+ Go To Location Max Distance
+ Plan View
+ Default Mission Altitude
+ Use MAV_CMD_CONDITION_GATE for pattern generation
+ Missions Do Not Require Takeoff Item
+ AutoConnect to the following devices
+ Pixhawk
+ SiK Radio
+ PX4 Flow
+ LibrePilot
+ NMEA GPS Device
+ NMEA GPS Baudrate
+ NMEA stream UDP port
+ Perform Survey-In
+ Use Specified Base Position
+ Save Current Base Position
+ ADSB Server
+ Note: These setting are not meant for use with an ADSB transponder which is situated on the vehicle.
+ Video
+ Video Source
+ UDP Port
+ Aspect Ratio
+ Disable When Disarmed
+ Low Latency Mode
+ Video Recording
+ Auto-Delete Files
+ Max Storage Usage
+ Video File Format
+ Brand Image
+ Indoor Image
+ Choose custom brand image file
+ Outdoor Image
+ Reset Default Brand Image
+ %1 Version
@@ -6701,7 +7333,7 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
- GeoFencing allows you to set a virtual ‘fence’ around the area you want to fly in.
+ GeoFencing allows you to set a virtual fence around the area you want to fly in.
@@ -6710,82 +7342,82 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
+ Insert GeoFence
+ Polygon Fence
+ Circular Fence
+ Polygon Fences
+ None
+ Inclusion
+ Edit
+ Delete
+ Del
+ Circular Fences
+ Radius
+ Breach Return Point
+ Add Breach Return Point
+ Remove Breach Return Point
+ Altitude
@@ -6816,7 +7448,7 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
+ BBreach Return Point item indicator
@@ -6913,58 +7545,58 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
+ The image directory doesn't contain images, make sure your images are of the JPG format
+ Geotagging failed. Couldn't open an image.
+ Tagging cancelled
+ Geotagging failed. Couldn't open log file.
+ %1 - tagging cancelled
+ Log parsing failed
+ Geotagging failed in trigger filtering
- Geotagging failed. Image requested not present.
+ Geotagging failed. Requesting image #%1, but only %2 images present.
+ Geotagging failed. Couldn't write to image.
+ Geotagging failed. Couldn't write to an image.
@@ -6972,7 +7604,7 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
+ Slide to confirm
@@ -6980,7 +7612,7 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
+ Select Action
@@ -7004,7 +7636,7 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
+ Return
@@ -7069,7 +7701,12 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
- Goto Location
+ Go To Location
+ Return to the launch position of the vehicle.
@@ -7078,107 +7715,117 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
- Arm the vehicle.
- Disarm the vehicle
+ Action
+ Arm the vehicle.
- Takeoff from ground and hold position.
+ Disarm the vehicle
- Takeoff from ground and start the current mission.
- Continue the mission from the current waypoint.
+ Takeoff from ground and hold position.
- Upload of resume mission failed. Confirm to retry upload
+ Takeoff from ground and start the current mission.
- Land the vehicle at the current position.
+ Continue the mission from the current waypoint.
- Return to the home position of the vehicle.
+ Upload of resume mission failed. Confirm to retry upload
+ Land the vehicle at the current position.
+ Change the altitude of the vehicle up or down.
+ Move the vehicle to the specified location.
+ Adjust current waypoint to %1.
+ Orbit the vehicle around the specified location.
+ Abort the landing sequence.
+ Pause the vehicle at it's current position, adjusting altitude up or down as needed.
+ Pause all vehicles at their current position.
+ Transition VTOL to fixed wing flight.
+ Transition VTOL to multi-rotor flight.
+ Make the specified location a Region Of Interest.
+ activeVehicle(%1) _vehicleArmed(%2) guidedModeSupported(%3) _vehicleFlying(%4) _vehicleWasFlying(%5) _vehicleInRTLMode(%6) pauseVehicleSupported(%7) _vehiclePaused(%8) _flightMode(%9) _missionItemCount(%10)
+ Smart RTL
+ Internal error: unknown actionCode
@@ -7186,7 +7833,7 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
+ New Alt(rel)
@@ -7218,534 +7865,593 @@ Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run i
- Joystick
+ HorizontalFactValueGrid
- Arm
- Disarm
+ +
- VTOL: Fixed Wing
+ -
+ InstrumentValue
- VTOL: Multi-Rotor
+ None
- Zoom In
+ Color
- Zoom Out
+ Opacity
- Next Video Stream
+ Icon
+ InstrumentValueArea
- Previous Video Stream
+ +
- Next Camera
+ -
- Previous Camera
+ Reset To Defaults
- JoystickConfig
+ InstrumentValueEditDialog
- Joystick
+ Value Display
- Joystick Setup is used to configure a calibrate joysticks.
+ Icon
- Not Mapped
+ Text
- Attitude Controls
+ Label
- Lateral
+ Size
- Roll
+ Show Units
- Forward
+ Range
- Pitch
+ Specify the color you want to apply based on value ranges. The color will be applied to the icon if available, otherwise to the value itself.
- Yaw
+ -
- Throttle
+ Add Row
- Skip
+ Specify the icon you want to display based on value ranges.
- Cancel
+ Specify the icon opacity you want based on value ranges.
- Calibrate
+ Select Icon
+ Joystick
- Additional Joystick settings:
+ No Action
- Enable joystick input
+ Arm
- Enable not allowed (Calibrate First)
+ Disarm
- Active joystick:
+ Toggle Arm
- Active joystick name not in combo
+ VTOL: Fixed Wing
- Center stick is zero throttle
+ VTOL: Multi-Rotor
- Spring loaded throttle smoothing
+ Continuous Zoom In
- Full down stick is zero throttle
+ Continuous Zoom Out
- Allow negative Thrust
+ Step Zoom In
- Exponential:
+ Step Zoom Out
- Advanced settings (careful!)
+ Trigger Camera
- Joystick mode:
+ Start Recording Video
- Message frequency (Hz):
+ Stop Recording Video
- Enable circle correction
+ Toggle Recording Video
- Deadbands
+ Gimbal Down
- Deadband can be set during the first
+ Gimbal Up
- step of calibration by gently wiggling each axis.
+ Gimbal Left
- Deadband can also be adjusted by clicking and
+ Gimbal Right
- dragging vertically on the corresponding axis monitor.
+ Gimbal Center
- Button actions:
+ Emergency Stop
- #
+ Next Video Stream
- Function:
+ Previous Video Stream
- Shift Function:
+ Next Camera
- Axis Monitor
+ Previous Camera
+ JoystickConfig
- Button Monitor
+ Joystick
- JoystickConfigController
- Detected %1 joystick axes. To operate PX4, you need at least %2 axes.
+ General
- Calibrate
+ Button Assigment
- The current calibration settings are now displayed for each axis on screen.
-Click the Next button to upload calibration to board. Click Cancel if you don't want to save these values.
+ Calibration
+ Advanced
- JoystickIndicator
+ JoystickConfigAdvanced
- Joystick Status
+ Full down stick is zero throttle
- Connected:
+ Center stick is zero throttle
- Enabled:
+ Spring loaded throttle smoothing
- KMLFileHelper
- KML file load failed. %1
+ Allow negative Thrust
- File not found: %1
+ Exponential:
- Unable to open file: %1 error: $%2
+ Enable further advanced settings (careful!)
- Unable to parse KML file: %1 error: %2 line: %3
+ Enable gimbal control (Experimental)
- No supported type found in KML file.
+ Joystick mode:
- Unable to find Polygon node in KML
+ Axis frequency (Hz):
- Internal error: Unable to find coordinates node in KML
+ Button repeat frequency (Hz):
- Unable to find LineString node in KML
+ Enable circle correction
+ Deadbands
+ Deadband can be set during the first
+ step of calibration by gently wiggling each axis.
+ Deadband can also be adjusted by clicking and
+ dragging vertically on the corresponding axis monitor.
- LinechartWidget
+ JoystickConfigButtons
- Name
+ Assigning the same action to multiple buttons requires the press of all those buttons for the action to be taken. This is useful to prevent accidental button presses for critical actions like Arm or Emergency Stop.
+ Repeat
+ #
- Val
+ Function:
- Unit
+ Shift Function:
+ JoystickConfigCalibration
- Mean
+ Skip
- Variance
+ Cancel
+ Next
- Set logarithmic scale for Y axis
+ Start
+ JoystickConfigController
- Sliding window size to calculate mean and variance
+ Detected %1 joystick axes. To operate PX4, you need at least %2 axes.
+ JoystickConfigGeneral
- Start to log curve data into a CSV or TXT file
+ Enable joystick input
- Start Logging
+ Enable not allowed (Calibrate First)
- Ground Time
+ Active joystick:
- Overwrite timestamp of data from vehicle with ground receive time. Helps if the plots are not visible because of missing or invalid onboard time.
+ Active joystick name not in combo
- Time axis:
+ RC Mode:
- 10 seconds
+ Lateral
- 20 seconds
+ Roll
- 30 seconds
+ Forward
- 40 seconds
+ Pitch
- 50 seconds
+ Yaw
- 1 minute
+ Throttle
- 2 minutes
+ Gimbal Pitch
- 3 minutes
+ Gimbal Yaw
+ JoystickIndicator
- 4 minutes
+ Joystick Status
- 5 minutes
+ Connected:
- 10 minutes
+ Enabled:
+ JsonHelper
- No curves selected for logging.
+ Unable to open file: '%1', error: %2
- Please check all curves you want to log. Currently no data would be logged. Aborting the logging.
+ Unable to parse json file: %1 error: %2 offset: %3
- Save Log File
+ Root of json file is not object: %1
- Log Files (*.log)
+ Json file: '%1'. %2
+ KMLHelper
- Stop logging
+ KML file load failed. %1
- Starting Log Compression
+ File not found: %1
- Should empty fields (e.g. due to packet drops) be filled with the previous value of the same variable (zero order hold)?
+ Unable to open file: %1 error: $%2
- Start logging
+ Unable to parse KML file: %1 error: %2 line: %3
- Enable the curve in the graph window
+ No supported type found in KML file.
- Current value of %1 in %2 units
+ Unable to find Polygon node in KML
- Unit of
+ Internal error: Unable to find coordinates node in KML
- Arithmetic mean of %1 in %2 units
+ Unable to find LineString node in KML
+ KMLOrSHPFileDialog
- Variance of %1 in (%2)^2 units
+ Select Polygon FileLinkIndicator
+ N/ANo data to display
@@ -7759,50 +8465,51 @@ Click the Next button to upload calibration to board. Click Cancel if you don&ap
+ %1 on %2 (AutoConnect)
+ Shutdown
+ Serial
+ Mock Link
+ Log Replay
+ Please check to make sure you have an SD Card inserted in your Vehicle and try again.
+ Your Vehicle is not responding. If this continues, shutdown %1, restart the Vehicle letting it boot completely, then start %1.
@@ -7810,82 +8517,82 @@ Click the Next button to upload calibration to board. Click Cancel if you don&ap
+ Delete
+ Remove Link Configuration
+ Remove %1. Is this really what you want?
+ Edit
+ Add
+ Connect
+ Disconnect
+ Edit Link Configuration Settings
+ Create New Link Configuration
+ General
+ Name:
+ Type:
+ Automatically Connect on Start
+ High Latency
+ OK
+ Cancel
@@ -7922,34 +8629,34 @@ Click the Next button to upload calibration to board. Click Cancel if you don&ap
+ Canceled
+ Error
+ Downloaded
+ Timed Out
+ Waiting
+ UnknownDate
@@ -8012,27 +8719,27 @@ Click the Next button to upload calibration to board. Click Cancel if you don&ap
+ Select save directory
+ Erase All
+ Delete All Log Files
+ All log files will be erased permanently. Is this really what you want?
+ Cancel
@@ -8050,29 +8757,28 @@ Click the Next button to upload calibration to board. Click Cancel if you don&ap
+ Attempt to load new log while log being played
+ Unable to open log file: '%1', error: %2
- The log file '%1' is corrupt. No valid timestamps were found at the end of the file.
+ The log file '%1' is corrupt or empty.
+ Connect not allowed during Flight Data replay.
+ Unable to seek to new position
@@ -8080,11 +8786,24 @@ Click the Next button to upload calibration to board. Click Cancel if you don&ap
+ Log Replay Link Settings
+ LogReplayLinkController
+ %2m:%3s
+ %1h:%2m:%3s
@@ -8104,229 +8823,400 @@ Click the Next button to upload calibration to board. Click Cancel if you don&ap
- MAVLinkInspectorController
+ LogReplayStatusBar
- Vehicle %1
+ Log Replay
- MAVLinkInspectorPage
- Inspect real time MAVLink messages.
+ You must close all connections prior to replaying a log.
- Message:
+ Select Telemetery Log
- Component:
+ Telemetry Logs (*.%1)
- Count:
+ All Files (*)
+ Pause
+ Play
- Message Fields:
+ Load Telemetry Log
- MAVLinkProtocol
+ MAVLinkChart
- MAVLink Protocol
+ Scale:
- MAVLink Logging failed. Could not write to file %1, logging disabled.
+ Range:
+ MAVLinkInspectorController
- Detected radio still using MAVLink v1.0 on a link with MAVLink v2.0 enabled. Please upgrade the radio firmware.
+ 5 Sec
- MAVLink protocol
+ 10 Sec
- Opening Flight Data file for writing failed. Unable to write to %1. Please choose a different file location.
+ 30 Sec
- MainRootWindow
- %1 close
+ 60 Sec
- There are still active connections to vehicles. Are you sure you want to exit?
+ Auto
- You have a mission edit in progress which has not been saved/sent. If you close you will lose changes. Are you sure you want to close?
+ 10,000
- No Messages
+ 1,000
- Parameters missing: %1
+ 100
- Fact error: %1
+ 10
- MainToolBar
- Downloading Parameters
+ 1
- Click anywhere to hide
+ 0.1
- MainToolBarIndicators
- Advanced Mode
+ 0.01
- Waiting For Vehicle Connection
+ 0.001
- Disconnect
+ 0.0001
+ Vehicle %1
- MapScale
+ MAVLinkInspectorPage
- km
+ Inspect real time MAVLink messages.
- m
+ Component ID:
- mile
+ Message:
- miles
+ Component:
- ft
+ Count:
- MavlinkConsolePage
- Mavlink Console
+ Name
- Mavlink Console provides a connection to the vehicle's system shell.
+ Value
- Send
+ Type
- Show Latest
+ Plot 1
+ Plot 2
- MavlinkSettings
+ MAVLinkProtocol
- MAVLink Logging
+ MAVLink Protocol
- Please enter an email address before uploading MAVLink log files.
+ MAVLink Logging failed. Could not write to file %1, logging disabled.
- Ground Station
+ Detected radio still using MAVLink v1.0 on a link with MAVLink v2.0 enabled. Please upgrade the radio firmware.
- MAVLink System ID:
+ MAVLink protocol
- Emit heartbeat
+ Opening Flight Data file for writing failed. Unable to write to %1. Please choose a different file location.
+ MainRootWindow
- Only accept MAVs with same protocol version
+ %1 close
- Telemetry Stream Rates (ArduPilot Only)
+ There are still active connections to vehicles. Are you sure you want to exit?
+ You have a mission edit in progress which has not been saved/sent. If you close you will lose changes. Are you sure you want to close?
+ You have pending parameter updates to a vehicle. If you close you will lose changes. Are you sure you want to close?
+ No Messages
+ Parameters missing: %1
+ Fact error: %1
+ MainToolBar
+ Advanced Mode
+ Downloading Parameters
+ Click anywhere to hide
+ Waiting For Vehicle Connection
+ Disconnect
+ MapScale
+ km
+ m
+ mile
+ miles
+ ft
+ T
+ +
+ -
+ MavlinkConsolePage
+ Mavlink Console
+ Mavlink Console provides a connection to the vehicle's system shell.
+ Send
+ Show Latest
+ MavlinkSettings
+ MAVLink Logging
+ Please enter an email address before uploading MAVLink log files.
+ Ground Station
+ MAVLink System ID:
+ Emit heartbeat
+ Only accept MAVs with same protocol version
+ Telemetry Stream Rates (ArduPilot Only)
@@ -8458,92 +9348,92 @@ Click the Next button to upload calibration to board. Click Cancel if you don&ap
+ Flight Rating:
+ Additional Feedback:
+ Make this log publicly available
+ Enable automatic log uploads
+ Delete log file after uploading
+ Saved Log Files
+ Uploaded
+ Check All
+ Check None
+ Delete Selected
+ Delete Selected Log Files
+ Confirm deleting selected log files?
+ Upload Selected
+ Upload Selected Log Files
+ Confirm uploading selected log files?
+ Cancel
+ Cancel Upload
+ Confirm canceling the upload process?
@@ -8571,64 +9461,75 @@ Click the Next button to upload calibration to board. Click Cancel if you don&ap
+ Connected
+ Login Error
+ Not Connected
+ Air Unit:
+ Uplink RSSI:
+ Downlink RSSI:
+ Network Settings
+ Local IP Address:
+ Remote IP Address:
+ Network Mask:
- Configuration password:
+ Configuration User Name:
+ Configuration Password:
+ Encryption key:
+ Apply
@@ -8636,7 +9537,7 @@ Click the Next button to upload calibration to board. Click Cancel if you don&ap
+ Category:
@@ -8644,7 +9545,7 @@ Click the Next button to upload calibration to board. Click Cancel if you don&ap
+ All commands
@@ -8652,64 +9553,39 @@ Click the Next button to upload calibration to board. Click Cancel if you don&ap
- Fixed Wing Landing
- Structure Scan
- Corridor Scan
- Survey
- Warning: You are using MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_TERRAIN_ALT in a mission. %1 does not support sending terrain tiles to vehicle.
+ Mission item %1 is not an object
+ Unsupported complex item type: %1
+ Unknown item type: %1
+ Could not find doJumpId: %1
+ The mission file is corrupted.
+ The mission file is not compatible with this version of %1.
+ Mission: %1
@@ -8735,57 +9611,53 @@ Click the Next button to upload calibration to board. Click Cancel if you don&ap
- Insert waypoint
- Insert pattern
- Insert
+ ?
+ Indicator in Plan view to show mission item is not ready for save/send
- Delete
+ Move to vehicle position
- Change command...
+ Move to previous item position
+ Edit position...
+ Edit Position
+ Show all values
+ Mission Edit
+ You have made changes to the mission item which cannot be shown in Simple Mode
+ Item #%1
+ Select Mission Command
@@ -8793,7 +9665,7 @@ Click the Next button to upload calibration to board. Click Cancel if you don&ap
+ Terrain Altitude
@@ -8834,68 +9706,58 @@ Click the Next button to upload calibration to board. Click Cancel if you don&ap
- Mission End
+ Launch Position
- Return To Launch
+ Set To Map Center
+ Vehicle Info
+ Cruise speed
+ Hover speed
- Planned Home Position
+ Altitude
+ Actual position set by vehicle at flight time.
- Set Home To Map Center
- MissionSettingsItem
- H
+ L
- Planned Home
+ LaunchMockConfiguration
+ Mock Link Settings
@@ -8903,42 +9765,42 @@ Click the Next button to upload calibration to board. Click Cancel if you don&ap
+ PX4 Vehicle
+ APM ArduCopter Vehicle
+ APM ArduPlane Vehicle
+ APM ArduSub Vehicle
+ APM ArduRover Vehicle
+ Generic Vehicle
+ Send status text + voice
+ Stop One MockLink
@@ -8981,15 +9843,6 @@ Click the Next button to upload calibration to board. Click Cancel if you don&ap
- ModeIndicator
- N/A
- No data to display
@@ -9006,20 +9859,30 @@ Click the Next button to upload calibration to board. Click Cancel if you don&ap
+ Warning: Unable to determine motor count
+ All
+ Moving the sliders will causes the motors to spin. Make sure you remove all props.
+ Propellers are removed - Enable motor sliders
+ Careful: Motor sliders are enabled
+ Motors
@@ -9032,178 +9895,269 @@ Click the Next button to upload calibration to board. Click Cancel if you don&ap
- MultiVehicleDockWidget
+ MultiRotorChecklist
- Form
+ Multirotor Initial Checks
- MultiVehicleList
- The following commands will be applied to all vehicles
+ Hardware
- Armed
+ Props mounted and secured?
- Disarmed
+ Please arm the vehicle here
- MultiVehicleManager
- Warning: A vehicle is using the same system id as %1: %2
+ Motors
- Connected to Vehicle %1
+ Propellers free? Then throttle up gently. Working properly?
- OfflineMap
- Error Message
+ Mission
- Max Cache Disk Size (MB):
+ Please confirm mission is valid (waypoints valid, no terrain collision).
- Max Cache Memory Size (MB):
+ Last preparations before launch
- Memory cache changes require a restart to take effect.
+ Payload
- Mapbox Access Token
+ Configured and started? Payload lid closed?
- To enable Mapbox maps, enter your access token.
+ Wind & weather
- Esri Access Token
+ OK for your platform?
- To enable Esri maps, enter your access token.
+ Flight area
- This will delete all tiles INCLUDING the tile sets you have created yourself.
-Is this really what you want?
+ Launch area and path free of obstacles/people?
+ MultiVehicleList
- Delete %1 and all its tiles.
-Is this really what you want?
+ The following commands will be applied to all vehicles
- System Wide Tile Cache
+ Armed
- Zoom Levels:
+ Disarmed
+ MultiVehicleManager
- Total:
+ Warning: A vehicle is using the same system id as %1: %2
+ Connected to Vehicle %1
+ MultiVehiclePanel
+ Single
+ Multi-Vehicle
+ MultiVehicleSelector
+ Vehicle
+ OfflineMap
+ Error Message
+ Max Cache Disk Size (MB):
+ Max Cache Memory Size (MB):
+ Memory cache changes require a restart to take effect.
+ Mapbox Access Token
+ To enable Mapbox maps, enter your access token.
+ Esri Access Token
+ To enable Esri maps, enter your access token.
+ This will delete all tiles INCLUDING the tile sets you have created yourself.
+Is this really what you want?
+ Delete %1 and all its tiles.
+Is this really what you want?
+ System Wide Tile Cache
+ Zoom Levels:
+ Total:
+ Unique:
+ Downloaded:
+ Error Count:
+ Size:
+ Tile Count:
+ Resume Download
+ Cancel Download
+ Delete
+ Confirm Delete
+ Ok
+ Close
+ Cancel
@@ -9213,134 +10167,167 @@ Is this really what you want?
+ Max Zoom: %1
+ Add New Set
+ Name:
+ Map type:
+ Fetch elevation data
+ Min/Max Zoom Levels
+ Est Size:
+ Too many tiles
+ Download
+ Import
+ Export
+ Options
+ Offline Maps Options
+ Select Tile Sets to Export
+ Select All
+ Select None
+ Export Tile Set
+ Tile Set Export Progress
+ Tile Set Export Completed
+ Map Tile Set Import
+ Map Tile Set Import Progress
+ Map Tile Set Import Completed
+ Append to existing set
+ Replace existing set
+ Import Tile Set
+ OfflineVehicleFirstRunPrompt
+ Vehicle Information
+ Specify information about the vehicle you plan to fly. If you are unsure of the correct values leave them as is.
+ Firmware
+ Vehicle
+ Mission Cruise Speed
+ Mission Hover Speed
@@ -9359,57 +10346,57 @@ Is this really what you want?
+ Clipboard Values:
+ Save To Clipboard
+ Restore From Clipboard
+ Chart:
+ Clear
+ Stop
+ Start
+ Automatic Flight Mode Switching
+ Switches to 'Stabilized' when you click Start.
+ Switches to '%1' when you click Stop.
+ Rate
@@ -9655,7 +10642,7 @@ Is this really what you want?
- The vehicle returns to the home position, loiters and then lands.
+ The vehicle returns to the launch position, loiters and then lands.
@@ -9692,19 +10679,19 @@ Is this really what you want?
+ %1 is set to %2. Mapping must between 0 and %3 (inclusive).
+ %1 is set to same channel as %2.
+ %1 is set to %2. Threshold must between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive).
@@ -9713,7 +10700,7 @@ Is this really what you want?
+ Warning: Hardware In The Loop (HITL) simulation is enabled for this vehicle.
@@ -9721,132 +10708,132 @@ Is this really what you want?
+ Manual
+ Acro
+ Stabilized
+ Rattitude
+ Altitude
+ Position
+ Offboard
+ Ready
+ Takeoff
+ Hold
+ Mission
+ Return
+ Land
+ Precision Land
+ Return to Groundstation
+ Follow Me
+ Simple
+ Orbit
+ Unknown %1:%2
+ Unable to takeoff, vehicle position not known.
+ Unable to go to location, vehicle position not known.
+ Unable to change altitude, home position unknown.
+ Unable to change altitude, home position altitude unknown.
+ Unable to start mission: Vehicle rejected arming.
- Unable to start mission: Vehicle not ready.
+ Unable to start mission: Vehicle not changing to %1 flight mode.
+ QGroundControl supports PX4 Pro firmware Version %1.%2.%3 and above. You are using a version prior to that which will lead to unpredictable results. Please upgrade your firmware.
@@ -9921,12 +10908,12 @@ Is this really what you want?
+ Enabled
+ Disabled
@@ -10020,20 +11007,20 @@ Is this really what you want?
- Mode channel:
+ Mode Channel
+ Flight Mode %1
+ Switch Settings
@@ -10054,44 +11041,44 @@ Is this really what you want?
+ Hover Throttle
+ Adjust throttle so hover is at mid-throttle. Slide to the left if hover is lower than throttle center. Slide to the right if hover is higher than throttle center.
+ Manual minimum throttle
+ Slide to the left to start the motors with less idle power. Slide to the right if descending in manual flight becomes unstable.
+ Roll
+ Pitch
+ Yaw
@@ -10099,32 +11086,32 @@ Is this really what you want?
+ Cruise throttle
+ This is the throttle setting required to achieve the desired cruise speed. Most planes need 50-60%.
+ Roll
+ Pitch
+ Yaw
@@ -10204,6 +11191,85 @@ Is this really what you want?
+ PairingManager
+ Pairing Successfull
+ Connection Successfull
+ Connection Rejected
+ Pairing Rejected
+ No Response From Vehicle
+ Connecting to %1
+ Invalid Pairing File
+ Error Parsing Pairing File
+ Microhard
+ Pairing...
+ PairingNFC
+ Waiting for NFC connection
+ Device detected
+ Device removed
@@ -10212,74 +11278,81 @@ Is this really what you want?
+ Search:
+ Clear
+ Show modified only
+ Tools
+ Refresh
+ Reset all to firmware's defaults
+ Reset All
+ Reset to vehicle's configuration defaults
+ Load from file...
+ Load Parameters
+ Save to file...
+ Save Parameters
- Clear RC to Param
+ Clear all RC to Param
+ Select Reset to reset all parameters to their defaults.
+Note that this will also completely reset everything, including UAVCAN nodes.
+ Reboot Vehicle
@@ -10298,11 +11371,6 @@ Is this really what you want?
All Files (*.*)
- Select Reset to reset all parameters to their defaults.
- Select Reset to reset all parameters to the vehicle's configuration defaults.
@@ -10317,22 +11385,12 @@ Is this really what you want?
- Component
- All
+ Unable to create file: %1
+ Unable to open file: %1
@@ -10340,90 +11398,116 @@ Is this really what you want?
+ Reset to default
+ Min:
+ Max:
+ Default:
+ Parameter name:
+ Warning: Modifying values while vehicle is in flight can lead to vehicle instability and possible vehicle loss.
+ Make sure you know what you are doing and double-check your values before Save!
+ Force save (dangerous!)
+ Advanced settings
+ Manual Entry
- Set RC to Param...
+ Set RC to ParamParameterManager
+ Misc
+ Component %1 (%2)
+ Component
+ Parameter write failed: veh:%1 comp:%2 param:%3
+ Parameter read failed: veh:%1 comp:%2 param:%3
+ Parameter cache CRC match failed
+ Parameters not loaded since they are not currently on the vehicle: %1
+ Parameters not loaded due to type mismatch: %1
+ %1 was unable to retrieve the full set of parameters from vehicle %2. This will cause %1 to be unable to display its full user interface. If you are using modified firmware, you may need to resolve any vehicle startup errors to resolve the issue. If you are using standard firmware, you may need to upgrade to a newer version to resolve the issue.
+ Vehicle %1 did not respond to request for parameters. This will cause %2 to be unable to display its full user interface.
+ %1 key is not a json object
@@ -10431,208 +11515,222 @@ Is this really what you want?
+ Internal error occurred during Mission Item communication: _ackTimeOut:_expectedAck == AckNone
+ Mission request list failed, maximum retries exceeded.
+ Retrying %1 REQUEST_LIST retry Count
+ Mission read failed, maximum retries exceeded.
+ Retrying %1 MISSION_REQUEST retry Count
+ Mission write failed, vehicle failed to send final ack.
+ Mission write mission count failed, maximum retries exceeded.
+ Vehicle did not request all items from ground station: %1
+ Mission remove all, maximum retries exceeded.
+ Retrying %1 MISSION_CLEAR_ALL retry Count
+ Vehicle did not respond to mission item communication: %1
+ Internal Error: Call to Vehicle _requestNextMissionItem with no more indices to read
+ Vehicle requested item outside range, count:request %1:%2. Send to Vehicle failed.
- Vehicle returned error: %1.
+ Vehicle remove all failed. Error: %1
- Vehicle did not request all items during write sequence, missed count %1.
+ Item #%1 Command: %2
- Vehicle returned error: %1. Vehicle remove all failed.
+ Frame: %1
- Vehicle returned error: %1. %2Vehicle did not accept guided item.
+ Value: %1
+ Mission accepted.
- Mission accepted (MAV_MISSION_ACCEPTED)
+ Unspecified error.
- Unspecified error (MAV_MISSION_ERROR)
+ Coordinate frame is not supported.
- Coordinate frame is not supported (MAV_MISSION_UNSUPPORTED_FRAME)
+ Command is not supported.
- Command is not supported (MAV_MISSION_UNSUPPORTED)
+ Mission item exceeds storage space.
- Mission item exceeds storage space (MAV_MISSION_NO_SPACE)
+ One of the parameters has an invalid value.
- One of the parameters has an invalid value (MAV_MISSION_INVALID)
+ Param 1 invalid value.
- Param1 has an invalid value (MAV_MISSION_INVALID_PARAM1)
+ Param 2 invalid value.
- Param2 has an invalid value (MAV_MISSION_INVALID_PARAM2)
+ Param 3 invalid value.
- Param3 has an invalid value (MAV_MISSION_INVALID_PARAM3)
+ Param 4 invalid value.
- Param4 has an invalid value (MAV_MISSION_INVALID_PARAM4)
+ Param 5 invalid value.
- X/Param5 has an invalid value (MAV_MISSION_INVALID_PARAM5_X)
+ Param 6 invalid value.
- Y/Param6 has an invalid value (MAV_MISSION_INVALID_PARAM6_Y)
+ Param 7 invalid value.
- Param7 has an invalid value (MAV_MISSION_INVALID_PARAM7)
+ Received mission item out of sequence.
- Received mission item out of sequence (MAV_MISSION_INVALID_SEQUENCE)
+ Not accepting any mission commands.
- Not accepting any mission commands (MAV_MISSION_DENIED)
+ Unknown error: %1.
- QGC Internal Error
+ Vehicle returned error: %1. %2Vehicle did not accept guided item.PlanMasterController
+ Download not supported on high latency links.
+ Upload not supported on high latency links.
+ Error loading Plan file (%1). %2
+ Plan save error %1 : %2
+ KML save error %1 : %2
+ Supported types (*.%1 *.%2 *.%3 *.%4)
+ All Files (*.*)
+ Plan Files (*.%1)
@@ -10640,78 +11738,78 @@ Is this really what you want?
+ Selected Waypoint
+ Alt diff:
+ Azimuth:
+ Distance:
+ Gradient:
+ Heading:
+ Total Mission
+ Max telem dist:
+ Time:
+ Battery
+ Batteries required:
+ Upload Required
+ Upload
+ Syncing Mission
+ Click anywhere to hide
@@ -10754,234 +11852,225 @@ Is this really what you want?
- Unable to Save/Upload
+ Plan is waiting on terrain data from server for correct altitude values.
+ Plan Upload
+ Select Plan File
+ Save Plan
- Load Shape
- Save KML
- Create which pattern type?
+ Save KML
- Survey
+ Move the selected mission item to the be after following mission item:
- Structure Scan
+ File
- Move the selected mission item to the be after following mission item:
+ Waypoint
- Fly
- File
+ Pattern
- Waypoint
+ Center
+ Plan
- Pattern
+ Takeoff
- Center
+ Rally Point
- In
+ Cancel ROI
- Out
+ Return
- Plan
+ Land
+ Mission
+ Fence
+ Rally
+ You have unsaved/unsent changes. Loading from the Vehicle will lose these changes. Are you sure you want to load from the Vehicle?
+ You have unsaved/unsent changes. Loading from a file will lose these changes. Are you sure you want to load from a file?
- Are you sure you want to remove all items and create a new plan?
+ Clear
- This will also remove all items from the vehicle.
+ Are you sure you want to remove all mission items and clear the mission from the vehicle?
- Are you sure you want to remove all mission items and clear the mission from the vehicle?
+ Create complex pattern:
- Create complex pattern:
+ Mission overwrite
- Load KML/SHP...
+ GeoFence overwrite
- Mission overwrite
+ Rally Points overwrite
- GeoFence overwrite
+ You have unsaved changes.
- Rally Points overwrite
+ Open...
- You have unsaved changes. You should upload to your vehicle, or save to a file:
+ Save
- You have unsaved changes.
+ Unable to %1
- Plan File:
+ Plan has incomplete items. Complete all items and %1 again.
- New...
+ Are you sure you want to remove current plan and create a new plan?
- New Plan
+ You have unsaved changes. You should upload to your vehicle, or save to a file.
- Open...
+ Create Plan
- Save
+ Storage
+ Save As...
+ Save Mission Waypoints As KML...
+ Upload
- Download
+ Vehicle
- Clear Vehicle Mission
+ Download
@@ -11401,7 +12490,7 @@ Is this really what you want?
+ Passed
@@ -11409,7 +12498,7 @@ Is this really what you want?
+ (passed)
@@ -11417,21 +12506,32 @@ Is this really what you want?
+ Pre-Flight Checklist %1
+ (passed)
+ Reset the checklist (e.g. after a vehicle reboot)
+ PreFlightCheckListShowAction
+ Checklist
@@ -11537,137 +12637,164 @@ Is this really what you want?
- You are running %1 as root. You should not do this since it will cause other issues with %1. %1 will now exit. If you are having serial port issues on Ubuntu, execute the following commands to fix most issues:
-sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
-sudo apt-get remove modemmanager
+ You are running %1 as root. You should not do this since it will cause other issues with %1.%1 will now exit.<br/><br/>If you are having serial port issues on Ubuntu, execute the following commands to fix most issues:<br/><pre>sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER<br/>sudo apt-get remove modemmanager</pre>
+ The current user does not have the correct permissions to access serial devices. You should also remove modemmanager since it also interferes.<br/><br/>If you are using Ubuntu, execute the following commands to fix these issues:<br/><pre>sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER<br/>sudo apt-get remove modemmanager</pre>
+ The format for %1 saved settings has been modified. Your saved settings have been reset to defaults.
+ The Offline Map Cache database has been upgraded. Your old map cache sets have been reset.
+ Unable to save telemetry log. Error copying telemetry to '%1': '%2'.
- Telemetry save error
+ Parameters are missing from firmware. You may be running a version of firmware which is not fully supported or your firmware has a bug in it. Missing params: %1
+ Unable to save telemetry log. Application save directory is not set.
+ Unable to save telemetry log. Telemetry save directory "%1" does not exist.
+ QGCControlDebug
- Parameters are missing from firmware. You may be running a version of firmware QGC does not work correctly with or your firmware has a bug in it. Missing params: %1
+ %1 x:%2 y:%3 width:%4 height:%5 visible: %6 enabled: %7 z:%8 parent:%9 implicitWidth/Height:%10:%11
+ Do not translateQGCCorePlugin
+ General
+ Comm Links
+ Offline Maps
+ Taisync
+ Microhard
+ AirMap
+ MAVLink
+ Console
+ Help
+ Mock Link
+ Debug
+ Palette Test
+ Values
+ Camera
+ Video Stream
+ Health
+ Vibration
+ Log Download
+ GeoTag Images
+ MAVLink Console
+ MAVLink Inspector
+ WARNING: You are about to enter Advanced Mode. If used incorrectly, this may cause your vehicle to malfunction thus voiding your warranty. You should do so only if instructed by customer support. Are you sure you want to enable Advanced Mode?
@@ -11691,33 +12818,38 @@ sudo apt-get remove modemmanager
+ Path: %1
+ Delete
+ No files
+ New file name:
+ File names must end with .%1 file extension. If missing it will be added.
+ The file %1 exists. Click Save again to replace it.
+ Save to existing file:
@@ -11746,1600 +12878,1410 @@ sudo apt-get remove modemmanager
- QGCFlightGearLink
- FlightGear 3.0+ Link (port:%1)
- FlightGear Failed to Start
+ QGCLogEntry
- FlightGear Crashed
+ Pending
+ QGCMAVLinkVehicle
- This is a FlightGear-related problem. Please upgrade FlightGear
+ All
+ QGCMapPolygonVisuals
- FlightGear Start Timed Out
+ Select Polygon File
- Please check if the path and command is correct
+ Remove vertex
- Could not Communicate with FlightGear
+ Polygon Tools
- FlightGear Error
+ Click in the map to add vertices. Click 'Done Tracing' when finished.
- Please check if the path and command is correct.
+ Set radius...
- FlightGear HIL
+ Edit position...
- Flight Gear protocol file '%1' is out of date. Quit %2. Delete the file and restart %2 to fix.
+ Edit Center Position
- FlightGear failed to start. There are mismatched quotes in specified command line options
+ Edit Vertex Position
- --fg-root directory specified from ui option not found: %1
+ Basic
- Unable to automatically determine --fg-root directory location. You will need to specify --fg-root=<directory> as an additional command line parameter from ui.
+ Circular
- --fg-scenery directory specified from ui option not found: %1
+ Done Tracing
- Unable to automatically determine --fg-scenery directory location. You will need to specify --fg-scenery=directory as an additional command line parameter from ui.
+ Trace
- Incorrect %1 installation. Aircraft directory is missing: '%2'.
+ Load KML/SHP...
+ QGCMapPolylineVisuals
- Incorrect FlightGear setup. Protocol directory is missing: '%1'. Command line parameter for --fg-root may be set incorrectly.
+ Polyline Tools
- Incorrect installation. Protocol directory is missing (%1).
+ Click in the map to add vertices. Click 'Done Tracing' when finished.
- Incorrect installation. FlightGear protocol file missing: %1
+ Select KML File
- Unable to verify that protocol file %1 is current. If file is out of date, you may experience problems. Safest approach is to delete the file manually and allow %2 install the latest file.
+ Remove vertex
- FlightGear protocol file %1 is out of date. It will be deleted, which will cause %2 to install the latest version of the file.
+ Edit position...
- Delete of protocol file failed. You will have to manually delete the file.
+ Edit Position
- FlightGear Failed to Start. %1 protocol (%2) not installed to FlightGear Protocol directory (%3)
+ Basic
- Fix it for me
+ Done Tracing
- Copy failed
+ Trace
- Copy from (%1) to (%2) failed, possibly due to permissions issue. You will need to perform manually. Try pasting the following command into a Command Prompt which was started with Run as Administrator:
+ Load KML...
+ QGCMapRCToParamDialog
- Copy from (%1) to (%2) failed, possibly due to permissions issue. You will need to perform manually. Try pasting the following command into a shell:
+ Dialog
- Copy to Clipboard
+ Bind
- QGCHilConfiguration
- HIL Config
+ Parameter Tuning ID
- Simulator
+ 1
- FlightGear 3.0+
+ 2
- X-Plane 10
+ 3
- X-Plane 9
+ Parameter
- QGCHilFlightGearConfiguration
- Form
+ TextLabel
- <html><head/><body><p>Additional Options:</p></body></html>
+ with
- Airframe:
+ Scale (keep default)
- Start
+ Center value
- Stop
+ Minimum Value
- Sensor HIL
+ Maximum Value
- Barometer Offset [kPa]:
+ Waiting for parameter refresh,,,
- 0
+ Tuning IDs can be mapped to channels in the RC settings
+ QGCOptionsComboBox
- Reset to default options
+ Options
- QGCHilJSBSimConfiguration
+ QGCPluginHost
+ Form
- Airframe:
- <html><head/><body><p>Additional Options:</p></body></html>
+ Loaded Plugins
- --in-air --roll=0 --pitch=0 --vc=90 --heading=300 --timeofday=noon --disable-hud-3d --disable-fullscreen --geometry=400x300 --disable-anti-alias-hud --wind=0@0 --turbulence=0.0 --prop:/sim/frame-rate-throttle-hz=30 --control=mouse --disable-intro-music --disable-sound --disable-random-objects --disable-ai-models --shading-flat --fog-disable --disable-specular-highlight --disable-random-objects --disable-panel --disable-clouds --fdm=jsb --units-meters --prop:/engines/engine/running=true
+ Plugin Log
+ QGCPopupDialogContainer
- Start
+ Ok
- Stop
+ Open
- QGCHilXPlaneConfiguration
- Form
+ Save
- Start
+ Apply
- Host
+ Save All
- Enable sensor level HIL
+ Yes
+ Yes to All
- Use newer actuator format
+ Retry
- Connect
+ Reset
- Disconnect
+ Restore to Defaults
- JSBSim Link (port:%1)
+ Ignore
- JSBSim Failed to start. Please check if the path and command is correct
+ Cancel
- JSBSim crashed. This is a JSBSim-related problem, check for JSBSim upgrade.
+ Close
- JSBSim start timed out. Please check if the path and command is correct
+ No
- Could not communicate with JSBSim. Please check if the path and command are correct
+ No to All
- JSBSim error occurred. Please check if the path and command is correct.
+ Abort
- QGCLogEntry
+ QGCTextField
- Pending
+ ?
- QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer
+ QGCViewDialogContainer
- Form
+ Ok
- Start to replay Flight Data
+ Open
- ...
+ Save
- Time
+ Apply
- No Flight Data selected..
+ Save All
- Select the Flight Data to replay
+ Yes
- Replay Flight Data
+ Yes to All
- Log Replay
+ Retry
- You must close all connections prior to replaying a log.
+ Reset
- Load Telemetry Log File
+ Restore to Defaults
- MAVLink Log Files (*.tlog);;All Files (*)
+ Ignore
- QGCMapPolygonVisuals
- Select Polygon File
+ Cancel
- Remove vertex
+ Close
- Circle
+ No
- Polygon
+ No to All
- Set radius...
+ Abort
+ QGroundControlQmlGlobal
- Edit position...
+ 32 bit
- Edit Center Position
+ 64 bit
+ QMap3D
- Edit Vertex Position
+ Form
- Load KML/SHP...
+ Map
- Radius:
+ Vehicle
- QGCMapPolylineVisuals
- Select KML File
+ QObject
- Remove vertex
+ {"typ": "JWT", "alg" : "
- Edit position...
+ "}
- Edit Position
+ Unknown
- Load KML...
+ Pixhawk
- QGCMapRCToParamDialog
- Dialog
+ SiK Radio
- Bind
+ PX4 Flow
- Parameter Tuning ID
+ OpenPilot
- 1
- 2
+ Guided mode not supported by Vehicle.
- 3
+ Follow Me
- Parameter
+ The following required keys are missing: %1
- TextLabel
+ value for coordinate is not array
- with
+ Coordinate array must contain %1 values
- Scale (keep default)
+ Coordinate array may only contain double values, found: %1
- Center value
+ Incorrect value type - key:type:expected %1:%2:%3
- Minimum Value
+ enum strings/values count mismatch in %3 strings:values %1:%2
- Maximum Value
+ Incorrect file type key expected:%1 actual:%2
- Waiting for parameter refresh,,,
+ File version %1 is no longer supported
- Tuning IDs can be mapped to channels in the RC settings
+ File version %1 is newer than current supported version %2
- QGCPluginHost
- Form
+ value for coordinate array is not array
- Loaded Plugins
+ Unknown type: %1
- Plugin Log
+ Error
- QGCTextField
- ?
+ A second instance of %1 is already running. Please close the other instance and try again.
- QGCUASFileView
+ QmlTest
- Form
+ Window Color
- List Files
+ Import/Export
- Download File
+ Light
- Upload File
+ Dark
- Download Directory
+ Enabled
- Downloading: %1
+ Value
- Uploading: %1
+ Disabled
- Error: %1
+ QGC name
- QGCUASFileViewMulti
- Onboard Files
+ Label
- QGCViewDialogContainer
- Ok
+ Button
- Open
+ Hover Button
- Save
+ Item 1
- Apply
+ Item 2
- Save All
+ Item 3
- Yes
+ Radio
- Yes to All
+ Check Box
- Retry
+ RCRSSIIndicator
- Reset
+ RC RSSI Status
- Restore to Defaults
+ RC RSSI Data Unavailable
- Ignore
+ N/A
+ No data available
- Cancel
+ RCToParamDialog
- Close
+ RC To Param
- No
+ Bind an RC Channel to a parameter value. Tuning IDs can be mapped to an RC Channel from Radio Setup page.
- No to All
+ Waiting on parameter update from Vehicle.
- Abort
+ Parameter
- QGCXPlaneLink
- X-Plane Link (localPort:%1)
+ Tuning ID
- Waiting for XPlane..
+ Scale
- X-Plane Failed to start. Please check if the path and command is correct
+ Center Value
- X-Plane crashed. This is an X-Plane-related problem, check for X-Plane upgrade.
+ Min Value
- X-Plane start timed out. Please check if the path and command is correct
+ Max Value
- Could not communicate with X-Plane. Please check if the path and command are correct
+ Double check that all values are correct prior to confirming dialog.
+ ROIIndicator
- X-Plane error occurred. Please check if the path and command is correct.
+ ROI Disabled
- Receiving from XPlane at %1 Hz
+ Disable ROI
+ RadioComponent
- Receiving from XPlane.
+ Radio
- QMap3D
- Form
+ Reboot required
- Map
+ Your stick mappings have changed, you must reboot the vehicle for correct operation.
- Vehicle
+ Throttle channel reversed
- QObject
- {"typ": "JWT", "alg" : "
+ Calibration failed. The throttle channel on your transmitter is reversed. You must correct this on your transmitter in order to complete calibration.
- "}
+ Center your sticks and move throttle all the way down, then press Ok to copy trims. After pressing Ok, reset the trims on your radio back to zero.
- Unknown
+ Before calibrating you should zero all your trims and subtrims. Click Ok to start Calibration.
- Pixhawk
+ Please ensure all motor power is disconnected AND all props are removed from the vehicle.
- SiK Radio
+ Please turn on transmitter.
- PX4 Flow
+ %1 channels or more are needed to fly.
- OpenPilot
+ Click Ok to place your Spektrum receiver in the bind mode. Select the specific receiver type below:
+ DSM2 Mode
- Guided mode not supported by Vehicle.
+ DSMX (7 channels or less)
- Follow Me
+ DSMX (8 channels or more)
- The following required keys are missing: %1
+ Not Mapped
- value for coordinate is not array
+ Attitude Controls
- Coordinate array must contain %1 values
+ Roll
- Coordinate array may only contain double values, found: %1
+ Pitch
- Incorrect value type - key:type:expected %1:%2:%3
+ Yaw
- enum strings/values count mismatch in %3 strings:values %1:%2
+ Throttle
- Incorrect file type key expected:%1 actual:%2
+ Skip
- Incorrect type for version value, must be integer
+ Cancel
- File version %1 is no longer supported
+ Calibrate
- File version %1 is newer than current supported version %2
+ Additional Radio setup:
- value for coordinate array is not array
+ Spektrum Bind
- Unknown type: %1
+ Copy Trims
+ Mode 1
+ Mode 2
- QmlTest
+ RadioComponentController
- Window Color
+ Lower the Throttle stick all the way down as shown in diagram.
+It is recommended to disconnect all motors for additional safety, however, the system is designed to not arm during the calibration.
+Click Next to continue
- Import/Export
+ Lower the Throttle stick all the way down as shown in diagram.
+Reset all transmitter trims to center.
+Please ensure all motor power is disconnected AND all props are removed from the vehicle.
+Click Next to continue
- Light
+ Move the Throttle stick all the way up and hold it there...
- Dark
+ Move the Throttle stick all the way down and leave it there...
- Enabled
+ Move the Yaw stick all the way to the left and hold it there...
- Value
+ Move the Yaw stick all the way to the right and hold it there...
- Disabled
+ Move the Roll stick all the way to the left and hold it there...
- QGC name
+ Move the Roll stick all the way to the right and hold it there...
- Label
+ Move the Pitch stick all the way down and hold it there...
- Button
+ Move the Pitch stick all the way up and hold it there...
- Hover Button
+ Allow the Pitch stick to move back to center...
- Item 1
+ Move all the transmitter switches and/or dials back and forth to their extreme positions.
- Item 2
+ All settings have been captured. Click Next to write the new parameters to your board.
- Item 3
+ Center the Throttle stick as shown in diagram.
+Reset all transmitter trims to center.
+Please ensure all motor power is disconnected from the vehicle.
+Click Next to continue
- Radio
+ Next
- Check Box
+ Calibrate
+ The current calibration settings are now displayed for each channel on screen.
+Click the Next button to upload calibration to board. Click Cancel if you don't want to save these values.
- RCRSSIIndicator
+ RallyPointController
- RC RSSI Status
+ Rally: %1
- RC RSSI Data Unavailable
+ Rally Points supports version %1
+ RallyPointEditorHeader
- N/A
- No data available
+ Rally Points
+ Rally Points provide alternate landing points when performing a Return to Launch (RTL).
- RadioComponent
+ RallyPointItemEditor
- Radio
+ Rally Point
- Reboot required
+ Delete
+ RallyPointMapVisuals
- Your stick mappings have changed, you must reboot the vehicle for correct operation.
+ R
+ rally point map item label
+ RoverChecklist
- Throttle channel reversed
+ Rover Initial Checks
- Calibration failed. The throttle channel on your transmitter is reversed. You must correct this on your transmitter in order to complete calibration.
+ Hardware
- Center your sticks and move throttle all the way down, then press Ok to copy trims. After pressing Ok, reset the trims on your radio back to zero.
+ Battery mounted and secured?
- Before calibrating you should zero all your trims and subtrims. Click Ok to start Calibration.
+ Please arm the vehicle here
- Please ensure all motor power is disconnected AND all props are removed from the vehicle.
+ Mission
- Please turn on transmitter.
+ Please confirm mission is valid (waypoints valid, no terrain collision).
- %1 channels or more are needed to fly.
+ Last preparations before launch
- Click Ok to place your Spektrum receiver in the bind mode. Select the specific receiver type below:
+ Payload
- DSM2 Mode
+ Configured and started? Payload lid closed?
- DSMX (7 channels or less)
+ Wind & weather
- DSMX (8 channels or more)
+ OK for your platform?
- Not Mapped
+ Mission area
- Attitude Controls
+ Mission area and path free of obstacles/people?
+ SHPFileHelper
- Roll
+ SHP file load failed. %1
- Pitch
+ UTM projection is not in supported format. Must be PROJCS["WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_##N/S
- Yaw
+ Only WGS84 or UTM projections are supported.
- Throttle
+ PRJ file open failed: %1
- Skip
+ File not found: %1
- Cancel
+ File is not a .shp file: %1
- Calibrate
+ SHPOpen failed.
- Additional Radio setup:
+ More than one entity found.
- Spektrum Bind
+ No supported types found.
- Copy Trims
- Mode 1
- Mode 2
- RadioComponentController
- Lower the Throttle stick all the way down as shown in diagram.
-It is recommended to disconnect all motors for additional safety, however, the system is designed to not arm during the calibration.
-Click Next to continue
- Lower the Throttle stick all the way down as shown in diagram.
-Reset all transmitter trims to center.
-Please ensure all motor power is disconnected AND all props are removed from the vehicle.
-Click Next to continue
- Move the Throttle stick all the way up and hold it there...
- Move the Throttle stick all the way down and leave it there...
- Move the Yaw stick all the way to the left and hold it there...
- Move the Yaw stick all the way to the right and hold it there...
- Move the Roll stick all the way to the left and hold it there...
- Move the Roll stick all the way to the right and hold it there...
- Move the Pitch stick all the way down and hold it there...
- Move the Pitch stick all the way up and hold it there...
- Allow the Pitch stick to move back to center...
- Move all the transmitter switches and/or dials back and forth to their extreme positions.
- All settings have been captured. Click Next to write the new parameters to your board.
- Center the Throttle stick as shown in diagram.
-Reset all transmitter trims to center.
-Please ensure all motor power is disconnected from the vehicle.
-Click Next to continue
- Next
- Calibrate
- The current calibration settings are now displayed for each channel on screen.
-Click the Next button to upload calibration to board. Click Cancel if you don't want to save these values.
- RallyPointController
- Rally: %1
- Rally Points supports version %1
- RallyPointEditorHeader
- Rally Points
- Rally Points provide alternate landing points when performing a Return to Launch (RTL).
- Click in the map to add new rally points.
- This vehicle does not support Rally Points.
- RallyPointItemEditor
- Rally Point
- Delete
+ File does not contain a polygon.
- RallyPointMapVisuals
- R
- rally point map item label
+ Only single part polygons are supported.
- SHPFileHelper
- SHP file load failed. %1
- UTM projection is not in supported format. Must be PROJCS["WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_##N/S
- Only WGS84 or UTM projections are supported.
- PRJ file open failed: %1
- File not found: %1
+ SafetyComponent
- File is not a .shp file: %1
+ Low Battery Failsafe Trigger
- SHPOpen failed.
+ Failsafe Action:
- More than one entity found.
+ Battery Warn Level:
- No supported types found.
+ Battery Failsafe Level:
- File does not contain a polygon.
+ Battery Emergency Level:
- Only single part polygons are supported.
+ Object Detection
- SafetyComponent
- Low Battery Failsafe Trigger
+ Collision Prevention:
- Failsafe Action:
+ Disabled
- Battery Warn Level:
+ Enabled
- Battery Failsafe Level:
+ Obstacle Avoidance:
- Battery Emergency Level:
+ Minimum Distance: (
+ RC Loss Failsafe Trigger
+ RC Loss Timeout:
+ Data Link Loss Failsafe Trigger
+ Data Link Loss Timeout:
+ Geofence Failsafe Trigger
+ Action on breach:
+ Max Radius:
+ Max Altitude:
- Return Home Settings
+ Return To Launch Settings
- Climb to altitude of:
+ Return to launch, then:
- Return home, then:
+ Telemetry logging to vehicle storage:
+ Climb to altitude of:
+ Land immediately
+ Loiter and do not land
+ Loiter and land after specified time
+ Loiter Time
+ Loiter Altitude
+ Land Mode Settings
+ Landing Descent Rate:
+ Disarm After:
+ Vehicle Telemetry Logging
- Enable telemetry logging to vehicle storage
+ Hardware in the Loop Simulation
+ HITL Enabled:
@@ -13348,11 +14290,6 @@ Click the Next button to upload calibration to board. Click Cancel if you don&ap
- Safety Setup is used to setup triggers for Return to Land as well as the settings for Return to Land itself.
- SafetyComponentSummary
@@ -13831,7 +14768,7 @@ Click Ok to start calibration.
+ Serial Link Settings
@@ -13940,7 +14877,7 @@ Click Ok to start calibration.
+ Advanced
@@ -13963,57 +14900,57 @@ Click Ok to start calibration.
+ %1 setup must be completed prior to %2 setup.
+ %1 does not currently support setup of your vehicle type.
+ Vehicle settings and info will display after connecting your vehicle.
+ You are currently connected to a vehicle but it did not return the full parameter list.
+ As a result, the full set of vehicle setup options are not available.
+ Vehicle Setup
+ Summary
+ Firmware
+ PX4Flow
+ Joystick
+ Parameters
@@ -14021,27 +14958,27 @@ Click Ok to start calibration.
+ Shape file load failed. %1
+ Unsupported file type. Only .%1 and .%2 are supported.
+ Polyline not support from SHP files.
+ KML Files (*.%1)
+ KML/SHP Files (*.%1 *.%2)
@@ -14050,7 +14987,7 @@ Click Ok to start calibration.
- Altitude relative to home altitude
+ Altitude relative to launch altitude
@@ -14086,7 +15023,7 @@ Actual AMSL altitude: %1 %2
+ Terrain Frame
@@ -14101,203 +15038,336 @@ Actual AMSL altitude: %1 %2
- Altitude Relative To Home
+ Move '%1' Takeoff to the %2 location.
- Altitude Above Mean Sea Level
+ V
- Altitude Above Terrain
+ T
- Flight Speed
+ desired
- SimpleMissionItem
- Unknown: %1
+ climbout
- H
+ Ensure clear of obstacles and into the wind.
- Takeoff
+ Done
- Land
+ Click in map to set planned Takeoff location.
- VTOL Takeoff
+ Click in map to set planned Launch location.
- VTOL Land
+ Altitude below specifies the approximate altitude of the ground. Normally 0 for landing back at original launch location.
+ Altitude Relative To Launch
- StructureScanComplexItem
- %1 does not support loading this complex mission item type: %2:%3
+ Altitude Above Mean Sea Level
- %1 version %2 not supported
+ Altitude Above Terrain
- Structure Scan
+ Flight Speed
- StructureScanEditor
+ SimpleMissionItem
- Note: Polygon respresents structure surface not vehicle flight path.
+ Unknown: %1
- WARNING: Photo interval is below minimum interval (%1 secs) supported by camera.
+ L
+ Takeoff
+ Land
+ VTOL Takeoff
+ VTOL Land
+ StructureScanComplexItem
+ %1 does not support loading this complex mission item type: %2:%3
+ %1 version %2 not supported
+ Structure Scan
+ StructureScanEditor
+ Use the Polygon Tools to create the polygon which outlines the structure.
+ Grid
+ Camera
+ Note: Polygon respresents structure surface not vehicle flight path.
+ WARNING: Photo interval is below minimum interval (%1 secs) supported by camera.
+ Scan Distance
+ Layer Height
+ Trigger Distance
+ Scan
+ Start Scan From Bottom
+ Start Scan From Top
+ Structure Height
+ Scan Bottom Alt
+ Entrance/Exit Alt
+ Gimbal Pitch
+ Rotate entry point
+ Statistics
+ Layers
+ Top Layer Alt
+ Bottom Layer Alt
+ Photo Count
+ Photo Interval
+ secs
+ SubChecklist
+ Submarine Initial checks
+ Hardware
+ All seals in place?
+ Please arm the vehicle here
+ Actuators
+ Move all control surfaces. Did they work properly?
+ Motors
+ Propellers free? Then throttle up gently. Working properly?
+ Mission
+ Please confirm mission is valid (waypoints valid, no terrain collision).
+ Last preparations before launch
+ Payload
+ Configured and started? Payload lid closed?
+ Survey items do not support version %1
+ %1 does not support loading this complex mission item type: %2:%3
+ %1 but %2 object is missing
@@ -14316,171 +15386,169 @@ Actual AMSL altitude: %1 %2
+ WARNING: Photo interval is below minimum interval (%1 secs) supported by camera.
+ Presets
- Save Preset
- Delete Preset
+ Done
- This preset cannot be deleted.
+ Use the Polygon Tools to create the polygon which outlines your survey area.
- Custom (specify all settings)
+ Grid
- Save Settings As Preset
+ Camera
- Delete Current Preset
+ Save Preset
- Presets:
+ Delete Preset
+ Altitude
+ Trigger Dist
+ Spacing
+ Transects
+ Angle
+ Turnaround dist
+ Rotate Entry Point
+ Hover and capture image
+ Refly at 90 deg offset
+ Images in turnarounds
+ Fly alternate transects
+ Relative altitude
+ Terrain
+ Vehicle follows terrain
+ Tolerance
+ Max Climb Rate
+ Max Descent Rate
+ Statistics
- Save the current settings as a named preset.
+ Apply Preset
- Preset Name
+ Are you sure you want to delete '%1' preset?
- Save Camera In Preset
+ Save Settings As New Preset
- SurveyMissionItem
- %1 does not support this version of survey items
+ Save the current settings as a named preset.
- %1 does not support loading this complex mission item type: %2:%3
+ Preset Name
- %1 but %2 object is missing
+ Select Polygon File
@@ -14528,18 +15596,18 @@ Actual AMSL altitude: %1 %2
+ Link Error
+ Error on link %1. Connection failed
+ Error on link %1. Error on socket: %2.
@@ -14767,6 +15835,14 @@ Confirm change?
+ TakeoffItemMapVisual
+ Launch
@@ -14781,628 +15857,931 @@ Confirm change?
- TelemetryRSSIIndicator
+ TelemetryRSSIIndicator
+ Telemetry RSSI Status
+ Local RSSI:
+ Remote RSSI:
+ RX Errors:
+ Errors Fixed:
+ TX Buffer:
+ Local Noise:
+ Remote Noise:
+ TerrainProgress
+ Terrain Load Progress
+ Done
+ TerrainStatus
+ Height AMSL (%1)
+ ToolBarBase
+ Advanced Mode
+ Downloading Parameters
+ Click anywhere to hide
+ Waiting For Vehicle Connection
+ Disconnect
+ TransectStyleComplexItem
+ TransectStyleComplexItem version %2 not supported
+ INTERNAL ERROR: TransectStyleComplexItem::_adjustTransectPointsForTerrain called when terrain data not ready. Plan will be incorrect.
+ Transect
+ T
+ TransectStyleComplexItemStats
+ Survey Area
+ Photo Count
+ Photo Interval
+ secs
+ Trigger Distance
+ Unitialized, booting up.
+ Booting system, please wait.
+ Calibrating sensors, please wait.
+ Active, normal operation.
+ Standby mode, ready for launch.
+ FAILURE: Continuing operation.
+ EMERGENCY: Land Immediately!
+ Powering off system.
+ Unknown system state
+ UASMessageHandler
+ Critical:
+ Error:
+ Warning:
+ Notice:
+ Info:
+ Debug:
+ UDPConfiguration
+ UDP Link Settings
+ UDPLink
- Telemetry RSSI Status
+ UDP Link Error
- Local RSSI:
+ Error binding UDP port: %1
- Remote RSSI:
+ Error registering Zeroconf
+ ULogParser
- RX Errors:
+ Could not detect ULog file header magic
- Errors Fixed:
+ Could not detect camera_capture packets in ULog
+ UdpSettings
- TX Buffer:
+ Listening Port:
- Local Noise:
+ Target Hosts:
- Remote Noise:
+ Add
+ Remove
- TransectStyleComplexItem
+ UnitsFirstRunPrompt
- TransectStyleComplexItem version %2 not supported
+ Measurement Units
- INTERNAL ERROR: TransectStyleComplexItem::_adjustTransectPointsForTerrain called when terrain data not ready. Plan will be incorrect.
+ Horizontal Distance
- Transect
+ Vertical Distance
- T
+ Area
- TransectStyleComplexItemStats
- Survey Area
+ Speed
- Photo Count
+ Temperature
- Photo Interval
+ Choose the measurement units you want to use. You can also change it later in General Settings.
- secs
+ System of units
- Trigger Distance
+ Metric System
+ Imperial System
+ VTOLChecklist
+ VTOL Initial Checks
- Unitialized, booting up.
+ Hardware
+ Props mounted? Wings secured? Tail secured?
- Booting system, please wait.
+ Please arm the vehicle here
+ Actuators
- Calibrating sensors, please wait.
+ Move all control surfaces. Did they work properly?
+ Motors
- Active, normal operation.
+ Propellers free? Then throttle up gently. Working properly?
+ Mission
- Standby mode, ready for launch.
+ Please confirm mission is valid (waypoints valid, no terrain collision).
+ Last preparations before launch
- FAILURE: Continuing operation.
+ Payload
+ Configured and started? Payload lid closed?
- EMERGENCY: Land Immediately!
+ OK for your platform? Lauching into the wind?
+ Flight area
- Powering off system.
+ Launch area and path free of obstacles/people?
+ VTOLLandingComplexItem
+ %1 does not support loading this complex mission item type: %2:%3
- Unknown system state
+ %1 complex item version %2 not supported
- UASMessageHandler
+ VTOLLandingPatternEditor
+ Set to vehicle heading
- Critical:
+ Set to vehicle location
- Error:
+ Loiter point
- Warning:
+ Altitude
- Notice:
+ Radius
- Info:
+ Loiter clockwise
- Debug:
+ Landing point
- UDPConfiguration
- UDP Link Settings
+ Heading
- UDPLink
- UDP Link Error
+ Landing Dist
- Error binding UDP port: %1
+ Altitudes relative to launch
- Error registering Zeroconf
+ Camera
- ULogParser
- Could not detect ULog file header magic
+ * Actual flight path will vary.
- Could not detect camera_capture packets in ULog
+ * Avoid tailwind from loiter to land.
- UdpSettings
- Listening Port:
+ Click in map to set landing point.
- Target Hosts:
+ - or -
- Add
+ Drag the loiter point to adjust landing direction for wind and obstacles as well as distance to land point.
- Remove
+ Done
- VTOLModeIndicator
+ VTOLLandingPatternMapVisual
- VTOL: Fixed Wing
+ Loiter
- VTOL: Multi-Rotor
+ Land
- ValuePageWidget
+ VTOLModeIndicator
- Value Widget Setup
- Select the values you want to display:
- Large
+ VTOL: Fixed Wing
+ VTOL: Multi-RotorVehicle
+ MAVLink Generic
+ Fixed Wing
+ Multi-Rotor
+ Rover
+ Sub
+ Unknown
+ ...
+ Indicates missing chunk from chunked STATUS_TEXT
+ %1 low battery: %2 percent remaining
+ switch to %2 as priority link
- Mission transfer failed. Retry transfer. Error: %1
+ Mission transfer failed. Error: %1
- GeoFence transfer failed. Retry transfer. Error: %1
+ GeoFence transfer failed. Error: %1
- Rally Point transfer failed. Retry transfer. Error: %1
+ Rally Point transfer failed. Error: %1
+ AutoLoad%1.%2
+ %1 communication to auxiliary link %2 %3
+ Communication regained
+ Communication regained to vehicle %1 on %2 link %3
+ priority
+ auxiliary
+ Communication regained to vehicle %1
+ Communication lost
+ Communication lost to vehicle %1 on %2 link %3
+ Communication lost to vehicle %1
+ to vehicle %1
+ Generic micro air vehicle
+ Fixed wing aircraft
+ Quadrotor
+ Coaxial helicopter
+ Normal helicopter with tail rotor.
+ Ground installation
+ Operator control unit / ground control station
+ Airship, controlled
+ Free balloon, uncontrolled
+ Rocket
+ Ground rover
+ Surface vessel, boat, ship
+ Submarine
+ Hexarotor
+ Octorotor
+ Flapping wing
+ Onboard companion controller
+ Two-rotor VTOL using control surfaces in vertical operation in addition. Tailsitter
+ Quad-rotor VTOL using a V-shaped quad config in vertical operation. Tailsitter
+ Tiltrotor VTOL
+ VTOL reserved 2
+ VTOL reserved 3
+ VTOL reserved 4
+ VTOL reserved 5
+ Onboard gimbal
+ Onboard ADSB peripheral
+ vehicle %1
+ %1 %2 flight mode
+ armed
+ disarmed
+ Vehicle did not respond to command: %1
+ Bootloader flash succeeded
+ %1 command temporarily rejected
+ %1 command denied
+ %1 command not supported
+ %1 command failed
@@ -15446,6 +16825,34 @@ Confirm change?
+ VehicleWarnings
+ No GPS Lock for Vehicle
+ The vehicle has failed a pre-arm check. In order to arm the vehicle, resolve the failure.
+ VerticalFactValueGrid
+ +
+ -
@@ -15480,110 +16887,71 @@ Confirm change?
- VideoPageWidget
- Enable Stream
- Grid Lines
- Video Screen Fit
- Stop Recording
- Record Stream
+ VideoManager
- Video Streaming Not Configured
+ Video receiver is not ready.
- VideoReceiver
+ Invalid video format defined.
+ Unabled to record video. Video save path must be specified in Settings.
- ViewWidget
- missing connected implementation
- no vehicle connected
- linechart
+ VideoPageWidget
- Form
+ Grid Lines
- Filter... (Ctrl+F)
+ Enable
- All MAVs
+ Video Fit
- Display only variable names in curve list
+ File Name
- Short names
+ Stop Recording
- Display variable units in curve list
+ Record Stream
- Show units
+ Video Streaming Not Configured
+ ViewWidget
- Rotate color scheme for all curves
+ missing connected implementation
- Recolor
+ no vehicle connected