Commit cb864ff3 authored by Valentin Platzgummer's avatar Valentin Platzgummer

wimaDok edited

parent c14cd70f
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\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {3.3}Brief Summary}{5}{subsection.3.3}}
\newlabel{sec:brief}{{3.3}{5}{Brief Summary}{subsection.3.3}{}}
\newlabel{fig:flightViewToolStrip}{{3a}{6}{Flight view tool strip. Used to command the vehicle.\relax }{figure.caption.4}{}}
\newlabel{sub@fig:flightViewToolStrip}{{a}{6}{Flight view tool strip. Used to command the vehicle.\relax }{figure.caption.4}{}}
\newlabel{fig:QGCMainButtonExplain}{{3b}{6}{Detail view of the QGC window, which appears after start-up. Marked in red is the button for switching to plan view, green indicates the flight view button, and marked in magenta is the button for switching to the \wima plan view.\relax }{figure.caption.4}{}}
\newlabel{fig:QGCMainButtonExplain}{{3b}{6}{Detail view of the QGC main window, which appears after start-up. Marked in red is the button for switching to plan view, green indicates the flight view button, and marked in magenta is the button for switching to the \wima plan view.\relax }{figure.caption.4}{}}
\newlabel{sub@fig:QGCMainButtonExplain}{{b}{6}{Detail view of the QGC window, which appears after start-up. Marked in red is the button for switching to plan view, green indicates the flight view button, and marked in magenta is the button for switching to the \wima plan view.\relax }{figure.caption.4}{}}
\newlabel{sub@fig:QGCMainButtonExplain}{{b}{6}{Detail view of the QGC main window, which appears after start-up. Marked in red is the button for switching to plan view, green indicates the flight view button, and marked in magenta is the button for switching to the \wima plan view.\relax }{figure.caption.4}{}}
\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {3}{\ignorespaces Flight view tool strip and view switching.\relax }}{6}{figure.caption.4}}
\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {4}{\ignorespaces Flight view top indicator strip. Show's data about a connected vehicle. Among others satellite count, telemetry quality, battery level etc.\xspace are displayed.\relax }}{6}{figure.caption.5}}
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\subtitle{WiMA-Extension, Version 0.1}
\title{User Guide}
\author{Valentin Platzgummer}
%\author{Valentin Platzgummer}
......@@ -41,17 +41,17 @@ The purpose of this document is to introduce the user to \wima (\textbf{Wi}reles
The current goal of the \wima is to provide software able to generate flight plans form minimal user input. This guide contains information about how to use \wima.
\subsection{How to use this Guide}
The guide is structured into short sections describing a specific problem. Most likely your question can be answered by reading only a few of those section. Try to find your problem in the table of contents before reading the entire guide. Additionally it is advised to read \cref{sec:warnings} and \cref{sec:hints}.
The guide is structured into short sections describing specific problems. Most likely your question can be answered by reading only a few of those section. Try to find your problem in the table of contents before reading the entire guide. Additionally it is advised to read \cref{sec:warnings}, \cref{sec:hints}, and \cref{sec:brief}.
\section{System Description}
\subsection{Key Features}
The extension can generate flight plans based on minimal user input. This is done by defining different areas on a world map. Additionally \wima offers to partition generated flight plans, which gives more flexibility. Partitioning makes it possibly to execute a subset of a flight plan, which makes it less tedious to cover large areas. As a security feature \wima offers a smart return to launch routine. Most return to launch implementations choose the direct path for return, which can be blocked. \wima can automatically calculate a save return path, based on user defined save areas. \wima also offers fast adaption of flight altitude and speed.
The extension can generate flight plans based on minimal user input. This is done by defining different areas on a world map. Additionally \wima offers to partition generated flight plans, which gives more flexibility. Partitioning makes it possibly to execute a subset of a flight plan, which makes it less tedious to cover large areas. As a security feature \wima offers a smart return to launch routine. Most return to launch implementations choose the direct path for return, which can be blocked. \wima can automatically calculate a save return path, based on user defined save area. \wima also offers fast adaption of flight altitude and speed.
The source code can be cloned from the git repository \gitrepourl. The root directory of the project contains the folder "deploy" inside which a \verb|.AppImage| of the program can be found. Under Linux \qgc can be launched from console or by double-clicking the \verb|.AppImage|. It is also possible to build versions for Microsoft Windows, Android or Mac. For this purpose refer to the \qgc documentation under \qgcdocurl.
The source code can be cloned from the git repository \gitrepourl. The root directory of the project contains the folder "deploy" inside which a \verb|.AppImage| of the program can be found. Under GNU/Linux \qgc can be launched from console or by double-clicking the \verb|.AppImage|. It is also possible to build versions for Microsoft Windows, Android or Mac. For this purpose refer to the \qgc documentation under \qgcdocurl.
\section{Menus and Instructions}
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ Warnings in \qgc are displayed inside yellow boxes at the top of the window (see
Very often it is not necessary to use this guide, as \qgc gives many hints on how to use it. E. g. input boxes have a hint sign (\verb|?|), see \cref{fig:hints}
\qgc gives many hints on how to use it. E. g. input boxes have a hint sign (\verb|?|), see \cref{fig:hints}
......@@ -85,13 +85,14 @@ Very often it is not necessary to use this guide, as \qgc gives many hints on ho
\subsection{Brief Summary}
Figure \cref{fig:QGCMainButtonExplain} shows a detail view of the QGC main window. Relevant for this documentation are the flight view, the plan view and the \wima view. Their function will now be briefly summarized.
The \textbf{plan view} is used to create flight plans and is part of standard \qgc. Flight plans can be stored as \verb|.plan| files or directly be uploaded to a vehicle (either a real one or a simulated one). Flight plans consist of way-points. Each way-point stores, among others, a coordinate (latitude, longitude, altitude) and a command (take off, land, wait for x seconds, \etc). To define a sensible flight plan a sequence of way-points should begin with a take off command and end with a land command. Besides way-points more complex patterns can be defined, which is done by inserting a Survey, a Circular Survey, a Structure Scan or a Corridor Scan.
The \textbf{plan view} is used to create flight plans and is part of standard \qgc. Flight plans can be stored as \verb|.plan| files or directly be uploaded to a vehicle (either a real one or to a simulator). Flight plans consist of way-points. Each way-point stores, among others, a coordinate (latitude, longitude, altitude) and a command (take off, land, wait for x seconds, \etc). To define a sensible flight plan a sequence of way-points should begin with a take off command and end with a land command. Besides way-points more complex patterns can be defined, which is done by inserting a Survey, a Circular Survey, a Structure Scan or a Corridor Scan.
The \textbf{flight view} comes in necessary as soon as you want a vehicle to get in action. Once the vehicle established a connection (serial, TCP, UDP, \etc), \qgc starts to communicate automatically with it, in most cases. If not, check the settings menu of \qgc. A connected vehicle will appear as a red arrow on the map, showing the vehicles position and orientation. On the top indicator strip (\cref{fig:flightViewTopIndicatorStrip}), telemetry data will be published. At the left edge a tool strip (\cref{fig:flightViewToolStrip}) will be activated, which can be used to command the vehicle.
The \textbf{\wima view} is used to generate flight paths from minimal user input. The user can define a Measurement Area, a Service Area (for take off, land, supply tasks, etc.) and a Corridor, which connects the other two areas. Further the \wima view and flight view will be described.
The \textbf{\wima view} is used to generate flight paths from minimal user input. The user can define a Measurement Area, a Service Area (for take off, land, supply tasks, etc.) and a Corridor, which connects the other two areas. Further the \wima plan view and flight view will be described.
......@@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ The \textbf{\wima view} is used to generate flight paths from minimal user input
\caption{Detail view of the QGC window, which appears after start-up. Marked in red is the button for switching to plan view, green indicates the flight view button, and marked in magenta is the button for switching to the \wima plan view.}
\caption{Detail view of the QGC main window, which appears after start-up. Marked in red is the button for switching to plan view, green indicates the flight view button, and marked in magenta is the button for switching to the \wima plan view.}
\caption{Flight view tool strip and view switching.}
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