Commit c2ccfda0 authored by Gus Grubba's avatar Gus Grubba

Allow plugin control of map scale visibility

parent b413f7f9
......@@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ FlightMap {
anchors.topMargin: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * (0.33) + state === "bottomMode" ? 0 : ScreenTools.toolbarHeight
anchors.bottomMargin: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * (0.33)
mapControl: flightMap
visible: !ScreenTools.isTinyScreen
visible: !ScreenTools.isTinyScreen && QGroundControl.corePlugin.options.enableMapScale
state: "bottomMode"
states: [
State {
......@@ -110,70 +110,69 @@ Item {
function calculateScale() {
var scaleLinePixelLength = 100
var leftCoord = mapControl.toCoordinate(Qt.point(0, scale.y), false /* clipToViewPort */)
var rightCoord = mapControl.toCoordinate(Qt.point(scaleLinePixelLength, scale.y), false /* clipToViewPort */)
var scaleLineMeters = Math.round(leftCoord.distanceTo(rightCoord))
if (QGroundControl.settingsManager.unitsSettings.distanceUnits.value === UnitsSettings.DistanceUnitsFeet) {
calculateFeetRatio(scaleLineMeters, scaleLinePixelLength)
} else {
calculateMetersRatio(scaleLineMeters, scaleLinePixelLength)
if(mapControl) {
var scaleLinePixelLength = 100
var leftCoord = mapControl.toCoordinate(Qt.point(0, scale.y), false /* clipToViewPort */)
var rightCoord = mapControl.toCoordinate(Qt.point(scaleLinePixelLength, scale.y), false /* clipToViewPort */)
var scaleLineMeters = Math.round(leftCoord.distanceTo(rightCoord))
if (QGroundControl.settingsManager.unitsSettings.distanceUnits.value === UnitsSettings.DistanceUnitsFeet) {
calculateFeetRatio(scaleLineMeters, scaleLinePixelLength)
} else {
calculateMetersRatio(scaleLineMeters, scaleLinePixelLength)
Connections {
target: mapControl
onWidthChanged: scaleTimer.restart()
onHeightChanged: scaleTimer.restart()
target: mapControl
onWidthChanged: scaleTimer.restart()
onHeightChanged: scaleTimer.restart()
onZoomLevelChanged: scaleTimer.restart()
Timer {
id: scaleTimer
interval: 100
running: false
repeat: false
onTriggered: calculateScale()
id: scaleTimer
interval: 100
running: false
repeat: false
onTriggered: calculateScale()
QGCMapLabel {
id: scaleText
map: mapControl ScreenTools.demiboldFontFamily
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
text: "0 m"
id: scaleText
map: mapControl ScreenTools.demiboldFontFamily
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
text: "0 m"
Rectangle {
id: leftEnd scaleText.bottom
anchors.left: parent.left
width: 2
height: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
color: _color
id: leftEnd scaleText.bottom
anchors.left: parent.left
width: 2
height: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
color: _color
Rectangle {
id: centerLine
id: centerLine
anchors.bottomMargin: 2
anchors.bottom: leftEnd.bottom
anchors.left: leftEnd.right
height: 2
color: _color
anchors.bottom: leftEnd.bottom
anchors.left: leftEnd.right
height: 2
color: _color
Rectangle {
id: rightEnd
anchors.left: centerLine.right
width: 2
height: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
color: _color
id: rightEnd
anchors.left: centerLine.right
width: 2
height: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
color: _color
Component.onCompleted: {
......@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ public:
Q_PROPERTY(bool checkFirmwareVersion READ checkFirmwareVersion CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(bool showMavlinkLogOptions READ showMavlinkLogOptions CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(bool enableMultiVehicleList READ enableMultiVehicleList CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(bool enableMapScale READ enableMapScale CONSTANT)
/// Should QGC hide its settings menu and colapse it into one single menu (Settings and Vehicle Setup)?
/// @return true if QGC should consolidate both menus into one.
......@@ -114,7 +115,8 @@ public:
virtual bool disableVehicleConnection () const { return false; } ///< true: vehicle connection is disabled
virtual bool checkFirmwareVersion () const { return true; }
virtual bool showMavlinkLogOptions () const { return true; }
virtual bool enableMultiVehicleList () const { return true; }
virtual bool enableMultiVehicleList () const { return true; }
virtual bool enableMapScale () const { return true; }
#if defined(__mobile__)
virtual bool useMobileFileDialog () const { return true;}
......@@ -228,6 +228,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#endif // QT_DEBUG
QGCApplication* app = new QGCApplication(argc, argv, runUnitTests);
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