Commit bd42dc42 authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne

Merge pull request #2168 from DonLakeFlyer/HeartbeatLogging

Start logging on heartbeat
parents d6288eeb ef6971a2
......@@ -198,13 +198,6 @@ void MAVLinkProtocol::_linkStatusChanged(LinkInterface* link, bool connected)
// Use the same shared pointer as LinkManager
#ifndef __mobile__
if (_connectedLinks.count() == 1) {
// This is the first link, we need to start logging
// Send command to start MAVLink
// XXX hacky but safe
// Start NSH
......@@ -364,6 +357,11 @@ void MAVLinkProtocol::receiveBytes(LinkInterface* link, QByteArray b)
if (message.msgid == MAVLINK_MSG_ID_HEARTBEAT) {
#ifndef __mobile__
// Start loggin on first heartbeat
// Notify the vehicle manager of the heartbeat. This will create/update vehicles as needed.
mavlink_heartbeat_t heartbeat;
mavlink_msg_heartbeat_decode(&message, &heartbeat);
......@@ -657,20 +655,20 @@ bool MAVLinkProtocol::_closeLogFile(void)
void MAVLinkProtocol::_startLogging(void)
if (!_tempLogFile.isOpen()) {
if (!_logSuspendReplay) {
if (! {
emit protocolStatusMessage(tr("MAVLink Protocol"), tr("Opening Flight Data file for writing failed. "
"Unable to write to %1. Please choose a different file location.").arg(_tempLogFile.fileName()));
_logSuspendError = true;
qDebug() << "Temp log" << _tempLogFile.fileName();
if (!_logSuspendReplay) {
if (! {
emit protocolStatusMessage(tr("MAVLink Protocol"), tr("Opening Flight Data file for writing failed. "
"Unable to write to %1. Please choose a different file location.").arg(_tempLogFile.fileName()));
_logSuspendError = true;
_logSuspendError = false;
qDebug() << "Temp log" << _tempLogFile.fileName();
_logSuspendError = false;
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