Commit bcade365 authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne

Rover radio cal fixes

Throttle trim must be center throttle
parent 269ce521
......@@ -206,11 +206,20 @@ void RadioComponentController::_advanceState(void)
/// @brief Sets up the state machine according to the current step from _currentStep.
void RadioComponentController::_setupCurrentState(void)
static const char* msgBeginAPMRover = "Center the Throttle stick as shown in diagram.\nReset all transmitter trims to center.\n\n"
"Please ensure all motor power is disconnected from the vehicle.\n\n"
"Click Next to continue";
const stateMachineEntry* state = _getStateMachineEntry(_currentStep);
_statusText->setProperty("text", state->instructions);
const char* instructions = state->instructions;
const char* helpImage = state->image;
if (_vehicle->rover() && _currentStep == 0) {
// Hack in center throttle start for Rover. This is to set the correct centered trim for throttle.
instructions = msgBeginAPMRover;
helpImage = _imageCenter;
_statusText->setProperty("text", instructions);
_stickDetectChannel = _chanMax();
_stickDetectSettleStarted = false;
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