Commit b98f08d7 authored by Beat Küng's avatar Beat Küng

AirMapManager: handle multi_polygon

parent 44a05ab6
......@@ -162,36 +162,21 @@ void AirMapRestrictionManager::setROI(const QGeoCoordinate& center, double radiu
if (result) {
const std::vector<Airspace>& airspaces = result.value();
qCDebug(AirMapManagerLog)<<"Successful search: " << airspaces.size();
qCDebug(AirMapManagerLog)<<"Successful search. Items:" << airspaces.size();
for (const auto& airspace : airspaces) {
const Geometry& geometry = airspace.geometry();
switch(geometry.type()) {
case Geometry::Type::polygon: {
const Geometry::Polygon& polygon = geometry.details_for_polygon();
QVariantList polygonArray;
if (polygon.size() == 1) {
for (const auto& vertex : polygon[0].coordinates) {
QGeoCoordinate coord;
if (vertex.altitude) {
coord = QGeoCoordinate(vertex.latitude, vertex.longitude, vertex.altitude.get());
} else {
coord = QGeoCoordinate(vertex.latitude, vertex.longitude);
_polygonList.append(new PolygonAirspaceRestriction(polygonArray));
} else {
// TODO: support that?
qWarning() << "Empty polygon, or Polygon with holes. Size: "<<polygon.size();
_addPolygonToList(polygon, _polygonList);
case Geometry::Type::multi_polygon: {
const Geometry::MultiPolygon& multiPolygon = geometry.details_for_multi_polygon();
qWarning() << "multi polygon "<<multiPolygon.size();
for (const auto& polygon : multiPolygon) {
_addPolygonToList(polygon, _polygonList);
case Geometry::Type::point: {
......@@ -220,6 +205,27 @@ void AirMapRestrictionManager::setROI(const QGeoCoordinate& center, double radiu
void AirMapRestrictionManager::_addPolygonToList(const airmap::Geometry::Polygon& polygon, QList<PolygonAirspaceRestriction*>& list)
QVariantList polygonArray;
if (polygon.size() == 1) {
for (const auto& vertex : polygon[0].coordinates) {
QGeoCoordinate coord;
if (vertex.altitude) {
coord = QGeoCoordinate(vertex.latitude, vertex.longitude, vertex.altitude.get());
} else {
coord = QGeoCoordinate(vertex.latitude, vertex.longitude);
list.append(new PolygonAirspaceRestriction(polygonArray));
} else {
// TODO: support that?
qWarning() << "Empty polygon, or Polygon with holes. Size: "<<polygon.size();
AirMapFlightManager::AirMapFlightManager(AirMapSharedState& shared)
: _shared(shared)
......@@ -109,6 +109,8 @@ signals:
static void _addPolygonToList(const airmap::Geometry::Polygon& polygon, QList<PolygonAirspaceRestriction*>& list);
enum class State {
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