Commit b7452c85 authored by pixhawk's avatar pixhawk

Added support for IR/Ultrasound and waypoints in HSI

parent 398361d3
......@@ -340,6 +340,11 @@ signals:
* @param fix 0: lost, 1: 2D local position hold, 2: 2D localization, 3: 3D localization
void visionLocalizationChanged(UASInterface* uas, int fix);
* @brief IR/U localization quality changed
* @param fix 0: No IR/Ultrasound sensor, N > 0: Found N active sensors
void irUltraSoundLocalizationChanged(UASInterface* uas, int fix);
Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE(UASInterface, "org.qgroundcontrol/1.0");
......@@ -145,6 +145,7 @@ void HSIDisplay::paintDisplay()
drawPositionLock(2, 5, tr("POS"), positionFix, painter);
drawPositionLock(22, 5, tr("VIS"), visionFix, painter);
drawPositionLock(44, 5, tr("GPS"), gpsFix, painter);
drawPositionLock(66, 5, tr("IRU"), iruFix, painter);
// Draw base instrument
......@@ -422,6 +423,7 @@ void HSIDisplay::setActiveUAS(UASInterface* uas)
connect(uas, SIGNAL(localizationChanged(UASInterface*,int)), this, SLOT(updateLocalization(UASInterface*,int)));
connect(uas, SIGNAL(visionLocalizationChanged(UASInterface*,int)), this, SLOT(updateVisionLocalization(UASInterface*,int)));
connect(uas, SIGNAL(gpsLocalizationChanged(UASInterface*,int)), this, SLOT(updateGpsLocalization(UASInterface*,int)));
connect(uas, SIGNAL(irUltraSoundLocalizationChanged(UASInterface*,int)), this, SLOT(updateInfraredUltrasoundLocalization(UASInterface*,int)));
// Now connect the new UAS
......@@ -569,6 +571,15 @@ void HSIDisplay::updateVisionLocalization(UASInterface* uas, int fix)
visionFix = fix;
* @param fix 0: lost, 1-N: Localized with N ultrasound or infrared sensors
void HSIDisplay::updateInfraredUltrasoundLocalization(UASInterface* uas, int fix)
iruFix = fix;
QColor HSIDisplay::getColorForSNR(float snr)
QColor color;
......@@ -615,6 +626,29 @@ void HSIDisplay::drawSetpointXY(float x, float y, float yaw, const QColor &color
drawCircle(p.x(), p.y(), radius * 0.1f, 0.1f, color, &painter);
void HSIDisplay::drawWaypoints(QPainter& painter)
QColor color = uas->getColor();
float x = 1.1;
float y = 1.1;
float radius = vwidth / 20.0f;
QPen pen(color);
QPointF in(x, y);
// Transform from body to world coordinates
in = metricWorldToBody(in);
// Scale from metric to screen reference coordinates
QPointF p = metricBodyToRef(in);
drawCircle(p.x(), p.y(), radius, 0.4f, color, &painter);
radius *= 0.8;
drawLine(p.x(), p.y(), p.x()+sin(yaw) * radius, p.y()-cos(yaw) * radius, refLineWidthToPen(0.4f), color, &painter);
drawCircle(p.x(), p.y(), radius * 0.1f, 0.1f, color, &painter);
void HSIDisplay::drawSafetyArea(const QPointF &topLeft, const QPointF &bottomRight, const QColor &color, QPainter &painter)
QPen pen(color);
......@@ -65,22 +65,16 @@ public slots:
/** @brief Heading control enabled/disabled */
void updatePositionYawControllerEnabled(bool enabled);
* @brief Localization quality changed
* @param fix 0: lost, 1: 2D local position hold, 2: 2D localization, 3: 3D localization
/** @brief Localization quality changed */
void updateLocalization(UASInterface* uas, int localization);
* @brief GPS localization quality changed
* @param fix 0: lost, 1: at least one satellite, but no GPS fix, 2: 2D localization, 3: 3D localization
/** @brief GPS localization quality changed */
void updateGpsLocalization(UASInterface* uas, int localization);
* @brief Vision localization quality changed
* @param fix 0: lost, 1: 2D local position hold, 2: 2D localization, 3: 3D localization
/** @brief Vision localization quality changed */
void updateVisionLocalization(UASInterface* uas, int localization);
/** @brief Ultrasound/Infrared localization changed */
void updateInfraredUltrasoundLocalization(UASInterface* uas, int fix);
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent * event);
/** @brief Update state from joystick */
void updateJoystick(double roll, double pitch, double yaw, double thrust, int xHat, int yHat);
......@@ -101,6 +95,8 @@ protected slots:
void sendBodySetPointCoordinates();
/** @brief Draw one setpoint */
void drawSetpointXY(float x, float y, float yaw, const QColor &color, QPainter &painter);
/** @brief Draw waypoints of this system */
void drawWaypoints(QPainter& painter);
/** @brief Draw the limiting safety area */
void drawSafetyArea(const QPointF &topLeft, const QPointF &bottomRight, const QColor &color, QPainter &painter);
......@@ -208,18 +204,19 @@ protected:
float metricWidth; ///< Width the instrument represents in meters (the width of the ground shown by the widget)
float xCenterPos;
float yCenterPos;
float xCenterPos; ///< X center of instrument in virtual coordinates
float yCenterPos; ///< Y center of instrument in virtual coordinates
bool positionLock;
bool attControlEnabled;
bool xyControlEnabled;
bool zControlEnabled;
bool yawControlEnabled;
int positionFix;
int gpsFix;
int visionFix;
int laserFix;
bool attControlEnabled; ///< Attitude control enabled
bool xyControlEnabled; ///< Horizontal control enabled
bool zControlEnabled; ///< Vertical control enabled
bool yawControlEnabled; ///< Yaw angle position control enabled
int positionFix; ///< Total dimensions the MAV is localizaed in
int gpsFix; ///< Localization dimensions based on GPS
int visionFix; ///< Localizaiton dimensions based on computer vision
int laserFix; ///< Localization dimensions based on laser
int iruFix; ///< Localization dimensions based on ultrasound
bool mavInitialized; ///< The MAV is initialized once the setpoint has been received
float bottomMargin; ///< Margin on the bottom of the page, in virtual coordinates
float topMargin; ///< Margin on top of the page, in virtual coordinates
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