Commit b2e9e134 authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne

Merge pull request #2441 from DonLakeFlyer/APMCompassCal

APM Stack Compass Calibration
parents 9eb2f360 104a848e
......@@ -560,6 +560,7 @@ HEADERS+= \
src/AutoPilotPlugins/APM/APMAirframeComponent.h \
src/AutoPilotPlugins/APM/APMAirframeComponentController.h \
src/AutoPilotPlugins/APM/APMAirframeComponentAirframes.h \
src/AutoPilotPlugins/APM/APMCompassCal.h \
src/AutoPilotPlugins/APM/APMComponent.h \
src/AutoPilotPlugins/APM/APMFlightModesComponent.h \
src/AutoPilotPlugins/APM/APMFlightModesComponentController.h \
......@@ -613,6 +614,7 @@ SOURCES += \
src/AutoPilotPlugins/APM/ \
src/AutoPilotPlugins/APM/ \
src/AutoPilotPlugins/APM/ \
src/AutoPilotPlugins/APM/ \
src/AutoPilotPlugins/APM/ \
src/AutoPilotPlugins/APM/ \
src/AutoPilotPlugins/APM/ \
QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station
This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project
QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see <>.
#include "APMCompassCal.h"
#include "AutoPilotPlugin.h"
const float CalWorkerThread::mag_sphere_radius = 0.2f;
const unsigned int CalWorkerThread::calibration_sides = 6;
const unsigned int CalWorkerThread::calibration_total_points = 240;
const unsigned int CalWorkerThread::calibraton_duration_seconds = CalWorkerThread::calibration_sides * 10;
CalWorkerThread::CalWorkerThread(Vehicle* vehicle, QObject* parent)
: QThread(parent)
, _vehicle(vehicle)
, _cancel(false)
void CalWorkerThread::run(void)
if (calibrate() == calibrate_return_ok) {
_emitVehicleTextMessage(QStringLiteral("[cal] progress <100>"));
_emitVehicleTextMessage(QStringLiteral("[cal] calibration done: mag"));
void CalWorkerThread::_emitVehicleTextMessage(const QString& message)
emit vehicleTextMessage(_vehicle->id(), 0, MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, message);
qCDebug(APMCompassCalLog) << message;
unsigned CalWorkerThread::progress_percentage(mag_worker_data_t* worker_data)
return 100 * ((float)worker_data->done_count) / calibration_sides;
CalWorkerThread::calibrate_return CalWorkerThread::calibrate(void)
calibrate_return result = calibrate_return_ok;
mag_worker_data_t worker_data;
worker_data.done_count = 0;
worker_data.calibration_points_perside = calibration_total_points / calibration_sides;
worker_data.calibration_interval_perside_seconds = calibraton_duration_seconds / calibration_sides;
worker_data.calibration_interval_perside_useconds = worker_data.calibration_interval_perside_seconds * 1000 * 1000;
// Collect data for all sides
worker_data.side_data_collected[DETECT_ORIENTATION_RIGHTSIDE_UP] = false;
worker_data.side_data_collected[DETECT_ORIENTATION_LEFT] = false;
worker_data.side_data_collected[DETECT_ORIENTATION_NOSE_DOWN] = false;
worker_data.side_data_collected[DETECT_ORIENTATION_TAIL_DOWN] = false;
worker_data.side_data_collected[DETECT_ORIENTATION_UPSIDE_DOWN] = false;
worker_data.side_data_collected[DETECT_ORIENTATION_RIGHT] = false;
for (size_t cur_mag=0; cur_mag<max_mags; cur_mag++) {
// Initialize to no memory allocated
worker_data.x[cur_mag] = NULL;
worker_data.y[cur_mag] = NULL;
worker_data.z[cur_mag] = NULL;
worker_data.calibration_counter_total[cur_mag] = 0;
const unsigned int calibration_points_maxcount = calibration_sides * worker_data.calibration_points_perside;
for (size_t cur_mag=0; cur_mag<max_mags; cur_mag++) {
if (rgCompassAvailable[cur_mag]) {
worker_data.x[cur_mag] = reinterpret_cast<float *>(malloc(sizeof(float) * calibration_points_maxcount));
worker_data.y[cur_mag] = reinterpret_cast<float *>(malloc(sizeof(float) * calibration_points_maxcount));
worker_data.z[cur_mag] = reinterpret_cast<float *>(malloc(sizeof(float) * calibration_points_maxcount));
if (worker_data.x[cur_mag] == NULL || worker_data.y[cur_mag] == NULL || worker_data.z[cur_mag] == NULL) {
_emitVehicleTextMessage("[cal] ERROR: out of memory");
result = calibrate_return_error;
if (result == calibrate_return_ok) {
result = calibrate_from_orientation(
worker_data.side_data_collected, // Sides to calibrate
&worker_data); // Opaque data for calibration worked
// Calculate calibration values for each mag
float sphere_x[max_mags];
float sphere_y[max_mags];
float sphere_z[max_mags];
float sphere_radius[max_mags];
// Sphere fit the data to get calibration values
if (result == calibrate_return_ok) {
for (unsigned cur_mag=0; cur_mag<max_mags; cur_mag++) {
if (rgCompassAvailable[cur_mag]) {
sphere_fit_least_squares(worker_data.x[cur_mag], worker_data.y[cur_mag], worker_data.z[cur_mag],
100, 0.0f,
&sphere_x[cur_mag], &sphere_y[cur_mag], &sphere_z[cur_mag],
if (qIsNaN(sphere_x[cur_mag]) || qIsNaN(sphere_y[cur_mag]) || qIsNaN(sphere_z[cur_mag])) {
_emitVehicleTextMessage(QString("[cal] ERROR: NaN in sphere fit for mag %1").arg(cur_mag));
result = calibrate_return_error;
// Data points are no longer needed
for (size_t cur_mag=0; cur_mag<max_mags; cur_mag++) {
static const char* rgCompassOffsetParam[3][3] = {
AutoPilotPlugin* plugin = _vehicle->autopilotPlugin();
if (result == calibrate_return_ok) {
for (unsigned cur_mag=0; cur_mag<max_mags; cur_mag++) {
if (rgCompassAvailable[cur_mag]) {
_emitVehicleTextMessage(QString("[cal] mag #%1 off: x:%2 y:%3 z:%4").arg(cur_mag).arg(-sphere_x[cur_mag]).arg(-sphere_y[cur_mag]).arg(-sphere_z[cur_mag]));
const char* offsetParam = rgCompassOffsetParam[cur_mag][0];
plugin->getParameterFact(-1, offsetParam)->setRawValue(-sphere_x[cur_mag]);
offsetParam = rgCompassOffsetParam[cur_mag][1];
plugin->getParameterFact(-1, offsetParam)->setRawValue(-sphere_y[cur_mag]);
offsetParam = rgCompassOffsetParam[cur_mag][2];
plugin->getParameterFact(-1, offsetParam)->setRawValue(-sphere_z[cur_mag]);
return result;
CalWorkerThread::calibrate_return CalWorkerThread::mag_calibration_worker(detect_orientation_return orientation, void* data)
calibrate_return result = calibrate_return_ok;
unsigned int calibration_counter_side;
mag_worker_data_t* worker_data = (mag_worker_data_t*)(data);
_emitVehicleTextMessage("[cal] Rotate vehicle around the detected orientation");
_emitVehicleTextMessage(QString("[cal] Continue rotation for %1 seconds").arg(worker_data->calibration_interval_perside_seconds));
uint64_t calibration_deadline = QGC::groundTimeUsecs() + worker_data->calibration_interval_perside_useconds;
unsigned int loop_interval_usecs = (worker_data->calibration_interval_perside_seconds * 1000000) / worker_data->calibration_points_perside;
calibration_counter_side = 0;
while (QGC::groundTimeUsecs() < calibration_deadline && calibration_counter_side < worker_data->calibration_points_perside) {
if (_cancel) {
result = calibrate_return_cancelled;
int prev_count[max_mags];
bool rejected = false;
for (size_t cur_mag=0; cur_mag<max_mags; cur_mag++) {
prev_count[cur_mag] = worker_data->calibration_counter_total[cur_mag];
if (!rgCompassAvailable[cur_mag]) {
mavlink_scaled_imu_t copyLastScaledImu = rgLastScaledImu[cur_mag];
worker_data->x[cur_mag][worker_data->calibration_counter_total[cur_mag]] = copyLastScaledImu.xmag;
worker_data->y[cur_mag][worker_data->calibration_counter_total[cur_mag]] = copyLastScaledImu.ymag;
worker_data->z[cur_mag][worker_data->calibration_counter_total[cur_mag]] = copyLastScaledImu.zmag;
// Keep calibration of all mags in lockstep
if (rejected) {
qCDebug(APMCompassCalLog) << QStringLiteral("Point rejected");
// Reset counts, since one of the mags rejected the measurement
for (size_t cur_mag = 0; cur_mag < max_mags; cur_mag++) {
worker_data->calibration_counter_total[cur_mag] = prev_count[cur_mag];
} else {
// Progress indicator for side
_emitVehicleTextMessage(QString("[cal] %1 side calibration: progress <%2>").arg(detect_orientation_str(orientation)).arg(progress_percentage(worker_data) +
(unsigned)((100 / calibration_sides) * ((float)calibration_counter_side / (float)worker_data->calibration_points_perside))));
if (result == calibrate_return_ok) {
_emitVehicleTextMessage(QString("[cal] %1 side done, rotate to a different side").arg(detect_orientation_str(orientation)));
_emitVehicleTextMessage(QString("[cal] progress <%1>").arg(progress_percentage(worker_data)));
return result;
CalWorkerThread::calibrate_return CalWorkerThread::calibrate_from_orientation(
bool side_data_collected[detect_orientation_side_count],
void* worker_data)
calibrate_return result = calibrate_return_ok;
unsigned orientation_failures = 0;
// Rotate through all requested orientations
while (true) {
if (_cancel) {
result = calibrate_return_cancelled;
unsigned int side_complete_count = 0;
// Update the number of completed sides
for (unsigned i = 0; i < detect_orientation_side_count; i++) {
if (side_data_collected[i]) {
if (side_complete_count == detect_orientation_side_count) {
// We have completed all sides, move on
/* inform user which orientations are still needed */
char pendingStr[256];
pendingStr[0] = 0;
for (unsigned int cur_orientation=0; cur_orientation<detect_orientation_side_count; cur_orientation++) {
if (!side_data_collected[cur_orientation]) {
strcat(pendingStr, " ");
strcat(pendingStr, detect_orientation_str((enum detect_orientation_return)cur_orientation));
_emitVehicleTextMessage(QString("[cal] pending:%1").arg(pendingStr));
_emitVehicleTextMessage(QStringLiteral("[cal] hold vehicle still on a pending side"));
enum detect_orientation_return orient = detect_orientation();
_emitVehicleTextMessage(QStringLiteral("[cal] detected motion, hold still..."));
/* inform user about already handled side */
if (side_data_collected[orient]) {
_emitVehicleTextMessage(QString("%1 side already completed").arg(detect_orientation_str(orient)));
_emitVehicleTextMessage(QStringLiteral("rotate to a pending side"));
_emitVehicleTextMessage(QString("[cal] %1 orientation detected").arg(detect_orientation_str(orient)));
orientation_failures = 0;
// Call worker routine
result = mag_calibration_worker(orient, worker_data);
if (result != calibrate_return_ok ) {
_emitVehicleTextMessage(QString("[cal] %1 side done, rotate to a different side").arg(detect_orientation_str(orient)));
// Note that this side is complete
side_data_collected[orient] = true;
return result;
enum CalWorkerThread::detect_orientation_return CalWorkerThread::detect_orientation(void)
bool stillDetected = false;
quint64 stillDetectTime;
int16_t lastX = 0;
int16_t lastY = 0;
int16_t lastZ = 0;
while (true) {
mavlink_raw_imu_t copyLastRawImu = lastRawImu;
int16_t xDelta = abs(lastX - copyLastRawImu.xacc);
int16_t yDelta = abs(lastY - copyLastRawImu.yacc);
int16_t zDelta = abs(lastZ - copyLastRawImu.zacc);
lastX = copyLastRawImu.xacc;
lastY = copyLastRawImu.yacc;
lastZ = copyLastRawImu.zacc;
if (xDelta < 100 && yDelta < 100 && zDelta < 100) {
if (stillDetected) {
if (QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds() - stillDetectTime > 1000) {
} else {
stillDetectTime = QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds();
stillDetected = true;
} else {
stillDetected = false;
if (_cancel) {
// FIXME: No timeout for never detect still
static const uint16_t rawImuOneG = 800;
static const uint16_t rawImuNoGThreshold = 200;
if (lastX > rawImuOneG && abs(lastY) < rawImuNoGThreshold && abs(lastZ) < rawImuNoGThreshold) {
return DETECT_ORIENTATION_TAIL_DOWN; // [ g, 0, 0 ]
if (lastX < -rawImuOneG && abs(lastY) < rawImuNoGThreshold && abs(lastZ) < rawImuNoGThreshold) {
return DETECT_ORIENTATION_NOSE_DOWN; // [ -g, 0, 0 ]
if (lastY > rawImuOneG && abs(lastX) < rawImuNoGThreshold && abs(lastZ) < rawImuNoGThreshold) {
return DETECT_ORIENTATION_LEFT; // [ 0, g, 0 ]
if (lastY < -rawImuOneG && abs(lastX) < rawImuNoGThreshold && abs(lastZ) < rawImuNoGThreshold) {
return DETECT_ORIENTATION_RIGHT; // [ 0, -g, 0 ]
if (lastZ > rawImuOneG && abs(lastX) < rawImuNoGThreshold && abs(lastY) < rawImuNoGThreshold) {
if (lastZ < -rawImuOneG && abs(lastX) < rawImuNoGThreshold && abs(lastY) < rawImuNoGThreshold) {
_emitVehicleTextMessage(QStringLiteral("[cal] ERROR: invalid orientation"));
return DETECT_ORIENTATION_ERROR; // Can't detect orientation
const char* CalWorkerThread::detect_orientation_str(enum detect_orientation_return orientation)
static const char* rgOrientationStrs[] = {
"back", // tail down
"front", // nose down
"up", // upside-down
"down", // right-side up
return rgOrientationStrs[orientation];
int CalWorkerThread::sphere_fit_least_squares(const float x[], const float y[], const float z[],
unsigned int size, unsigned int max_iterations, float delta, float *sphere_x, float *sphere_y, float *sphere_z,
float *sphere_radius)
float x_sumplain = 0.0f;
float x_sumsq = 0.0f;
float x_sumcube = 0.0f;
float y_sumplain = 0.0f;
float y_sumsq = 0.0f;
float y_sumcube = 0.0f;
float z_sumplain = 0.0f;
float z_sumsq = 0.0f;
float z_sumcube = 0.0f;
float xy_sum = 0.0f;
float xz_sum = 0.0f;
float yz_sum = 0.0f;
float x2y_sum = 0.0f;
float x2z_sum = 0.0f;
float y2x_sum = 0.0f;
float y2z_sum = 0.0f;
float z2x_sum = 0.0f;
float z2y_sum = 0.0f;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
float x2 = x[i] * x[i];
float y2 = y[i] * y[i];
float z2 = z[i] * z[i];
x_sumplain += x[i];
x_sumsq += x2;
x_sumcube += x2 * x[i];
y_sumplain += y[i];
y_sumsq += y2;
y_sumcube += y2 * y[i];
z_sumplain += z[i];
z_sumsq += z2;
z_sumcube += z2 * z[i];
xy_sum += x[i] * y[i];
xz_sum += x[i] * z[i];
yz_sum += y[i] * z[i];
x2y_sum += x2 * y[i];
x2z_sum += x2 * z[i];
y2x_sum += y2 * x[i];
y2z_sum += y2 * z[i];
z2x_sum += z2 * x[i];
z2y_sum += z2 * y[i];
//Least Squares Fit a sphere A,B,C with radius squared Rsq to 3D data
// P is a structure that has been computed with the data earlier.
// P.npoints is the number of elements; the length of X,Y,Z are identical.
// P's members are logically named.
// X[n] is the x component of point n
// Y[n] is the y component of point n
// Z[n] is the z component of point n
// A is the x coordiante of the sphere
// B is the y coordiante of the sphere
// C is the z coordiante of the sphere
// Rsq is the radius squared of the sphere.
//This method should converge; maybe 5-100 iterations or more.
float x_sum = x_sumplain / size; //sum( X[n] )
float x_sum2 = x_sumsq / size; //sum( X[n]^2 )
float x_sum3 = x_sumcube / size; //sum( X[n]^3 )
float y_sum = y_sumplain / size; //sum( Y[n] )
float y_sum2 = y_sumsq / size; //sum( Y[n]^2 )
float y_sum3 = y_sumcube / size; //sum( Y[n]^3 )
float z_sum = z_sumplain / size; //sum( Z[n] )
float z_sum2 = z_sumsq / size; //sum( Z[n]^2 )
float z_sum3 = z_sumcube / size; //sum( Z[n]^3 )
float XY = xy_sum / size; //sum( X[n] * Y[n] )
float XZ = xz_sum / size; //sum( X[n] * Z[n] )
float YZ = yz_sum / size; //sum( Y[n] * Z[n] )
float X2Y = x2y_sum / size; //sum( X[n]^2 * Y[n] )
float X2Z = x2z_sum / size; //sum( X[n]^2 * Z[n] )
float Y2X = y2x_sum / size; //sum( Y[n]^2 * X[n] )
float Y2Z = y2z_sum / size; //sum( Y[n]^2 * Z[n] )
float Z2X = z2x_sum / size; //sum( Z[n]^2 * X[n] )
float Z2Y = z2y_sum / size; //sum( Z[n]^2 * Y[n] )
//Reduction of multiplications
float F0 = x_sum2 + y_sum2 + z_sum2;
float F1 = 0.5f * F0;
float F2 = -8.0f * (x_sum3 + Y2X + Z2X);
float F3 = -8.0f * (X2Y + y_sum3 + Z2Y);
float F4 = -8.0f * (X2Z + Y2Z + z_sum3);
//Set initial conditions:
float A = x_sum;
float B = y_sum;
float C = z_sum;
//First iteration computation:
float A2 = A * A;
float B2 = B * B;
float C2 = C * C;
float QS = A2 + B2 + C2;
float QB = -2.0f * (A * x_sum + B * y_sum + C * z_sum);
//Set initial conditions:
float Rsq = F0 + QB + QS;
//First iteration computation:
float Q0 = 0.5f * (QS - Rsq);
float Q1 = F1 + Q0;
float Q2 = 8.0f * (QS - Rsq + QB + F0);
float aA, aB, aC, nA, nB, nC, dA, dB, dC;
//Iterate N times, ignore stop condition.
unsigned int n = 0;
#define FLT_EPSILON 1.1920929e-07F /* 1E-5 */
while (n < max_iterations) {
//Compute denominator:
aA = Q2 + 16.0f * (A2 - 2.0f * A * x_sum + x_sum2);
aB = Q2 + 16.0f * (B2 - 2.0f * B * y_sum + y_sum2);
aC = Q2 + 16.0f * (C2 - 2.0f * C * z_sum + z_sum2);
aA = (fabsf(aA) < FLT_EPSILON) ? 1.0f : aA;
aB = (fabsf(aB) < FLT_EPSILON) ? 1.0f : aB;
aC = (fabsf(aC) < FLT_EPSILON) ? 1.0f : aC;
//Compute next iteration
nA = A - ((F2 + 16.0f * (B * XY + C * XZ + x_sum * (-A2 - Q0) + A * (x_sum2 + Q1 - C * z_sum - B * y_sum))) / aA);
nB = B - ((F3 + 16.0f * (A * XY + C * YZ + y_sum * (-B2 - Q0) + B * (y_sum2 + Q1 - A * x_sum - C * z_sum))) / aB);
nC = C - ((F4 + 16.0f * (A * XZ + B * YZ + z_sum * (-C2 - Q0) + C * (z_sum2 + Q1 - A * x_sum - B * y_sum))) / aC);
//Check for stop condition
dA = (nA - A);
dB = (nB - B);
dC = (nC - C);
if ((dA * dA + dB * dB + dC * dC) <= delta) { break; }
//Compute next iteration's values
A = nA;
B = nB;
C = nC;
A2 = A * A;
B2 = B * B;
C2 = C * C;
QS = A2 + B2 + C2;
QB = -2.0f * (A * x_sum + B * y_sum + C * z_sum);
Rsq = F0 + QB + QS;
Q0 = 0.5f * (QS - Rsq);
Q1 = F1 + Q0;
Q2 = 8.0f * (QS - Rsq + QB + F0);
*sphere_x = A;
*sphere_y = B;
*sphere_z = C;
*sphere_radius = sqrtf(Rsq);
return 0;
: _vehicle(NULL)
, _calWorkerThread(NULL)
void APMCompassCal::setVehicle(Vehicle* vehicle)
if (!vehicle) {
qWarning() << "vehicle == NULL";
_vehicle = vehicle;
void APMCompassCal::startCalibration(void)
_setSensorTransmissionSpeed(true /* fast */);
connect (_vehicle, &Vehicle::mavlinkRawImu, this, &APMCompassCal::_handleMavlinkRawImu);
connect (_vehicle, &Vehicle::mavlinkScaledImu2, this, &APMCompassCal::_handleMavlinkScaledImu2);
connect (_vehicle, &Vehicle::mavlinkScaledImu3, this, &APMCompassCal::_handleMavlinkScaledImu3);
// Simulate a start message
_emitVehicleTextMessage("[cal] calibration started: mag");
_calWorkerThread = new CalWorkerThread(_vehicle, this);
connect(_calWorkerThread, &CalWorkerThread::vehicleTextMessage, this, &APMCompassCal::vehicleTextMessage);
static const char* rgCompassOffsetParam[3][4] = {
// Clear the offset parameters so we get raw data
AutoPilotPlugin* plugin = _vehicle->autopilotPlugin();
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
_calWorkerThread->rgCompassAvailable[i] = true;
const char* deviceIdParam = rgCompassOffsetParam[i][3];
if (plugin->parameterExists(-1, deviceIdParam)) {
if (plugin->getParameterFact(-1, deviceIdParam)->rawValue().toInt() > 0) {
for (int j=0; j<3; j++) {
const char* offsetParam = rgCompassOffsetParam[i][j];
if (plugin->parameterExists(-1, offsetParam)) {
plugin->getParameterFact(-1, offsetParam)->setRawValue(0.0);
} else {
_calWorkerThread->rgCompassAvailable[i] = false;
} else {
_calWorkerThread->rgCompassAvailable[i] = false;
} else {
_calWorkerThread->rgCompassAvailable[i] = false;
qCDebug(APMCompassCalLog) << QStringLiteral("Compass %1 available: %2").arg(i).arg(_calWorkerThread->rgCompassAvailable[i]);
void APMCompassCal::cancelCalibration(void)
// Simulate a cancelled message
_emitVehicleTextMessage("[cal] calibration cancelled");
void APMCompassCal::_handleMavlinkRawImu(mavlink_message_t message)
mavlink_msg_raw_imu_decode(&message, &_calWorkerThread->lastRawImu);
_calWorkerThread->rgLastScaledImu[0].xacc = _calWorkerThread->lastRawImu.xacc;
_calWorkerThread->rgLastScaledImu[0].yacc = _calWorkerThread->lastRawImu.yacc;
_calWorkerThread->rgLastScaledImu[0].zacc = _calWorkerThread->lastRawImu.zacc;
_calWorkerThread->rgLastScaledImu[0].xgyro = _calWorkerThread->lastRawImu.xgyro;
_calWorkerThread->rgLastScaledImu[0].ygyro = _calWorkerThread->lastRawImu.ygyro;
_calWorkerThread->rgLastScaledImu[0].zgyro = _calWorkerThread->lastRawImu.zgyro;
_calWorkerThread->rgLastScaledImu[0].xmag = _calWorkerThread->lastRawImu.xmag;
_calWorkerThread->rgLastScaledImu[0].ymag = _calWorkerThread->lastRawImu.ymag;
_calWorkerThread->rgLastScaledImu[0].zmag = _calWorkerThread->lastRawImu.zmag;
void APMCompassCal::_handleMavlinkScaledImu2(mavlink_message_t message)
mavlink_msg_scaled_imu2_decode(&message, (mavlink_scaled_imu2_t*)&_calWorkerThread->rgLastScaledImu[1]);
void APMCompassCal::_handleMavlinkScaledImu3(mavlink_message_t message)
mavlink_msg_scaled_imu3_decode(&message, (mavlink_scaled_imu3_t*)&_calWorkerThread->rgLastScaledImu[2]);
void APMCompassCal::_setSensorTransmissionSpeed(bool fast)
_vehicle->requestDataStream(MAV_DATA_STREAM_RAW_SENSORS, fast ? 10 : 2);
void APMCompassCal::_stopCalibration(void)
disconnect (_vehicle, &Vehicle::mavlinkRawImu, this, &APMCompassCal::_handleMavlinkRawImu);
disconnect (_vehicle, &Vehicle::mavlinkScaledImu2, this, &APMCompassCal::_handleMavlinkScaledImu2);
disconnect (_vehicle, &Vehicle::mavlinkScaledImu3, this, &APMCompassCal::_handleMavlinkScaledImu3);
_setSensorTransmissionSpeed(false /* fast */);
void APMCompassCal::_emitVehicleTextMessage(const QString& message)
emit vehicleTextMessage(_vehicle->id(), 0, MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, message);
QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station
This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project
QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see <>.
#ifndef APMCompassCal_H
#define APMCompassCal_H
#include <QObject>
#include <QThread>
#include <QVector3D>
#include "QGCLoggingCategory.h"
#include "QGCMAVLink.h"
#include "Vehicle.h"
class CalWorkerThread : public QThread
CalWorkerThread(Vehicle* vehicle, QObject* parent = NULL);
// Cancel currently in progress calibration
void cancel(void) { _cancel = true; }
// Overrides from QThread
void run(void) Q_DECL_FINAL;
static const unsigned max_mags = 3;
bool rgCompassAvailable[max_mags];
QMutex lastScaledImuMutex;
mavlink_raw_imu_t lastRawImu;
mavlink_scaled_imu_t rgLastScaledImu[max_mags];
void vehicleTextMessage(int vehicleId, int compId, int severity, QString text);
void _emitVehicleTextMessage(const QString& message);
// The routines below are based on the PX4 flight stack compass cal routines. Hence
// the PX4 Flight Stack coding style to maintain some level of code movement.
static const float mag_sphere_radius;
static const unsigned int calibration_sides; ///< The total number of sides
static const unsigned int calibration_total_points; ///< The total points per magnetometer
static const unsigned int calibraton_duration_seconds; ///< The total duration the routine is allowed to take
// The order of these cannot change since the calibration calculations depend on them in this order
enum detect_orientation_return {
static const unsigned detect_orientation_side_count = 6;
// Data passed to calibration worker routine
typedef struct {
unsigned done_count;
unsigned int calibration_points_perside;
unsigned int calibration_interval_perside_seconds;
uint64_t calibration_interval_perside_useconds;
unsigned int calibration_counter_total[max_mags];
bool side_data_collected[detect_orientation_side_count];
float* x[max_mags];
float* y[max_mags];
float* z[max_mags];
} mag_worker_data_t;
enum calibrate_return {
* Least-squares fit of a sphere to a set of points.
* Fits a sphere to a set of points on the sphere surface.
* @param x point coordinates on the X axis
* @param y point coordinates on the Y axis
* @param z point coordinates on the Z axis
* @param size number of points
* @param max_iterations abort if maximum number of iterations have been reached. If unsure, set to 100.
* @param delta abort if error is below delta. If unsure, set to 0 to run max_iterations times.
* @param sphere_x coordinate of the sphere center on the X axis
* @param sphere_y coordinate of the sphere center on the Y axis
* @param sphere_z coordinate of the sphere center on the Z axis
* @param sphere_radius sphere radius
* @return 0 on success, 1 on failure
int sphere_fit_least_squares(const float x[], const float y[], const float z[],
unsigned int size, unsigned int max_iterations, float delta, float *sphere_x, float *sphere_y, float *sphere_z,
float *sphere_radius);
/// Wait for vehicle to become still and detect it's orientation
/// @return Returns detect_orientation_return according to orientation of still vehicle
enum detect_orientation_return detect_orientation(void);
/// Returns the human readable string representation of the orientation
/// @param orientation Orientation to return string for, "error" if buffer is too small
const char* detect_orientation_str(enum detect_orientation_return orientation);
/// Perform calibration sequence which require a rest orientation detection prior to calibration.
/// @return OK: Calibration succeeded, ERROR: Calibration failed
calibrate_return calibrate_from_orientation(
bool side_data_collected[detect_orientation_side_count], ///< Sides for which data still needs calibration
void* worker_data); ///< Opaque data passed to worker routine
bool reject_sample(float sx, float sy, float sz, float x[], float y[], float z[], unsigned count, unsigned max_count);
calibrate_return calibrate(void);
calibrate_return mag_calibration_worker(detect_orientation_return orientation, void* data);
unsigned progress_percentage(mag_worker_data_t* worker_data);
Vehicle* _vehicle;
bool _cancel;
// Used to calibrate APM Stack compass by simulating PX4 Flight Stack firmware compass cal
// on the ground station side of things.
class APMCompassCal : public QObject
void setVehicle(Vehicle* vehicle);
void startCalibration(void);
void cancelCalibration(void);
void vehicleTextMessage(int vehicleId, int compId, int severity, QString text);
private slots:
void _handleMavlinkRawImu(mavlink_message_t message);
void _handleMavlinkScaledImu2(mavlink_message_t message);
void _handleMavlinkScaledImu3(mavlink_message_t message);
void _setSensorTransmissionSpeed(bool fast);
void _stopCalibration(void);
void _emitVehicleTextMessage(const QString& message);
Vehicle* _vehicle;
CalWorkerThread* _calWorkerThread;
......@@ -40,8 +40,9 @@ QGCView {
// Help text which is shown both in the status text area prior to pressing a cal button and in the
// pre-calibration dialog.
readonly property string boardRotationText: "If the autopilot is mounted in flight direction, leave the default value (None)"
readonly property string compassRotationText: "If the compass or GPS module is mounted in flight direction, leave the default value (None)"
readonly property string orientationHelp: "If the orientation is in the direction of flight, select None."
readonly property string boardRotationText: "If the autopilot is mounted in flight direction, leave the default value (None)"
readonly property string compassRotationText: "If the compass or GPS module is mounted in flight direction, leave the default value (None)"
readonly property string compassHelp: "For Compass calibration you will need to rotate your vehicle through a number of positions. Most users prefer to do this wirelessly with the telemetry link."
readonly property string gyroHelp: "For Gyroscope calibration you will need to place your vehicle on a surface and leave it still."
......@@ -61,64 +62,29 @@ QGCView {
readonly property int mainTextH1PointSize: ScreenTools.mediumFontPixelSize // Seems to be unused
readonly property int rotationColumnWidth: 250
readonly property var rotations: [
"Yaw 45",
"Yaw 90",
"Yaw 135",
"Yaw 180",
"Yaw 225",
"Yaw 270",
"Yaw 315",
"Roll 180",
"Roll 180. Yaw 45",
"Roll 180. Yaw 90",
"Roll 180. Yaw 135",
"Pitch 180",
"Roll 180. Yaw 225",
"Roll 180, Yaw 270",
"Roll 180, Yaw 315",
"Roll 90",
"Roll 90, Yaw 45",
"Roll 90, Yaw 90",
"Roll 90, Yaw 135",
"Roll 270",
"Roll 270, Yaw 45",
"Roll 270, Yaw 90",
"Roll 270, Yaw 136",
"Pitch 90",
"Pitch 270",
"Pitch 180, Yaw 90",
"Pitch 180, Yaw 270",
"Roll 90, Pitch 90",
"Roll 180, Pitch 90",
"Roll 270, Pitch 90",
"Roll 90, Pitch 180",
"Roll 270, Pitch 180",
"Roll 90, Pitch 270",
"Roll 180, Pitch 270",
"Roll 270, Pitch 270",
"Roll 90, Pitch 180, Yaw 90",
"Roll 90, Yaw 270",
"Yaw 293, Pitch 68, Roll 90",
property Fact cal_mag0_id: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_DEV_ID")
property Fact cal_mag1_id: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_DEV_ID2")
property Fact cal_mag2_id: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_DEV_ID3")
property Fact cal_mag0_rot: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_ORIENT")
property Fact cal_mag1_rot: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_ORIENT2")
property Fact cal_mag2_rot: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_ORIENT3")
property Fact sens_board_rot: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "AHRS_ORIENTATION")
property Fact compass1Id: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_DEV_ID")
property Fact compass2Id: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_DEV_ID2")
property Fact compass3Id: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_DEV_ID3")
property Fact compass1External: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_EXTERNAL")
property Fact compass2External: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_EXTERN2")
property Fact compass3External: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_EXTERN3")
property Fact compass1Rot: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_ORIENT")
property Fact compass2Rot: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_ORIENT2")
property Fact compass3Rot: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_ORIENT3")
property Fact compass1Use: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_USE")
property Fact compass2Use: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_USE2")
property Fact compass3Use: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_USE3")
property Fact boardRot: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "AHRS_ORIENTATION")
property bool accelCalNeeded: controller.accelSetupNeeded
property bool compassCalNeeded: controller.compassSetupNeeded
// Id > = signals compass available, rot < 0 signals internal compass
property bool showCompass0Rot: cal_mag0_id.value > 0 && cal_mag0_rot.value >= 0
property bool showCompass1Rot: cal_mag1_id.value > 0 && cal_mag1_rot.value >= 0
property bool showCompass2Rot: cal_mag2_id.value > 0 && cal_mag2_rot.value >= 0
property bool showCompass1Rot: compass1Id.value > 0 && compass1External.value != 0 && compass1Use.value != 0
property bool showCompass2Rot: compass2Id.value > 0 && compass2External.value != 0 && compass2Use.value != 0
property bool showCompass3Rot: compass3Id.value > 0 && compass3External.value != 0 && compass3Use.value != 0
APMSensorsComponentController {
id: controller
......@@ -133,12 +99,6 @@ QGCView {
onResetStatusTextArea: statusLog.text = statusTextAreaDefaultText
onSetCompassRotations: {
if (showCompass0Rot || showCompass1Rot || showCompass2Rot) {
showDialog(compassRotationDialogComponent, "Set Compass Rotation(s)", 50, StandardButton.Ok)
onWaitingForCancelChanged: {
if (controller.waitingForCancel) {
showMessage("Calibration Cancel", "Waiting for Vehicle to response to Cancel. This may take a few seconds.", 0)
......@@ -157,393 +117,295 @@ QGCView {
id: preCalibrationDialog
function accept() {
if (preCalibrationDialogType == "gyro") {
} else if (preCalibrationDialogType == "accel") {
if (preCalibrationDialogType == "accel") {
} else if (preCalibrationDialogType == "level") {
} else if (preCalibrationDialogType == "compass") {
} else if (preCalibrationDialogType == "airspeed") {
Column {
anchors.fill: parent
spacing: 5
QGCLabel {
width: parent.width
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
text: preCalibrationDialogHelp
QGCLabel {
id: label
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
text: "Before calibrating make sure orientation settings are correct."
QGCLabel {
width: parent.width
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
visible: (preCalibrationDialogType != "airspeed") && (preCalibrationDialogType != "gyro")
text: boardRotationText
Loader {
id: rotationsLoader
anchors.topMargin: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight label.bottom
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
sourceComponent: rotationCombosComponent
FactComboBox {
width: rotationColumnWidth
model: rotations
visible: preCalibrationDialogType != "airspeed" && (preCalibrationDialogType != "gyro")
fact: sens_board_rot
property bool showCompassRotations: preCalibrationDialogType == "accel" ? false : true
Component {
id: compassRotationDialogComponent
id: rotationCombosComponent
QGCViewDialog {
id: compassRotationDialog
Column {
QGCLabel {
font.pixelSize: sideBarH1PointSize
text: "Set Orientations"
Column {
anchors.fill: parent
spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
Item {
width: 1
height: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
QGCLabel {
width: parent.width
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
text: compassRotationText
QGCLabel {
width: parent.width
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
text: orientationHelp
// Compass 0 rotation
Component {
id: compass0ComponentLabel
Item {
width: 1
height: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
QGCLabel {
font.pixelSize: sideBarH1PointSize
text: "External Compass Orientation"
// Board rotation
QGCLabel {
text: "Autopilot Orientation"
Component {
id: compass0ComponentCombo
FactComboBox {
id: compass0RotationCombo
width: rotationColumnWidth
model: rotations
fact: cal_mag0_rot
Loader { sourceComponent: showCompass0Rot ? compass0ComponentLabel : null }
Loader { sourceComponent: showCompass0Rot ? compass0ComponentCombo : null }
// Compass 1 rotation
Component {
id: compass1ComponentLabel
FactComboBox {
id: boardRotationCombo
width: parent.width
fact: boardRot
indexModel: false
QGCLabel { text: "Compass 1 Orientation" }
Component {
id: compass1ComponentCombo
FactComboBox {
id: compass1RotationCombo
width: rotationColumnWidth
model: rotations
fact: cal_mag1_rot
Loader { sourceComponent: showCompass1Rot ? compass1ComponentLabel : null }
Loader { sourceComponent: showCompass1Rot ? compass1ComponentCombo : null }
Item {
width: 1
height: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
// Compass 2 rotation
Component {
id: compass2ComponentLabel
// Compass 1 rotation
QGCLabel {
text: "Compass 1 Orientation"
visible: showCompassRotations && showCompass1Rot
QGCLabel { text: "Compass 2 Orientation" }
Component {
id: compass2ComponentCombo
FactComboBox {
id: compass1RotationCombo
width: rotationColumnWidth
model: rotations
fact: cal_mag2_rot
Loader { sourceComponent: showCompass2Rot ? compass2ComponentLabel : null }
Loader { sourceComponent: showCompass2Rot ? compass2ComponentCombo : null }
} // Column
} // QGCViewDialog
} // Component - compassRotationDialogComponent
FactComboBox {
width: parent.width
fact: compass1Rot
indexModel: false
visible: showCompassRotations && showCompass1Rot
Item {
width: 1
height: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
// Compass 2 rotation
QGCLabel {
text: "Compass 2 Orientation"
visible: showCompassRotations && showCompass2Rot
FactComboBox {
width: parent.width
fact: compass2Rot
indexModel: false
visible: showCompassRotations && showCompass2Rot
Item {
width: 1
height: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
// Compass 3 rotation
QGCLabel {
text: "Compass 3 Orientation"
visible: showCompassRotations && showCompass3Rot
FactComboBox {
width: parent.width
fact: compass3Rot
indexModel: false
visible: showCompassRotations && showCompass3Rot
} // Column
} // Component - Rotation combos
QGCViewPanel {
id: panel
anchors.fill: parent
Column {
anchors.fill: parent
Row {
id: buttonsRow
spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth
Row {
readonly property int buttonWidth: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 15
readonly property int buttonWidth: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 15
spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth
QGCLabel { text: "Calibrate:"; anchors.baseline: compassButton.baseline }
QGCLabel { text: "Calibrate:"; anchors.baseline: compassButton.baseline }
IndicatorButton {
id: compassButton
width: parent.buttonWidth
text: "Compass"
indicatorGreen: !compassCalNeeded
IndicatorButton {
id: compassButton
width: parent.buttonWidth
text: "Compass - NYI"
indicatorGreen: !compassCalNeeded
onClicked: {
onClicked: {
if (controller.accelSetupNeeded) {
showMessage("Calibrate Compass", "Accelerometer must be calibrated prior to Compass.", StandardButton.Ok)
} else if (compass3Id.value != 0 && compass3Use.value !=0) {
showMessage("Unabled to calibrate", "Support for calibrating compass 3 is currently not supported by QGroundControl.", StandardButton.Ok)
} else {
preCalibrationDialogType = "compass"
preCalibrationDialogHelp = compassHelp
showDialog(preCalibrationDialogComponent, "Calibrate Compass", 50, StandardButton.Cancel | StandardButton.Ok)
IndicatorButton {
id: accelButton
width: parent.buttonWidth
text: "Accelerometer"
indicatorGreen: !accelCalNeeded
onClicked: {
preCalibrationDialogType = "accel"
preCalibrationDialogHelp = accelHelp
showDialog(preCalibrationDialogComponent, "Calibrate Accelerometer", 50, StandardButton.Cancel | StandardButton.Ok)
QGCButton {
id: nextButton
showBorder: true
text: "Next"
enabled: false
onClicked: controller.nextClicked()
IndicatorButton {
id: accelButton
width: parent.buttonWidth
text: "Accelerometer"
indicatorGreen: !accelCalNeeded
QGCButton {
id: cancelButton
showBorder: true
text: "Cancel"
enabled: false
onClicked: controller.cancelCalibration()
onClicked: {
preCalibrationDialogType = "accel"
preCalibrationDialogHelp = accelHelp
showDialog(preCalibrationDialogComponent, "Calibrate Accelerometer", 50, StandardButton.Cancel | StandardButton.Ok)
Item { height: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight; width: 10 } // spacer
ProgressBar {
id: progressBar
width: parent.width - rotationColumnWidth
QGCButton {
id: nextButton
showBorder: true
text: "Next"
enabled: false
onClicked: controller.nextClicked()
Item { height: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight; width: 10 } // spacer
QGCButton {
id: cancelButton
showBorder: true
text: "Cancel"
enabled: false
onClicked: controller.cancelCalibration()
} // Row - Cal buttons
ProgressBar {
id: progressBar
anchors.topMargin: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight buttonsRow.bottom
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: rotationsLoader.left
Item {
property int calDisplayAreaWidth: parent.width - rotationColumnWidth
width: parent.width
height: parent.height - y
TextArea {
id: statusTextArea
width: parent.calDisplayAreaWidth
height: parent.height
readOnly: true
frameVisible: false
text: statusTextAreaDefaultText
style: TextAreaStyle {
textColor: qgcPal.text
backgroundColor: qgcPal.windowShade
Item {
anchors.topMargin: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
anchors.rightMargin: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight progressBar.bottom
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: rotationsLoader.left
TextArea {
id: statusTextArea
anchors.fill: parent
readOnly: true
frameVisible: false
text: statusTextAreaDefaultText
style: TextAreaStyle {
textColor: qgcPal.text
backgroundColor: qgcPal.windowShade
Rectangle {
id: orientationCalArea
width: parent.calDisplayAreaWidth
height: parent.height
visible: controller.showOrientationCalArea
color: qgcPal.windowShade
QGCLabel {
id: orientationCalAreaHelpText
anchors.margins: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth
anchors.left: orientationCalArea.left
width: parent.width
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
font.pixelSize: ScreenTools.mediumFontPixelSize
Rectangle {
id: orientationCalArea
anchors.fill: parent
visible: controller.showOrientationCalArea
color: qgcPal.windowShade
Flow {
anchors.topMargin: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth orientationCalAreaHelpText.bottom
anchors.left: orientationCalAreaHelpText.left
width: parent.width
height: parent.height - orientationCalAreaHelpText.implicitHeight
spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth
VehicleRotationCal {
visible: controller.orientationCalDownSideVisible
calValid: controller.orientationCalDownSideDone
calInProgress: controller.orientationCalDownSideInProgress
calInProgressText: controller.orientationCalDownSideRotate ? "Rotate" : "Hold Still"
imageSource: controller.orientationCalDownSideRotate ? "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleDownRotate.png" : "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleDown.png"
VehicleRotationCal {
visible: controller.orientationCalUpsideDownSideVisible
calValid: controller.orientationCalUpsideDownSideDone
calInProgress: controller.orientationCalUpsideDownSideInProgress
calInProgressText: controller.orientationCalUpsideDownSideRotate ? "Rotate" : "Hold Still"
imageSource: "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleUpsideDown.png"
VehicleRotationCal {
visible: controller.orientationCalNoseDownSideVisible
calValid: controller.orientationCalNoseDownSideDone
calInProgress: controller.orientationCalNoseDownSideInProgress
calInProgressText: controller.orientationCalNoseDownSideRotate ? "Rotate" : "Hold Still"
imageSource: controller.orientationCalNoseDownSideRotate ? "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleNoseDownRotate.png" : "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleNoseDown.png"
VehicleRotationCal {
visible: controller.orientationCalTailDownSideVisible
calValid: controller.orientationCalTailDownSideDone
calInProgress: controller.orientationCalTailDownSideInProgress
calInProgressText: controller.orientationCalTailDownSideRotate ? "Rotate" : "Hold Still"
imageSource: "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleTailDown.png"
VehicleRotationCal {
visible: controller.orientationCalLeftSideVisible
calValid: controller.orientationCalLeftSideDone
calInProgress: controller.orientationCalLeftSideInProgress
calInProgressText: controller.orientationCalLeftSideRotate ? "Rotate" : "Hold Still"
imageSource: controller.orientationCalLeftSideRotate ? "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleLeftRotate.png" : "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleLeft.png"
VehicleRotationCal {
visible: controller.orientationCalRightSideVisible
calValid: controller.orientationCalRightSideDone
calInProgress: controller.orientationCalRightSideInProgress
calInProgressText: controller.orientationCalRightSideRotate ? "Rotate" : "Hold Still"
imageSource: "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleRight.png"
QGCLabel {
id: orientationCalAreaHelpText
anchors.margins: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth
anchors.left: orientationCalArea.left
width: parent.width
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
font.pixelSize: ScreenTools.mediumFontPixelSize
Column {
anchors.leftMargin: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth
anchors.left: orientationCalArea.right
x: parent.width - rotationColumnWidth
Flow {
anchors.topMargin: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth orientationCalAreaHelpText.bottom
anchors.left: orientationCalAreaHelpText.left
width: parent.width
height: parent.height - orientationCalAreaHelpText.implicitHeight
spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth
Column {
spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth
QGCLabel {
font.pixelSize: sideBarH1PointSize
text: "Autopilot Orientation"
QGCLabel {
width: parent.width
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
text: boardRotationText
FactComboBox {
id: boardRotationCombo
width: rotationColumnWidth;
model: rotations
fact: sens_board_rot
VehicleRotationCal {
visible: controller.orientationCalDownSideVisible
calValid: controller.orientationCalDownSideDone
calInProgress: controller.orientationCalDownSideInProgress
calInProgressText: controller.orientationCalDownSideRotate ? "Rotate" : "Hold Still"
imageSource: controller.orientationCalDownSideRotate ? "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleDownRotate.png" : "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleDown.png"
Column {
spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth
// Compass 0 rotation
Component {
id: compass0ComponentLabel2
QGCLabel {
font.pixelSize: sideBarH1PointSize
text: "External Compass Orientation"
Component {
id: compass0ComponentCombo2
FactComboBox {
id: compass0RotationCombo
width: rotationColumnWidth
model: rotations
fact: cal_mag0_rot
Loader { sourceComponent: showCompass0Rot ? compass0ComponentLabel2 : null }
Loader { sourceComponent: showCompass0Rot ? compass0ComponentCombo2 : null }
VehicleRotationCal {
visible: controller.orientationCalUpsideDownSideVisible
calValid: controller.orientationCalUpsideDownSideDone
calInProgress: controller.orientationCalUpsideDownSideInProgress
calInProgressText: controller.orientationCalUpsideDownSideRotate ? "Rotate" : "Hold Still"
imageSource: "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleUpsideDown.png"
Column {
spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth
// Compass 1 rotation
Component {
id: compass1ComponentLabel2
QGCLabel {
font.pixelSize: sideBarH1PointSize
text: "External Compass 1 Orientation"
Component {
id: compass1ComponentCombo2
FactComboBox {
id: compass1RotationCombo
width: rotationColumnWidth
model: rotations
fact: cal_mag1_rot
Loader { sourceComponent: showCompass1Rot ? compass1ComponentLabel2 : null }
Loader { sourceComponent: showCompass1Rot ? compass1ComponentCombo2 : null }
VehicleRotationCal {
visible: controller.orientationCalNoseDownSideVisible
calValid: controller.orientationCalNoseDownSideDone
calInProgress: controller.orientationCalNoseDownSideInProgress
calInProgressText: controller.orientationCalNoseDownSideRotate ? "Rotate" : "Hold Still"
imageSource: controller.orientationCalNoseDownSideRotate ? "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleNoseDownRotate.png" : "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleNoseDown.png"
Column {
spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth
// Compass 2 rotation
Component {
id: compass2ComponentLabel2
QGCLabel {
font.pixelSize: sidebarH1PointSize
text: "Compass 2 Orientation"
Component {
id: compass2ComponentCombo2
FactComboBox {
id: compass1RotationCombo
width: rotationColumnWidth
model: rotations
fact: cal_mag2_rot
Loader { sourceComponent: showCompass2Rot ? compass2ComponentLabel2 : null }
Loader { sourceComponent: showCompass2Rot ? compass2ComponentCombo2 : null }
VehicleRotationCal {
visible: controller.orientationCalTailDownSideVisible
calValid: controller.orientationCalTailDownSideDone
calInProgress: controller.orientationCalTailDownSideInProgress
calInProgressText: controller.orientationCalTailDownSideRotate ? "Rotate" : "Hold Still"
imageSource: "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleTailDown.png"
VehicleRotationCal {
visible: controller.orientationCalLeftSideVisible
calValid: controller.orientationCalLeftSideDone
calInProgress: controller.orientationCalLeftSideInProgress
calInProgressText: controller.orientationCalLeftSideRotate ? "Rotate" : "Hold Still"
imageSource: controller.orientationCalLeftSideRotate ? "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleLeftRotate.png" : "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleLeft.png"
VehicleRotationCal {
visible: controller.orientationCalRightSideVisible
calValid: controller.orientationCalRightSideDone
calInProgress: controller.orientationCalRightSideInProgress
calInProgressText: controller.orientationCalRightSideRotate ? "Rotate" : "Hold Still"
imageSource: "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleRight.png"
} // Item - Cal display area
Loader {
id: rotationsLoader
anchors.topMargin: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
anchors.right: parent.right
width: rotationColumnWidth
sourceComponent: rotationCombosComponent
property bool showCompassRotations: true
} // QGCViewPanel
} // QGCView
QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station
......@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ APMSensorsComponentController::APMSensorsComponentController(void) :
......@@ -69,6 +68,9 @@ APMSensorsComponentController::APMSensorsComponentController(void) :
connect(&_compassCal, &APMCompassCal::vehicleTextMessage, this, &APMSensorsComponentController::_handleUASTextMessage);
APMAutoPilotPlugin * apmPlugin = qobject_cast<APMAutoPilotPlugin*>(_vehicle->autopilotPlugin());
_sensorsComponent = apmPlugin->sensorsComponent();
......@@ -96,7 +98,9 @@ void APMSensorsComponentController::_startLogCalibration(void)
if (_accelCalInProgress) {
......@@ -145,7 +149,7 @@ void APMSensorsComponentController::_stopCalibration(APMSensorsComponentControll
if (code == StopCalibrationSuccess) {
_progressBar->setProperty("value", 1);
......@@ -159,40 +163,37 @@ void APMSensorsComponentController::_stopCalibration(APMSensorsComponentControll
switch (code) {
case StopCalibrationSuccess:
_orientationCalAreaHelpText->setProperty("text", "Calibration complete");
emit resetStatusTextArea();
if (_magCalInProgress) {
emit setCompassRotations();
case StopCalibrationCancelled:
emit resetStatusTextArea();
// Assume failed
qgcApp()->showMessage("Calibration failed. Calibration log will be displayed.");
case StopCalibrationSuccess:
_orientationCalAreaHelpText->setProperty("text", "Calibration complete");
emit resetStatusTextArea();
case StopCalibrationCancelled:
emit resetStatusTextArea();
// Assume failed
qgcApp()->showMessage("Calibration failed. Calibration log will be displayed.");
_magCalInProgress = false;
_accelCalInProgress = false;
_gyroCalInProgress = false;
void APMSensorsComponentController::calibrateCompass(void)
void APMSensorsComponentController::calibrateAccel(void)
_accelCalInProgress = true;
......@@ -211,9 +212,21 @@ void APMSensorsComponentController::_handleUASTextMessage(int uasId, int compId,
if (text.contains("progress <")) {
QString percent = text.split("<").last().split(">").first();
bool ok;
int p = percent.toInt(&ok);
if (ok) {
_progressBar->setProperty("value", (float)(p / 100.0));
QString anyKey("and press any");
if (text.contains(anyKey)) {
text = text.left(text.indexOf(anyKey)) + "and click Next to continue.";
......@@ -229,7 +242,6 @@ void APMSensorsComponentController::_handleUASTextMessage(int uasId, int compId,
// All calibration messages start with [cal]
QString calPrefix("[cal] ");
if (!text.startsWith(calPrefix)) {
......@@ -243,7 +255,6 @@ void APMSensorsComponentController::_handleUASTextMessage(int uasId, int compId,
text = parts[1];
if (text == "accel" || text == "mag" || text == "gyro") {
// Reset all progress indication
_orientationCalDownSideDone = false;
......@@ -285,9 +296,6 @@ void APMSensorsComponentController::_handleUASTextMessage(int uasId, int compId,
_orientationCalRightSideVisible = true;
_orientationCalTailDownSideVisible = true;
_orientationCalNoseDownSideVisible = true;
} else if (text == "gyro") {
_gyroCalInProgress = true;
_orientationCalDownSideVisible = true;
} else {
......@@ -381,12 +389,21 @@ void APMSensorsComponentController::_handleUASTextMessage(int uasId, int compId,
QString calCompletePrefix("calibration done:");
if (text.startsWith(calCompletePrefix)) {
if (text.startsWith("calibration cancelled")) {
_stopCalibration(_waitingForCancel ? StopCalibrationCancelled : StopCalibrationFailed);
if (text.startsWith("calibration failed")) {
void APMSensorsComponentController::_refreshParams(void)
......@@ -407,17 +424,17 @@ void APMSensorsComponentController::_refreshParams(void)
bool APMSensorsComponentController::fixedWing(void)
switch (_vehicle->vehicleType()) {
return true;
return false;
return true;
return false;
......@@ -434,12 +451,17 @@ void APMSensorsComponentController::_hideAllCalAreas(void)
void APMSensorsComponentController::cancelCalibration(void)
// The firmware doesn't allow us to cancel calibration. The best we can do is wait
// for it to timeout.
_waitingForCancel = true;
emit waitingForCancelChanged();
if (_magCalInProgress) {
} else {
// The firmware doesn't always allow us to cancel calibration. The best we can do is wait
// for it to timeout.
void APMSensorsComponentController::nextClicked(void)
......@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
#include "FactPanelController.h"
#include "QGCLoggingCategory.h"
#include "APMSensorsComponent.h"
#include "APMCompassCal.h"
......@@ -106,7 +107,6 @@ signals:
void orientationCalSidesRotateChanged(void);
void resetStatusTextArea(void);
void waitingForCancelChanged(void);
void setCompassRotations(void);
void setupNeededChanged(void);
private slots:
......@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ private:
void _updateAndEmitShowOrientationCalArea(bool show);
APMCompassCal _compassCal;
APMSensorsComponent* _sensorsComponent;
QQuickItem* _statusLog;
......@@ -139,10 +140,8 @@ private:
QQuickItem* _cancelButton;
QQuickItem* _orientationCalAreaHelpText;
bool _showGyroCalArea;
bool _showOrientationCalArea;
bool _gyroCalInProgress;
bool _magCalInProgress;
bool _accelCalInProgress;
......@@ -223,6 +223,18 @@ void Vehicle::_mavlinkMessageReceived(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t mes
emit mavlinkRawImu(message);
emit mavlinkScaledImu1(message);
emit mavlinkScaledImu2(message);
emit mavlinkScaledImu3(message);
emit mavlinkMessageReceived(message);
......@@ -1035,7 +1047,7 @@ bool Vehicle::missingParameters(void)
return _autopilotPlugin->missingParameters();
void Vehicle::requestDataStream(MAV_DATA_STREAM stream, uint16_t rate)
void Vehicle::requestDataStream(MAV_DATA_STREAM stream, uint16_t rate, bool sendMultiple)
mavlink_message_t msg;
mavlink_request_data_stream_t dataStream;
......@@ -1048,8 +1060,12 @@ void Vehicle::requestDataStream(MAV_DATA_STREAM stream, uint16_t rate)
mavlink_msg_request_data_stream_encode(_mavlink->getSystemId(), _mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, &dataStream);
// We use sendMessageMultiple since we really want these to make it to the vehicle
if (sendMultiple) {
// We use sendMessageMultiple since we really want these to make it to the vehicle
} else {
void Vehicle::_sendMessageMultipleNext(void)
......@@ -204,7 +204,8 @@ public:
/// Requests the specified data stream from the vehicle
/// @param stream Stream which is being requested
/// @param rate Rate at which to send stream in Hz
void requestDataStream(MAV_DATA_STREAM stream, uint16_t rate);
/// @param sendMultiple Send multiple time to guarantee Vehicle reception
void requestDataStream(MAV_DATA_STREAM stream, uint16_t rate, bool sendMultiple = true);
bool missingParameters(void);
......@@ -321,6 +322,11 @@ signals:
/// Remote control RSSI changed (0% - 100%)
void remoteControlRSSIChanged(uint8_t rssi);
void mavlinkRawImu(mavlink_message_t message);
void mavlinkScaledImu1(mavlink_message_t message);
void mavlinkScaledImu2(mavlink_message_t message);
void mavlinkScaledImu3(mavlink_message_t message);
private slots:
void _mavlinkMessageReceived(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t message);
void _linkInactiveOrDeleted(LinkInterface* link);
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