Commit b2563601 authored by lm's avatar lm

Made param interface more chatty with a status label. No retransmission active...

Made param interface more chatty with a status label. No retransmission active yet, but no silent drops any more
parent 75b86d82
......@@ -186,13 +186,6 @@ void QGCParamWidget::addComponent(int uas, int component, QString componentName)
void QGCParamWidget::addParameter(int uas, int component, int paramCount, int paramId, QString parameterName, float value)
addParameter(uas, component, parameterName, value);
int missCount = 0;
foreach (int key, transmissionMissingPackets.keys())
missCount += transmissionMissingPackets.value(key)->count();
statusLabel->setText(tr("Got Param #%1/%2: %3 (%4 missing)").arg(paramId).arg(parameterName).arg(value).arg(missCount));
// List mode is different from single parameter transfers
if (transmissionListMode)
......@@ -225,9 +218,16 @@ void QGCParamWidget::addParameter(int uas, int component, int paramCount, int pa
// If the MAV sent the parameter without request, it wont be in missing list
if (index != -1) transmissionMissingPackets.value(component)->removeAt(index);
int missCount = 0;
foreach (int key, transmissionMissingPackets.keys())
missCount += transmissionMissingPackets.value(key)->count();
statusLabel->setText(tr("Got Param (#%1 of %5) %2: %3 (%4 missing)").arg(paramId+1).arg(parameterName).arg(value).arg(missCount).arg(paramCount));
// Check if last parameter was received
if (transmissionMissingPackets.count() == 0)
if (missCount == 0)
this->transmissionActive = false;
this->transmissionListMode = false;
......@@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ void QGCParamWidget::loadParameters()
void QGCParamWidget::setParameter(int component, QString parameterName, float value)
emit parameterChanged(component, parameterName, value);
qDebug() << "SENT PARAM" << parameterName << value;
......@@ -550,6 +550,7 @@ void QGCParamWidget::setParameter(int component, QString parameterName, float va
void QGCParamWidget::setParameters()
// Iterate through all components, through all parameters and emit them
int parametersSent = 0;
QMap<int, QMap<QString, float>*>::iterator i;
for (i = changedValues.begin(); i != changedValues.end(); ++i)
......@@ -561,12 +562,22 @@ void QGCParamWidget::setParameters()
for (j = comp->begin(); j != comp->end(); ++j)
setParameter(compid, j.key(), j.value());
// Update stats label
if (parametersSent == 0)
statusLabel->setText(tr("No transmission: No changed values."));
statusLabel->setText(tr("Transmitting %1 parameters.").arg(parametersSent));
qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << "SETTING ALL PARAMETERS";
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