Commit b1a9d302 authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne

Merge pull request #1242 from basil-huber/Fix1241

Repaired overwriting current files for flight data log (fix #1241)
parents 64e8919c 9134bd06
...@@ -490,15 +490,29 @@ void QGCApplication::criticalMessageBoxOnMainThread(const QString& title, const ...@@ -490,15 +490,29 @@ void QGCApplication::criticalMessageBoxOnMainThread(const QString& title, const
void QGCApplication::saveTempFlightDataLogOnMainThread(QString tempLogfile) void QGCApplication::saveTempFlightDataLogOnMainThread(QString tempLogfile)
{ {
QString saveFilename = QGCFileDialog::getSaveFileName( bool saveError;
MainWindow::instance(), do{
tr("Save Flight Data Log"), saveError = false;
qgcApp()->mavlinkLogFilesLocation(), QString saveFilename = QGCFileDialog::getSaveFileName(
tr("Flight Data Log Files (*.mavlink)"), MainWindow::instance(),
"mavlink"); tr("Save Flight Data Log"),
if (!saveFilename.isEmpty()) { qgcApp()->mavlinkLogFilesLocation(),
QFile::copy(tempLogfile, saveFilename); tr("Flight Data Log Files (*.mavlink)"),
} "mavlink");
if (!saveFilename.isEmpty()) {
// if file exsits already, try to remove it first to overwrite it
if(QFile::exists(saveFilename) && !QFile::remove(saveFilename)){
// if the file cannot be removed, prompt user and ask new path
saveError = true;
QGCMessageBox::warning("File Error","Could not overwrite existing file.\nPlease provide a different file name to save to.");
} else if(!QFile::copy(tempLogfile, saveFilename)) {
// if file could not be copied, prompt user and ask new path
saveError = true;
QGCMessageBox::warning("File Error","Could not create file.\nPlease provide a different file name to save to.");
} while(saveError); // if the file could not be overwritten, ask for new file
QFile::remove(tempLogfile); QFile::remove(tempLogfile);
} }
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