Commit b066ee20 authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne

Modified to use new FILE_TRANSFER_PROTOCOL message

- Also corrected system/component id usage
- Switched to new Qt5 connect api
parent ce8a3e33
......@@ -45,8 +45,10 @@ const MockMavlinkFileServer::FileTestCase MockMavlinkFileServer::rgFileTestCases
// We only support a single fixed session
const uint8_t MockMavlinkFileServer::_sessionId = 1;
MockMavlinkFileServer::MockMavlinkFileServer(void) :
MockMavlinkFileServer::MockMavlinkFileServer(uint8_t systemIdQGC, uint8_t systemIdServer) :
......@@ -74,7 +76,6 @@ void MockMavlinkFileServer::_listCommand(QGCUASFileManager::Request* request, ui
ackResponse.hdr.magic = 'f';
ackResponse.hdr.opcode = QGCUASFileManager::kRspAck;
ackResponse.hdr.session = 0;
ackResponse.hdr.offset = request->hdr.offset;
......@@ -133,7 +134,6 @@ void MockMavlinkFileServer::_openCommand(QGCUASFileManager::Request* request, ui
response.hdr.magic = 'f';
response.hdr.opcode = QGCUASFileManager::kRspAck;
response.hdr.session = _sessionId;
......@@ -183,7 +183,6 @@ void MockMavlinkFileServer::_readCommand(QGCUASFileManager::Request* request, ui
// We should always have written something, otherwise there is something wrong with the code above
response.hdr.magic = 'f';
response.hdr.session = _sessionId;
response.hdr.size = cDataBytes;
response.hdr.offset = request->hdr.offset;
......@@ -214,15 +213,15 @@ void MockMavlinkFileServer::sendMessage(mavlink_message_t message)
QGCUASFileManager::Request ackResponse;
mavlink_encapsulated_data_t requestEncapsulatedData;
mavlink_msg_encapsulated_data_decode(&message, &requestEncapsulatedData);
QGCUASFileManager::Request* request = (QGCUASFileManager::Request*)&[0];
mavlink_file_transfer_protocol_t requestFileTransferProtocol;
mavlink_msg_file_transfer_protocol_decode(&message, &requestFileTransferProtocol);
QGCUASFileManager::Request* request = (QGCUASFileManager::Request*)&requestFileTransferProtocol.payload[0];
Q_ASSERT(request->hdr.magic == QGCUASFileManager::kProtocolMagic);
Q_ASSERT(requestFileTransferProtocol.target_system == _systemIdServer);
uint16_t incomingSeqNumber = requestEncapsulatedData.seqnr;
uint16_t incomingSeqNumber = request->hdr.seqNumber;
uint16_t outgoingSeqNumber = _nextSeqNumber(incomingSeqNumber);
if (_errMode == errModeNoResponse) {
......@@ -250,7 +249,6 @@ void MockMavlinkFileServer::sendMessage(mavlink_message_t message)
case QGCUASFileManager::kCmdNone:
// ignored, always acked
ackResponse.hdr.magic = 'f';
ackResponse.hdr.opcode = QGCUASFileManager::kRspAck;
ackResponse.hdr.session = 0;
ackResponse.hdr.crc32 = 0;
......@@ -294,7 +292,6 @@ void MockMavlinkFileServer::_sendAck(uint16_t seqNumber)
QGCUASFileManager::Request ackResponse;
ackResponse.hdr.magic = 'f';
ackResponse.hdr.opcode = QGCUASFileManager::kRspAck;
ackResponse.hdr.session = 0;
ackResponse.hdr.size = 0;
......@@ -307,7 +304,6 @@ void MockMavlinkFileServer::_sendNak(QGCUASFileManager::ErrorCode error, uint16_
QGCUASFileManager::Request nakResponse;
nakResponse.hdr.magic = 'f';
nakResponse.hdr.opcode = QGCUASFileManager::kRspNak;
nakResponse.hdr.session = 0;
nakResponse.hdr.size = 1;
......@@ -321,14 +317,21 @@ void MockMavlinkFileServer::_emitResponse(QGCUASFileManager::Request* request, u
mavlink_message_t mavlinkMessage;
request->hdr.magic = QGCUASFileManager::kProtocolMagic;
request->hdr.seqNumber = seqNumber;
request->hdr.crc32 = QGCUASFileManager::crc32(request);
if (_errMode == errModeBadCRC) {
// Return a bad CRC
mavlink_msg_encapsulated_data_pack(250, 50, &mavlinkMessage, seqNumber, (uint8_t*)request);
mavlink_msg_file_transfer_protocol_pack(_systemIdServer, // System ID
0, // Component ID
&mavlinkMessage, // Mavlink Message to pack into
0, // Target network
_systemIdQGC, // QGC Target System ID
0, // Target component
(uint8_t*)request); // Payload
emit messageReceived(NULL, mavlinkMessage);
......@@ -40,7 +40,10 @@ class MockMavlinkFileServer : public MockMavlinkInterface
/// @brief Constructor for MockMavlinkFileServer
/// @param System ID for QGroundControl App
/// @pqram System ID for this Server
MockMavlinkFileServer(uint8_t systemIdQGC, uint8_t systemIdServer);
/// @brief Sets the list of files returned by the List command. Prepend names with F or D
/// to indicate (F)ile or (D)irectory.
......@@ -103,6 +106,8 @@ private:
static const uint8_t _sessionId;
uint8_t _readFileLength; ///< Length of active file being read
ErrorMode_t _errMode; ///< Currently set error mode, as specified by setErrorMode
const uint8_t _systemIdServer; ///< System ID for server
const uint8_t _systemIdQGC; ///< QGC System ID
......@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
/// @author Don Gagne <>
QGCUASFileManagerUnitTest::QGCUASFileManagerUnitTest(void) :
_mockFileServer(_systemIdQGC, _systemIdServer),
......@@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ QGCUASFileManagerUnitTest::QGCUASFileManagerUnitTest(void) :
// Called once before all test cases are run
void QGCUASFileManagerUnitTest::initTestCase(void)
......@@ -48,19 +50,16 @@ void QGCUASFileManagerUnitTest::init(void)
Q_ASSERT(_multiSpy == NULL);
_fileManager = new QGCUASFileManager(NULL, &_mockUAS);
_fileManager = new QGCUASFileManager(NULL, &_mockUAS, _systemIdQGC);
// Reset any internal state back to normal
bool connected = connect(&_mockFileServer, SIGNAL(messageReceived(LinkInterface*, mavlink_message_t)), _fileManager, SLOT(receiveMessage(LinkInterface*, mavlink_message_t)));
Q_UNUSED(connected); // Silent release build compiler warning
connect(&_mockFileServer, &MockMavlinkFileServer::messageReceived, _fileManager, &QGCUASFileManager::receiveMessage);
connected = connect(_fileManager, SIGNAL(listEntry(const QString&)), this, SLOT(listEntry(const QString&)));
connect(_fileManager, &QGCUASFileManager::listEntry, this, &QGCUASFileManagerUnitTest::listEntry);
_rgSignals[listEntrySignalIndex] = SIGNAL(listEntry(const QString&));
_rgSignals[listCompleteSignalIndex] = SIGNAL(listComplete(void));
......@@ -80,6 +80,10 @@ private:
downloadFileCompleteSignalMask = 1 << downloadFileCompleteSignalIndex,
errorMessageSignalMask = 1 << errorMessageSignalIndex,
static const uint8_t _systemIdQGC = 255;
static const uint8_t _systemIdServer = 128;
MockUAS _mockUAS;
MockMavlinkFileServer _mockFileServer;
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
#include "QGCUASFileManager.h"
#include "QGC.h"
#include "MAVLinkProtocol.h"
#include "MainWindow.h"
#include <QFile>
#include <QDir>
......@@ -66,16 +67,17 @@ static const quint32 crctab[] =
QGCUASFileManager::QGCUASFileManager(QObject* parent, UASInterface* uas) :
QGCUASFileManager::QGCUASFileManager(QObject* parent, UASInterface* uas, uint8_t unitTestSystemIdQGC) :
bool connected = connect(&_ackTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(_ackTimeout()));
Q_UNUSED(connected); // Silence retail unused variable error
connect(&_ackTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &QGCUASFileManager::_ackTimeout);
_systemIdServer = _mav->getUASID();
/// @brief Calculates a 32 bit CRC for the specified request.
......@@ -252,28 +254,25 @@ void QGCUASFileManager::receiveMessage(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t me
if (message.msgid != MAVLINK_MSG_ID_ENCAPSULATED_DATA) {
// wtf, not for us
// receiveMessage is signalled will all mavlink messages so we need to filter everything else out but ours.
// XXX: hack to prevent files from videostream to interfere
// FIXME: magic number
if (message.compid != 50) {
mavlink_file_transfer_protocol_t data;
mavlink_msg_file_transfer_protocol_decode(&message, &data);
mavlink_encapsulated_data_t data;
mavlink_msg_encapsulated_data_decode(&message, &data);
Request* request = (Request*)&[0];
if (request->hdr.magic != kProtocolMagic) {
// Make sure we are the target system
if (data.target_system != _systemIdQGC) {
qDebug() << "Received MAVLINK_MSG_ID_FILE_TRANSFER_PROTOCOL with possibly incorrect system id" << _systemIdQGC;
Request* request = (Request*)&data.payload[0];
uint16_t incomingSeqNumber = data.seqnr;
uint16_t incomingSeqNumber = request->hdr.seqNumber;
// Make sure we have a good CRC
quint32 expectedCRC = crc32(request);
......@@ -381,7 +380,6 @@ void QGCUASFileManager::_sendListCommand(void)
Request request;
request.hdr.magic = 'f';
request.hdr.session = 0;
request.hdr.opcode = kCmdList;
request.hdr.offset = _listOffset;
......@@ -416,7 +414,6 @@ void QGCUASFileManager::downloadPath(const QString& from, const QDir& downloadDi
_currentOperation = kCOOpen;
Request request;
request.hdr.magic = 'f';
request.hdr.session = 0;
request.hdr.opcode = kCmdOpen;
request.hdr.offset = 0;
......@@ -470,7 +467,6 @@ bool QGCUASFileManager::_sendOpcodeOnlyCmd(uint8_t opcode, OperationState newOpS
Request request;
request.hdr.magic = 'f';
request.hdr.session = 0;
request.hdr.opcode = opcode;
request.hdr.offset = 0;
......@@ -547,10 +543,22 @@ void QGCUASFileManager::_sendRequest(Request* request)
request->hdr.magic = kProtocolMagic;
request->hdr.seqNumber = _lastOutgoingSeqNumber;
request->hdr.crc32 = crc32(request);
// FIXME: Send correct system id instead of harcoded 250
// FIXME: What about the component id? Should it be set to something specific.
mavlink_msg_encapsulated_data_pack(250, 0, &message, _lastOutgoingSeqNumber, (uint8_t*)request);
if (_systemIdQGC == 0) {
_systemIdQGC = MainWindow::instance()->getMAVLink()->getSystemId();
mavlink_msg_file_transfer_protocol_pack(_systemIdQGC, // QGC System ID
0, // QGC Component ID
&message, // Mavlink Message to pack into
0, // Target network
_systemIdServer, // Target system
0, // Target component
(uint8_t*)request); // Payload
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class QGCUASFileManager : public QObject
QGCUASFileManager(QObject* parent, UASInterface* uas);
QGCUASFileManager(QObject* parent, UASInterface* uas, uint8_t unitTestSystemIdQGC = 0);
/// These methods are only used for testing purposes.
bool _sendCmdTestAck(void) { return _sendOpcodeOnlyCmd(kCmdNone, kCOAck); };
......@@ -74,26 +74,28 @@ public slots:
void downloadPath(const QString& from, const QDir& downloadDir);
static const uint8_t kProtocolMagic = 'f';
/// @brief This is the fixed length portion of the protocol data. This structure is layed out such that it should not require
/// any special compiler packing to not consume extra space.
struct RequestHeader
uint8_t magic; ///> Magic byte 'f' to idenitfy FTP protocol
uint8_t session; ///> Session id for read and write commands
uint8_t opcode; ///> Command opcode
uint8_t size; ///> Size of data
uint32_t crc32; ///> CRC for entire Request structure, with crc32 set to 0
uint32_t offset; ///> Offsets for List and Read commands
uint16_t seqNumber; ///< sequence number for message
unsigned int session:4; ///< Session id for read and write commands
unsigned int opcode:4; ///< Command opcode
uint8_t size; ///< Size of data
uint32_t crc32; ///< CRC for entire Request structure, with crc32 set to 0
uint32_t offset; ///< Offsets for List and Read commands
struct Request
struct RequestHeader hdr;
// We use a union here instead of just casting (uint32_t)&data[0] to not break strict aliasing rules
// We use a union here instead of just casting (uint32_t)&payload[0] to not break strict aliasing rules
union {
// The entire Request must fit into the data member of the mavlink_encapsulated_data_t structure. We use as many leftover bytes
// The entire Request must fit into the payload member of the mavlink_file_transfer_protocol_t structure. We use as many leftover bytes
// after we use up space for the RequestHeader for the data portion of the Request.
uint8_t data[sizeof(((mavlink_encapsulated_data_t*)0)->data) - sizeof(RequestHeader)];
uint8_t data[sizeof(((mavlink_file_transfer_protocol_t*)0)->payload) - sizeof(RequestHeader)];
// File length returned by Open command
uint32_t openFileLength;
......@@ -103,22 +105,22 @@ protected:
enum Opcode
// Commands
kCmdNone, ///> ignored, always acked
kCmdTerminate, ///> releases sessionID, closes file
kCmdReset, ///> terminates all sessions
kCmdList, ///> list files in <path> from <offset>
kCmdOpen, ///> opens <path> for reading, returns <session>
kCmdRead, ///> reads <size> bytes from <offset> in <session>
kCmdCreate, ///> creates <path> for writing, returns <session>
kCmdWrite, ///> appends <size> bytes at <offset> in <session>
kCmdRemove, ///> remove file (only if created by server?)
kCmdNone, ///< ignored, always acked
kCmdTerminate, ///< releases sessionID, closes file
kCmdReset, ///< terminates all sessions
kCmdList, ///< list files in <path> from <offset>
kCmdOpen, ///< opens <path> for reading, returns <session>
kCmdRead, ///< reads <size> bytes from <offset> in <session>
kCmdCreate, ///< creates <path> for writing, returns <session>
kCmdWrite, ///< appends <size> bytes at <offset> in <session>
kCmdRemove, ///< remove file (only if created by server?)
// Responses
kRspAck, ///> positive acknowledgement of previous command
kRspNak, ///> negative acknowledgement of previous command
kRspAck, ///< positive acknowledgement of previous command
kRspNak, ///< negative acknowledgement of previous command
// Used for testing only, not part of protocol
kCmdTestNoAck, // ignored, ack not sent back, should timeout waiting for ack
kCmdTestNoAck, ///< ignored, ack not sent back, should timeout waiting for ack
enum ErrorCode
......@@ -170,21 +172,24 @@ protected:
static quint32 crc32(Request* request, unsigned state = 0);
static QString errorString(uint8_t errorCode);
OperationState _currentOperation; ///> Current operation of state machine
QTimer _ackTimer; ///> Used to signal a timeout waiting for an ack
OperationState _currentOperation; ///< Current operation of state machine
QTimer _ackTimer; ///< Used to signal a timeout waiting for an ack
UASInterface* _mav;
uint16_t _lastOutgoingSeqNumber; ///< Sequence number sent in last outgoing packet
unsigned _listOffset; ///> offset for the current List operation
QString _listPath; ///> path for the current List operation
unsigned _listOffset; ///< offset for the current List operation
QString _listPath; ///< path for the current List operation
uint8_t _activeSession; ///< currently active session, 0 for none
uint32_t _readOffset; ///< current read offset
QByteArray _readFileAccumulator; ///< Holds file being downloaded
QDir _readFileDownloadDir; ///< Directory to download file to
QString _readFileDownloadFilename; ///< Filename (no path) for download file
uint8_t _activeSession; ///> currently active session, 0 for none
uint32_t _readOffset; ///> current read offset
QByteArray _readFileAccumulator; ///> Holds file being downloaded
QDir _readFileDownloadDir; ///> Directory to download file to
QString _readFileDownloadFilename; ///> Filename (no path) for download file
uint8_t _systemIdQGC; ///< System ID for QGC
uint8_t _systemIdServer; ///< System ID for server
// We give MockMavlinkFileServer friend access so that it can use the data structures and opcodes
// to build a mock mavlink file server for testing.
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