Commit aefd1860 authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne

Move Flaps/Aux to Radio Cal screen combos

parent 76975530
......@@ -471,6 +471,27 @@ QGCView {
onClicked: showDialog(copyTrimsDialogComponent, dialogTitle, qgcView.showDialogDefaultWidth, StandardButton.Ok | StandardButton.Cancel)
Repeater {
model: QGroundControl.multiVehicleManager.activeVehicle.px4Firmware ? [ "RC_MAP_FLAPS", "RC_MAP_AUX1", "RC_MAP_AUX2", "RC_MAP_AUX3" ] : 0
Row {
spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth
property Fact fact: controller.getParameterFact(-1, modelData)
QGCLabel {
anchors.baseline: optCombo.baseline
text: fact.shortDescription + ":"
FactComboBox {
id: optCombo
width: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 15
fact: parent.fact
indexModel: false
} // Repeater
} // Column - Left Column
Item {
......@@ -81,9 +81,6 @@ const struct RadioComponentController::FunctionInfo RadioComponentController::_r
{ "RC_MAP_AUX1" },
{ "RC_MAP_AUX2" },
const struct RadioComponentController::FunctionInfo RadioComponentController::_rgFunctionInfoAPM[RadioComponentController::rcCalFunctionMax] = {
......@@ -97,9 +94,6 @@ const struct RadioComponentController::FunctionInfo RadioComponentController::_r
{ NULL },
{ NULL },
{ NULL },
{ NULL },
{ NULL },
{ NULL },
RadioComponentController::RadioComponentController(void) :
......@@ -157,16 +151,7 @@ const RadioComponentController::stateMachineEntry* RadioComponentController::_ge
static const char* msgPitchDown = "Move the Pitch stick all the way down and hold it there...";
static const char* msgPitchUp = "Move the Pitch stick all the way up and hold it there...";
static const char* msgPitchCenter = "Allow the Pitch stick to move back to center...";
static const char* msgAux1Switch = "Move the switch or dial you want to use for Aux1.\n\n"
"You can click Skip if you don't want to assign.";
static const char* msgAux2Switch = "Move the switch or dial you want to use for Aux2.\n\n"
"You can click Skip if you don't want to assign.";
static const char* msgSwitchMinMax = "Move all the transmitter switches and/or dials back and forth to their extreme positions.";
static const char* msgFlapsDetect = "Move the switch or dial you want to use for Flaps back and forth a few times. "
"Then leave the switch/dial at the position you want to use for Flaps fully extended.\n\n"
"Click Next to continue.\n"
"If you won't be using Flaps, click Skip.";
static const char* msgFlapsUp = "Move the switch or dial you want to use for Flaps to the position you want to use for Flaps fully retracted.";
static const char* msgComplete = "All settings have been captured. Click Next to write the new parameters to your board.";
static const stateMachineEntry rgStateMachinePX4[] = {
......@@ -182,10 +167,6 @@ const RadioComponentController::stateMachineEntry* RadioComponentController::_ge
{ rcCalFunctionPitch, msgPitchDown, _imagePitchDown, &RadioComponentController::_inputStickMin, NULL, NULL },
{ rcCalFunctionPitch, msgPitchCenter, _imageHome, &RadioComponentController::_inputCenterWait, NULL, NULL },
{ rcCalFunctionMax, msgSwitchMinMax, _imageSwitchMinMax, &RadioComponentController::_inputSwitchMinMax, &RadioComponentController::_advanceState, NULL },
{ rcCalFunctionFlaps, msgFlapsDetect, _imageThrottleDown, &RadioComponentController::_inputFlapsDetect, &RadioComponentController::_saveFlapsDown, &RadioComponentController::_skipFlaps },
{ rcCalFunctionFlaps, msgFlapsUp, _imageThrottleDown, &RadioComponentController::_inputFlapsUp, NULL, NULL },
{ rcCalFunctionAux1, msgAux1Switch, _imageThrottleDown, &RadioComponentController::_inputSwitchDetect, NULL, &RadioComponentController::_advanceState },
{ rcCalFunctionAux2, msgAux2Switch, _imageThrottleDown, &RadioComponentController::_inputSwitchDetect, NULL, &RadioComponentController::_advanceState },
{ rcCalFunctionMax, msgComplete, _imageThrottleDown, NULL, &RadioComponentController::_writeCalibration, NULL },
......@@ -547,100 +528,6 @@ void RadioComponentController::_inputSwitchMinMax(enum rcCalFunctions function,
void RadioComponentController::_skipFlaps(void)
// Flaps channel may have been identified. Clear it out.
for (int i=0; i<_chanCount; i++) {
if (_rgChannelInfo[i].function == RadioComponentController::rcCalFunctionFlaps) {
_rgChannelInfo[i].function = rcCalFunctionMax;
_rgFunctionChannelMapping[RadioComponentController::rcCalFunctionFlaps] = _chanMax();
// Skip over flap steps
_currentStep += 2;
void RadioComponentController::_saveFlapsDown(void)
int channel = _rgFunctionChannelMapping[rcCalFunctionFlaps];
if (channel == _chanMax()) {
// Channel not yet mapped, still waiting for switch to move
if (_unitTestMode) {
emit nextButtonMessageBoxDisplayed();
} else {
qgcApp()->showMessage("Flaps switch has not yet been detected.");
Q_ASSERT(channel != -1);
ChannelInfo* info = &_rgChannelInfo[channel];
int rcValue = _rcRawValue[channel];
// Switch detection is complete. Switch should be at flaps fully extended position.
// Channel should be at max value, if it is below initial set point the channel is reversed.
info->reversed = rcValue < _rcValueSave[channel];
if (info->reversed) {
_rgChannelInfo[channel].rcMin = rcValue;
} else {
_rgChannelInfo[channel].rcMax = rcValue;
void RadioComponentController::_inputFlapsUp(enum rcCalFunctions function, int channel, int value)
// FIXME: Duplication
Q_ASSERT(function == rcCalFunctionFlaps);
// We only care about the channel mapped to flaps
if (_rgFunctionChannelMapping[rcCalFunctionFlaps] != channel) {
if (_stickDetectChannel == _chanMax()) {
// Setup up to detect stick being pegged to extreme position
if (_rgChannelInfo[channel].reversed) {
if (value > _rcCalPWMCenterPoint + _rcCalMoveDelta) {
_stickDetectChannel = channel;
_stickDetectInitialValue = value;
_stickDetectValue = value;
} else {
if (value < _rcCalPWMCenterPoint - _rcCalMoveDelta) {
_stickDetectChannel = channel;
_stickDetectInitialValue = value;
_stickDetectValue = value;
} else {
// We are waiting for the selected channel to settle out
if (_stickSettleComplete(value)) {
ChannelInfo* info = &_rgChannelInfo[channel];
// Stick detection is complete. Stick should be at min position.
if (info->reversed) {
_rgChannelInfo[channel].rcMax = value;
} else {
_rgChannelInfo[channel].rcMin = value;
void RadioComponentController::_switchDetect(enum rcCalFunctions function, int channel, int value, bool moveToNextStep)
// If this channel is already used in a mapping we can't use it again
......@@ -671,11 +558,6 @@ void RadioComponentController::_inputSwitchDetect(enum rcCalFunctions function,
_switchDetect(function, channel, value, true /* move to next step after detection */);
void RadioComponentController::_inputFlapsDetect(enum rcCalFunctions function, int channel, int value)
_switchDetect(function, channel, value, false /* do not move to next step after detection */);
/// @brief Resets internal calibration values to their initial state in preparation for a new calibration sequence.
void RadioComponentController::_resetInternalCalibrationValues(void)
......@@ -159,9 +159,6 @@ private:
// Attitude functions are roll/pitch/yaw/throttle
......@@ -170,7 +167,7 @@ private:
// Non-Attitude functions are everything else
rcCalFunctionFirstNonAttitudeFunction = rcCalFunctionModeSwitch,
rcCalFunctionLastNonAttitudeFunction = rcCalFunctionAux2,
rcCalFunctionLastNonAttitudeFunction = rcCalFunctionAcroSwitch,
/// @brief The states of the calibration state machine.
......@@ -224,15 +221,10 @@ private:
void _inputStickMin(enum rcCalFunctions function, int channel, int value);
void _inputCenterWait(enum rcCalFunctions function, int channel, int value);
void _inputSwitchMinMax(enum rcCalFunctions function, int channel, int value);
void _inputFlapsDown(enum rcCalFunctions function, int channel, int value);
void _inputFlapsUp(enum rcCalFunctions function, int channel, int value);
void _inputSwitchDetect(enum rcCalFunctions function, int channel, int value);
void _inputFlapsDetect(enum rcCalFunctions function, int channel, int value);
void _switchDetect(enum rcCalFunctions function, int channel, int value, bool moveToNextStep);
void _saveFlapsDown(void);
void _skipFlaps(void);
void _saveAllTrims(void);
bool _stickSettleComplete(int value);
......@@ -79,17 +79,15 @@ const struct RadioConfigTest::ChannelSettings RadioConfigTest::_rgChannelSetting
{ RadioComponentController::rcCalFunctionYaw, _testMinValue, _testMaxValue, 0, true },
{ RadioComponentController::rcCalFunctionThrottle, _testMinValue, _testMaxValue, 0, false },
// Channels 5-8: Not mapped to function, Simulate invalid Min/Max, since available channel Min/Max is still shown.
// Channels 5-11: Not mapped to function, Simulate invalid Min/Max, since available channel Min/Max is still shown.
// These are here to skip over the flight mode functions
{ RadioComponentController::rcCalFunctionMax, _testCenterValue, _testCenterValue, 0, false },
{ RadioComponentController::rcCalFunctionMax, _testCenterValue, _testCenterValue, 0, false },
{ RadioComponentController::rcCalFunctionMax, _testCenterValue, _testCenterValue, 0, false },
{ RadioComponentController::rcCalFunctionMax, _testCenterValue, _testCenterValue, 0, false },
// Channels 9-11: Remainder of non-flight mode switches
{ RadioComponentController::rcCalFunctionFlaps, _testMinValue, _testMaxValue, 0, false },
{ RadioComponentController::rcCalFunctionAux1, _testMinValue, _testMaxValue, 0, false },
{ RadioComponentController::rcCalFunctionAux2, _testMinValue, _testMaxValue, 0, false },
{ RadioComponentController::rcCalFunctionMax, _testCenterValue, _testCenterValue, 0, false },
{ RadioComponentController::rcCalFunctionMax, _testCenterValue, _testCenterValue, 0, false },
{ RadioComponentController::rcCalFunctionMax, _testCenterValue, _testCenterValue, 0, false },
// Channel 12 : Not mapped to function, Simulate invalid Min, valid Max
{ RadioComponentController::rcCalFunctionMax, _testCenterValue, _testMaxValue, 0, false },
......@@ -118,16 +116,14 @@ const struct RadioConfigTest::ChannelSettings RadioConfigTest::_rgChannelSetting
{ RadioComponentController::rcCalFunctionYaw, _testMinValue, _testMaxValue, _testCenterValue, true },
{ RadioComponentController::rcCalFunctionThrottle, _testMinValue, _testMaxValue, _testMinValue, false },
// Channels 5-8: not mapped and should be set to defaults
// Channels 5-11: not mapped and should be set to defaults
{ RadioComponentController::rcCalFunctionMax, RadioComponentController::_rcCalPWMDefaultMinValue, RadioComponentController::_rcCalPWMDefaultMaxValue, 1500/*RadioComponentController::_rcCalPWMCenterPoint*/, false },
{ RadioComponentController::rcCalFunctionMax, RadioComponentController::_rcCalPWMDefaultMinValue, RadioComponentController::_rcCalPWMDefaultMaxValue, 1500/*RadioComponentController::_rcCalPWMCenterPoint*/, false },
{ RadioComponentController::rcCalFunctionMax, RadioComponentController::_rcCalPWMDefaultMinValue, RadioComponentController::_rcCalPWMDefaultMaxValue, 1500/*RadioComponentController::_rcCalPWMCenterPoint*/, false },
{ RadioComponentController::rcCalFunctionMax, RadioComponentController::_rcCalPWMDefaultMinValue, RadioComponentController::_rcCalPWMDefaultMaxValue, 1500/*RadioComponentController::_rcCalPWMCenterPoint*/, false },
{ RadioComponentController::rcCalFunctionMax, RadioComponentController::_rcCalPWMDefaultMinValue, RadioComponentController::_rcCalPWMDefaultMaxValue, 1500/*RadioComponentController::_rcCalPWMCenterPoint*/, false },
{ RadioComponentController::rcCalFunctionMax, RadioComponentController::_rcCalPWMDefaultMinValue, RadioComponentController::_rcCalPWMDefaultMaxValue, 1500/*RadioComponentController::_rcCalPWMCenterPoint*/, false },
{ RadioComponentController::rcCalFunctionMax, RadioComponentController::_rcCalPWMDefaultMinValue, RadioComponentController::_rcCalPWMDefaultMaxValue, 1500/*RadioComponentController::_rcCalPWMCenterPoint*/, false },
// Channels 9-11: Remainder of non-flight mode switches
{ RadioComponentController::rcCalFunctionFlaps, _testMinValue, _testMaxValue, _testCenterValue, false },
{ RadioComponentController::rcCalFunctionAux1, _testMinValue, _testMaxValue, _testCenterValue, false },
{ RadioComponentController::rcCalFunctionAux2, _testMinValue, _testMaxValue, _testCenterValue, false },
// Channels 12-17 are not mapped and should be set to defaults
{ RadioComponentController::rcCalFunctionMax, RadioComponentController::_rcCalPWMDefaultMinValue, RadioComponentController::_rcCalPWMDefaultMaxValue, 1500/*RadioComponentController::_rcCalPWMCenterPoint*/, false },
......@@ -335,33 +331,6 @@ void RadioConfigTest::_switchMinMaxStep(void)
QCOMPARE(_controller->_currentStep, saveStep + 1);
void RadioConfigTest::_flapsDetectStep(void)
int channel = _rgFunctionChannelMap[RadioComponentController::rcCalFunctionFlaps];
qCDebug(RadioConfigTestLog) << "_flapsDetectStep channel" << channel;
// Test code can't handle reversed flaps channel
CHK_BUTTONS(nextButtonMask | cancelButtonMask | skipButtonMask);
int saveStep = _controller->_currentStep;
// Wiggle channel to identify
_stickMoveWaitForSettle(channel, _testMaxValue);
_stickMoveWaitForSettle(channel, _testMinValue);
// Leave channel on full flaps down
_stickMoveWaitForSettle(channel, _testMaxValue);
// User has to hit next at this step
QCOMPARE(_controller->_currentStep, saveStep);
CHK_BUTTONS(nextButtonMask | cancelButtonMask | skipButtonMask);
QCOMPARE(_controller->_currentStep, saveStep + 1);
void RadioConfigTest::_switchSelectAutoStep(const char* functionStr, RadioComponentController::rcCalFunctions function)
......@@ -449,12 +418,6 @@ void RadioConfigTest::_fullCalibrationWorker(MAV_AUTOPILOT firmwareType)
_stickMoveAutoStep("Pitch", RadioComponentController::rcCalFunctionPitch, moveToMin, false /* not identify step */);
_stickMoveAutoStep("Pitch", RadioComponentController::rcCalFunctionPitch, moveToCenter, false /* not identify step */);
if (firmwareType == MAV_AUTOPILOT_PX4) {
_stickMoveAutoStep("Flaps", RadioComponentController::rcCalFunctionFlaps, moveToMin, false /* not identify step */);
_switchSelectAutoStep("Aux1", RadioComponentController::rcCalFunctionAux1);
_switchSelectAutoStep("Aux2", RadioComponentController::rcCalFunctionAux2);
// One more click and the parameters should get saved
......@@ -89,7 +89,6 @@ private:
void _stickMoveWaitForSettle(int channel, int value);
void _stickMoveAutoStep(const char* functionStr, enum RadioComponentController::rcCalFunctions function, enum MoveToDirection direction, bool identifyStep);
void _switchMinMaxStep(void);
void _flapsDetectStep(void);
void _switchSelectAutoStep(const char* functionStr, RadioComponentController::rcCalFunctions function);
bool _px4Vehicle(void) const;
const struct RadioComponentController::FunctionInfo* _functionInfo(void) const;
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