\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline{figure}{\numberline{15}{\ignorespaces The circular survey item editor. Can be found at the right edge of the screen.}}{11}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline{subsubsection}{\numberline{3.2.11}How to synchronize the Data with Flight View}{11}}
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ The \textbf{plan view} is used to create flight plans and is part of standard \q
The \textbf{flight view} comes in necessary as soon as you want a vehicle to get in action. Once the vehicle established a connection (serial, TCP, UDP, \etc), \qgc starts to communicate automatically with it, in most cases. If not, check the settings menu of \qgc. A connected vehicle will appear as a red arrow on the map, showing the vehicles position and orientation. On the top indicator strip (fig. \ref{fig:flightViewTopIndicatorStrip}), telemetry data will be published. At the left edge a tool strip (fig. \ref{fig:flightViewToolStrip}) will be activated, which can be used to command the vehicle.
The \textbf{\wima view} is used to generate flight paths from minimal user input. The user can define a Measurement Area, a Service Area (for take off, land, supply tasks, etc.) and a Corridor, which connects the other two areas. Furhter the \wima view and flight view will be described.
The \textbf{\wima view} is used to generate flight paths from minimal user input. The user can define a Measurement Area, a Service Area (for take off, land, supply tasks, etc.) and a Corridor, which connects the other two areas. Further the \wima view and flight view will be described.
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ The \textbf{\wima view} is used to generate flight paths from minimal user input
\subsection{\wima View}
\subsection{\wimaPlan View}
By clicking the wave symbol (see fig. \ref{fig:QGCMainButtonExplain}; magenta square) the WiMA view appears. After entering, at the left screen edge, the WiMA tool strip will appear (depicted in fig. \ref{fig:WimaToolstrip}).
\subsubsection{WiMA Tool Strip}
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ A minimal configuration of areas consists of measurement and service area. In th
Press the \verb|File| button (see fig. \ref{fig:wimaViewSaveLoad}) of \wima tool strip (see \ref{sec:wimaToolStrip}) to open the dialog window. Pressing the \verb|New| button deletes all contents within the WiMA Main Window.
Press the \verb|File| button (see fig. \ref{fig:wimaViewSaveLoad}) of \wima tool strip (see \ref{sec:wimaToolStrip}) to open the dialogue window. Pressing the \verb|New| button deletes all contents within the WiMA Main Window.
\subsubsection{Uploading, Downloading and Clearing vehicle Missions}
@@ -215,15 +215,17 @@ To reduce calculation effort, the maximum number of way-points can be set using
\subsubsection{How to synchronize the Data with Flight View}
\subsection{\wima Flight View}
\subsection{ArduPilot Simulator}
For tasks like debugging, program verification or flight plan testing a simulated vehicle can be very useful. It can save time, money and prevent you from excessive sunburns, if you forgot that you are actually outside, starring on your screen, exposed to the hot summer sun.
For this task the ArduPilot simulator can be used. It simulates a vehicle runnig the ArduPilot flight stack (firmware) on your local machine. Data is beeing published by the simulator via UDP and should ideally connect to \qgc without any further tweaks.
For this task the ArduPilot simulator can be used. It simulates a vehicle running the ArduPilot flight stack (firmware) on your local machine. Data is being published by the simulator via UDP and should ideally connect to \qgc without any further tweaks.
The simulator is part of the ArduPilot project, which can be downloaded from Github: \url{https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot}.
It is recommanded to fork the repository. After cloning the repository, the submodules must be initialized and updated. Execute the following code to do this.
It is recommended to fork the repository. After cloning the repository, the sub-modules must be initialized and updated. Execute the following code to do this.