<short_desc>Airspeed sensor compensation model for the SDP3x</short_desc>
<long_desc>Model with Pitot CAL_AIR_TUBED_MM: Not used, 1.5 mm tubes assumed. CAL_AIR_TUBELEN: Length of the tubes connecting the pitot to the sensor. Model without Pitot (1.5 mm tubes) CAL_AIR_TUBED_MM: Not used, 1.5 mm tubes assumed. CAL_AIR_TUBELEN: Length of the tubes connecting the pitot to the sensor. Tube Pressure Drop CAL_AIR_TUBED_MM: Diameter in mm of the pitot and tubes, must have the same diameter. CAL_AIR_TUBELEN: Length of the tubes connecting the pitot to the sensor and the static + dynamic port length of the pitot.</long_desc>
<valuecode="0">HB Pitot</value>
<valuecode="0">Model with Pitot</value>
<valuecode="1">Model without Pitot (1.5 mm tubes)</value>