Commit ae3d4965 authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne

Return and Offboard must be on separate channel

parent c3251189
......@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Item {
Fact { id: rc_map_mode_sw; name: "RC_MAP_MODE_SW" }
Fact { id: rc_map_posctl_sw; name: "RC_MAP_POSCTL_SW" }
Fact { id: rc_map_return_sw; name: "RC_MAP_RETURN_SW" }
Fact { id: rc_map_offboard_sw; name: "RC_MAP_OFFB_SW" }
Fact { id: rc_map_loiter_sw; name: "RC_MAP_LOITER_SW" }
Fact { id: rc_assist_th; name: "RC_ASSIST_TH" }
......@@ -67,6 +68,7 @@ Item {
Fact { id: rc_auto_th; name: "RC_AUTO_TH" }
Fact { id: rc_loiter_th; name: "RC_LOITER_TH" }
Fact { id: rc_return_th; name: "RC_RETURN_TH" }
Fact { id: rc_offboard_th; name: "RC_OFFB_TH" }
Fact { id: rc_th_user; name: "RC_TH_USER" }
......@@ -81,6 +83,7 @@ Item {
property int modeChannel: rc_map_mode_sw.value
property int posCtlChannel: rc_map_posctl_sw.value
property int returnChannel: rc_map_return_sw.value
property int offboardChannel: rc_map_offboard_sw.value
property int loiterChannel: rc_map_loiter_sw.value
property real rcThUserValue: rc_th_user.value
......@@ -187,15 +190,19 @@ Item {
// If dropped over a channel target remap switch
if ( && {
fact.value =
if (!singleSwitchRequired || {
fact.value =
DropArea {
// This will cause to tile to go back to unassigned if dropped here
readonly property int channel: 0
property bool dropAllowed: true
readonly property int channel: 0
property bool dropAllowed: true
property bool unassignedChannel: true
id: dropArea
width: parent.width
......@@ -258,7 +265,9 @@ Item {
// If dropped over a channel target remap switch
if ( && {
fact.value =
if (!singleSwitchRequired || {
fact.value =
......@@ -267,6 +276,7 @@ Item {
onModeChannelChanged: if (!inRedistribution) redistributeThresholds()
onReturnChannelChanged: if (!inRedistribution) redistributeThresholds()
onOffboardChannelChanged: if (!inRedistribution) redistributeThresholds()
onLoiterChannelChanged: if (!inRedistribution) redistributeThresholds()
onPosCtlChannelChanged: if (!inRedistribution) redistributeThresholds()
onRcThUserValue: if (!inRedistribution) redistributeThresholds()
......@@ -280,11 +290,9 @@ Item {
if (modeChannel != 0) {
var positions = 3 // Manual/Assist/Auto always exist
var returnOnModeSwitch = modeChannel == returnChannel
var loiterOnModeSwitch = modeChannel == loiterChannel
var posCtlOnModeSwitch = modeChannel == posCtlChannel
positions += returnOnModeSwitch ? 1 : 0
positions += loiterOnModeSwitch ? 1 : 0
positions += posCtlOnModeSwitch ? 1 : 0
......@@ -306,75 +314,49 @@ Item {
currentThreshold += increment
rc_loiter_th.value = currentThreshold
if (returnOnModeSwitch) {
currentThreshold += increment
rc_return_th.value = currentThreshold
inRedistribution = false
if (returnChannel != 0 && returnChannel != modeChannel) {
var positions = 2 // On/off always exist
var loiterOnReturnSwitch = returnChannel == loiterChannel
positions += loiterOnReturnSwitch ? 1 : 0
var increment = 1.0 / positions
var currentThreshold = 0.0
if (positions == 2) {
// If only two positions don't set threshold at midrange. Setting to 0.25
// allows for this channel to work with either two or three position switch
increment = 0.25
// Make sure we don't re-enter
if (returnChannel != 0) {
inRedistribution = true
if (loiterOnReturnSwitch) {
currentThreshold += increment
rc_loiter_th.value = currentThreshold
currentThreshold += increment
rc_return_th.value = currentThreshold
// If only two positions don't set threshold at midrange. Setting to 0.25
// allows for this channel to work with either two or three position switch
rc_return_th.value = 0.25
inRedistribution = false
if (loiterChannel != 0 && loiterChannel != modeChannel && loiterChannel != returnChannel) {
if (offboardChannel != 0) {
inRedistribution = true
// If only two positions don't set threshold at midrange. Setting to 0.25
// allows for this channel to work with either two or three position switch
var increment = 0.25
rc_offboard_th.value = 0.25
var currentThreshold = 0.0
inRedistribution = false
// Make sure we don't re-enter
if (loiterChannel != 0 && loiterChannel != modeChannel) {
inRedistribution = true
currentThreshold += increment
rc_loiter_th.value = currentThreshold
// If only two positions don't set threshold at midrange. Setting to 0.25
// allows for this channel to work with either two or three position switch
rc_loiter_th.value = 0.25
inRedistribution = false
if (posCtlChannel != 0 & posCtlChannel != modeChannel) {
// If only two positions don't set threshold at midrange. Setting to 0.25
// allows for this channel to work with either two or three position switch
var increment = 0.25
var currentThreshold = 0.0
// Make sure we don't re-enter
inRedistribution = true
currentThreshold += increment
rc_posctl_th.value = currentThreshold
// If only two positions don't set threshold at midrange. Setting to 0.25
// allows for this channel to work with either two or three position switch
rc_posctl_th.value = 0.25
inRedistribution = false
Column {
......@@ -389,9 +371,10 @@ Item {
QGCLabel {
width: parent.width
text: "Flight Mode switches can be assigned to any channel which is not currently being used for attitude control. All channels are displayed below. " +
"You can drag Flight Modes from the Flight Modes section below to a channel and drop it there. You can also drag switches assigned to a channel " +
"to another channel or back to the Unassigned Switches section. The Switch Display section at the very bottom will show you the results of your Flight Mode setup."
text: "The Main Mode, Loiter and PostCtl switches can be assigned to any channel which is not currently being used for attitude control. The Return and Offboard switches must be assigned to their seperate channel. " +
"All channels are displayed below. " +
"You can drag Flight Modes from the Flight Modes section below to a channel and drop it there. You can also drag switches assigned to a channel " +
"to another channel or back to the Unassigned Switches section. The Switch Display section at the very bottom will show you the results of your Flight Mode setup."
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
......@@ -420,10 +403,12 @@ Item {
property bool modeMapped: channel == modeChannel
property bool posCtlMapped: channel == posCtlChannel
property bool returnMapped: channel == returnChannel
property bool offboardMapped: channel == offboardChannel
property bool loiterMapped: channel == loiterChannel
property bool nonFlightModeMapping: throttleMapped | yawMapped | pitchMapped | rollMapped | flapsMapped | aux1Mapped | aux2Mapped
property bool unassignedMapping: !(nonFlightModeMapping | modeMapped | posCtlMapped | returnMapped | loiterMapped)
property bool unassignedMapping: !(nonFlightModeMapping | modeMapped | posCtlMapped | returnMapped | offboardMapped | loiterMapped)
property bool singleSwitchMapping: returnMapped | offboardMapped
id: channelTarget
width: tileWidth
......@@ -433,7 +418,7 @@ Item {
states: [
State {
when: dropArea.containsDrag && dropArea.dropAllowed
when: dropArea.containsDrag && dropArea.dropAllowed && (!dropArea.drag.source.singleSwitchRequired || dropArea.unassignedChannel)
PropertyChanges {
target: channelHeader
color: "red"
......@@ -522,37 +507,51 @@ Item {
sourceComponent: assignedModeTileComponent
Loader {
property string tileLabel: "Main Mode"
property bool tileVisible: visible
property bool tileDragEnabled: true
property string tileParam: "RC_MAP_MODE_SW"
property string tileLabel: "Main Mode"
property bool tileVisible: visible
property bool tileDragEnabled: true
property string tileParam: "RC_MAP_MODE_SW"
property bool singleSwitchRequired: false
visible: modeMapped
sourceComponent: assignedModeTileComponent
Loader {
property string tileLabel: "Return"
property bool tileVisible: visible
property bool tileDragEnabled: true
property string tileParam: "RC_MAP_RETURN_SW"
property string tileLabel: "Return"
property bool tileVisible: visible
property bool tileDragEnabled: true
property string tileParam: "RC_MAP_RETURN_SW"
property bool singleSwitchRequired: true
visible: returnMapped
sourceComponent: assignedModeTileComponent
Loader {
property string tileLabel: "Loiter"
property bool tileVisible: visible
property bool tileDragEnabled: true
property string tileParam: "RC_MAP_LOITER_SW"
property string tileLabel: "Offboard"
property bool tileVisible: visible
property bool tileDragEnabled: true
property string tileParam: "RC_MAP_OFFB_SW"
property bool singleSwitchRequired: true
visible: offboardMapped
sourceComponent: assignedModeTileComponent
Loader {
property string tileLabel: "Loiter"
property bool tileVisible: visible
property bool tileDragEnabled: true
property string tileParam: "RC_MAP_LOITER_SW"
property bool singleSwitchRequired: false
visible: loiterMapped
sourceComponent: assignedModeTileComponent
Loader {
property string tileLabel: "PosCtl"
property bool tileVisible: visible
property bool tileDragEnabled: true
property string tileParam: "RC_MAP_POSCTL_SW"
property string tileLabel: "PosCtl"
property bool tileVisible: visible
property bool tileDragEnabled: true
property string tileParam: "RC_MAP_POSCTL_SW"
property bool singleSwitchRequired: false
visible: posCtlMapped
sourceComponent: assignedModeTileComponent
......@@ -561,7 +560,8 @@ Item {
DropArea {
// Drops are not allowed on channels which are mapped to non-flight mode switches
property bool dropAllowed: !nonFlightModeMapping
property bool dropAllowed: !nonFlightModeMapping && !singleSwitchMapping
property bool unassignedChannel: unassignedMapping
property int channel:
id: dropArea
......@@ -592,24 +592,34 @@ Item {
spacing: 5
Loader {
property string tileLabel: "Main Mode"
property string tileParam: "RC_MAP_MODE_SW"
sourceComponent: unassignedModeTileComponent
property string tileLabel: "Main Mode"
property string tileParam: "RC_MAP_MODE_SW"
property bool singleSwitchRequired: false
sourceComponent: unassignedModeTileComponent
Loader {
property string tileLabel: "Loiter"
property string tileParam: "RC_MAP_LOITER_SW"
property bool singleSwitchRequired: false
sourceComponent: unassignedModeTileComponent
Loader {
property string tileLabel: "Return"
property string tileParam: "RC_MAP_RETURN_SW"
sourceComponent: unassignedModeTileComponent
property string tileLabel: "PosCtl"
property string tileParam: "RC_MAP_POSCTL_SW"
property bool singleSwitchRequired: false
sourceComponent: unassignedModeTileComponent
Loader {
property string tileLabel: "Loiter"
property string tileParam: "RC_MAP_LOITER_SW"
sourceComponent: unassignedModeTileComponent
property string tileLabel: "Return"
property string tileParam: "RC_MAP_RETURN_SW"
property bool singleSwitchRequired: true
sourceComponent: unassignedModeTileComponent
Loader {
property string tileLabel: "PosCtl"
property string tileParam: "RC_MAP_POSCTL_SW"
sourceComponent: unassignedModeTileComponent
property string tileLabel: "Offboard"
property string tileParam: "RC_MAP_OFFB_SW"
property bool singleSwitchRequired: true
sourceComponent: unassignedModeTileComponent
......@@ -643,9 +653,10 @@ Item {
Row {
property bool modeSwitchVisible: modeChannel != 0
property bool returnSwitchVisible: returnChannel != 0 && returnChannel != modeChannel
property bool loiterSwitchVisible: loiterChannel != 0 && loiterChannel != modeChannel && loiterChannel != returnChannel
property bool posCtlSwitchVisible: posCtlChannel != 0 && posCtlChannel != modeChannel
property bool returnSwitchVisible: returnChannel != 0
property bool offboardSwitchVisible: offboardChannel != 0
width: parent.width
spacing: 20
......@@ -668,14 +679,6 @@ Item {
text: "Auto"
QGCLabel {
width: parent.width
y: (parent.height * (1.0 - rc_return_th.value)) - (implicitHeight / 2)
visible: modeChannel == returnChannel
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
text: "Auto: Return"
QGCLabel {
width: parent.width
y: (parent.height * (1.0 - rc_loiter_th.value)) - (implicitHeight / 2)
......@@ -741,9 +744,9 @@ Item {
Column {
visible: parent.returnSwitchVisible
visible: parent.loiterSwitchVisible
QGCLabel { text: "Return Switch" }
QGCLabel { text: "Loiter Switch" }
Row {
Item {
......@@ -752,48 +755,64 @@ Item {
QGCLabel {
width: parent.width
y: (parent.height * (1.0 - rc_return_th.value)) - (implicitHeight / 2)
y: (parent.height * (1.0 - rc_loiter_th.value)) - (implicitHeight / 2)
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
text: "Auto: Return"
text: "Auto: Loiter"
QGCLabel {
width: parent.width
y: (parent.height * (1.0 - rc_loiter_th.value)) - (implicitHeight / 2)
visible: returnChannel == loiterChannel
y: parent.height - (implicitHeight / 2)
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
text: "Auto: Loiter"
text: "Auto: Mission"
ProgressBar {
height: progressBarHeight
orientation: Qt.Vertical
value: controller.loiterSwitchLiveRange
Column {
visible: parent.posCtlSwitchVisible
QGCLabel { text: "PosCtl Switch" }
Row {
Item {
height: progressBarHeight
width: 150
QGCLabel {
width: parent.width
y: parent.height - (implicitHeight / 2)
visible: returnChannel == loiterChannel
y: (parent.height * (1.0 - rc_posctl_th.value)) - (implicitHeight / 2)
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
text: "Auto: Mission"
text: "Assist: PosCtl"
QGCLabel {
width: parent.width
y: parent.height - (implicitHeight / 2)
visible: returnChannel != loiterChannel
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
text: "Auto: Return Off"
text: "Assist: AltCtl"
ProgressBar {
height: progressBarHeight
orientation: Qt.Vertical
value: controller.returnSwitchLiveRange
value: controller.posCtlSwitchLiveRange
Column {
visible: parent.loiterSwitchVisible
visible: parent.returnSwitchVisible
QGCLabel { text: "Loiter Switch" }
QGCLabel { text: "Return Switch" }
Row {
Item {
......@@ -802,31 +821,32 @@ Item {
QGCLabel {
width: parent.width
y: (parent.height * (1.0 - rc_loiter_th.value)) - (implicitHeight / 2)
y: (parent.height * (1.0 - rc_return_th.value)) - (implicitHeight / 2)
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
text: "Auto: Loiter"
text: "Return"
QGCLabel {
width: parent.width
y: parent.height - (implicitHeight / 2)
visible: returnChannel != loiterChannel
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
text: "Auto: Mission"
text: "Return Off"
ProgressBar {
height: progressBarHeight
orientation: Qt.Vertical
value: controller.loiterSwitchLiveRange
value: controller.returnSwitchLiveRange
Column {
visible: parent.posCtlSwitchVisible
visible: parent.offboardSwitchVisible
QGCLabel { text: "PosCtl Switch" }
QGCLabel { text: "Offboard Switch" }
Row {
Item {
......@@ -835,23 +855,24 @@ Item {
QGCLabel {
width: parent.width
y: (parent.height * (1.0 - rc_posctl_th.value)) - (implicitHeight / 2)
y: (parent.height * (1.0 - rc_return_th.value)) - (implicitHeight / 2)
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
text: "Assist: PosCtl"
text: "Offboad"
QGCLabel {
width: parent.width
y: parent.height - (implicitHeight / 2)
visible: returnChannel != loiterChannel
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
text: "Assist: AltCtl"
text: "Offboard Off"
ProgressBar {
height: progressBarHeight
orientation: Qt.Vertical
value: controller.posCtlSwitchLiveRange
value: controller.offboardSwitchLiveRange
......@@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ void FlightModesComponentController::_validateConfiguration(void)
QStringList switchParams, switchNames;
QList<int> switchMappings;
switchNames << "Mode Switch" << "Return Switch" << "Loiter Switch" << "PosCtl Switch";
switchNames << "Mode Switch" << "Return Switch" << "Loiter Switch" << "PosCtl Switch" << "Offboard Switch";
for(int i=0; i<switchParams.count(); i++) {
int map = _autoPilotPlugin->getParameterFact(switchParams[i])->value().toInt();
......@@ -95,12 +95,12 @@ void FlightModesComponentController::_validateConfiguration(void)
// Make sure switches are not mapped to attitude control channels
// Make sure switches are not double-mapped
QStringList attitudeParams, attitudeNames;
attitudeParams << "RC_MAP_THROTTLE" << "RC_MAP_YAW" << "RC_MAP_PITCH" << "RC_MAP_ROLL" << "RC_MAP_FLAPS" << "RC_MAP_AUX1" << "RC_MAP_AUX2";
attitudeNames << "Throttle" << "Yaw" << "Pitch" << "Roll" << "Flaps" << "Aux1" << "Aux2";
attitudeParams << "RC_MAP_THROTTLE" << "RC_MAP_YAW" << "RC_MAP_PITCH" << "RC_MAP_ROLL" << "RC_MAP_FLAPS" << "RC_MAP_AUX1" << "RC_MAP_AUX2" << "RC_MAP_ACRO_SW";
attitudeNames << "Throttle" << "Yaw" << "Pitch" << "Roll" << "Flaps" << "Aux1" << "Aux2" << "Acro";
for (int i=0; i<attitudeParams.count(); i++) {
int map = _autoPilotPlugin->getParameterFact(attitudeParams[i])->value().toInt();
......@@ -112,6 +112,24 @@ void FlightModesComponentController::_validateConfiguration(void)
// Check for switches that must be on their own channel
QStringList singleSwitchParams, singleSwitchNames;
singleSwitchParams << "RC_MAP_RETURN_SW" << "RC_MAP_OFFB_SW";
singleSwitchNames << "Return Switch" << "Offboard Switch";
for (int i=0; i<singleSwitchParams.count(); i++) {
int map = _autoPilotPlugin->getParameterFact(singleSwitchParams[i])->value().toInt();
for (int j=0; j<switchParams.count(); j++) {
if (map != 0 && singleSwitchParams[i] != switchParams[j] && map == switchMappings[j]) {
_validConfiguration = false;
_configurationErrors += QString("%1 must be on seperate channel, but is set to same channel as %2.\n").arg(singleSwitchNames[i]).arg(switchParams[j]);
void FlightModesComponentController::setSendLiveRCSwitchRanges(bool start)
......@@ -190,6 +208,11 @@ double FlightModesComponentController::returnSwitchLiveRange(void)
return _switchLiveRange("RC_MAP_RETURN_SW");
double FlightModesComponentController::offboardSwitchLiveRange(void)
return _switchLiveRange("RC_MAP_OFFB_SW");
double FlightModesComponentController::loiterSwitchLiveRange(void)
return _switchLiveRange("RC_MAP_LOITER_SW");
......@@ -49,16 +49,18 @@ public:
Q_PROPERTY(int channelCount MEMBER _channelCount CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(double modeSwitchLiveRange READ modeSwitchLiveRange NOTIFY switchLiveRangeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double returnSwitchLiveRange READ returnSwitchLiveRange NOTIFY switchLiveRangeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double loiterSwitchLiveRange READ loiterSwitchLiveRange NOTIFY switchLiveRangeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double posCtlSwitchLiveRange READ posCtlSwitchLiveRange NOTIFY switchLiveRangeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double returnSwitchLiveRange READ returnSwitchLiveRange NOTIFY switchLiveRangeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double offboardSwitchLiveRange READ offboardSwitchLiveRange NOTIFY switchLiveRangeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool sendLiveRCSwitchRanges READ sendLiveRCSwitchRanges WRITE setSendLiveRCSwitchRanges NOTIFY liveRCSwitchRangesChanged)
double modeSwitchLiveRange(void);
double returnSwitchLiveRange(void);
double loiterSwitchLiveRange(void);
double posCtlSwitchLiveRange(void);
double returnSwitchLiveRange(void);
double offboardSwitchLiveRange(void);
bool sendLiveRCSwitchRanges(void) { return _liveRCValues; }
void setSendLiveRCSwitchRanges(bool start);
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