Commit abe60a9a authored by Lorenz Meier's avatar Lorenz Meier

Merge pull request #704 from Susurrus/pfd_sizing

Allow the Primary Flight Display widget to be resized smaller than is currently possible
parents 6a4a50bf 861ef09e
......@@ -677,10 +677,10 @@ void MainWindow::buildCommonWidgets()
menuActionHelper->createToolAction(tr("Actuator Status"), "HEAD_DOWN_DISPLAY_2_DOCKWIDGET");
menuActionHelper->createToolAction(tr("Radio Control"));
createDockWidget(engineeringView,new HUD(320,240,this),tr("Video Downlink"),"HEAD_UP_DISPLAY_DOCKWIDGET",VIEW_ENGINEER,Qt::RightDockWidgetArea,QSize(this->width()/1.5,0));
createDockWidget(engineeringView,new HUD(320,240,this),tr("Video Downlink"),"HEAD_UP_DISPLAY_DOCKWIDGET",VIEW_ENGINEER,Qt::RightDockWidgetArea);
createDockWidget(simView,new PrimaryFlightDisplay(320,240,this),tr("Primary Flight Display"),"PRIMARY_FLIGHT_DISPLAY_DOCKWIDGET",VIEW_SIMULATION,Qt::RightDockWidgetArea,QSize(this->width()/1.5,0));
createDockWidget(pilotView,new PrimaryFlightDisplay(320,240,this),tr("Primary Flight Display"),"PRIMARY_FLIGHT_DISPLAY_DOCKWIDGET",VIEW_FLIGHT,Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea,QSize(this->width()/1.8,0));
createDockWidget(simView,new PrimaryFlightDisplay(this),tr("Primary Flight Display"),"PRIMARY_FLIGHT_DISPLAY_DOCKWIDGET",VIEW_SIMULATION,Qt::RightDockWidgetArea);
createDockWidget(pilotView,new PrimaryFlightDisplay(this),tr("Primary Flight Display"),"PRIMARY_FLIGHT_DISPLAY_DOCKWIDGET",VIEW_FLIGHT,Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea);
QGCTabbedInfoView *infoview = new QGCTabbedInfoView(this);
......@@ -852,7 +852,7 @@ void MainWindow::loadDockWidget(const QString& name)
createDockWidget(centerStack->currentWidget(),new PrimaryFlightDisplay(320,240,this),tr("Primary Flight Display"),"PRIMARY_FLIGHT_DISPLAY_DOCKWIDGET",currentView,Qt::RightDockWidgetArea);
createDockWidget(centerStack->currentWidget(),new PrimaryFlightDisplay(this),tr("Primary Flight Display"),"PRIMARY_FLIGHT_DISPLAY_DOCKWIDGET",currentView,Qt::RightDockWidgetArea);
else if (name == "HEAD_UP_DISPLAY_DOCKWIDGET")
#include "PrimaryFlightDisplay.h"
#include "UASManager.h"
//#include "ui_primaryflightdisplay.h"
#include <QDebug>
#include <QRectF>
#include <cmath>
......@@ -10,12 +9,7 @@
#include <QPainterPath>
#include <QResizeEvent>
#include <QtCore/qmath.h>
//#include <cmath>
#if 0
// Left in but ifdef'ed out since there is commented out code below that uses it
static const float SEPARATE_COMPASS_ASPECTRATIO = 3.0f/4.0f;
static const float LINEWIDTH = 0.0036f;
static const float SMALL_TEXT_SIZE = 0.028f;
static const float MEDIUM_TEXT_SIZE = SMALL_TEXT_SIZE*1.2f;
......@@ -107,7 +101,7 @@ const QString PrimaryFlightDisplay::compassWindNames[] = {
PrimaryFlightDisplay::PrimaryFlightDisplay(int width, int height, QWidget *parent) :
PrimaryFlightDisplay::PrimaryFlightDisplay(QWidget *parent) :
......@@ -146,22 +140,17 @@ PrimaryFlightDisplay::PrimaryFlightDisplay(int width, int height, QWidget *paren
font("Bitstream Vera Sans"),
refreshTimer(new QTimer(this))
setMinimumSize(120, 80);
setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding);
// Connect with UAS signal
//connect(UASManager::instance(), SIGNAL(UASCreated(UASInterface*)), this, SLOT(addUAS(UASInterface*)));
connect(UASManager::instance(), SIGNAL(UASDeleted(UASInterface*)), this, SLOT(forgetUAS(UASInterface*)));
connect(UASManager::instance(), SIGNAL(activeUASSet(UASInterface*)), this, SLOT(setActiveUAS(UASInterface*)));
// Refresh timer
// connect(refreshTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(paintHUD()));
connect(refreshTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(checkUpdate()));
......@@ -170,16 +159,15 @@ PrimaryFlightDisplay::~PrimaryFlightDisplay()
QSize PrimaryFlightDisplay::sizeHint() const
return QSize(width(), (width()*3.0f)/4);
return QSize(width(), (int)(width() * 3.0f / 4.0f));
void PrimaryFlightDisplay::showEvent(QShowEvent* event)
// React only to internal (pre-display)
// events
// React only to internal (pre-display) events
emit visibilityChanged(true);
......@@ -187,8 +175,7 @@ void PrimaryFlightDisplay::showEvent(QShowEvent* event)
void PrimaryFlightDisplay::hideEvent(QHideEvent* event)
// React only to internal (pre-display)
// events
// React only to internal (pre-display) events
emit visibilityChanged(false);
......@@ -198,27 +185,15 @@ void PrimaryFlightDisplay::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) {
qreal size = e->size().width();
//if(e->size().height()<size) size = e->size().height();
lineWidth = PrimaryFlightDisplay_constrain(size*LINEWIDTH, 1, 6);
fineLineWidth = PrimaryFlightDisplay_constrain(size*LINEWIDTH*2/3, 1, 2);
smallTextSize = size * SMALL_TEXT_SIZE;
mediumTextSize = size * MEDIUM_TEXT_SIZE;
largeTextSize = size * LARGE_TEXT_SIZE;
* Try without layout Change-O-Matic. It was too complicated.
qreal aspect = e->size().width() / e->size().height();
// qDebug("Width %d height %d decision %d", e->size().width(), e->size().height(), layout);
void PrimaryFlightDisplay::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
......@@ -236,20 +211,6 @@ void PrimaryFlightDisplay::checkUpdate()
// * Interface towards qgroundcontrol
// */
//void PrimaryFlightDisplay::addUAS(UASInterface* uas)
// if (uas)
// {
// if (!this->uas)
// {
// setActiveUAS(uas);
// }
// }
void PrimaryFlightDisplay::forgetUAS(UASInterface* uas)
if (this->uas != NULL && this->uas == uas) {
......@@ -293,7 +254,6 @@ void PrimaryFlightDisplay::updateAttitude(UASInterface* uas, double roll, double
// Called from l. 616
if (isinf(roll)) {
this->roll = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
} else {
......@@ -427,7 +387,7 @@ void PrimaryFlightDisplay::drawTextCenter (
QFontMetrics metrics = QFontMetrics(font);
QRect bounds = metrics.boundingRect(text);
int flags = Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::TextDontClip; // For some reason the bounds rect is too small!
painter.drawText(x /*+bounds.x()*/ -bounds.width()/2, y /*+bounds.y()*/ -bounds.height()/2, bounds.width(), bounds.height(), flags, text);
painter.drawText(x - bounds.width()/2, y - bounds.height()/2, bounds.width(), bounds.height(), flags, text);
void PrimaryFlightDisplay::drawTextLeftCenter (
......@@ -443,7 +403,7 @@ void PrimaryFlightDisplay::drawTextLeftCenter (
QFontMetrics metrics = QFontMetrics(font);
QRect bounds = metrics.boundingRect(text);
int flags = Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::TextDontClip; // For some reason the bounds rect is too small!
painter.drawText(x /*+bounds.x()*/, y /*+bounds.y()*/ -bounds.height()/2, bounds.width(), bounds.height(), flags, text);
painter.drawText(x, y - bounds.height()/2, bounds.width(), bounds.height(), flags, text);
void PrimaryFlightDisplay::drawTextRightCenter (
......@@ -459,7 +419,7 @@ void PrimaryFlightDisplay::drawTextRightCenter (
QFontMetrics metrics = QFontMetrics(font);
QRect bounds = metrics.boundingRect(text);
int flags = Qt::AlignRight | Qt::TextDontClip; // For some reason the bounds rect is too small!
painter.drawText(x /*+bounds.x()*/ -bounds.width(), y /*+bounds.y()*/ -bounds.height()/2, bounds.width(), bounds.height(), flags, text);
painter.drawText(x - bounds.width(), y - bounds.height()/2, bounds.width(), bounds.height(), flags, text);
void PrimaryFlightDisplay::drawTextCenterTop (
......@@ -475,7 +435,7 @@ void PrimaryFlightDisplay::drawTextCenterTop (
QFontMetrics metrics = QFontMetrics(font);
QRect bounds = metrics.boundingRect(text);
int flags = Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::TextDontClip; // For some reason the bounds rect is too small!
painter.drawText(x /*+bounds.x()*/ -bounds.width()/2, y+bounds.height() /*+bounds.y()*/, bounds.width(), bounds.height(), flags, text);
painter.drawText(x - bounds.width()/2, y+bounds.height(), bounds.width(), bounds.height(), flags, text);
void PrimaryFlightDisplay::drawTextCenterBottom (
......@@ -491,7 +451,7 @@ void PrimaryFlightDisplay::drawTextCenterBottom (
QFontMetrics metrics = QFontMetrics(font);
QRect bounds = metrics.boundingRect(text);
int flags = Qt::AlignCenter;
painter.drawText(x /*+bounds.x()*/ -bounds.width()/2, y /*+bounds.y()*/, bounds.width(), bounds.height(), flags, text);
painter.drawText(x - bounds.width()/2, y, bounds.width(), bounds.height(), flags, text);
void PrimaryFlightDisplay::drawInstrumentBackground(QPainter& painter, QRectF edge) {
......@@ -585,11 +545,6 @@ void PrimaryFlightDisplay::drawAIGlobalFeatures(
qreal pitchPixels = pitchAngleToTranslation(mainArea.height(), pitch);
qreal gradientEnd = pitchAngleToTranslation(mainArea.height(), 60);
//painter.translate(0, pitchPixels);
// QTransform forwardTransform;
painter.translate(0, pitchPixels);
......@@ -600,6 +555,7 @@ void PrimaryFlightDisplay::drawAIGlobalFeatures(
QPointF topRight =;
QPointF bottomLeft =;
QPointF bottomRight =;
// Just KISS... make a rectangluar basis.
qreal minx = min4(topLeft.x(), topRight.x(), bottomLeft.x(), bottomRight.x());
qreal maxx = max4(topLeft.x(), topRight.x(), bottomLeft.x(), bottomRight.x());
......@@ -730,7 +686,7 @@ void PrimaryFlightDisplay::drawRollScale(
// We should really do these transforms but they are assumed done by caller.
// We should really do these transforms but they are assumed done by caller:
// painter.resetTransform();
// painter.translate(;
// painter.rotate(roll);
......@@ -738,13 +694,11 @@ void PrimaryFlightDisplay::drawRollScale(
qreal _size = w * ROLL_SCALE_RADIUS*2;
QRectF arcArea(-_size/2, - _size/2, _size, _size);
painter.drawArc(arcArea, (90-ROLL_SCALE_RANGE)*16, ROLL_SCALE_RANGE*2*16);
// painter.drawEllipse(QPoint(0,0),200,200);
if (drawTicks) {
int length = sizeof(tickValues)/sizeof(int);
qreal previousRotation = 0;
for (int i=0; i<length*2+1; i++) {
int degrees = (i==length) ? 0 : (i>length) ?-tickValues[i-length-1] : tickValues[i];
//degrees = 180 - degrees;
painter.rotate(degrees - previousRotation);
previousRotation = degrees;
......@@ -753,7 +707,7 @@ void PrimaryFlightDisplay::drawRollScale(
painter.drawLine(start, end);
QString s_number; //= QString("%d").arg(degrees);
QString s_number;
if (SHOW_ZERO_ON_SCALES || degrees)
s_number.sprintf("%d", abs(degrees));
......@@ -812,7 +766,7 @@ void PrimaryFlightDisplay::drawAICompassDisk(QPainter& painter, QRectF area, flo
// yaw is in center.
float off = tickYaw - displayHeading;
// wrap that to ]-180..180]
// wrap that to [-180..180]
if (off<=-180) off+= 360; else if (off>180) off -= 360;
......@@ -865,7 +819,6 @@ void PrimaryFlightDisplay::drawAICompassDisk(QPainter& painter, QRectF area, flo
QPainterPath markerPath(QPointF(0, -radius-2));
markerPath.lineTo(radius*COMPASS_DISK_MARKERWIDTH/2, -radius-radius*COMPASS_DISK_MARKERHEIGHT-2);
......@@ -902,10 +855,6 @@ void PrimaryFlightDisplay::drawAICompassDisk(QPainter& painter, QRectF area, flo
drawTextCenter(painter, s_digitalCompass, largeTextSize, 0, -radius*0.38-digitalCompassUpshift);
// dummy
// navigationTargetBearing = 10;
// navigationCrosstrackError = 500;
// The CDI
if (shouldDisplayNavigationData() && !isnan(navigationTargetBearing) && !isinf(navigationCrosstrackError)) {
......@@ -963,7 +912,7 @@ void PrimaryFlightDisplay::drawAltimeter(
// not yet implemented: Display of secondary altitude.
if (!isnan(secondaryAltitude)) {
effectiveHalfHeight-= secondaryAltitudeBoxHeight;
effectiveHalfHeight -= secondaryAltitudeBoxHeight;
float markerHalfHeight = mediumTextSize*0.8;
......@@ -1037,12 +986,11 @@ void PrimaryFlightDisplay::drawAltimeter(
float vvSign = vvPixHeight>0 ? 1 : -1; // reverse y sign
// QRectF vvRect(rightEdge - w*ALTIMETER_VVI_WIDTH, markerHalfHeight*vvSign, w*ALTIMETER_VVI_WIDTH, abs(vvPixHeight)*vvSign);
QPointF vvArrowBegin(rightEdge - w*ALTIMETER_VVI_WIDTH/2, markerHalfHeight*vvSign);
QPointF vvArrowEnd(rightEdge - w*ALTIMETER_VVI_WIDTH/2, vvPixHeight);
painter.drawLine(vvArrowBegin, vvArrowEnd);
// Yeah this is a repitition of above code but we are goigd to trash it all anyway, so no fix.
// Yeah this is a repetition of above code but we are going to trash it all anyway, so no fix.
float vvArowHeadSize = abs(vvPixHeight - markerHalfHeight*vvSign);
if (vvArowHeadSize > w*ALTIMETER_VVI_WIDTH/3) vvArowHeadSize = w*ALTIMETER_VVI_WIDTH/3;
......@@ -1064,8 +1012,6 @@ void PrimaryFlightDisplay::drawAltimeter(
s_salt.sprintf("%3.0f", secondaryAltitude);
drawTextCenter(painter, s_salt, mediumTextSize, 0, 0);
// print target altitude (if applicable)
void PrimaryFlightDisplay::drawVelocityMeter(
......@@ -1145,7 +1091,7 @@ void PrimaryFlightDisplay::drawVelocityMeter(
s_alt.sprintf("%3.1f", speed);
float xCenter = (markerTip+leftEdge)/2;
drawTextCenter(painter, s_alt, /* TAPES_TEXT_SIZE*width()*/ mediumTextSize, xCenter, 0);
drawTextCenter(painter, s_alt, mediumTextSize, xCenter, 0);
static const int TOP = (1<<0);
......@@ -1246,90 +1192,6 @@ void PrimaryFlightDisplay::doPaint() {
float compassAIIntrusion = 0;
switch(layout) {
tapeGaugeWidth = tapesGaugeWidthFor(width(), height());
// A layout optimal for a container wider than it is high.
// The AI gets full height and if tapes are transparent, also full width. If tapes are opague, then
// the AI gets a width to be perfectly square.
AIMainArea = QRectF(
style == NO_OVERLAYS ? tapeGaugeWidth : 0,
style == NO_OVERLAYS ? width() - tapeGaugeWidth * 2: width(),
AIPaintArea = AIMainArea;
// Tape gauges get so much width that the AI area not covered by them is perfectly square.
qreal sidePanelsHeight = height();
altimeterArea = QRectF(AIMainArea.right(), height()/5, tapeGaugeWidth, sidePanelsHeight*3/5);
velocityMeterArea = QRectF (0, height()/5, tapeGaugeWidth, sidePanelsHeight*3/5);
sensorsStatsArea = QRectF(0, 0, tapeGaugeWidth, sidePanelsHeight/5);
linkStatsArea = QRectF(AIMainArea.right(), 0, tapeGaugeWidth, sidePanelsHeight/5);
sysStatsArea = QRectF(0, sidePanelsHeight*4/5, tapeGaugeWidth, sidePanelsHeight/5);
missionStatsArea =QRectF(AIMainArea.right(), sidePanelsHeight*4/5, tapeGaugeWidth, sidePanelsHeight/5);
if (style == NO_OVERLAYS) {
applyMargin(AIMainArea, margin, TOP|BOTTOM);
applyMargin(altimeterArea, margin, TOP|BOTTOM|RIGHT);
applyMargin(velocityMeterArea, margin, TOP|BOTTOM|LEFT);
setMarginsForCornerLayout(margin, sensorsStatsArea, linkStatsArea, sysStatsArea, missionStatsArea);
// Compass is inside the AI ans within its margins also.
compassArea = QRectF(AIMainArea.x()+AIMainArea.width()*0.60, AIMainArea.y()+AIMainArea.height()*0.80,
AIMainArea.width()/2, AIMainArea.width()/2);
// A layout for containers with about the same width and height.
// qreal minor = min(width(), height());
// qreal major = max(width(), height());
qreal aiheight = height()*4.0f/5;
tapeGaugeWidth = tapesGaugeWidthFor(width(), aiheight);
AIMainArea = QRectF(
style == NO_OVERLAYS ? tapeGaugeWidth : 0,
style == NO_OVERLAYS ? width() - tapeGaugeWidth*2 : width(),
AIPaintArea = AIMainArea;
// Tape gauges get so much width that the AI area not covered by them is perfectly square.
altimeterArea = QRectF(AIMainArea.right(), 0, tapeGaugeWidth, aiheight);
velocityMeterArea = QRectF (0, 0, tapeGaugeWidth, aiheight);
qreal panelsHeight = height() / 5.0f;
qreal panelsWidth = width() / 4.0f;
sensorsStatsArea = QRectF(0, AIMainArea.bottom(), panelsWidth, panelsHeight);
linkStatsArea = QRectF(panelsWidth, AIMainArea.bottom(), panelsWidth, panelsHeight);
sysStatsArea = QRectF(panelsWidth*2, AIMainArea.bottom(), panelsWidth, panelsHeight);
missionStatsArea =QRectF(panelsWidth*3, AIMainArea.bottom(), panelsWidth, panelsHeight);
if (style == NO_OVERLAYS) {
applyMargin(AIMainArea, margin, TOP|BOTTOM);
applyMargin(altimeterArea, margin, TOP|BOTTOM|RIGHT);
applyMargin(velocityMeterArea, margin, TOP|BOTTOM|LEFT);
setMarginsForInlineLayout(margin, sensorsStatsArea, linkStatsArea, sysStatsArea, missionStatsArea);
// Compass is inside the AI ans within its margins also.
compassArea = QRectF(AIMainArea.x()+AIMainArea.width()*0.60, AIMainArea.y()+AIMainArea.height()*0.80,
AIMainArea.width()/2, AIMainArea.width()/2);
tapeGaugeWidth = tapesGaugeWidthFor(width(), width());
qreal aiheight = height();
......@@ -1365,7 +1227,6 @@ void PrimaryFlightDisplay::doPaint() {
qreal compassSize = compassRelativeWidth * AIMainArea.width(); // Diameter is this times the width.
qreal compassCenterY;
//if (heightSurplus >= 0) compassCenterY = AIMainArea.bottom() + compassSize/2;
compassCenterY = AIMainArea.bottom() + compassSize / 4;
if (height() - compassCenterY > AIMainArea.width()/2*compassBottomMargin)
......@@ -1412,50 +1273,6 @@ void PrimaryFlightDisplay::doPaint() {
velocityMeterArea = QRectF (0, 0, tapeGaugeWidth, aiheight);
altimeterArea = QRectF(AIMainArea.right(), 0, tapeGaugeWidth, aiheight);
qreal panelsWidth = width() / 4.0f;
if(remainingHeight > width()) {
// very tall layout, place panels below compass.
sensorsStatsArea = QRectF(0, height()-panelsHeight, panelsWidth, panelsHeight);
linkStatsArea = QRectF(panelsWidth, height()-panelsHeight, panelsWidth, panelsHeight);
sysStatsArea = QRectF(panelsWidth*2, height()-panelsHeight, panelsWidth, panelsHeight);
missionStatsArea =QRectF(panelsWidth*3, height()-panelsHeight, panelsWidth, panelsHeight);
if (style == OPAGUE_TAPES) {
setMarginsForInlineLayout(margin, sensorsStatsArea, linkStatsArea, sysStatsArea, missionStatsArea);
compassCenter = QPoint(width()/2, (AIArea.bottom()+height()-panelsHeight)/2);
maxCompassDiam = fmin(width(), height()-AIArea.height()-panelsHeight);
} else {
// Remaining part is wider than high; place panels in corners around compass
// Naaah it is really ugly, do not do that.
sensorsStatsArea = QRectF(0, AIArea.bottom(), panelsWidth, panelsHeight);
linkStatsArea = QRectF(width()-panelsWidth, AIArea.bottom(), panelsWidth, panelsHeight);
sysStatsArea = QRectF(0, height()-panelsHeight, panelsWidth, panelsHeight);
missionStatsArea =QRectF(width()-panelsWidth, height()-panelsHeight, panelsWidth, panelsHeight);
if (style == OPAGUE_TAPES) {
setMarginsForCornerLayout(margin, sensorsStatsArea, linkStatsArea, sysStatsArea, missionStatsArea);
compassCenter = QPoint(width()/2, (AIArea.bottom()+height())/2);
// diagonal between 2 panel corners
qreal xd = width()-panelsWidth*2;
qreal yd = height()-panelsHeight - AIArea.bottom();
maxCompassDiam = qSqrt(xd*xd + yd*yd);
if (maxCompassDiam > remainingHeight) {
maxCompassDiam = width() - panelsWidth*2;
if (maxCompassDiam > remainingHeight) {
// If still too large, lower.
// compassCenter.setY();
sensorsStatsArea = QRectF(0, height()-panelsHeight, panelsWidth, panelsHeight);
linkStatsArea = QRectF(panelsWidth, height()-panelsHeight, panelsWidth, panelsHeight);
sysStatsArea = QRectF(panelsWidth*2, height()-panelsHeight, panelsWidth, panelsHeight);
missionStatsArea =QRectF(panelsWidth*3, height()-panelsHeight, panelsWidth, panelsHeight);
QPoint compassCenter = QPoint(width()/2, AIMainArea.bottom()+width()/2);
qreal compassDiam = width() * 0.8;
compassArea = QRectF(compassCenter.x()-compassDiam/2, compassCenter.y()-compassDiam/2, compassDiam, compassDiam);
......@@ -1472,10 +1289,7 @@ void PrimaryFlightDisplay::doPaint() {
drawAIAttitudeScales(painter, AIMainArea, compassAIIntrusion);
drawAIAirframeFixedFeatures(painter, AIMainArea);
// if(layout ==COMPASS_SEPARATED)
//drawSeparateCompassDisk(painter, compassArea);
// else
drawAICompassDisk(painter, compassArea, compassHalfSpan);
drawAICompassDisk(painter, compassArea, compassHalfSpan);
......@@ -1483,19 +1297,5 @@ void PrimaryFlightDisplay::doPaint() {
drawVelocityMeter(painter, velocityMeterArea);
drawSensorsStatsPanel(painter, sensorsStatsArea);
drawLinkStatsPanel(painter, linkStatsArea);
drawSysStatsPanel(painter, sysStatsArea);
drawMissionStatsPanel(painter, missionStatsArea);
if (style == OPAGUE_TAPES) {
drawInstrumentBackground(painter, AIArea);
void PrimaryFlightDisplay:: createActions() {}
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ class PrimaryFlightDisplay : public QWidget
PrimaryFlightDisplay(int width = 640, int height = 480, QWidget* parent = NULL);
PrimaryFlightDisplay(QWidget* parent = NULL);
public slots:
......@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ public slots:
void updateNavigationControllerErrors(UASInterface* uas, double altitudeError, double speedError, double xtrackError);
/** @brief Set the currently monitored UAS */
//void addUAS(UASInterface* uas);
void forgetUAS(UASInterface* uas);
void setActiveUAS(UASInterface* uas);
......@@ -57,34 +56,10 @@ protected:
/** @brief Stop updating widget */
void hideEvent(QHideEvent* event);
// dongfang: We have no context menu. Viewonly.
// void contextMenuEvent (QContextMenuEvent* event);
// dongfang: What is that?
// dongfang: OK it's for UI interaction. Presently, there is none.
void createActions();
void visibilityChanged(bool visible);
enum AltimeterMode {
PRIMARY_MAIN_GPS_SUB, // Show the primary alt. on tape and GPS as extra info
GPS_MAIN // Show GPS on tape and no extra info
enum AltimeterFrame {
ASL, // Show ASL altitudes (plane pilots' normal preference)
RELATIVE_TO_HOME // Show relative-to-home altitude (copter pilots)
enum SpeedMode {
PRIMARY_MAIN_GROUND_SUB,// Show primary speed (often airspeed) on tape and groundspeed as extra
GROUND_MAIN // Show groundspeed on tape and no extra info
* There are at least these differences between airplane and copter PDF view:
* - Airplane show absolute altutude in altimeter, copter shows relative to home
......@@ -122,12 +97,6 @@ private:
UASInterface* uas; ///< The uas currently monitored
AltimeterMode altimeterMode;
AltimeterFrame altimeterFrame;
SpeedMode speedMode;
bool didReceiveSpeed;
float roll;
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