Commit aaba8342 authored by Thomas Gubler's avatar Thomas Gubler

remove debug output

parent f48f62cf
......@@ -3470,7 +3470,6 @@ void UAS::stopLowBattAlarm()
void UAS::sendMapRCToParam(QString param_id, float scale, float value0, quint8 param_rc_channel_index, float valueMin, float valueMax)
qDebug() << "sendMapRCToParam" << param_id << "scale" << scale << "value0" << value0 << "param rc chan index" << param_rc_channel_index;
mavlink_message_t message;
......@@ -3501,7 +3500,6 @@ void UAS::sendMapRCToParam(QString param_id, float scale, float value0, quint8 p
void UAS::unsetRCToParameterMap()
qDebug() << "unsetRCToParameterMap";
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
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