Commit a9cd4fb1 authored by DonLakeFlyer's avatar DonLakeFlyer

ArduCopter 3.6 tuning page fixes

parent 814358dc
......@@ -39,13 +39,16 @@ SetupPage {
property real _hoverTuneMax: _throttleMidExists ? 800 : 1
property real _hoverTuneStep: _throttleMidExists ? 10 : 0.01
property Fact _rcFeel: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "RC_FEEL_RP")
property bool _rcFeelAvailable: controller.parameterExists(-1, "RC_FEEL")
property bool _atcInputTCAvailable: controller.parameterExists(-1, "ATC_INPUT_TC")
property Fact _rcFeel: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "RC_FEEL", false)
property Fact _atcInputTC: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "ATC_INPUT_TC", false)
property Fact _rateRollP: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "r.ATC_RAT_RLL_P")
property Fact _rateRollI: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "r.ATC_RAT_RLL_I")
property Fact _ratePitchP: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "r.ATC_RAT_PIT_P")
property Fact _ratePitchI: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "r.ATC_RAT_PIT_I")
property Fact _rateClimbP: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "ACCEL_Z_P")
property Fact _rateClimbI: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "ACCEL_Z_I")
property Fact _rateClimbP: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "r.PSC_ACCZ_P")
property Fact _rateClimbI: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "r.PSC_ACCZ_I")
property Fact _ch7Opt: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "CH7_OPT")
property Fact _ch8Opt: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "CH8_OPT")
......@@ -78,7 +81,12 @@ SetupPage {
throttleHover.value = _hoverTuneParam.value
rollPitch.value = _rateRollP.value
climb.value = _rateClimbP.value
if (_rcFeelAvailable) {
rcFeel.value = _rcFeel.value
if (_atcInputTCAvailable) {
atcInputTC.value = _atcInputTC.value
_loadComplete = true
......@@ -240,6 +248,7 @@ SetupPage {
Column {
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
visible: _rcFeelAvailable
QGCLabel {
text: qsTr("RC Roll/Pitch Feel")
......@@ -266,6 +275,37 @@ SetupPage {
Column {
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
visible: _atcInputTCAvailable
QGCLabel {
text: qsTr("RC Roll/Pitch Feel") ScreenTools.demiboldFontFamily
QGCLabel {
text: qsTr("Slide to the left for soft control, slide to the right for crisp control")
Slider {
id: atcInputTC
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
minimumValue: _atcInputTC.min
maximumValue: _atcInputTC.max
stepSize: _atcInputTC.increment
tickmarksEnabled: true
onValueChanged: {
if (_loadComplete) {
_atcInputTC.value = value
} // Rectangle - Basic tuning
......@@ -1684,7 +1684,7 @@
<param humanName="Battery capacity" name="BATT2_CAPACITY" documentation="Capacity of the battery in mAh when full" user="Standard">
<field name="Increment">50</field>
<field name="Units">mA.h</field>
<field name="Units">mAh</field>
<field name="UnitText">milliampere hour</field>
<param humanName="Maximum allowed power (Watts)" name="BATT2_WATT_MAX" documentation="If battery wattage (voltage * current) exceeds this value then the system will reduce max throttle (THR_MAX, TKOFF_THR_MAX and THR_MIN for reverse thrust) to satisfy this limit. This helps limit high current to low C rated batteries regardless of battery voltage. The max throttle will slowly grow back to THR_MAX (or TKOFF_THR_MAX ) and THR_MIN if demanding the current max and under the watt max. Use 0 to disable." user="Advanced">
......@@ -1713,7 +1713,7 @@
<param humanName="Low battery capacity" name="BATT2_LOW_MAH" documentation="Battery capacity at which the low battery failsafe is triggered. Set to 0 to disable battery remaining failsafe. If the battery capacity drops below this level the vehicle will perform the failsafe specified by the BATT2_FS_LOW_ACT parameter." user="Standard">
<field name="Increment">50</field>
<field name="Units">mA.h</field>
<field name="Units">mAh</field>
<field name="UnitText">milliampere hour</field>
<param humanName="Critical battery voltage" name="BATT2_CRT_VOLT" documentation="Battery voltage that triggers a critical battery failsafe. Set to 0 to disable. If the battery voltage drops below this voltage continuously for more then the period specified by the BATT2_LOW_TIMER parameter then the vehicle will perform the failsafe specified by the BATT2_FS_CRT_ACT parameter." user="Standard">
......@@ -1723,12 +1723,12 @@
<param humanName="Battery critical capacity" name="BATT2_CRT_MAH" documentation="Battery capacity at which the critical battery failsafe is triggered. Set to 0 to disable battery remaining failsafe. If the battery capacity drops below this level the vehicle will perform the failsafe specified by the BATT2__FS_CRT_ACT parameter." user="Standard">
<field name="Increment">50</field>
<field name="Units">mA.h</field>
<field name="Units">mAh</field>
<field name="UnitText">milliampere hour</field>
<param humanName="Low battery failsafe action" name="BATT2_FS_LOW_ACT" documentation="What action the vehicle should perform if it hits a low battery failsafe" user="Standard">
<value code="0">Nothing</value>
<value code="0">None</value>
<value code="1">Land</value>
<value code="2">RTL</value>
<value code="3">SmartRTL</value>
......@@ -1738,7 +1738,7 @@
<param humanName="Critical battery failsafe action" name="BATT2_FS_CRT_ACT" documentation="What action the vehicle should perform if it hits a critical battery failsafe" user="Standard">
<value code="0">Nothing</value>
<value code="0">None</value>
<value code="1">Land</value>
<value code="2">RTL</value>
<value code="3">SmartRTL</value>
......@@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@
<param humanName="Battery capacity" name="BATT_CAPACITY" documentation="Capacity of the battery in mAh when full" user="Standard">
<field name="Increment">50</field>
<field name="Units">mA.h</field>
<field name="Units">mAh</field>
<field name="UnitText">milliampere hour</field>
<param humanName="Maximum allowed power (Watts)" name="BATT_WATT_MAX" documentation="If battery wattage (voltage * current) exceeds this value then the system will reduce max throttle (THR_MAX, TKOFF_THR_MAX and THR_MIN for reverse thrust) to satisfy this limit. This helps limit high current to low C rated batteries regardless of battery voltage. The max throttle will slowly grow back to THR_MAX (or TKOFF_THR_MAX ) and THR_MIN if demanding the current max and under the watt max. Use 0 to disable." user="Advanced">
......@@ -1820,7 +1820,7 @@
<param humanName="Low battery capacity" name="BATT_LOW_MAH" documentation="Battery capacity at which the low battery failsafe is triggered. Set to 0 to disable battery remaining failsafe. If the battery capacity drops below this level the vehicle will perform the failsafe specified by the BATT_FS_LOW_ACT parameter." user="Standard">
<field name="Increment">50</field>
<field name="Units">mA.h</field>
<field name="Units">mAh</field>
<field name="UnitText">milliampere hour</field>
<param humanName="Critical battery voltage" name="BATT_CRT_VOLT" documentation="Battery voltage that triggers a critical battery failsafe. Set to 0 to disable. If the battery voltage drops below this voltage continuously for more then the period specified by the BATT_LOW_TIMER parameter then the vehicle will perform the failsafe specified by the BATT_FS_CRT_ACT parameter." user="Standard">
......@@ -1830,12 +1830,12 @@
<param humanName="Battery critical capacity" name="BATT_CRT_MAH" documentation="Battery capacity at which the critical battery failsafe is triggered. Set to 0 to disable battery remaining failsafe. If the battery capacity drops below this level the vehicle will perform the failsafe specified by the BATT__FS_CRT_ACT parameter." user="Standard">
<field name="Increment">50</field>
<field name="Units">mA.h</field>
<field name="Units">mAh</field>
<field name="UnitText">milliampere hour</field>
<param humanName="Low battery failsafe action" name="BATT_FS_LOW_ACT" documentation="What action the vehicle should perform if it hits a low battery failsafe" user="Standard">
<value code="0">Nothing</value>
<value code="0">None</value>
<value code="1">Land</value>
<value code="2">RTL</value>
<value code="3">SmartRTL</value>
......@@ -1845,7 +1845,7 @@
<param humanName="Critical battery failsafe action" name="BATT_FS_CRT_ACT" documentation="What action the vehicle should perform if it hits a critical battery failsafe" user="Standard">
<value code="0">Nothing</value>
<value code="0">None</value>
<value code="1">Land</value>
<value code="2">RTL</value>
<value code="3">SmartRTL</value>
......@@ -155,6 +155,8 @@ ArduCopterFirmwarePlugin::ArduCopterFirmwarePlugin(void)
remapV3_6["BATT_LOW_MAH"] = QStringLiteral("FS_BATT_MAH");
remapV3_6["BATT_LOW_VOLT"] = QStringLiteral("FS_BATT_VOLTAGE");
remapV3_6["BATT_FS_LOW_ACT"] = QStringLiteral("FS_BATT_ENABLE");
remapV3_6["PSC_ACCZ_P"] = QStringLiteral("ACCEL_Z_P");
remapV3_6["PSC_ACCZ_I"] = QStringLiteral("ACCEL_Z_I");
_remapParamNameIntialized = true;
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