Commit a93076dd authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #4130 from DonLakeFlyer/APMSetupPage

Switch ArduPilot setup pages to new SetupPage usage, plus vehicle branding
parents 8f594e50 698e6bb1
......@@ -152,6 +152,8 @@
<file alias="ArrowDirection.svg">src/AutoPilotPlugins/Common/Images/ArrowDirection.svg</file>
<file alias="ArrowCW.svg">src/AutoPilotPlugins/Common/Images/ArrowCW.svg</file>
<file alias="ArrowCCW.svg">src/AutoPilotPlugins/Common/Images/ArrowCCW.svg</file>
<file alias="APM/BrandImage">src/FirmwarePlugin/APM/APMBrandImage.png</file>
<file alias="PX4/BrandImage">src/FirmwarePlugin/PX4/PX4BrandImage.png</file>
<qresource prefix="/res">
<file alias="AntennaRC">resources/Antenna_RC.svg</file>
......@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ QString APMAirframeComponent::name(void) const
QString APMAirframeComponent::description(void) const
return tr("The Airframe Component is used to select the airframe which matches your vehicle. "
"This will in turn set up the various tuning values for flight parameters.");
return tr("Airframe Setup is used to select the airframe which matches your vehicle. "
"You can also the load default parameter values associated with known vehicle types.");
QString APMAirframeComponent::iconResource(void) const
......@@ -11,26 +11,24 @@
import QtQuick 2.5
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.2
import QGroundControl.FactSystem 1.0
import QGroundControl.FactControls 1.0
import QGroundControl.Palette 1.0
import QGroundControl.Controls 1.0
import QGroundControl.Controllers 1.0
import QGroundControl.ScreenTools 1.0
QGCView {
id: qgcView
viewPanel: panel
QGCPalette { id: qgcPal; colorGroupEnabled: panel.enabled }
SetupPage {
id: airframePage
pageComponent: airframePageComponent
property real _margins: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth
property Fact _frame: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "FRAME")
APMAirframeComponentController {
id: controller
factPanel: panel
factPanel: airframePage.viewPanel
ExclusiveGroup {
......@@ -89,73 +87,47 @@ QGCView {
QGCViewPanel {
id: panel
anchors.fill: parent
Item {
id: helpApplyRow
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
height: Math.max(helpText.contentHeight, applyButton.height)
Component {
id: airframePageComponent
QGCLabel {
id: helpText
anchors.rightMargin: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: applyButton.right
text: qsTr("Please select your airframe type")
font.pointSize: ScreenTools.mediumFontPointSize
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
Column {
width: availableWidth
height: 1000
spacing: _margins
QGCButton {
id: applyButton
RowLayout {
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
text: qsTr("Load common parameters")
onClicked: showDialog(applyRestartDialogComponent, qsTr("Load common parameters"), qgcView.showDialogDefaultWidth, StandardButton.Close)
Item {
id: helpSpacer helpApplyRow.bottom
height: parent.spacerHeight
width: 10
QGCFlickable {
id: scroll helpSpacer.bottom
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
contentHeight: frameColumn.height
contentWidth: frameColumn.width
spacing: _margins
QGCLabel {
font.pointSize: ScreenTools.mediumFontPointSize
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
text: qsTr("Please select your airframe type")
Layout.fillWidth: true
Column {
id: frameColumn
spacing: _margins
QGCButton {
text: qsTr("Load common parameters")
onClicked: showDialog(applyRestartDialogComponent, qsTr("Load common parameters"), qgcView.showDialogDefaultWidth, StandardButton.Close)
Repeater {
model: controller.airframeTypesModel
Repeater {
model: controller.airframeTypesModel
QGCRadioButton {
checked: controller.currentAirframeType == object
exclusiveGroup: airframeTypeExclusive
QGCRadioButton {
checked: controller.currentAirframeType == object
exclusiveGroup: airframeTypeExclusive
onCheckedChanged: {
if (checked) {
controller.currentAirframeType = object
onCheckedChanged: {
if (checked) {
controller.currentAirframeType = object
} // QGCViewPanel
} // QGCView
} // Column
} // Component - pageComponent
} // SetupPage
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ QString APMCameraComponent::name(void) const
QString APMCameraComponent::description(void) const
return tr("The Camera Component is used to setup camera and gimbal settings.");
return tr("Camera setup is used to adjust camera and gimbal settings.");
QString APMCameraComponent::iconResource(void) const
......@@ -17,440 +17,436 @@ import QGroundControl.Palette 1.0
import QGroundControl.Controls 1.0
import QGroundControl.ScreenTools 1.0
QGCView {
id: _cameraView
viewPanel: panel
anchors.fill: parent
FactPanelController { id: controller; factPanel: panel }
QGCPalette { id: palette; colorGroupEnabled: enabled }
property Fact _mountRetractX: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "MNT_RETRACT_X")
property Fact _mountRetractY: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "MNT_RETRACT_Y")
property Fact _mountRetractZ: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "MNT_RETRACT_Z")
property Fact _mountNeutralX: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "MNT_NEUTRAL_X")
property Fact _mountNeutralY: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "MNT_NEUTRAL_Y")
property Fact _mountNeutralZ: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "MNT_NEUTRAL_Z")
property Fact _mountRCInTilt: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "MNT_RC_IN_TILT")
property Fact _mountStabTilt: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "MNT_STAB_TILT")
property Fact _mountAngMinTilt: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "MNT_ANGMIN_TIL")
property Fact _mountAngMaxTilt: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "MNT_ANGMAX_TIL")
property Fact _mountRCInRoll: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "MNT_RC_IN_ROLL")
property Fact _mountStabRoll: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "MNT_STAB_ROLL")
property Fact _mountAngMinRoll: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "MNT_ANGMIN_ROL")
property Fact _mountAngMaxRoll: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "MNT_ANGMAX_ROL")
property Fact _mountRCInPan: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "MNT_RC_IN_PAN")
property Fact _mountStabPan: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "MNT_STAB_PAN")
property Fact _mountAngMinPan: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "MNT_ANGMIN_PAN")
property Fact _mountAngMaxPan: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "MNT_ANGMAX_PAN")
property Fact _rc5Function: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "RC5_FUNCTION")
property Fact _rc6Function: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "RC6_FUNCTION")
property Fact _rc7Function: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "RC7_FUNCTION")
property Fact _rc8Function: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "RC8_FUNCTION")
property Fact _rc9Function: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "RC9_FUNCTION")
property Fact _rc10Function: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "RC10_FUNCTION")
property Fact _rc11Function: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "RC11_FUNCTION")
property Fact _rc12Function: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "RC12_FUNCTION")
property Fact _rc13Function: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "RC13_FUNCTION")
property Fact _rc14Function: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "RC14_FUNCTION")
property bool _tiltEnabled: false
property bool _panEnabled: false
property bool _rollEnabled: false
// Gimbal Settings not available on older firmware
property bool _showGimbaLSettings: controller.parameterExists(-1, "MNT_DEFLT_MODE")
readonly property real _margins: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
readonly property int _rcFunctionDisabled: 0
readonly property int _rcFunctionMountPan: 6
readonly property int _rcFunctionMountTilt: 7
readonly property int _rcFunctionMountRoll: 8
readonly property int _firstGimbalOutChannel: 5
readonly property int _lastGimbalOutChannel: 14
readonly property int _mountDefaultModeRCTargetting: 3
Component.onCompleted: {
if (_showGimbaLSettings) {
gimbalSettingsLoader.sourceComponent = gimbalSettings
function setGimbalSettingsServoInfo(loader, channel) {
var rcPrefix = "RC" + channel + "_"
loader.gimbalOutIndex = channel - 4
loader.servoPWMMinFact = controller.getParameterFact(-1, rcPrefix + "MIN")
loader.servoPWMMaxFact = controller.getParameterFact(-1, rcPrefix + "MAX")
loader.servoReverseFact = controller.getParameterFact(-1, rcPrefix + "REV")
/// Gimbal output channels are stored in RC#_FUNCTION parameters. We need to loop through those
/// to find them and setup the ui accordindly.
function calcGimbalOutValues() {
gimbalDirectionTiltLoader.gimbalOutIndex = 0
gimbalDirectionPanLoader.gimbalOutIndex = 0
gimbalDirectionRollLoader.gimbalOutIndex = 0
_tiltEnabled = false
_panEnabled = false
_rollEnabled = false
for (var channel=_firstGimbalOutChannel; channel<=_lastGimbalOutChannel; channel++) {
var functionFact = controller.getParameterFact(-1, "RC" + channel + "_FUNCTION")
if (functionFact.value == _rcFunctionMountTilt) {
_tiltEnabled = true
setGimbalSettingsServoInfo(gimbalDirectionTiltLoader, channel)
} else if (functionFact.value == _rcFunctionMountPan) {
_panEnabled = true
setGimbalSettingsServoInfo(gimbalDirectionPanLoader, channel)
} else if (functionFact.value == _rcFunctionMountRoll) {
_rollEnabled = true
setGimbalSettingsServoInfo(gimbalDirectionRollLoader, channel)
function setRCFunction(channel, rcFunction) {
// First clear any previous settings for this function
for (var index=_firstGimbalOutChannel; index<=_lastGimbalOutChannel; index++) {
var functionFact = controller.getParameterFact(-1, "RC" + index + "_FUNCTION")
if (functionFact.value != _rcFunctionDisabled && functionFact.value == rcFunction) {
functionFact.value = _rcFunctionDisabled
// Now set the function into the new channel
if (channel != 0) {
var functionFact = controller.getParameterFact(-1, "RC" + channel + "_FUNCTION")
functionFact.value = rcFunction
// Whenever any RC#_FUNCTION parameters chagnes we need to go looking for gimbal output channels again
Connections { target: _rc5Function; onValueChanged: calcGimbalOutValues() }
Connections { target: _rc6Function; onValueChanged: calcGimbalOutValues() }
Connections { target: _rc7Function; onValueChanged: calcGimbalOutValues() }
Connections { target: _rc8Function; onValueChanged: calcGimbalOutValues() }
Connections { target: _rc9Function; onValueChanged: calcGimbalOutValues() }
Connections { target: _rc10Function; onValueChanged: calcGimbalOutValues() }
Connections { target: _rc11Function; onValueChanged: calcGimbalOutValues() }
Connections { target: _rc12Function; onValueChanged: calcGimbalOutValues() }
Connections { target: _rc13Function; onValueChanged: calcGimbalOutValues() }
Connections { target: _rc14Function; onValueChanged: calcGimbalOutValues() }
// Whenever an MNT_RC_IN_* setting is changed make sure to turn on RC targeting
Connections {
target: _mountRCInPan
onValueChanged: _mountDefaultMode.value = _mountDefaultModeRCTargetting
Connections {
target: _mountRCInRoll
onValueChanged: _mountDefaultMode.value = _mountDefaultModeRCTargetting
Connections {
target: _mountRCInTilt
onValueChanged: _mountDefaultMode.value = _mountDefaultModeRCTargetting
ListModel {
id: gimbalOutModel
ListElement { text: qsTr("Disabled"); value: 0 }
ListElement { text: qsTr("Channel 5"); value: 5 }
ListElement { text: qsTr("Channel 6"); value: 6 }
ListElement { text: qsTr("Channel 7"); value: 7 }
ListElement { text: qsTr("Channel 8"); value: 8 }
ListElement { text: qsTr("Channel 9"); value: 9 }
ListElement { text: qsTr("Channel 10"); value: 10 }
ListElement { text: qsTr("Channel 11"); value: 11 }
ListElement { text: qsTr("Channel 12"); value: 12 }
ListElement { text: qsTr("Channel 13"); value: 13 }
ListElement { text: qsTr("Channel 14"); value: 14 }
SetupPage {
id: cameraPage
pageComponent: cameraPageComponent
Component {
id: gimbalDirectionSettings
// The following properties must be set in the Loader
// property string directionTitle
// property bool directionEnabled
// property int gimbalOutIndex
// property Fact mountRcInFact
// property Fact mountStabFact
// property Fact mountAngMinFact
// property Fact mountAngMaxFact
// property Fact servoPWMMinFact
// property Fact servoPWMMaxFact
// property Fact servoReverseFact
// property int rcFunction
Item {
width: rectangle.x + rectangle.width
height: rectangle.y + rectangle.height
QGCLabel {
id: directionLabel
text: qsTr("Gimbal ") + directionTitle ScreenTools.demiboldFontFamily
Rectangle {
id: rectangle
anchors.topMargin: _margins / 2
anchors.left: parent.left directionLabel.bottom
width: mountAngMaxField.x + mountAngMaxField.width + _margins
height: servoPWMMaxField.y + servoPWMMaxField.height + _margins
color: palette.windowShade
FactCheckBox {
id: mountStabCheckBox
anchors.topMargin: _margins
anchors.left: servoReverseCheckBox.left
text: qsTr("Stabilize")
fact: mountStabFact
checkedValue: 1
uncheckedValue: 0
enabled: directionEnabled
FactCheckBox {
id: servoReverseCheckBox
anchors.margins: _margins mountStabCheckBox.bottom
anchors.right: parent.right
text: qsTr("Servo reverse")
checkedValue: 1
uncheckedValue: 0
fact: servoReverseFact
enabled: directionEnabled
QGCLabel {
id: gimbalOutLabel
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.baseline: gimbalOutCombo.baseline
text: qsTr("Output channel:")
QGCComboBox {
id: gimbalOutCombo
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: gimbalOutLabel.right
width: mountAngMinField.width
model: gimbalOutModel
currentIndex: gimbalOutIndex
onActivated: setRCFunction(gimbalOutModel.get(index).value, rcFunction)
QGCLabel {
id: mountRcInLabel
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.baseline: mountRcInCombo.baseline
text: qsTr("Input channel:")
enabled: directionEnabled
FactComboBox {
id: mountRcInCombo
anchors.topMargin: _margins / 2 gimbalOutCombo.bottom
anchors.left: gimbalOutCombo.left
width: mountAngMinField.width
fact: mountRcInFact
indexModel: false
enabled: directionEnabled
QGCLabel {
id: mountAngLabel
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.baseline: mountAngMinField.baseline
text: qsTr("Gimbal angle limits:")
enabled: directionEnabled
QGCLabel {
id: mountAngMinLabel
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: mountAngLabel.right
anchors.baseline: mountAngMinField.baseline
text: qsTr("min")
enabled: directionEnabled
FactTextField {
id: mountAngMinField
anchors.margins: _margins mountRcInCombo.bottom
anchors.left: mountAngMinLabel.right
fact: mountAngMinFact
enabled: directionEnabled
QGCLabel {
id: mountAngMaxLabel
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: mountAngMinField.right
anchors.baseline: mountAngMinField.baseline
text: qsTr("max")
enabled: directionEnabled
FactTextField {
id: mountAngMaxField
anchors.leftMargin: _margins
anchors.left: mountAngMaxLabel.right
fact: mountAngMaxFact
enabled: directionEnabled
QGCLabel {
id: servoPWMLabel
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.baseline: servoPWMMinField.baseline
text: qsTr("Servo PWM limits:")
enabled: directionEnabled
QGCLabel {
id: servoPWMMinLabel
anchors.left: mountAngMinLabel.left
anchors.baseline: servoPWMMinField.baseline
text: qsTr("min")
enabled: directionEnabled
id: cameraPageComponent
Column {
spacing: _margins
width: availableWidth
FactPanelController { id: controller; factPanel: cameraPage.viewPanel }
QGCPalette { id: palette; colorGroupEnabled: true }
property Fact _mountRetractX: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "MNT_RETRACT_X")
property Fact _mountRetractY: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "MNT_RETRACT_Y")
property Fact _mountRetractZ: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "MNT_RETRACT_Z")
property Fact _mountNeutralX: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "MNT_NEUTRAL_X")
property Fact _mountNeutralY: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "MNT_NEUTRAL_Y")
property Fact _mountNeutralZ: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "MNT_NEUTRAL_Z")
property Fact _mountRCInTilt: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "MNT_RC_IN_TILT")
property Fact _mountStabTilt: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "MNT_STAB_TILT")
property Fact _mountAngMinTilt: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "MNT_ANGMIN_TIL")
property Fact _mountAngMaxTilt: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "MNT_ANGMAX_TIL")
property Fact _mountRCInRoll: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "MNT_RC_IN_ROLL")
property Fact _mountStabRoll: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "MNT_STAB_ROLL")
property Fact _mountAngMinRoll: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "MNT_ANGMIN_ROL")
property Fact _mountAngMaxRoll: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "MNT_ANGMAX_ROL")
property Fact _mountRCInPan: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "MNT_RC_IN_PAN")
property Fact _mountStabPan: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "MNT_STAB_PAN")
property Fact _mountAngMinPan: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "MNT_ANGMIN_PAN")
property Fact _mountAngMaxPan: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "MNT_ANGMAX_PAN")
property Fact _rc5Function: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "RC5_FUNCTION")
property Fact _rc6Function: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "RC6_FUNCTION")
property Fact _rc7Function: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "RC7_FUNCTION")
property Fact _rc8Function: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "RC8_FUNCTION")
property Fact _rc9Function: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "RC9_FUNCTION")
property Fact _rc10Function: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "RC10_FUNCTION")
property Fact _rc11Function: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "RC11_FUNCTION")
property Fact _rc12Function: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "RC12_FUNCTION")
property Fact _rc13Function: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "RC13_FUNCTION")
property Fact _rc14Function: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "RC14_FUNCTION")
property bool _tiltEnabled: false
property bool _panEnabled: false
property bool _rollEnabled: false
// Gimbal Settings not available on older firmware
property bool _showGimbaLSettings: controller.parameterExists(-1, "MNT_DEFLT_MODE")
readonly property real _margins: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
readonly property int _rcFunctionDisabled: 0
readonly property int _rcFunctionMountPan: 6
readonly property int _rcFunctionMountTilt: 7
readonly property int _rcFunctionMountRoll: 8
readonly property int _firstGimbalOutChannel: 5
readonly property int _lastGimbalOutChannel: 14
readonly property int _mountDefaultModeRCTargetting: 3
Component.onCompleted: {
if (_showGimbaLSettings) {
gimbalSettingsLoader.sourceComponent = gimbalSettings
FactTextField {
id: servoPWMMinField
anchors.topMargin: _margins / 2
anchors.leftMargin: _margins mountAngMaxField.bottom
anchors.left: servoPWMMinLabel.right
fact: servoPWMMinFact
enabled: directionEnabled
function setGimbalSettingsServoInfo(loader, channel) {
var rcPrefix = "RC" + channel + "_"
QGCLabel {
id: servoPWMMaxLabel
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: servoPWMMinField.right
anchors.baseline: servoPWMMinField.baseline
text: qsTr("max")
enabled: directionEnabled
loader.gimbalOutIndex = channel - 4
loader.servoPWMMinFact = controller.getParameterFact(-1, rcPrefix + "MIN")
loader.servoPWMMaxFact = controller.getParameterFact(-1, rcPrefix + "MAX")
loader.servoReverseFact = controller.getParameterFact(-1, rcPrefix + "REV")
FactTextField {
id: servoPWMMaxField
anchors.leftMargin: _margins
anchors.left: servoPWMMaxLabel.right
fact: servoPWMMaxFact
enabled: directionEnabled
/// Gimbal output channels are stored in RC#_FUNCTION parameters. We need to loop through those
/// to find them and setup the ui accordindly.
function calcGimbalOutValues() {
gimbalDirectionTiltLoader.gimbalOutIndex = 0
gimbalDirectionPanLoader.gimbalOutIndex = 0
gimbalDirectionRollLoader.gimbalOutIndex = 0
_tiltEnabled = false
_panEnabled = false
_rollEnabled = false
for (var channel=_firstGimbalOutChannel; channel<=_lastGimbalOutChannel; channel++) {
var functionFact = controller.getParameterFact(-1, "RC" + channel + "_FUNCTION")
if (functionFact.value == _rcFunctionMountTilt) {
_tiltEnabled = true
setGimbalSettingsServoInfo(gimbalDirectionTiltLoader, channel)
} else if (functionFact.value == _rcFunctionMountPan) {
_panEnabled = true
setGimbalSettingsServoInfo(gimbalDirectionPanLoader, channel)
} else if (functionFact.value == _rcFunctionMountRoll) {
_rollEnabled = true
setGimbalSettingsServoInfo(gimbalDirectionRollLoader, channel)
} // Rectangle
} // Item
} // Component - gimbalDirectionSettings
Component {
id: gimbalSettings
Item {
width: rectangle.x + rectangle.width
height: rectangle.y + rectangle.height
property Fact _mountDefaultMode: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "MNT_DEFLT_MODE")
property Fact _mountType: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "MNT_TYPE")
QGCLabel {
id: settingsLabel
text: qsTr("Gimbal Settings") ScreenTools.demiboldFontFamily
Rectangle {
id: rectangle
anchors.topMargin: _margins / 2 settingsLabel.bottom
width: gimbalModeCombo.x + gimbalModeCombo.width + _margins
height: gimbalModeCombo.y + gimbalModeCombo.height + _margins
color: palette.windowShade
QGCLabel {
id: gimbalTypeLabel
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.baseline: gimbalTypeCombo.baseline
text: qsTr("Type:")
function setRCFunction(channel, rcFunction) {
// First clear any previous settings for this function
for (var index=_firstGimbalOutChannel; index<=_lastGimbalOutChannel; index++) {
var functionFact = controller.getParameterFact(-1, "RC" + index + "_FUNCTION")
if (functionFact.value != _rcFunctionDisabled && functionFact.value == rcFunction) {
functionFact.value = _rcFunctionDisabled
FactComboBox {
id: gimbalTypeCombo
anchors.topMargin: _margins
anchors.left: gimbalModeCombo.left
width: gimbalModeCombo.width
fact: _mountType
indexModel: false
// Now set the function into the new channel
if (channel != 0) {
var functionFact = controller.getParameterFact(-1, "RC" + channel + "_FUNCTION")
functionFact.value = rcFunction
QGCLabel {
id: rebootLabel
anchors.topMargin: _margins / 2
anchors.leftMargin: _margins
anchors.rightMargin: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right gimbalTypeCombo.bottom
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
text: qsTr("Gimbal Type changes takes affect next reboot of autopilot")
// Whenever any RC#_FUNCTION parameters chagnes we need to go looking for gimbal output channels again
Connections { target: _rc5Function; onValueChanged: calcGimbalOutValues() }
Connections { target: _rc6Function; onValueChanged: calcGimbalOutValues() }
Connections { target: _rc7Function; onValueChanged: calcGimbalOutValues() }
Connections { target: _rc8Function; onValueChanged: calcGimbalOutValues() }
Connections { target: _rc9Function; onValueChanged: calcGimbalOutValues() }
Connections { target: _rc10Function; onValueChanged: calcGimbalOutValues() }
Connections { target: _rc11Function; onValueChanged: calcGimbalOutValues() }
Connections { target: _rc12Function; onValueChanged: calcGimbalOutValues() }
Connections { target: _rc13Function; onValueChanged: calcGimbalOutValues() }
Connections { target: _rc14Function; onValueChanged: calcGimbalOutValues() }
// Whenever an MNT_RC_IN_* setting is changed make sure to turn on RC targeting
Connections {
target: _mountRCInPan
onValueChanged: _mountDefaultMode.value = _mountDefaultModeRCTargetting
QGCLabel {
id: gimbalModeLabel
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.baseline: gimbalModeCombo.baseline
text: qsTr("Default Mode:")
Connections {
target: _mountRCInRoll
onValueChanged: _mountDefaultMode.value = _mountDefaultModeRCTargetting
FactComboBox {
id: gimbalModeCombo
anchors.margins: _margins rebootLabel.bottom
anchors.left: gimbalModeLabel.right
width: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 15
fact: _mountDefaultMode
indexModel: false
} // Rectangle
} // Item
} // Component - gimbalSettings
Connections {
target: _mountRCInTilt
onValueChanged: _mountDefaultMode.value = _mountDefaultModeRCTargetting
QGCViewPanel {
id: panel
anchors.fill: parent
ListModel {
id: gimbalOutModel
ListElement { text: qsTr("Disabled"); value: 0 }
ListElement { text: qsTr("Channel 5"); value: 5 }
ListElement { text: qsTr("Channel 6"); value: 6 }
ListElement { text: qsTr("Channel 7"); value: 7 }
ListElement { text: qsTr("Channel 8"); value: 8 }
ListElement { text: qsTr("Channel 9"); value: 9 }
ListElement { text: qsTr("Channel 10"); value: 10 }
ListElement { text: qsTr("Channel 11"); value: 11 }
ListElement { text: qsTr("Channel 12"); value: 12 }
ListElement { text: qsTr("Channel 13"); value: 13 }
ListElement { text: qsTr("Channel 14"); value: 14 }
QGCFlickable {
clip: true
anchors.fill: parent
contentWidth: gimbalDirectionTiltLoader.x + gimbalDirectionTiltLoader.width
contentHeight: _showGimbaLSettings ? gimbalSettingsLoader.y + gimbalSettingsLoader.height : gimbalDirectionPanLoader.y + gimbalDirectionPanLoader.height
Component {
id: gimbalDirectionSettings
// The following properties must be set in the Loader
// property string directionTitle
// property bool directionEnabled
// property int gimbalOutIndex
// property Fact mountRcInFact
// property Fact mountStabFact
// property Fact mountAngMinFact
// property Fact mountAngMaxFact
// property Fact servoPWMMinFact
// property Fact servoPWMMaxFact
// property Fact servoReverseFact
// property int rcFunction
Item {
width: rectangle.x + rectangle.width
height: rectangle.y + rectangle.height
QGCLabel {
id: directionLabel
text: qsTr("Gimbal ") + directionTitle ScreenTools.demiboldFontFamily
Rectangle {
id: rectangle
anchors.topMargin: _margins / 2
anchors.left: parent.left directionLabel.bottom
width: mountAngMaxField.x + mountAngMaxField.width + _margins
height: servoPWMMaxField.y + servoPWMMaxField.height + _margins
color: palette.windowShade
FactCheckBox {
id: mountStabCheckBox
anchors.topMargin: _margins
anchors.left: servoReverseCheckBox.left
text: qsTr("Stabilize")
fact: mountStabFact
checkedValue: 1
uncheckedValue: 0
enabled: directionEnabled
FactCheckBox {
id: servoReverseCheckBox
anchors.margins: _margins mountStabCheckBox.bottom
anchors.right: parent.right
text: qsTr("Servo reverse")
checkedValue: 1
uncheckedValue: 0
fact: servoReverseFact
enabled: directionEnabled
QGCLabel {
id: gimbalOutLabel
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.baseline: gimbalOutCombo.baseline
text: qsTr("Output channel:")
QGCComboBox {
id: gimbalOutCombo
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: gimbalOutLabel.right
width: mountAngMinField.width
model: gimbalOutModel
currentIndex: gimbalOutIndex
onActivated: setRCFunction(gimbalOutModel.get(index).value, rcFunction)
QGCLabel {
id: mountRcInLabel
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.baseline: mountRcInCombo.baseline
text: qsTr("Input channel:")
enabled: directionEnabled
FactComboBox {
id: mountRcInCombo
anchors.topMargin: _margins / 2 gimbalOutCombo.bottom
anchors.left: gimbalOutCombo.left
width: mountAngMinField.width
fact: mountRcInFact
indexModel: false
enabled: directionEnabled
QGCLabel {
id: mountAngLabel
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.baseline: mountAngMinField.baseline
text: qsTr("Gimbal angle limits:")
enabled: directionEnabled
QGCLabel {
id: mountAngMinLabel
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: mountAngLabel.right
anchors.baseline: mountAngMinField.baseline
text: qsTr("min")
enabled: directionEnabled
FactTextField {
id: mountAngMinField
anchors.margins: _margins mountRcInCombo.bottom
anchors.left: mountAngMinLabel.right
fact: mountAngMinFact
enabled: directionEnabled
QGCLabel {
id: mountAngMaxLabel
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: mountAngMinField.right
anchors.baseline: mountAngMinField.baseline
text: qsTr("max")
enabled: directionEnabled
FactTextField {
id: mountAngMaxField
anchors.leftMargin: _margins
anchors.left: mountAngMaxLabel.right
fact: mountAngMaxFact
enabled: directionEnabled
QGCLabel {
id: servoPWMLabel
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.baseline: servoPWMMinField.baseline
text: qsTr("Servo PWM limits:")
enabled: directionEnabled
QGCLabel {
id: servoPWMMinLabel
anchors.left: mountAngMinLabel.left
anchors.baseline: servoPWMMinField.baseline
text: qsTr("min")
enabled: directionEnabled
FactTextField {
id: servoPWMMinField
anchors.topMargin: _margins / 2
anchors.leftMargin: _margins mountAngMaxField.bottom
anchors.left: servoPWMMinLabel.right
fact: servoPWMMinFact
enabled: directionEnabled
QGCLabel {
id: servoPWMMaxLabel
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: servoPWMMinField.right
anchors.baseline: servoPWMMinField.baseline
text: qsTr("max")
enabled: directionEnabled
FactTextField {
id: servoPWMMaxField
anchors.leftMargin: _margins
anchors.left: servoPWMMaxLabel.right
fact: servoPWMMaxFact
enabled: directionEnabled
} // Rectangle
} // Item
} // Component - gimbalDirectionSettings
Component {
id: gimbalSettings
Item {
width: rectangle.x + rectangle.width
height: rectangle.y + rectangle.height
property Fact _mountDefaultMode: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "MNT_DEFLT_MODE")
property Fact _mountType: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "MNT_TYPE")
QGCLabel {
id: settingsLabel
text: qsTr("Gimbal Settings") ScreenTools.demiboldFontFamily
Rectangle {
id: rectangle
anchors.topMargin: _margins / 2 settingsLabel.bottom
width: gimbalModeCombo.x + gimbalModeCombo.width + _margins
height: gimbalModeCombo.y + gimbalModeCombo.height + _margins
color: palette.windowShade
QGCLabel {
id: gimbalTypeLabel
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.baseline: gimbalTypeCombo.baseline
text: qsTr("Type:")
FactComboBox {
id: gimbalTypeCombo
anchors.topMargin: _margins
anchors.left: gimbalModeCombo.left
width: gimbalModeCombo.width
fact: _mountType
indexModel: false
QGCLabel {
id: rebootLabel
anchors.topMargin: _margins / 2
anchors.leftMargin: _margins
anchors.rightMargin: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right gimbalTypeCombo.bottom
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
text: qsTr("Gimbal Type changes takes affect next reboot of autopilot")
QGCLabel {
id: gimbalModeLabel
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.baseline: gimbalModeCombo.baseline
text: qsTr("Default Mode:")
FactComboBox {
id: gimbalModeCombo
anchors.margins: _margins rebootLabel.bottom
anchors.left: gimbalModeLabel.right
width: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 15
fact: _mountDefaultMode
indexModel: false
} // Rectangle
} // Item
} // Component - gimbalSettings
Loader {
id: gimbalDirectionTiltLoader
......@@ -471,8 +467,6 @@ QGCView {
Loader {
id: gimbalDirectionRollLoader
anchors.margins: _margins gimbalDirectionTiltLoader.bottom
sourceComponent: gimbalDirectionSettings
property string directionTitle: qsTr("Roll")
......@@ -490,8 +484,6 @@ QGCView {
Loader {
id: gimbalDirectionPanLoader
anchors.margins: _margins gimbalDirectionRollLoader.bottom
sourceComponent: gimbalDirectionSettings
property string directionTitle: qsTr("Pan")
......@@ -508,10 +500,8 @@ QGCView {
Loader {
id: gimbalSettingsLoader
anchors.margins: _margins gimbalDirectionPanLoader.bottom
id: gimbalSettingsLoader
} // Flickable
} // QGCViewPanel
} // QGCView
} // Column
} // Component
} // SetupPage
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ QString APMFlightModesComponent::name(void) const
QString APMFlightModesComponent::description(void) const
return QStringLiteral("The Flight Modes Component is used to assign FLight Modes to Channel 5.");
return tr("Flight Modes Setup is used to configure the transmitter switches associated with Flight Modes.");
QString APMFlightModesComponent::iconResource(void) const
......@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ import QGroundControl.Controls 1.0
import QGroundControl.Controllers 1.0
import QGroundControl.ScreenTools 1.0
QGCView {
id: rootQGCView
viewPanel: panel
SetupPage {
id: flightModePage
pageComponent: flightModePageComponent
readonly property string _modeChannelParam: controller.modeChannelParam
readonly property string _modeParamPrefix: controller.modeParamPrefix
......@@ -33,26 +33,19 @@ QGCView {
property bool _fltmodeChExists: controller.parameterExists(-1, _modeChannelParam)
property Fact _fltmodeCh: _fltmodeChExists ? controller.getParameterFact(-1, _modeChannelParam) : _nullFact
QGCPalette { id: qgcPal; colorGroupEnabled: panel.enabled }
QGCPalette { id: qgcPal; colorGroupEnabled: true }
APMFlightModesComponentController {
id: controller
factPanel: panel
factPanel: flightModePage.viewPanel
QGCViewPanel {
id: panel
anchors.fill: parent
QGCFlickable {
anchors.fill: parent
clip: true
contentHeight: flowLayout.height
contentWidth: flowLayout.width
Component {
id: flightModePageComponent
Flow {
id: flowLayout
width: panel.width // parent.width doesn't work here for some reason!
width: availableWidth
spacing: _margins
Column {
......@@ -181,6 +174,5 @@ QGCView {
} // Rectangle - Channel options
} // Column - Channel options
} // Flow
} // QGCFlickable
} // QGCViewPanel
} // QGCView
} // Component - flightModePageComponent
} // SetupPage
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
import QtQuick 2.5
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.2
import QGroundControl.FactSystem 1.0
import QGroundControl.FactControls 1.0
......@@ -18,384 +19,327 @@ import QGroundControl.Palette 1.0
import QGroundControl.Controls 1.0
import QGroundControl.ScreenTools 1.0
QGCView {
id: rootQGCView
viewPanel: panel
property Fact battAmpPerVolt: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "BATT_AMP_PERVOLT")
property Fact battCapacity: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "BATT_CAPACITY")
property Fact battCurrPin: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "BATT_CURR_PIN")
property Fact battMonitor: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "BATT_MONITOR")
property Fact battVoltMult: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "BATT_VOLT_MULT")
property Fact battVoltPin: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "BATT_VOLT_PIN")
property real _margins: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
property bool _showAdvanced: sensorCombo.currentIndex == sensorModel.count - 1
Component.onCompleted: calcSensor()
function calcSensor() {
for (var i=0; i<sensorModel.count - 1; i++) {
if (sensorModel.get(i).voltPin == battVoltPin.value &&
sensorModel.get(i).currPin == battCurrPin.value &&
Math.abs(sensorModel.get(i).voltMult - battVoltMult.value) < 0.001 &&
Math.abs(sensorModel.get(i).ampPerVolt - battAmpPerVolt.value) < 0.0001) {
sensorCombo.currentIndex = i
sensorCombo.currentIndex = sensorModel.count - 1
QGCPalette { id: palette; colorGroupEnabled: panel.enabled }
FactPanelController { id: controller; factPanel: panel }
ListModel {
id: sensorModel
ListElement {
text: qsTr("Power Module 90A")
voltPin: 2
currPin: 3
voltMult: 10.1
ampPerVolt: 17.0
ListElement {
text: qsTr("Power Module HV")
voltPin: 2
currPin: 3
voltMult: 12.02
ampPerVolt: 39.877
ListElement {
text: "3DR Iris"
voltPin: 2
currPin: 3
voltMult: 12.02
ampPerVolt: 17.0
ListElement {
text: qsTr("Other")
SetupPage {
id: powerPage
pageComponent: powerPageComponent
Component {
id: calcVoltageMultiplierDlgComponent
id: powerPageComponent
Column {
spacing: _margins
property Fact battAmpPerVolt: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "BATT_AMP_PERVOLT")
property Fact battCapacity: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "BATT_CAPACITY")
property Fact battCurrPin: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "BATT_CURR_PIN")
property Fact battMonitor: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "BATT_MONITOR")
property Fact battVoltMult: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "BATT_VOLT_MULT")
property Fact battVoltPin: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "BATT_VOLT_PIN")
property real _margins: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight / 2
property bool _showAdvanced: sensorCombo.currentIndex == sensorModel.count - 1
property real _fieldWidth: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 25
Component.onCompleted: calcSensor()
function calcSensor() {
for (var i=0; i<sensorModel.count - 1; i++) {
if (sensorModel.get(i).voltPin == battVoltPin.value &&
sensorModel.get(i).currPin == battCurrPin.value &&
Math.abs(sensorModel.get(i).voltMult - battVoltMult.value) < 0.001 &&
Math.abs(sensorModel.get(i).ampPerVolt - battAmpPerVolt.value) < 0.0001) {
sensorCombo.currentIndex = i
sensorCombo.currentIndex = sensorModel.count - 1
QGCViewDialog {
id: calcVoltageMultiplierDlg
QGCPalette { id: palette; colorGroupEnabled: true }
QGCFlickable {
anchors.fill: parent
contentHeight: column.height
contentWidth: column.width
FactPanelController {
id: controller
factPanel: powerPage.viewPanel
Column {
id: column
width: calcVoltageMultiplierDlg.width
spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
ListModel {
id: sensorModel
QGCLabel {
width: parent.width
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
text: "Measure battery voltage using an external voltmeter and enter the value below. Click Calculate to set the new voltage multiplier."
ListElement {
text: qsTr("Power Module 90A")
voltPin: 2
currPin: 3
voltMult: 10.1
ampPerVolt: 17.0
Grid {
columns: 2
spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight / 2
verticalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignVCenter
ListElement {
text: qsTr("Power Module HV")
voltPin: 2
currPin: 3
voltMult: 12.02
ampPerVolt: 39.877
QGCLabel {
text: "Measured voltage:"
QGCTextField { id: measuredVoltage }
ListElement {
text: "3DR Iris"
voltPin: 2
currPin: 3
voltMult: 12.02
ampPerVolt: 17.0
QGCLabel { text: "Vehicle voltage:" }
QGCLabel { text: controller.vehicle.battery.voltage.valueString }
ListElement {
text: qsTr("Other")
QGCLabel { text: "Voltage multiplier:" }
FactLabel { fact: battVoltMult }
Component {
id: calcVoltageMultiplierDlgComponent
QGCButton {
text: "Calculate"
QGCViewDialog {
id: calcVoltageMultiplierDlg
onClicked: {
var measuredVoltageValue = parseFloat(measuredVoltage.text)
if (measuredVoltageValue == 0) {
var newVoltageMultiplier = (measuredVoltageValue * battVoltMult.value) / controller.vehicle.battery.voltage.value
if (newVoltageMultiplier != 0) {
battVoltMult.value = newVoltageMultiplier
} // Column
} // QGCFlickable
} // QGCViewDialog
} // Component - calcVoltageMultiplierDlgComponent
QGCFlickable {
anchors.fill: parent
contentHeight: column.height
contentWidth: column.width
Component {
id: calcAmpsPerVoltDlgComponent
Column {
id: column
width: calcVoltageMultiplierDlg.width
spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
QGCViewDialog {
id: calcAmpsPerVoltDlg
QGCLabel {
width: parent.width
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
text: "Measure battery voltage using an external voltmeter and enter the value below. Click Calculate to set the new voltage multiplier."
QGCFlickable {
anchors.fill: parent
contentHeight: column.height
contentWidth: column.width
Grid {
columns: 2
spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight / 2
verticalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignVCenter
Column {
id: column
width: calcAmpsPerVoltDlg.width
spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
QGCLabel {
text: "Measured voltage:"
QGCTextField { id: measuredVoltage }
QGCLabel {
width: parent.width
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
text: "Measure current draw using an external current meter and enter the value below. Click Calculate to set the new amps per volt value."
QGCLabel { text: "Vehicle voltage:" }
QGCLabel { text: controller.vehicle.battery.voltage.valueString }
Grid {
columns: 2
spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight / 2
verticalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignVCenter
QGCLabel { text: "Voltage multiplier:" }
FactLabel { fact: battVoltMult }
QGCLabel {
text: "Measured current:"
QGCTextField { id: measuredCurrent }
QGCButton {
text: "Calculate"
onClicked: {
var measuredVoltageValue = parseFloat(measuredVoltage.text)
if (measuredVoltageValue == 0) {
var newVoltageMultiplier = (measuredVoltageValue * battVoltMult.value) / controller.vehicle.battery.voltage.value
if (newVoltageMultiplier != 0) {
battVoltMult.value = newVoltageMultiplier
} // Column
} // QGCFlickable
} // QGCViewDialog
} // Component - calcVoltageMultiplierDlgComponent
Component {
id: calcAmpsPerVoltDlgComponent
QGCViewDialog {
id: calcAmpsPerVoltDlg
QGCFlickable {
anchors.fill: parent
contentHeight: column.height
contentWidth: column.width
Column {
id: column
width: calcAmpsPerVoltDlg.width
spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
QGCLabel {
width: parent.width
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
text: "Measure current draw using an external current meter and enter the value below. Click Calculate to set the new amps per volt value."
QGCLabel { text: "Vehicle current:" }
QGCLabel { text: controller.vehicle.battery.current.valueString }
Grid {
columns: 2
spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight / 2
verticalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignVCenter
QGCLabel { text: "Amps per volt:" }
FactLabel { fact: battAmpPerVolt }
QGCLabel {
text: "Measured current:"
QGCTextField { id: measuredCurrent }
QGCButton {
text: "Calculate"
QGCLabel { text: "Vehicle current:" }
QGCLabel { text: controller.vehicle.battery.current.valueString }
onClicked: {
var measuredCurrentValue = parseFloat(measuredCurrent.text)
if (measuredCurrentValue == 0) {
QGCLabel { text: "Amps per volt:" }
FactLabel { fact: battAmpPerVolt }
var newAmpsPerVolt = (measuredCurrentValue * battAmpPerVolt.value) / controller.vehicle.battery.current.value
if (newAmpsPerVolt != 0) {
battAmpPerVolt.value = newAmpsPerVolt
QGCButton {
text: "Calculate"
onClicked: {
var measuredCurrentValue = parseFloat(measuredCurrent.text)
if (measuredCurrentValue == 0) {
var newAmpsPerVolt = (measuredCurrentValue * battAmpPerVolt.value) / controller.vehicle.battery.current.value
if (newAmpsPerVolt != 0) {
battAmpPerVolt.value = newAmpsPerVolt
} // Column
} // QGCFlickable
} // QGCViewDialog
} // Component - calcAmpsPerVoltDlgComponent
QGCViewPanel {
id: panel
anchors.fill: parent
QGCFlickable {
anchors.fill: parent
clip: true
contentWidth: capacityField.x + capacityField.width + _margins
contentHeight: (_showAdvanced ? ampPerVoltHelp.y + ampPerVoltHelp.height : sensorCombo.y + sensorCombo.height) + _margins
QGCLabel {
id: monitorLabel
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.baseline: monitorCombo.baseline
text: qsTr("Battery monitor:")
} // Column
} // QGCFlickable
} // QGCViewDialog
} // Component - calcAmpsPerVoltDlgComponent
GridLayout {
columns: 3
rowSpacing: _margins
columnSpacing: _margins
QGCLabel { text: qsTr("Battery monitor:") }
FactComboBox {
id: monitorCombo
Layout.minimumWidth: _fieldWidth
fact: battMonitor
indexModel: false
FactComboBox {
id: monitorCombo
anchors.topMargin: _margins
anchors.left: capacityField.left
width: capacityField.width
fact: battMonitor
indexModel: false
QGCLabel {
Layout.row: 1
Layout.column: 0
text: qsTr("Battery capacity:")
QGCLabel {
id: capacityLabel
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.baseline: capacityField.baseline
text: qsTr("Battery capacity:")
FactTextField {
id: capacityField
width: _fieldWidth
fact: battCapacity
FactTextField {
id: capacityField
anchors.leftMargin: _margins
anchors.topMargin: _margins / 2 monitorCombo.bottom
anchors.left: capacityLabel.right
width: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 25
fact: battCapacity
QGCLabel {
Layout.row: 2
Layout.column: 0
text: qsTr("Power sensor:")
QGCLabel {
id: sensorLabel
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.baseline: sensorCombo.baseline
text: qsTr("Power sensor:")
QGCComboBox {
id: sensorCombo
Layout.minimumWidth: _fieldWidth
model: sensorModel
QGCComboBox {
id: sensorCombo
anchors.topMargin: _margins capacityField.bottom
anchors.left: capacityField.left
width: capacityField.width
model: sensorModel
onActivated: {
if (index < sensorModel.count - 1) {
battVoltPin.value = sensorModel.get(index).voltPin
battCurrPin.value = sensorModel.get(index).currPin
battVoltMult.value = sensorModel.get(index).voltMult
battAmpPerVolt.value = sensorModel.get(index).ampPerVolt
} else {
onActivated: {
if (index < sensorModel.count - 1) {
battVoltPin.value = sensorModel.get(index).voltPin
battCurrPin.value = sensorModel.get(index).currPin
battVoltMult.value = sensorModel.get(index).voltMult
battAmpPerVolt.value = sensorModel.get(index).ampPerVolt
} else {
QGCLabel {
id: currPinLabel
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.baseline: currPinCombo.baseline
text: qsTr("Current pin:")
visible: _showAdvanced
QGCLabel {
Layout.row: 3
Layout.column: 0
text: qsTr("Current pin:")
visible: _showAdvanced
FactComboBox {
id: currPinCombo
anchors.topMargin: _margins sensorCombo.bottom
anchors.left: capacityField.left
width: capacityField.width
fact: battCurrPin
indexModel: false
visible: _showAdvanced
FactComboBox {
Layout.minimumWidth: _fieldWidth
fact: battCurrPin
visible: _showAdvanced
QGCLabel {
id: voltPinLabel
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.baseline: voltPinCombo.baseline
text: qsTr("Voltage pin:")
visible: _showAdvanced
QGCLabel {
Layout.row: 4
Layout.column: 0
text: qsTr("Voltage pin:")
visible: _showAdvanced
FactComboBox {
id: voltPinCombo
anchors.topMargin: _margins / 2 currPinCombo.bottom
anchors.left: capacityField.left
width: capacityField.width
fact: battVoltPin
indexModel: false
visible: _showAdvanced
FactComboBox {
Layout.minimumWidth: _fieldWidth
fact: battVoltPin
indexModel: false
visible: _showAdvanced
QGCLabel {
id: voltMultLabel
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.baseline: voltMultField.baseline
text: qsTr("Voltage multiplier:")
visible: _showAdvanced
QGCLabel {
Layout.row: 5
Layout.column: 0
text: qsTr("Voltage multiplier:")
visible: _showAdvanced
FactTextField {
id: voltMultField
anchors.topMargin: _margins voltPinCombo.bottom
anchors.left: capacityField.left
width: capacityField.width
fact: battVoltMult
visible: _showAdvanced
FactTextField {
width: _fieldWidth
fact: battVoltMult
visible: _showAdvanced
QGCButton {
id: voltMultCalculateButton
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: voltMultField.right
anchors.baseline: voltMultField.baseline
text: "Calculate"
visible: _showAdvanced
onClicked: showDialog(calcVoltageMultiplierDlgComponent, qsTr("Calculate Voltage Multiplier"), qgcView.showDialogDefaultWidth, StandardButton.Close)
QGCButton {
text: qsTr("Calculate")
onClicked: showDialog(calcVoltageMultiplierDlgComponent, qsTr("Calculate Voltage Multiplier"), qgcView.showDialogDefaultWidth, StandardButton.Close)
visible: _showAdvanced
QGCLabel {
id: voltMultHelp
anchors.left: voltMultLabel.left
anchors.right: voltMultCalculateButton.right
anchors.topMargin: _margins / 2 voltMultField.bottom
font.pointSize: ScreenTools.smallFontPointSize
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
text: "If the battery voltage reported by the vehicle is largely different than the voltage read externally using a voltmeter you can adjust the voltage multiplier value to correct this. " +
"Click the Calculate button for help with calculating a new value."
visible: _showAdvanced
QGCLabel {
Layout.columnSpan: 3
Layout.fillWidth: true
font.pointSize: ScreenTools.smallFontPointSize
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
text: qsTr("If the battery voltage reported by the vehicle is largely different than the voltage read externally using a voltmeter you can adjust the voltage multiplier value to correct this. Click the Calculate button for help with calculating a new value.")
visible: _showAdvanced
QGCLabel {
id: ampPerVoltLabel
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.baseline: ampPerVoltField.baseline
text: qsTr("Amps per volt:")
visible: _showAdvanced
QGCLabel {
text: qsTr("Amps per volt:")
visible: _showAdvanced
FactTextField {
id: ampPerVoltField
anchors.topMargin: _margins voltMultHelp.bottom
anchors.left: capacityField.left
width: capacityField.width
fact: battAmpPerVolt
visible: _showAdvanced
FactTextField {
width: _fieldWidth
fact: battAmpPerVolt
visible: _showAdvanced
QGCButton {
id: ampPerVoltCalculateButton
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: ampPerVoltField.right
anchors.baseline: ampPerVoltField.baseline
text: "Calculate"
visible: _showAdvanced
onClicked: showDialog(calcAmpsPerVoltDlgComponent, qsTr("Calculate Amps per Volt"), qgcView.showDialogDefaultWidth, StandardButton.Close)
QGCButton {
text: qsTr("Calculate")
onClicked: showDialog(calcAmpsPerVoltDlgComponent, qsTr("Calculate Amps per Volt"), qgcView.showDialogDefaultWidth, StandardButton.Close)
visible: _showAdvanced
QGCLabel {
id: ampPerVoltHelp
anchors.left: ampPerVoltLabel.left
anchors.right: ampPerVoltCalculateButton.right
anchors.topMargin: _margins / 2 ampPerVoltField.bottom
font.pointSize: ScreenTools.smallFontPointSize
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
text: "If the current draw reported by the vehicle is largely different than the current read externally using a current meter you can adjust the amps per volt value to correct this. " +
"Click the Calculate button for help with calculating a new value."
visible: _showAdvanced
} // QGCFlickable
} // QGCViewPanel
} // QGCView
QGCLabel {
Layout.columnSpan: 3
Layout.fillWidth: true
font.pointSize: ScreenTools.smallFontPointSize
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
text: qsTr("If the current draw reported by the vehicle is largely different than the current read externally using a current meter you can adjust the amps per volt value to correct this. Click the Calculate button for help with calculating a new value.")
visible: _showAdvanced
} // GridLayout
} // Column
} // Component
} // SetupPage
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ QString APMSafetyComponent::name(void) const
QString APMSafetyComponent::description(void) const
return tr("The Safety Component is used to setup triggers for Return to Land as well as the settings for Return to Land itself.");
return tr("Safety Setup is used to setup triggers for Return to Land as well as the settings for Return to Land itself.");
QString APMSafetyComponent::iconResource(void) const
......@@ -18,491 +18,482 @@ import QGroundControl.Palette 1.0
import QGroundControl.Controls 1.0
import QGroundControl.ScreenTools 1.0
QGCView {
id: _safetyView
viewPanel: panel
anchors.fill: parent
SetupPage {
id: safetyPage
pageComponent: safetyPageComponent
FactPanelController { id: controller; factPanel: panel }
Component {
id: safetyPageComponent
QGCPalette { id: ggcPal; colorGroupEnabled: enabled }
Flow {
id: flowLayout
width: availableWidth
spacing: _margins
property Fact _failsafeGCSEnable: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "FS_GCS_ENABLE")
property Fact _failsafeBattEnable: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "FS_BATT_ENABLE")
property Fact _failsafeBattMah: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "FS_BATT_MAH")
property Fact _failsafeBattVoltage: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "FS_BATT_VOLTAGE")
property Fact _failsafeThrEnable: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "FS_THR_ENABLE")
property Fact _failsafeThrValue: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "FS_THR_VALUE")
FactPanelController { id: controller; factPanel: safetyPage.viewPanel }
property Fact _fenceAction: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "FENCE_ACTION")
property Fact _fenceAltMax: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "FENCE_ALT_MAX")
property Fact _fenceEnable: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "FENCE_ENABLE")
property Fact _fenceMargin: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "FENCE_MARGIN")
property Fact _fenceRadius: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "FENCE_RADIUS")
property Fact _fenceType: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "FENCE_TYPE")
QGCPalette { id: ggcPal; colorGroupEnabled: true }
property Fact _landSpeedFact: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "LAND_SPEED")
property Fact _rtlAltFact: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "RTL_ALT")
property Fact _rtlLoitTimeFact: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "RTL_LOIT_TIME")
property Fact _rtlAltFinalFact: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "RTL_ALT_FINAL")
property Fact _failsafeGCSEnable: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "FS_GCS_ENABLE")
property Fact _failsafeBattEnable: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "FS_BATT_ENABLE")
property Fact _failsafeBattMah: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "FS_BATT_MAH")
property Fact _failsafeBattVoltage: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "FS_BATT_VOLTAGE")
property Fact _failsafeThrEnable: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "FS_THR_ENABLE")
property Fact _failsafeThrValue: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "FS_THR_VALUE")
property Fact _armingCheck: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "ARMING_CHECK")
property Fact _fenceAction: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "FENCE_ACTION")
property Fact _fenceAltMax: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "FENCE_ALT_MAX")
property Fact _fenceEnable: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "FENCE_ENABLE")
property Fact _fenceMargin: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "FENCE_MARGIN")
property Fact _fenceRadius: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "FENCE_RADIUS")
property Fact _fenceType: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "FENCE_TYPE")
property real _margins: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
property bool _showIcon: !ScreenTools.isTinyScreen
property Fact _landSpeedFact: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "LAND_SPEED")
property Fact _rtlAltFact: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "RTL_ALT")
property Fact _rtlLoitTimeFact: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "RTL_LOIT_TIME")
property Fact _rtlAltFinalFact: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "RTL_ALT_FINAL")
ExclusiveGroup { id: fenceActionRadioGroup }
ExclusiveGroup { id: landLoiterRadioGroup }
ExclusiveGroup { id: returnAltRadioGroup }
property Fact _armingCheck: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "ARMING_CHECK")
QGCViewPanel {
id: panel
anchors.fill: parent
property real _margins: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
property bool _showIcon: !ScreenTools.isTinyScreen
QGCFlickable {
clip: true
anchors.fill: parent
contentHeight: flowLayout.height
contentWidth: flowLayout.width
ExclusiveGroup { id: fenceActionRadioGroup }
ExclusiveGroup { id: landLoiterRadioGroup }
ExclusiveGroup { id: returnAltRadioGroup }
Flow {
id: flowLayout
width: panel.width // parent.width doesn't work for some reason
spacing: _margins
Column {
spacing: _margins / 2
Column {
spacing: _margins / 2
QGCLabel {
id: failsafeLabel
text: qsTr("Failsafe Triggers") ScreenTools.demiboldFontFamily
Rectangle {
id: failsafeSettings
width: throttleEnableCombo.x + throttleEnableCombo.width + _margins
height: mahField.y + mahField.height + _margins
color: ggcPal.windowShade
QGCLabel {
id: failsafeLabel
text: qsTr("Failsafe Triggers") ScreenTools.demiboldFontFamily
id: gcsEnableLabel
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.baseline: gcsEnableCombo.baseline
text: qsTr("Ground Station failsafe:")
Rectangle {
id: failsafeSettings
width: throttleEnableCombo.x + throttleEnableCombo.width + _margins
height: mahField.y + mahField.height + _margins
color: ggcPal.windowShade
QGCLabel {
id: gcsEnableLabel
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.baseline: gcsEnableCombo.baseline
text: qsTr("Ground Station failsafe:")
FactComboBox {
id: gcsEnableCombo
anchors.topMargin: _margins
anchors.leftMargin: _margins
anchors.left: gcsEnableLabel.right
width: voltageField.width
fact: _failsafeGCSEnable
indexModel: false
QGCLabel {
id: throttleEnableLabel
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.baseline: throttleEnableCombo.baseline
text: qsTr("Throttle failsafe:")
QGCComboBox {
id: throttleEnableCombo
anchors.topMargin: _margins
anchors.left: gcsEnableCombo.left gcsEnableCombo.bottom
width: voltageField.width
model: [qsTr("Disabled"), qsTr("Always RTL"),
qsTr("Continue with Mission in Auto Mode"), qsTr("Always Land")]
currentIndex: _failsafeThrEnable.value
onActivated: _failsafeThrEnable.value = index
QGCLabel {
id: throttlePWMLabel
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.baseline: throttlePWMField.baseline
text: qsTr("PWM threshold:")
FactComboBox {
id: gcsEnableCombo
anchors.topMargin: _margins
anchors.leftMargin: _margins
anchors.left: gcsEnableLabel.right
width: voltageField.width
fact: _failsafeGCSEnable
indexModel: false
FactTextField {
id: throttlePWMField
anchors.topMargin: _margins / 2
anchors.left: gcsEnableCombo.left throttleEnableCombo.bottom
fact: _failsafeThrValue
showUnits: true
QGCLabel {
id: throttleEnableLabel
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.baseline: throttleEnableCombo.baseline
text: qsTr("Throttle failsafe:")
QGCLabel {
id: batteryEnableLabel
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.baseline: batteryEnableCombo.baseline
text: qsTr("Battery failsafe:")
QGCComboBox {
id: throttleEnableCombo
anchors.topMargin: _margins
anchors.left: gcsEnableCombo.left gcsEnableCombo.bottom
width: voltageField.width
model: [qsTr("Disabled"), qsTr("Always RTL"),
qsTr("Continue with Mission in Auto Mode"), qsTr("Always Land")]
currentIndex: _failsafeThrEnable.value
onActivated: _failsafeThrEnable.value = index
QGCComboBox {
id: batteryEnableCombo
anchors.topMargin: _margins
anchors.left: gcsEnableCombo.left throttlePWMField.bottom
width: voltageField.width
model: [qsTr("Disabled"), qsTr("Land"), qsTr("Return to Launch")]
currentIndex: _failsafeBattEnable.value
QGCLabel {
id: throttlePWMLabel
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.baseline: throttlePWMField.baseline
text: qsTr("PWM threshold:")
onActivated: _failsafeBattEnable.value = index
FactTextField {
id: throttlePWMField
anchors.topMargin: _margins / 2
anchors.left: gcsEnableCombo.left throttleEnableCombo.bottom
fact: _failsafeThrValue
showUnits: true
QGCCheckBox {
id: voltageLabel
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.baseline: voltageField.baseline
text: qsTr("Voltage threshold:")
checked: _failsafeBattVoltage.value != 0
QGCLabel {
id: batteryEnableLabel
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.baseline: batteryEnableCombo.baseline
text: qsTr("Battery failsafe:")
onClicked: _failsafeBattVoltage.value = checked ? 10.5 : 0
QGCComboBox {
id: batteryEnableCombo
anchors.topMargin: _margins
anchors.left: gcsEnableCombo.left throttlePWMField.bottom
width: voltageField.width
model: [qsTr("Disabled"), qsTr("Land"), qsTr("Return to Launch")]
currentIndex: _failsafeBattEnable.value
FactTextField {
id: voltageField
anchors.topMargin: _margins / 2
anchors.left: gcsEnableCombo.left batteryEnableCombo.bottom
fact: _failsafeBattVoltage
showUnits: true
onActivated: _failsafeBattEnable.value = index
QGCCheckBox {
id: mahLabel
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.baseline: mahField.baseline
text: qsTr("MAH threshold:")
checked: _failsafeBattMah.value != 0
QGCCheckBox {
id: voltageLabel
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.baseline: voltageField.baseline
text: qsTr("Voltage threshold:")
checked: _failsafeBattVoltage.value != 0
onClicked: _failsafeBattMah.value = checked ? 600 : 0
onClicked: _failsafeBattVoltage.value = checked ? 10.5 : 0
FactTextField {
id: mahField
anchors.topMargin: _margins / 2
anchors.left: gcsEnableCombo.left voltageField.bottom
fact: _failsafeBattMah
showUnits: true
} // Rectangle - Failsafe Settings
} // Column - Failsafe Settings
FactTextField {
id: voltageField
anchors.topMargin: _margins / 2
anchors.left: gcsEnableCombo.left batteryEnableCombo.bottom
fact: _failsafeBattVoltage
showUnits: true
Column {
spacing: _margins / 2
QGCCheckBox {
id: mahLabel
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.baseline: mahField.baseline
text: qsTr("MAH threshold:")
checked: _failsafeBattMah.value != 0
QGCLabel {
id: geoFenceLabel
text: qsTr("GeoFence") ScreenTools.demiboldFontFamily
onClicked: _failsafeBattMah.value = checked ? 600 : 0
Rectangle {
id: geoFenceSettings
width: fenceAltMaxField.x + fenceAltMaxField.width + _margins
height: fenceAltMaxField.y + fenceAltMaxField.height + _margins
color: ggcPal.windowShade
QGCCheckBox {
id: circleGeo
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
text: qsTr("Circle GeoFence enabled")
checked: _fenceEnable.value != 0 && _fenceType.value & 2
onClicked: {
if (checked) {
if (_fenceEnable.value == 1) {
_fenceType.value |= 2
} else {
_fenceEnable.value = 1
_fenceType.value = 2
} else if (altitudeGeo.checked) {
_fenceType.value &= ~2
FactTextField {
id: mahField
anchors.topMargin: _margins / 2
anchors.left: gcsEnableCombo.left voltageField.bottom
fact: _failsafeBattMah
showUnits: true
} // Rectangle - Failsafe Settings
} // Column - Failsafe Settings
Column {
spacing: _margins / 2
QGCLabel {
id: geoFenceLabel
text: qsTr("GeoFence") ScreenTools.demiboldFontFamily
Rectangle {
id: geoFenceSettings
width: fenceAltMaxField.x + fenceAltMaxField.width + _margins
height: fenceAltMaxField.y + fenceAltMaxField.height + _margins
color: ggcPal.windowShade
QGCCheckBox {
id: circleGeo
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
text: qsTr("Circle GeoFence enabled")
checked: _fenceEnable.value != 0 && _fenceType.value & 2
onClicked: {
if (checked) {
if (_fenceEnable.value == 1) {
_fenceType.value |= 2
} else {
_fenceEnable.value = 0
_fenceType.value = 0
_fenceEnable.value = 1
_fenceType.value = 2
} else if (altitudeGeo.checked) {
_fenceType.value &= ~2
} else {
_fenceEnable.value = 0
_fenceType.value = 0
QGCCheckBox {
id: altitudeGeo
anchors.topMargin: _margins / 2
anchors.left: circleGeo.left circleGeo.bottom
text: qsTr("Altitude GeoFence enabled")
checked: _fenceEnable.value != 0 && _fenceType.value & 1
onClicked: {
if (checked) {
if (_fenceEnable.value == 1) {
_fenceType.value |= 1
} else {
_fenceEnable.value = 1
_fenceType.value = 1
} else if (circleGeo.checked) {
_fenceType.value &= ~1
QGCCheckBox {
id: altitudeGeo
anchors.topMargin: _margins / 2
anchors.left: circleGeo.left circleGeo.bottom
text: qsTr("Altitude GeoFence enabled")
checked: _fenceEnable.value != 0 && _fenceType.value & 1
onClicked: {
if (checked) {
if (_fenceEnable.value == 1) {
_fenceType.value |= 1
} else {
_fenceEnable.value = 0
_fenceType.value = 0
_fenceEnable.value = 1
_fenceType.value = 1
} else if (circleGeo.checked) {
_fenceType.value &= ~1
} else {
_fenceEnable.value = 0
_fenceType.value = 0
QGCRadioButton {
id: geoReportRadio
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left altitudeGeo.bottom
text: qsTr("Report only")
exclusiveGroup: fenceActionRadioGroup
checked: _fenceAction.value == 0
onClicked: _fenceAction.value = 0
QGCRadioButton {
id: geoRTLRadio
anchors.topMargin: _margins / 2
anchors.left: circleGeo.left geoReportRadio.bottom
text: qsTr("RTL or Land")
exclusiveGroup: fenceActionRadioGroup
checked: _fenceAction.value == 1
onClicked: _fenceAction.value = 1
QGCLabel {
id: fenceRadiusLabel
anchors.left: circleGeo.left
anchors.baseline: fenceRadiusField.baseline
text: qsTr("Max radius:")
FactTextField {
id: fenceRadiusField
anchors.topMargin: _margins
anchors.left: fenceAltMaxField.left geoRTLRadio.bottom
fact: _fenceRadius
showUnits: true
QGCRadioButton {
id: geoReportRadio
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left altitudeGeo.bottom
text: qsTr("Report only")
exclusiveGroup: fenceActionRadioGroup
checked: _fenceAction.value == 0
QGCLabel {
id: fenceAltMaxLabel
anchors.left: circleGeo.left
anchors.baseline: fenceAltMaxField.baseline
text: qsTr("Max altitude:")
onClicked: _fenceAction.value = 0
FactTextField {
id: fenceAltMaxField
anchors.topMargin: _margins / 2
anchors.leftMargin: _margin
anchors.left: fenceAltMaxLabel.right fenceRadiusField.bottom
fact: _fenceAltMax
showUnits: true
} // Rectangle - GeoFence Settings
} // Column - GeoFence Settings
QGCRadioButton {
id: geoRTLRadio
anchors.topMargin: _margins / 2
anchors.left: circleGeo.left geoReportRadio.bottom
text: qsTr("RTL or Land")
exclusiveGroup: fenceActionRadioGroup
checked: _fenceAction.value == 1
Column {
spacing: _margins / 2
onClicked: _fenceAction.value = 1
QGCLabel {
id: rtlLabel
text: qsTr("Return to Launch") ScreenTools.demiboldFontFamily
id: fenceRadiusLabel
anchors.left: circleGeo.left
anchors.baseline: fenceRadiusField.baseline
text: qsTr("Max radius:")
Rectangle {
id: rtlSettings
width: rltAltFinalField.x + rltAltFinalField.width + _margins
height: rltAltFinalField.y + rltAltFinalField.height + _margins
color: ggcPal.windowShade
Image {
id: icon
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
height: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 20
width: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 20
sourceSize.width: width
mipmap: true
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
visible: false
source: "/qmlimages/ReturnToHomeAltitude.svg"
ColorOverlay {
anchors.fill: icon
source: icon
color: ggcPal.text
visible: _showIcon
FactTextField {
id: fenceRadiusField
anchors.topMargin: _margins
anchors.left: fenceAltMaxField.left geoRTLRadio.bottom
fact: _fenceRadius
showUnits: true
QGCRadioButton {
id: returnAtCurrentRadio
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: _showIcon ? icon.right : parent.left
text: qsTr("Return at current altitude")
checked: _rtlAltFact.value == 0
exclusiveGroup: returnAltRadioGroup
QGCLabel {
id: fenceAltMaxLabel
anchors.left: circleGeo.left
anchors.baseline: fenceAltMaxField.baseline
text: qsTr("Max altitude:")
onClicked: _rtlAltFact.value = 0
FactTextField {
id: fenceAltMaxField
anchors.topMargin: _margins / 2
anchors.leftMargin: _margins
anchors.left: fenceAltMaxLabel.right fenceRadiusField.bottom
fact: _fenceAltMax
showUnits: true
} // Rectangle - GeoFence Settings
} // Column - GeoFence Settings
Column {
spacing: _margins / 2
QGCLabel {
id: rtlLabel
text: qsTr("Return to Launch") ScreenTools.demiboldFontFamily
Rectangle {
id: rtlSettings
width: rltAltFinalField.x + rltAltFinalField.width + _margins
height: rltAltFinalField.y + rltAltFinalField.height + _margins
color: ggcPal.windowShade
Image {
id: icon
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
height: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 20
width: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 20
sourceSize.width: width
mipmap: true
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
visible: false
source: "/qmlimages/ReturnToHomeAltitude.svg"
QGCRadioButton {
id: returnAltRadio
anchors.topMargin: _margins
anchors.left: returnAtCurrentRadio.left returnAtCurrentRadio.bottom
text: qsTr("Return at specified altitude:")
exclusiveGroup: returnAltRadioGroup
checked: _rtlAltFact.value != 0
ColorOverlay {
anchors.fill: icon
source: icon
color: ggcPal.text
visible: _showIcon
onClicked: _rtlAltFact.value = 1500
QGCRadioButton {
id: returnAtCurrentRadio
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: _showIcon ? icon.right : parent.left
text: qsTr("Return at current altitude")
checked: _rtlAltFact.value == 0
exclusiveGroup: returnAltRadioGroup
FactTextField {
id: rltAltField
anchors.leftMargin: _margins
anchors.left: returnAltRadio.right
anchors.baseline: returnAltRadio.baseline
fact: _rtlAltFact
showUnits: true
enabled: returnAltRadio.checked
onClicked: _rtlAltFact.value = 0
QGCCheckBox {
id: homeLoiterCheckbox
anchors.left: returnAtCurrentRadio.left
anchors.baseline: landDelayField.baseline
checked: _rtlLoitTimeFact.value > 0
text: qsTr("Loiter above Home for:")
QGCRadioButton {
id: returnAltRadio
anchors.topMargin: _margins
anchors.left: returnAtCurrentRadio.left returnAtCurrentRadio.bottom
text: qsTr("Return at specified altitude:")
exclusiveGroup: returnAltRadioGroup
checked: _rtlAltFact.value != 0
onClicked: _rtlLoitTimeFact.value = (checked ? 60 : 0)
onClicked: _rtlAltFact.value = 1500
FactTextField {
id: landDelayField
anchors.topMargin: _margins * 1.5
anchors.left: rltAltField.left rltAltField.bottom
fact: _rtlLoitTimeFact
showUnits: true
enabled: homeLoiterCheckbox.checked === true
FactTextField {
id: rltAltField
anchors.leftMargin: _margins
anchors.left: returnAltRadio.right
anchors.baseline: returnAltRadio.baseline
fact: _rtlAltFact
showUnits: true
enabled: returnAltRadio.checked
QGCRadioButton {
id: landRadio
anchors.left: returnAtCurrentRadio.left
anchors.baseline: landSpeedField.baseline
text: qsTr("Land with descent speed:")
checked: _rtlAltFinalFact.value == 0
exclusiveGroup: landLoiterRadioGroup
QGCCheckBox {
id: homeLoiterCheckbox
anchors.left: returnAtCurrentRadio.left
anchors.baseline: landDelayField.baseline
checked: _rtlLoitTimeFact.value > 0
text: qsTr("Loiter above Home for:")
onClicked: _rtlAltFinalFact.value = 0
onClicked: _rtlLoitTimeFact.value = (checked ? 60 : 0)
FactTextField {
id: landSpeedField
anchors.topMargin: _margins * 1.5 landDelayField.bottom
anchors.left: rltAltField.left
fact: _landSpeedFact
showUnits: true
enabled: landRadio.checked
FactTextField {
id: landDelayField
anchors.topMargin: _margins * 1.5
anchors.left: rltAltField.left rltAltField.bottom
fact: _rtlLoitTimeFact
showUnits: true
enabled: homeLoiterCheckbox.checked === true
QGCRadioButton {
id: finalLoiterRadio
anchors.left: returnAtCurrentRadio.left
anchors.baseline: rltAltFinalField.baseline
text: qsTr("Final loiter altitude:")
exclusiveGroup: landLoiterRadioGroup
QGCRadioButton {
id: landRadio
anchors.left: returnAtCurrentRadio.left
anchors.baseline: landSpeedField.baseline
text: qsTr("Land with descent speed:")
checked: _rtlAltFinalFact.value == 0
exclusiveGroup: landLoiterRadioGroup
onClicked: _rtlAltFinalFact.value = _rtlAltFact.value
onClicked: _rtlAltFinalFact.value = 0
FactTextField {
id: rltAltFinalField
anchors.topMargin: _margins / 2
anchors.left: rltAltField.left landSpeedField.bottom
fact: _rtlAltFinalFact
enabled: finalLoiterRadio.checked
showUnits: true
} // Rectangle - RTL Settings
} // Column - RTL Settings
FactTextField {
id: landSpeedField
anchors.topMargin: _margins * 1.5 landDelayField.bottom
anchors.left: rltAltField.left
fact: _landSpeedFact
showUnits: true
enabled: landRadio.checked
Column {
spacing: _margins / 2
QGCRadioButton {
id: finalLoiterRadio
anchors.left: returnAtCurrentRadio.left
anchors.baseline: rltAltFinalField.baseline
text: qsTr("Final loiter altitude:")
exclusiveGroup: landLoiterRadioGroup
QGCLabel {
text: qsTr("Arming Checks") ScreenTools.demiboldFontFamily
onClicked: _rtlAltFinalFact.value = _rtlAltFact.value
Rectangle {
width: flowLayout.width
height: armingCheckInnerColumn.height + (_margins * 2)
color: ggcPal.windowShade
Column {
id: armingCheckInnerColumn
anchors.margins: _margins
FactTextField {
id: rltAltFinalField
anchors.topMargin: _margins / 2
anchors.left: rltAltField.left landSpeedField.bottom
fact: _rtlAltFinalFact
enabled: finalLoiterRadio.checked
showUnits: true
} // Rectangle - RTL Settings
} // Column - RTL Settings
Column {
spacing: _margins / 2
QGCLabel {
text: qsTr("Arming Checks") ScreenTools.demiboldFontFamily
Rectangle {
width: flowLayout.width
height: armingCheckInnerColumn.height + (_margins * 2)
color: ggcPal.windowShade
Column {
id: armingCheckInnerColumn
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
spacing: _margins
FactBitmask {
id: armingCheckBitmask
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
spacing: _margins
FactBitmask {
id: armingCheckBitmask
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
firstEntryIsAll: true
fact: _armingCheck
firstEntryIsAll: true
fact: _armingCheck
QGCLabel {
id: armingCheckWarning
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
color: qgcPal.warningText
text: qsTr("Warning: Turning off arming checks can lead to loss of Vehicle control.")
visible: _armingCheck.value != 1
QGCLabel {
id: armingCheckWarning
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
color: qgcPal.warningText
text: qsTr("Warning: Turning off arming checks can lead to loss of Vehicle control.")
visible: _armingCheck.value != 1
} // Rectangle - Arming checks
} // Column - Arming Checks
} // Flow
} // QGCFlickable
} // QGCViewPanel
} // QGCView
} // Rectangle - Arming checks
} // Column - Arming Checks
} // Flow
} // Component - safetyPageComponent
} // SetupView
......@@ -18,180 +18,171 @@ import QGroundControl.Palette 1.0
import QGroundControl.Controls 1.0
import QGroundControl.ScreenTools 1.0
QGCView {
id: _safetyView
viewPanel: panel
anchors.fill: parent
SetupPage {
id: safetyPage
pageComponent: safetyPageComponent
FactPanelController { id: controller; factPanel: panel }
Component {
id: safetyPageComponent
QGCPalette { id: palette; colorGroupEnabled: enabled }
Flow {
id: flowLayout
width: availableWidth
spacing: _margins
property Fact _failsafeBattMah: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "FS_BATT_MAH")
property Fact _failsafeBattVoltage: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "FS_BATT_VOLTAGE")
property Fact _failsafeThrEnable: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "THR_FAILSAFE")
property Fact _failsafeThrValue: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "THR_FS_VALUE")
property Fact _failsafeGCSEnable: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "FS_GCS_ENABL")
FactPanelController { id: controller; factPanel: safetyPage.viewPanel }
property Fact _rtlAltFact: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "ALT_HOLD_RTL")
QGCPalette { id: palette; colorGroupEnabled: true }
property real _margins: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
property Fact _failsafeBattMah: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "FS_BATT_MAH")
property Fact _failsafeBattVoltage: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "FS_BATT_VOLTAGE")
property Fact _failsafeThrEnable: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "THR_FAILSAFE")
property Fact _failsafeThrValue: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "THR_FS_VALUE")
property Fact _failsafeGCSEnable: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "FS_GCS_ENABL")
ExclusiveGroup { id: returnAltRadioGroup }
property Fact _rtlAltFact: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "ALT_HOLD_RTL")
QGCViewPanel {
id: panel
anchors.fill: parent
property real _margins: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
QGCFlickable {
clip: true
anchors.fill: parent
contentWidth: flowLayout.width
contentHeight: flowLayout.height
ExclusiveGroup { id: returnAltRadioGroup }
Flow {
id: flowLayout
width: panel.width // parent.width doesn't work for some reason
spacing: _margins
Column {
spacing: _margins / 2
Column {
spacing: _margins / 2
QGCLabel {
text: qsTr("Failsafe Triggers") ScreenTools.demiboldFontFamily
QGCLabel {
text: qsTr("Failsafe Triggers") ScreenTools.demiboldFontFamily
Rectangle {
width: throttlePWMField.x + throttlePWMField.width + _margins
height: gcsCheckbox.y + gcsCheckbox.height + _margins
color: palette.windowShade
QGCCheckBox {
id: throttleEnableCheckBox
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.baseline: throttlePWMField.baseline
text: qsTr("Throttle PWM threshold:")
checked: _failsafeThrEnable.value == 1
onClicked: _failsafeThrEnable.value = (checked ? 1 : 0)
FactTextField {
id: throttlePWMField
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: throttleEnableCheckBox.right
fact: _failsafeThrValue
showUnits: true
enabled: throttleEnableCheckBox.checked
QGCCheckBox {
id: voltageCheckBox
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.baseline: voltageField.baseline
text: qsTr("Voltage threshold:")
checked: _failsafeBattVoltage.value != 0
onClicked: _failsafeBattVoltage.value = checked ? 10.5 : 0
FactTextField {
id: voltageField
anchors.topMargin: _margins
anchors.left: throttlePWMField.left throttlePWMField.bottom
fact: _failsafeBattVoltage
showUnits: true
enabled: voltageCheckBox.checked
QGCCheckBox {
id: mahCheckBox
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.baseline: mahField.baseline
text: qsTr("MAH threshold:")
checked: _failsafeBattMah.value != 0
onClicked: _failsafeBattMah.value = checked ? 600 : 0
FactTextField {
id: mahField
anchors.topMargin: _margins / 2
anchors.left: throttlePWMField.left voltageField.bottom
fact: _failsafeBattMah
showUnits: true
enabled: mahCheckBox.checked
QGCCheckBox {
id: gcsCheckbox
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left mahField.bottom
text: qsTr("GCS failsafe")
checked: _failsafeGCSEnable.value != 0
onClicked: _failsafeGCSEnable.value = checked ? 1 : 0
} // Rectangle - Failsafe trigger settings
} // Column - Failsafe trigger settings
Column {
spacing: _margins / 2
QGCLabel {
text: qsTr("Return to Launch") ScreenTools.demiboldFontFamily
Rectangle {
width: rltAltField.x + rltAltField.width + _margins
height: rltAltField.y + rltAltField.height + _margins
color: palette.windowShade
QGCRadioButton {
id: returnAtCurrentRadio
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
text: qsTr("Return at current altitude")
checked: _rtlAltFact.value < 0
exclusiveGroup: returnAltRadioGroup
onClicked: _rtlAltFact.value = -1
Rectangle {
width: throttlePWMField.x + throttlePWMField.width + _margins
height: gcsCheckbox.y + gcsCheckbox.height + _margins
color: palette.windowShade
QGCCheckBox {
id: throttleEnableCheckBox
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.baseline: throttlePWMField.baseline
text: qsTr("Throttle PWM threshold:")
checked: _failsafeThrEnable.value == 1
onClicked: _failsafeThrEnable.value = (checked ? 1 : 0)
FactTextField {
id: throttlePWMField
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: throttleEnableCheckBox.right
fact: _failsafeThrValue
showUnits: true
enabled: throttleEnableCheckBox.checked
QGCCheckBox {
id: voltageCheckBox
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.baseline: voltageField.baseline
text: qsTr("Voltage threshold:")
checked: _failsafeBattVoltage.value != 0
onClicked: _failsafeBattVoltage.value = checked ? 10.5 : 0
FactTextField {
id: voltageField
anchors.topMargin: _margins
anchors.left: throttlePWMField.left throttlePWMField.bottom
fact: _failsafeBattVoltage
showUnits: true
enabled: voltageCheckBox.checked
QGCCheckBox {
id: mahCheckBox
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.baseline: mahField.baseline
text: qsTr("MAH threshold:")
checked: _failsafeBattMah.value != 0
onClicked: _failsafeBattMah.value = checked ? 600 : 0
FactTextField {
id: mahField
anchors.topMargin: _margins / 2
anchors.left: throttlePWMField.left voltageField.bottom
fact: _failsafeBattMah
showUnits: true
enabled: mahCheckBox.checked
QGCCheckBox {
id: gcsCheckbox
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left mahField.bottom
text: qsTr("GCS failsafe")
checked: _failsafeGCSEnable.value != 0
onClicked: _failsafeGCSEnable.value = checked ? 1 : 0
} // Rectangle - Failsafe trigger settings
} // Column - Failsafe trigger settings
Column {
spacing: _margins / 2
QGCLabel {
text: qsTr("Return to Launch") ScreenTools.demiboldFontFamily
QGCRadioButton {
id: returnAltRadio
anchors.topMargin: _margins / 2
anchors.left: returnAtCurrentRadio.left returnAtCurrentRadio.bottom
text: qsTr("Return at specified altitude:")
exclusiveGroup: returnAltRadioGroup
checked: _rtlAltFact.value >= 0
onClicked: _rtlAltFact.value = 10000
Rectangle {
width: rltAltField.x + rltAltField.width + _margins
height: rltAltField.y + rltAltField.height + _margins
color: palette.windowShade
QGCRadioButton {
id: returnAtCurrentRadio
anchors.margins: _margins
anchors.left: parent.left
text: qsTr("Return at current altitude")
checked: _rtlAltFact.value < 0
exclusiveGroup: returnAltRadioGroup
onClicked: _rtlAltFact.value = -1
QGCRadioButton {
id: returnAltRadio
anchors.topMargin: _margins / 2
anchors.left: returnAtCurrentRadio.left returnAtCurrentRadio.bottom
text: qsTr("Return at specified altitude:")
exclusiveGroup: returnAltRadioGroup
checked: _rtlAltFact.value >= 0
onClicked: _rtlAltFact.value = 10000
FactTextField {
id: rltAltField
anchors.leftMargin: _margins
anchors.left: returnAltRadio.right
anchors.baseline: returnAltRadio.baseline
fact: _rtlAltFact
showUnits: true
enabled: returnAltRadio.checked
} // Rectangle - RTL Settings
} // Column - RTL Settings
} // Flow
} // QGCFlickable
} // QGCViewPanel
} // QGCView
FactTextField {
id: rltAltField
anchors.leftMargin: _margins
anchors.left: returnAltRadio.right
anchors.baseline: returnAltRadio.baseline
fact: _rtlAltFact
showUnits: true
enabled: returnAltRadio.checked
} // Rectangle - RTL Settings
} // Column - RTL Settings
} // Flow
} // Component
} // SetupView
......@@ -30,8 +30,7 @@ QString APMSensorsComponent::name(void) const
QString APMSensorsComponent::description(void) const
return tr("The Sensors Component allows you to calibrate the sensors within your vehicle. "
"Prior to flight you must calibrate the Magnetometer, Gyroscope and Accelerometer.");
return tr("Sensors Setup is used to calibrate the sensors within your vehicle.");
QString APMSensorsComponent::iconResource(void) const
......@@ -8,624 +8,628 @@
import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.2
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2
import QGroundControl.FactSystem 1.0
import QGroundControl.FactControls 1.0
import QGroundControl.Palette 1.0
import QGroundControl.Controls 1.0
import QGroundControl.ScreenTools 1.0
import QGroundControl.Controllers 1.0
QGCView {
id: qgcView
viewPanel: panel
// Help text which is shown both in the status text area prior to pressing a cal button and in the
// pre-calibration dialog.
readonly property string orientationHelpSet: "If the orientation is in the direction of flight, select None."
readonly property string orientationHelpCal: "Before calibrating make sure orientation settings are correct. " + orientationHelpSet
readonly property string compassRotationText: "If the compass or GPS module is mounted in flight direction, leave the default value (None)"
readonly property string compassHelp: "For Compass calibration you will need to rotate your vehicle through a number of positions."
readonly property string gyroHelp: "For Gyroscope calibration you will need to place your vehicle on a surface and leave it still."
readonly property string accelHelp: "For Accelerometer calibration you will need to place your vehicle on all six sides on a perfectly level surface and hold it still in each orientation for a few seconds."
readonly property string levelHelp: "To level the horizon you need to place the vehicle in its level flight position and press OK."
readonly property string airspeedHelp: "For Airspeed calibration you will need to keep your airspeed sensor out of any wind and then blow across the sensor."
readonly property string statusTextAreaDefaultText: "Start the individual calibration steps by clicking one of the buttons to the left."
// Used to pass help text to the preCalibrationDialog dialog
property string preCalibrationDialogHelp
property string _postCalibrationDialogText
property var _postCalibrationDialogParams
readonly property string _badCompassCalText: "The calibration for Compass %1 appears to be poor. " +
"Check the compass position within your vehicle and re-do the calibration."
readonly property int sideBarH1PointSize: ScreenTools.mediumFontPointSize
readonly property int mainTextH1PointSize: ScreenTools.mediumFontPointSize // Seems to be unused
readonly property int rotationColumnWidth: 250
property Fact compass1Id: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_DEV_ID")
property Fact compass2Id: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_DEV_ID2")
property Fact compass3Id: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_DEV_ID3")
property Fact compass1ExternalFact: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_EXTERNAL")
property Fact compass1Rot: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_ORIENT")
property Fact boardRot: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "AHRS_ORIENTATION")
property bool accelCalNeeded: controller.accelSetupNeeded
property bool compassCalNeeded: controller.compassSetupNeeded
// The following parameters are not available in olders firmwares
property bool compass2ExternalParamAvailable: controller.parameterExists(-1, "COMPASS_EXTERN2")
property bool compass3ExternalParamAvailable: controller.parameterExists(-1, "COMPASS_EXTERN3")
property bool compass2RotParamAvailable: controller.parameterExists(-1, "COMPASS_ORIENT2")
property bool compass3RotParamAvailable: controller.parameterExists(-1, "COMPASS_ORIENT3")
property bool compass1UseParamAvailable: controller.parameterExists(-1, "COMPASS_USE")
property bool compass2UseParamAvailable: controller.parameterExists(-1, "COMPASS_USE2")
property bool compass3UseParamAvailable: controller.parameterExists(-1, "COMPASS_USE3")
property Fact noFact: Fact { }
property Fact compass2ExternalFact: compass2ExternalParamAvailable ? controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_EXTERN2") : noFact
property Fact compass3ExternalFact: compass3ExternalParamAvailable ? controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_EXTERN3") : noFact
property Fact compass2Rot: compass2RotParamAvailable ? controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_ORIENT2") : noFact
property Fact compass3Rot: compass3RotParamAvailable ? controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_ORIENT3") : noFact
property Fact compass1UseFact: compass1UseParamAvailable ? controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_USE") : noFact
property Fact compass2UseFact: compass2UseParamAvailable ? controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_USE2") : noFact
property Fact compass3UseFact: compass3UseParamAvailable ? controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_USE3") : noFact
// We track these values by binding through a separate property so we can handle missing params
property bool compass1External: compass1ExternalFact.value
property bool compass2External: compass2ExternalParamAvailable ? compass2ExternalFact.value : false // false: Simulate internal so we don't show rotation combos
property bool compass3External: compass3ExternalParamAvailable ? compass3ExternalFact.value : false // false: Simulate internal so we don't show rotation combos
property bool compass1Use: compass1UseParamAvailable ? compass1UseFact.value : true
property bool compass2Use: compass2UseParamAvailable ? compass2UseFact.value : true
property bool compass3Use: compass3UseParamAvailable ? compass3UseFact.value : true
// Id > = signals compass available, rot < 0 signals internal compass
property bool showCompass1: compass1Id.value > 0
property bool showCompass2: compass2Id.value > 0
property bool showCompass3: compass3Id.value > 0
readonly property int _calTypeCompass: 1 ///< Calibrate compass
readonly property int _calTypeAccel: 2 ///< Calibrate accel
readonly property int _calTypeSet: 3 ///< Set orientations only
property bool _orientationsDialogShowCompass: true
property string _orientationDialogHelp: orientationHelpSet
property int _orientationDialogCalType
function validCompassOffsets(compassParamPrefix) {
var ofsX = controller.getParameterFact(-1, compassParamPrefix + "X")
var ofsY = controller.getParameterFact(-1, compassParamPrefix + "Y")
var ofsZ = controller.getParameterFact(-1, compassParamPrefix + "Z")
return Math.sqrt(ofsX.value^2 + ofsY.value^2 + ofsZ.value^2) < 600
function showOrientationsDialog(calType) {
var dialogTitle
var buttons = StandardButton.Ok
_orientationDialogCalType = calType
switch (calType) {
case _calTypeCompass:
_orientationsDialogShowCompass = true
_orientationDialogHelp = orientationHelpCal
dialogTitle = qsTr("Calibrate Compass")
buttons |= StandardButton.Cancel
case _calTypeAccel:
_orientationsDialogShowCompass = false
_orientationDialogHelp = orientationHelpCal
dialogTitle = qsTr("Calibrate Accelerometer")
buttons |= StandardButton.Cancel
case _calTypeSet:
_orientationsDialogShowCompass = true
_orientationDialogHelp = orientationHelpSet
dialogTitle = qsTr("Sensor Settings")
showDialog(orientationsDialogComponent, dialogTitle, qgcView.showDialogDefaultWidth, buttons)
APMSensorsComponentController {
id: controller
factPanel: panel
statusLog: statusTextArea
progressBar: progressBar
compassButton: compassButton
accelButton: accelButton
compassMotButton: motorInterferenceButton
nextButton: nextButton
cancelButton: cancelButton
setOrientationsButton: setOrientationsButton
orientationCalAreaHelpText: orientationCalAreaHelpText
onResetStatusTextArea: statusLog.text = statusTextAreaDefaultText
onWaitingForCancelChanged: {
if (controller.waitingForCancel) {
showMessage(qsTr("Calibration Cancel"), qsTr("Waiting for Vehicle to response to Cancel. This may take a few seconds."), 0)
} else {
onCalibrationComplete: {
if (_orientationDialogCalType == _calTypeAccel) {
_postCalibrationDialogText = qsTr("Accelerometer calibration complete.")
_postCalibrationDialogParams = [ "INS_ACCSCAL_X", "INS_ACCSCAL_Y", "INS_ACCSCAL_Z",
showDialog(postCalibrationDialogComponent, qsTr("Calibration complete"), qgcView.showDialogDefaultWidth, StandardButton.Ok)
} else if (_orientationDialogCalType == _calTypeCompass) {
_postCalibrationDialogText = qsTr("Compass calibration complete. ")
_postCalibrationDialogParams = [];
if (compass1Id.value > 0) {
if (!validCompassOffsets("COMPASS_OFS_")) {
_postCalibrationDialogText += _badCompassCalText.replace("%1", 1)
if (compass2Id.value > 0) {
if (!validCompassOffsets("COMPASS_OFS_")) {
_postCalibrationDialogText += _badCompassCalText.replace("%1", 2)
if (compass3Id.value > 0) {
if (!validCompassOffsets("COMPASS_OFS_")) {
_postCalibrationDialogText += _badCompassCalText.replace("%1", 3)
showDialog(postCalibrationDialogComponent, qsTr("Calibration complete"), qgcView.showDialogDefaultWidth, StandardButton.Ok)
Component.onCompleted: {
var usingUDP = controller.usingUDPLink()
if (usingUDP) {
showMessage("Sensor Calibration", "Performing sensor calibration over a WiFi connection is known to be unreliable. You should disconnect and perform calibration using a direct USB connection instead.", StandardButton.Ok)
QGCPalette { id: qgcPal; colorGroupEnabled: panel.enabled }
import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.2
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.2
import QGroundControl.FactSystem 1.0
import QGroundControl.FactControls 1.0
import QGroundControl.Palette 1.0
import QGroundControl.Controls 1.0
import QGroundControl.ScreenTools 1.0
import QGroundControl.Controllers 1.0
SetupPage {
id: sensorsPage
pageComponent: sensorsPageComponent
Component {
id: postCalibrationDialogComponent
QGCViewDialog {
QGCLabel {
id: textLabel
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
text: _postCalibrationDialogText
QGCCheckBox {
id: showValues
anchors.topMargin: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight textLabel.bottom
text: qsTr("Show values")
id: sensorsPageComponent
RowLayout {
width: 1000//availableWidth
height: 1000//availableHeight
spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth / 2
// Help text which is shown both in the status text area prior to pressing a cal button and in the
// pre-calibration dialog.
readonly property string orientationHelpSet: "If the orientation is in the direction of flight, select None."
readonly property string orientationHelpCal: "Before calibrating make sure orientation settings are correct. " + orientationHelpSet
readonly property string compassRotationText: "If the compass or GPS module is mounted in flight direction, leave the default value (None)"
readonly property string compassHelp: "For Compass calibration you will need to rotate your vehicle through a number of positions."
readonly property string gyroHelp: "For Gyroscope calibration you will need to place your vehicle on a surface and leave it still."
readonly property string accelHelp: "For Accelerometer calibration you will need to place your vehicle on all six sides on a perfectly level surface and hold it still in each orientation for a few seconds."
readonly property string levelHelp: "To level the horizon you need to place the vehicle in its level flight position and press OK."
readonly property string airspeedHelp: "For Airspeed calibration you will need to keep your airspeed sensor out of any wind and then blow across the sensor."
readonly property string statusTextAreaDefaultText: "Start the individual calibration steps by clicking one of the buttons to the left."
// Used to pass help text to the preCalibrationDialog dialog
property string preCalibrationDialogHelp
property string _postCalibrationDialogText
property var _postCalibrationDialogParams
readonly property string _badCompassCalText: "The calibration for Compass %1 appears to be poor. " +
"Check the compass position within your vehicle and re-do the calibration."
readonly property int sideBarH1PointSize: ScreenTools.mediumFontPointSize
readonly property int mainTextH1PointSize: ScreenTools.mediumFontPointSize // Seems to be unused
readonly property int rotationColumnWidth: 250
property Fact compass1Id: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_DEV_ID")
property Fact compass2Id: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_DEV_ID2")
property Fact compass3Id: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_DEV_ID3")
property Fact compass1ExternalFact: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_EXTERNAL")
property Fact compass1Rot: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_ORIENT")
property Fact boardRot: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "AHRS_ORIENTATION")
property bool accelCalNeeded: controller.accelSetupNeeded
property bool compassCalNeeded: controller.compassSetupNeeded
// The following parameters are not available in olders firmwares
property bool compass2ExternalParamAvailable: controller.parameterExists(-1, "COMPASS_EXTERN2")
property bool compass3ExternalParamAvailable: controller.parameterExists(-1, "COMPASS_EXTERN3")
property bool compass2RotParamAvailable: controller.parameterExists(-1, "COMPASS_ORIENT2")
property bool compass3RotParamAvailable: controller.parameterExists(-1, "COMPASS_ORIENT3")
property bool compass1UseParamAvailable: controller.parameterExists(-1, "COMPASS_USE")
property bool compass2UseParamAvailable: controller.parameterExists(-1, "COMPASS_USE2")
property bool compass3UseParamAvailable: controller.parameterExists(-1, "COMPASS_USE3")
property Fact noFact: Fact { }
property Fact compass2ExternalFact: compass2ExternalParamAvailable ? controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_EXTERN2") : noFact
property Fact compass3ExternalFact: compass3ExternalParamAvailable ? controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_EXTERN3") : noFact
property Fact compass2Rot: compass2RotParamAvailable ? controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_ORIENT2") : noFact
property Fact compass3Rot: compass3RotParamAvailable ? controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_ORIENT3") : noFact
property Fact compass1UseFact: compass1UseParamAvailable ? controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_USE") : noFact
property Fact compass2UseFact: compass2UseParamAvailable ? controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_USE2") : noFact
property Fact compass3UseFact: compass3UseParamAvailable ? controller.getParameterFact(-1, "COMPASS_USE3") : noFact
// We track these values by binding through a separate property so we can handle missing params
property bool compass1External: compass1ExternalFact.value
property bool compass2External: compass2ExternalParamAvailable ? compass2ExternalFact.value : false // false: Simulate internal so we don't show rotation combos
property bool compass3External: compass3ExternalParamAvailable ? compass3ExternalFact.value : false // false: Simulate internal so we don't show rotation combos
property bool compass1Use: compass1UseParamAvailable ? compass1UseFact.value : true
property bool compass2Use: compass2UseParamAvailable ? compass2UseFact.value : true
property bool compass3Use: compass3UseParamAvailable ? compass3UseFact.value : true
// Id > = signals compass available, rot < 0 signals internal compass
property bool showCompass1: compass1Id.value > 0
property bool showCompass2: compass2Id.value > 0
property bool showCompass3: compass3Id.value > 0
readonly property int _calTypeCompass: 1 ///< Calibrate compass
readonly property int _calTypeAccel: 2 ///< Calibrate accel
readonly property int _calTypeSet: 3 ///< Set orientations only
property bool _orientationsDialogShowCompass: true
property string _orientationDialogHelp: orientationHelpSet
property int _orientationDialogCalType
function validCompassOffsets(compassParamPrefix) {
var ofsX = controller.getParameterFact(-1, compassParamPrefix + "X")
var ofsY = controller.getParameterFact(-1, compassParamPrefix + "Y")
var ofsZ = controller.getParameterFact(-1, compassParamPrefix + "Z")
return Math.sqrt(ofsX.value^2 + ofsY.value^2 + ofsZ.value^2) < 600
QGCFlickable {
anchors.topMargin: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight showValues.bottom
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
contentHeight: valueColumn.height
flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick
visible: showValues.checked
Column {
id: valueColumn
function showOrientationsDialog(calType) {
var dialogTitle
var buttons = StandardButton.Ok
_orientationDialogCalType = calType
switch (calType) {
case _calTypeCompass:
_orientationsDialogShowCompass = true
_orientationDialogHelp = orientationHelpCal
dialogTitle = qsTr("Calibrate Compass")
buttons |= StandardButton.Cancel
case _calTypeAccel:
_orientationsDialogShowCompass = false
_orientationDialogHelp = orientationHelpCal
dialogTitle = qsTr("Calibrate Accelerometer")
buttons |= StandardButton.Cancel
case _calTypeSet:
_orientationsDialogShowCompass = true
_orientationDialogHelp = orientationHelpSet
dialogTitle = qsTr("Sensor Settings")
Repeater {
model: _postCalibrationDialogParams
showDialog(orientationsDialogComponent, dialogTitle, qgcView.showDialogDefaultWidth, buttons)
QGCLabel {
text: +": " + fact.valueString
APMSensorsComponentController {
id: controller
factPanel: sensorsPage.viewPanel
statusLog: statusTextArea
progressBar: progressBar
compassButton: compassButton
accelButton: accelButton
compassMotButton: motorInterferenceButton
nextButton: nextButton
cancelButton: cancelButton
setOrientationsButton: setOrientationsButton
orientationCalAreaHelpText: orientationCalAreaHelpText
onResetStatusTextArea: statusLog.text = statusTextAreaDefaultText
onWaitingForCancelChanged: {
if (controller.waitingForCancel) {
showMessage(qsTr("Calibration Cancel"), qsTr("Waiting for Vehicle to response to Cancel. This may take a few seconds."), 0)
} else {
property Fact fact: controller.getParameterFact(-1, modelData)
onCalibrationComplete: {
if (_orientationDialogCalType == _calTypeAccel) {
_postCalibrationDialogText = qsTr("Accelerometer calibration complete.")
_postCalibrationDialogParams = [ "INS_ACCSCAL_X", "INS_ACCSCAL_Y", "INS_ACCSCAL_Z",
showDialog(postCalibrationDialogComponent, qsTr("Calibration complete"), qgcView.showDialogDefaultWidth, StandardButton.Ok)
} else if (_orientationDialogCalType == _calTypeCompass) {
_postCalibrationDialogText = qsTr("Compass calibration complete. ")
_postCalibrationDialogParams = [];
if (compass1Id.value > 0) {
if (!validCompassOffsets("COMPASS_OFS_")) {
_postCalibrationDialogText += _badCompassCalText.replace("%1", 1)
if (compass2Id.value > 0) {
if (!validCompassOffsets("COMPASS_OFS_")) {
_postCalibrationDialogText += _badCompassCalText.replace("%1", 2)
if (compass3Id.value > 0) {
if (!validCompassOffsets("COMPASS_OFS_")) {
_postCalibrationDialogText += _badCompassCalText.replace("%1", 3)
showDialog(postCalibrationDialogComponent, qsTr("Calibration complete"), qgcView.showDialogDefaultWidth, StandardButton.Ok)
Component {
id: orientationsDialogComponent
QGCViewDialog {
id: orientationsDialog
function accept() {
if (_orientationDialogCalType == _calTypeAccel) {
} else if (_orientationDialogCalType == _calTypeCompass) {
Component.onCompleted: {
var usingUDP = controller.usingUDPLink()
if (usingUDP) {
showMessage("Sensor Calibration", "Performing sensor calibration over a WiFi connection is known to be unreliable. You should disconnect and perform calibration using a direct USB connection instead.", StandardButton.Ok)
QGCFlickable {
anchors.fill: parent
contentHeight: columnLayout.height
clip: true
QGCPalette { id: qgcPal; colorGroupEnabled: true }
Column {
id: columnLayout
anchors.margins: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
Component {
id: postCalibrationDialogComponent
QGCViewDialog {
QGCLabel {
width: parent.width
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
text: _orientationDialogHelp
id: textLabel
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
text: _postCalibrationDialogText
Column {
QGCLabel {
text: qsTr("Autopilot Orientation:")
FactComboBox {
width: rotationColumnWidth
indexModel: false
fact: boardRot
QGCCheckBox {
id: showValues
anchors.topMargin: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight textLabel.bottom
text: qsTr("Show values")
Column {
visible: _orientationsDialogShowCompass && showCompass1
FactCheckBox {
text: "Use Compass 1"
fact: compass1UseFact
QGCFlickable {
anchors.topMargin: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight showValues.bottom
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
contentHeight: valueColumn.height
flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick
visible: showValues.checked
Column {
visible: showCompass1Rot
id: valueColumn
QGCLabel {
text: qsTr("Compass 1 Orientation:")
Repeater {
model: _postCalibrationDialogParams
QGCLabel {
text: +": " + fact.valueString
FactComboBox {
width: rotationColumnWidth
indexModel: false
fact: compass1Rot
property Fact fact: controller.getParameterFact(-1, modelData)
Column {
visible: _orientationsDialogShowCompass && showCompass2
Component {
id: orientationsDialogComponent
FactCheckBox {
text: "Use Compass 2"
fact: compass2UseFact
QGCViewDialog {
id: orientationsDialog
function accept() {
if (_orientationDialogCalType == _calTypeAccel) {
} else if (_orientationDialogCalType == _calTypeCompass) {
QGCFlickable {
anchors.fill: parent
contentHeight: columnLayout.height
clip: true
Column {
visible: showCompass1Rot
id: columnLayout
anchors.margins: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
QGCLabel {
text: qsTr("Compass 2 Orientation:")
width: parent.width
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
text: _orientationDialogHelp
FactComboBox {
width: rotationColumnWidth
indexModel: false
fact: compass2Rot
Column {
QGCLabel {
text: qsTr("Autopilot Orientation:")
FactComboBox {
width: rotationColumnWidth
indexModel: false
fact: boardRot
Column {
visible: _orientationsDialogShowCompass && showCompass3
Column {
visible: _orientationsDialogShowCompass && showCompass1
FactCheckBox {
text: "Use Compass 3"
fact: compass3UseFact
FactCheckBox {
text: "Use Compass 1"
fact: compass1UseFact
Column {
visible: showCompass3Rot
Column {
visible: showCompass1Rot
QGCLabel {
text: qsTr("Compass 3 Orientation:")
QGCLabel {
text: qsTr("Compass 1 Orientation:")
FactComboBox {
width: rotationColumnWidth
indexModel: false
fact: compass1Rot
FactComboBox {
width: rotationColumnWidth
indexModel: false
fact: compass3Rot
Column {
visible: _orientationsDialogShowCompass && showCompass2
FactCheckBox {
text: "Use Compass 2"
fact: compass2UseFact
Column {
visible: showCompass1Rot
QGCLabel {
text: qsTr("Compass 2 Orientation:")
FactComboBox {
width: rotationColumnWidth
indexModel: false
fact: compass2Rot
} // Column
} // QGCFlickable
} // QGCViewDialog
} // Component - orientationsDialogComponent
Component {
id: compassMotDialogComponent
Column {
visible: _orientationsDialogShowCompass && showCompass3
QGCViewDialog {
id: compassMotDialog
FactCheckBox {
text: "Use Compass 3"
fact: compass3UseFact
function accept() {
Column {
visible: showCompass3Rot
QGCFlickable {
anchors.fill: parent
contentHeight: columnLayout.height
clip: true
QGCLabel {
text: qsTr("Compass 3 Orientation:")
Column {
id: columnLayout
anchors.margins: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
FactComboBox {
width: rotationColumnWidth
indexModel: false
fact: compass3Rot
} // Column
} // QGCFlickable
} // QGCViewDialog
} // Component - orientationsDialogComponent
QGCLabel {
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
text: "This is recommended for vehicles that have only an internal compass and on vehicles where there is significant interference on the compass from the motors, power wires, etc. " +
"CompassMot only works well if you have a battery current monitor because the magnetic interference is linear with current drawn. " +
"It is technically possible to set-up CompassMot using throttle but this is not recommended."
Component {
id: compassMotDialogComponent
QGCLabel {
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
text: "Disconnect your props, flip them over and rotate them one position around the frame. " +
"In this configuration they should push the copter down into the ground when the throttle is raised."
QGCViewDialog {
id: compassMotDialog
QGCLabel {
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
text: "Secure the copter (perhaps with tape) so that it does not move."
function accept() {
QGCLabel {
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
text: "Turn on your transmitter and keep throttle at zero."
QGCFlickable {
anchors.fill: parent
contentHeight: columnLayout.height
clip: true
QGCLabel {
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
text: "Click Ok to start CompassMot calibration."
} // Column
} // QGCFlickable
} // QGCViewDialog
Column {
id: columnLayout
anchors.margins: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
QGCViewPanel {
id: panel
anchors.fill: parent
QGCLabel {
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
text: "This is recommended for vehicles that have only an internal compass and on vehicles where there is significant interference on the compass from the motors, power wires, etc. " +
"CompassMot only works well if you have a battery current monitor because the magnetic interference is linear with current drawn. " +
"It is technically possible to set-up CompassMot using throttle but this is not recommended."
Column {
id: buttonColumn
spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight / 2
QGCLabel {
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
text: "Disconnect your props, flip them over and rotate them one position around the frame. " +
"In this configuration they should push the copter down into the ground when the throttle is raised."
readonly property int buttonWidth: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 15
QGCLabel {
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
text: "Secure the copter (perhaps with tape) so that it does not move."
IndicatorButton {
id: accelButton
width: parent.buttonWidth
text: qsTr("Accelerometer")
indicatorGreen: !accelCalNeeded
QGCLabel {
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
text: "Turn on your transmitter and keep throttle at zero."
onClicked: showOrientationsDialog(_calTypeAccel)
QGCLabel {
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
text: "Click Ok to start CompassMot calibration."
} // Column
} // QGCFlickable
} // QGCViewDialog
} // Component - compassMotDialogComponent
IndicatorButton {
id: compassButton
width: parent.buttonWidth
text: qsTr("Compass")
indicatorGreen: !compassCalNeeded
Column {
spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight / 2
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop
onClicked: {
if (controller.accelSetupNeeded) {
showMessage(qsTr("Calibrate Compass"), qsTr("Accelerometer must be calibrated prior to Compass."), StandardButton.Ok)
} else {
readonly property int buttonWidth: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 15
IndicatorButton {
id: accelButton
width: parent.buttonWidth
text: qsTr("Accelerometer")
indicatorGreen: !accelCalNeeded
onClicked: showOrientationsDialog(_calTypeAccel)
IndicatorButton {
id: compassButton
width: parent.buttonWidth
text: qsTr("Compass")
indicatorGreen: !compassCalNeeded
onClicked: {
if (controller.accelSetupNeeded) {
showMessage(qsTr("Calibrate Compass"), qsTr("Accelerometer must be calibrated prior to Compass."), StandardButton.Ok)
} else {
QGCButton {
id: motorInterferenceButton
width: parent.buttonWidth
text: qsTr("CompassMot")
onClicked: showDialog(compassMotDialogComponent, qsTr("CompassMot - Compass Motor Interference Calibration"), qgcView.showDialogFullWidth, StandardButton.Cancel | StandardButton.Ok)
QGCButton {
id: motorInterferenceButton
width: parent.buttonWidth
text: qsTr("CompassMot")
onClicked: showDialog(compassMotDialogComponent, qsTr("CompassMot - Compass Motor Interference Calibration"), qgcView.showDialogFullWidth, StandardButton.Cancel | StandardButton.Ok)
QGCButton {
id: nextButton
width: parent.buttonWidth
text: qsTr("Next")
enabled: false
onClicked: controller.nextClicked()
QGCButton {
id: nextButton
width: parent.buttonWidth
text: qsTr("Next")
enabled: false
onClicked: controller.nextClicked()
QGCButton {
id: cancelButton
width: parent.buttonWidth
text: qsTr("Cancel")
enabled: false
onClicked: controller.cancelCalibration()
QGCButton {
id: cancelButton
width: parent.buttonWidth
text: qsTr("Cancel")
enabled: false
onClicked: controller.cancelCalibration()
QGCButton {
id: setOrientationsButton
width: parent.buttonWidth
text: qsTr("Sensor Settings")
onClicked: showOrientationsDialog(_calTypeSet)
} // Column - Buttons
Column {
anchors.leftMargin: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth / 2
anchors.left: buttonColumn.right
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
ProgressBar {
id: progressBar
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
QGCButton {
id: setOrientationsButton
width: parent.buttonWidth
text: qsTr("Sensor Settings")
onClicked: showOrientationsDialog(_calTypeSet)
} // Column - Buttons
Item { height: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight; width: 10 } // spacer
Column {
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
Layout.fillWidth: true
Item {
id: centerPanel
width: parent.width
height: parent.height - y
ProgressBar {
id: progressBar
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
TextArea {
id: statusTextArea
anchors.fill: parent
readOnly: true
frameVisible: false
text: statusTextAreaDefaultText
Item { height: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight; width: 10 } // spacer
style: TextAreaStyle {
textColor: qgcPal.text
backgroundColor: qgcPal.windowShade
Item {
id: centerPanel
width: parent.width
height: parent.height - y
Rectangle {
id: orientationCalArea
anchors.fill: parent
visible: controller.showOrientationCalArea
color: qgcPal.windowShade
TextArea {
id: statusTextArea
anchors.fill: parent
readOnly: true
frameVisible: false
text: statusTextAreaDefaultText
QGCLabel {
id: orientationCalAreaHelpText
anchors.margins: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth
anchors.left: orientationCalArea.left
width: parent.width
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
font.pointSize: ScreenTools.mediumFontPointSize
style: TextAreaStyle {
textColor: qgcPal.text
backgroundColor: qgcPal.windowShade
Flow {
anchors.topMargin: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth orientationCalAreaHelpText.bottom
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth
property real indicatorWidth: (width / 3) - (spacing * 2)
property real indicatorHeight: (height / 2) - spacing
VehicleRotationCal {
width: parent.indicatorWidth
height: parent.indicatorHeight
visible: controller.orientationCalDownSideVisible
calValid: controller.orientationCalDownSideDone
calInProgress: controller.orientationCalDownSideInProgress
calInProgressText: controller.orientationCalDownSideRotate ? qsTr("Rotate") : qsTr("Hold Still")
imageSource: controller.orientationCalDownSideRotate ? "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleDownRotate.png" : "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleDown.png"
VehicleRotationCal {
width: parent.indicatorWidth
height: parent.indicatorHeight
visible: controller.orientationCalUpsideDownSideVisible
calValid: controller.orientationCalUpsideDownSideDone
calInProgress: controller.orientationCalUpsideDownSideInProgress
calInProgressText: controller.orientationCalUpsideDownSideRotate ? qsTr("Rotate") : qsTr("Hold Still")
imageSource: controller.orientationCalUpsideDownSideRotate ? "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleUpsideDownRotate.png" : "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleUpsideDown.png"
VehicleRotationCal {
width: parent.indicatorWidth
height: parent.indicatorHeight
visible: controller.orientationCalNoseDownSideVisible
calValid: controller.orientationCalNoseDownSideDone
calInProgress: controller.orientationCalNoseDownSideInProgress
calInProgressText: controller.orientationCalNoseDownSideRotate ? qsTr("Rotate") : qsTr("Hold Still")
imageSource: controller.orientationCalNoseDownSideRotate ? "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleNoseDownRotate.png" : "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleNoseDown.png"
VehicleRotationCal {
width: parent.indicatorWidth
height: parent.indicatorHeight
visible: controller.orientationCalTailDownSideVisible
calValid: controller.orientationCalTailDownSideDone
calInProgress: controller.orientationCalTailDownSideInProgress
calInProgressText: controller.orientationCalTailDownSideRotate ? qsTr("Rotate") : qsTr("Hold Still")
imageSource: controller.orientationCalTailDownSideRotate ? "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleTailDownRotate.png" : "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleTailDown.png"
VehicleRotationCal {
width: parent.indicatorWidth
height: parent.indicatorHeight
visible: controller.orientationCalLeftSideVisible
calValid: controller.orientationCalLeftSideDone
calInProgress: controller.orientationCalLeftSideInProgress
calInProgressText: controller.orientationCalLeftSideRotate ? qsTr("Rotate") : qsTr("Hold Still")
imageSource: controller.orientationCalLeftSideRotate ? "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleLeftRotate.png" : "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleLeft.png"
Rectangle {
id: orientationCalArea
anchors.fill: parent
visible: controller.showOrientationCalArea
color: qgcPal.windowShade
QGCLabel {
id: orientationCalAreaHelpText
anchors.margins: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth
anchors.left: orientationCalArea.left
width: parent.width
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
font.pointSize: ScreenTools.mediumFontPointSize
VehicleRotationCal {
width: parent.indicatorWidth
height: parent.indicatorHeight
visible: controller.orientationCalRightSideVisible
calValid: controller.orientationCalRightSideDone
calInProgress: controller.orientationCalRightSideInProgress
calInProgressText: controller.orientationCalRightSideRotate ? qsTr("Rotate") : qsTr("Hold Still")
imageSource: controller.orientationCalRightSideRotate ? "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleRightRotate.png" : "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleRight.png"
Flow {
anchors.topMargin: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth orientationCalAreaHelpText.bottom
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth
property real indicatorWidth: (width / 3) - (spacing * 2)
property real indicatorHeight: (height / 2) - spacing
VehicleRotationCal {
width: parent.indicatorWidth
height: parent.indicatorHeight
visible: controller.orientationCalDownSideVisible
calValid: controller.orientationCalDownSideDone
calInProgress: controller.orientationCalDownSideInProgress
calInProgressText: controller.orientationCalDownSideRotate ? qsTr("Rotate") : qsTr("Hold Still")
imageSource: controller.orientationCalDownSideRotate ? "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleDownRotate.png" : "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleDown.png"
VehicleRotationCal {
width: parent.indicatorWidth
height: parent.indicatorHeight
visible: controller.orientationCalUpsideDownSideVisible
calValid: controller.orientationCalUpsideDownSideDone
calInProgress: controller.orientationCalUpsideDownSideInProgress
calInProgressText: controller.orientationCalUpsideDownSideRotate ? qsTr("Rotate") : qsTr("Hold Still")
imageSource: controller.orientationCalUpsideDownSideRotate ? "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleUpsideDownRotate.png" : "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleUpsideDown.png"
VehicleRotationCal {
width: parent.indicatorWidth
height: parent.indicatorHeight
visible: controller.orientationCalNoseDownSideVisible
calValid: controller.orientationCalNoseDownSideDone
calInProgress: controller.orientationCalNoseDownSideInProgress
calInProgressText: controller.orientationCalNoseDownSideRotate ? qsTr("Rotate") : qsTr("Hold Still")
imageSource: controller.orientationCalNoseDownSideRotate ? "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleNoseDownRotate.png" : "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleNoseDown.png"
VehicleRotationCal {
width: parent.indicatorWidth
height: parent.indicatorHeight
visible: controller.orientationCalTailDownSideVisible
calValid: controller.orientationCalTailDownSideDone
calInProgress: controller.orientationCalTailDownSideInProgress
calInProgressText: controller.orientationCalTailDownSideRotate ? qsTr("Rotate") : qsTr("Hold Still")
imageSource: controller.orientationCalTailDownSideRotate ? "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleTailDownRotate.png" : "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleTailDown.png"
VehicleRotationCal {
width: parent.indicatorWidth
height: parent.indicatorHeight
visible: controller.orientationCalLeftSideVisible
calValid: controller.orientationCalLeftSideDone
calInProgress: controller.orientationCalLeftSideInProgress
calInProgressText: controller.orientationCalLeftSideRotate ? qsTr("Rotate") : qsTr("Hold Still")
imageSource: controller.orientationCalLeftSideRotate ? "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleLeftRotate.png" : "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleLeft.png"
VehicleRotationCal {
width: parent.indicatorWidth
height: parent.indicatorHeight
visible: controller.orientationCalRightSideVisible
calValid: controller.orientationCalRightSideDone
calInProgress: controller.orientationCalRightSideInProgress
calInProgressText: controller.orientationCalRightSideRotate ? qsTr("Rotate") : qsTr("Hold Still")
imageSource: controller.orientationCalRightSideRotate ? "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleRightRotate.png" : "qrc:///qmlimages/VehicleRight.png"
} // Item - Cal display area
} // Column - cal display
} // QGCViewPanel
} // QGCView
} // Item - Cal display area
} // Column - cal display
} // Row
} // Component - sensorsPageComponent
} // SetupPage
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ QString APMTuningComponent::name(void) const
QString APMTuningComponent::description(void) const
return tr("The Tuning Component is used to tune the flight characteristics of the Vehicle.");
return tr("Tuning Setup is used to tune the flight characteristics of the Vehicle.");
QString APMTuningComponent::iconResource(void) const
......@@ -17,113 +17,109 @@ import QGroundControl.Palette 1.0
import QGroundControl.Controls 1.0
import QGroundControl.ScreenTools 1.0
QGCView {
id: _safetyView
viewPanel: panel
anchors.fill: parent
FactPanelController { id: controller; factPanel: panel }
QGCPalette { id: palette; colorGroupEnabled: enabled }
// Older firmwares use THR_MODE, newer use MOT_THST_HOVER
property bool _throttleMidExists: controller.parameterExists(-1, "THR_MID")
property Fact _hoverTuneParam: controller.getParameterFact(-1, _throttleMidExists ? "THR_MID" : "MOT_THST_HOVER")
property real _hoverTuneMin: _throttleMidExists ? 200 : 0
property real _hoverTuneMax: _throttleMidExists ? 800 : 1
property real _hoverTuneStep: _throttleMidExists ? 10 : 0.01
property Fact _rcFeel: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "RC_FEEL_RP")
property Fact _rateRollP: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "r.ATC_RAT_RLL_P")
property Fact _rateRollI: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "r.ATC_RAT_RLL_I")
property Fact _ratePitchP: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "r.ATC_RAT_PIT_P")
property Fact _ratePitchI: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "r.ATC_RAT_PIT_I")
property Fact _rateClimbP: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "ACCEL_Z_P")
property Fact _rateClimbI: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "ACCEL_Z_I")
property Fact _ch7Opt: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "CH7_OPT")
property Fact _ch8Opt: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "CH8_OPT")
property Fact _ch9Opt: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "CH9_OPT")
property Fact _ch10Opt: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "CH10_OPT")
property Fact _ch11Opt: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "CH11_OPT")
property Fact _ch12Opt: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "CH12_OPT")
readonly property int _firstOptionChannel: 7
readonly property int _lastOptionChannel: 12
property Fact _autoTuneAxes: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "AUTOTUNE_AXES")
property int _autoTuneSwitchChannelIndex: 0
readonly property int _autoTuneOption: 17
property real _margins: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
property bool _loadComplete: false
ExclusiveGroup { id: fenceActionRadioGroup }
ExclusiveGroup { id: landLoiterRadioGroup }
ExclusiveGroup { id: returnAltRadioGroup }
Component.onCompleted: {
// Qml Sliders have a strange behavior in which they first set Slider::value to some internal
// setting and then set Slider::value to the bound properties value. If you have an onValueChanged
// handler which updates your property with the new value, this first value change will trash
// your bound values. In order to work around this we don't set the values into the Sliders until
// after Qml load is done. We also don't track value changes until Qml load completes.
throttleHover.value = _hoverTuneParam.value
rollPitch.value = _rateRollP.value
climb.value = _rateClimbP.value
rcFeel.value = _rcFeel.value
_loadComplete = true
/// The AutoTune switch is stored in one of the RC#_FUNCTION parameters. We need to loop through those
/// to find them and setup the ui accordindly.
function calcAutoTuneChannel() {
_autoTuneSwitchChannelIndex = 0
for (var channel=_firstOptionChannel; channel<=_lastOptionChannel; channel++) {
var optionFact = controller.getParameterFact(-1, "CH" + channel + "_OPT")
if (optionFact.value == _autoTuneOption) {
_autoTuneSwitchChannelIndex = channel - _firstOptionChannel + 1
SetupPage {
id: tuningPage
pageComponent: tuningPageComponent
Component {
id: tuningPageComponent
Column {
width: availableWidth
spacing: _margins
FactPanelController { id: controller; factPanel: tuningPage.viewPanel }
QGCPalette { id: palette; colorGroupEnabled: true }
// Older firmwares use THR_MODE, newer use MOT_THST_HOVER
property bool _throttleMidExists: controller.parameterExists(-1, "THR_MID")
property Fact _hoverTuneParam: controller.getParameterFact(-1, _throttleMidExists ? "THR_MID" : "MOT_THST_HOVER")
property real _hoverTuneMin: _throttleMidExists ? 200 : 0
property real _hoverTuneMax: _throttleMidExists ? 800 : 1
property real _hoverTuneStep: _throttleMidExists ? 10 : 0.01
property Fact _rcFeel: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "RC_FEEL_RP")
property Fact _rateRollP: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "r.ATC_RAT_RLL_P")
property Fact _rateRollI: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "r.ATC_RAT_RLL_I")
property Fact _ratePitchP: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "r.ATC_RAT_PIT_P")
property Fact _ratePitchI: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "r.ATC_RAT_PIT_I")
property Fact _rateClimbP: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "ACCEL_Z_P")
property Fact _rateClimbI: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "ACCEL_Z_I")
property Fact _ch7Opt: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "CH7_OPT")
property Fact _ch8Opt: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "CH8_OPT")
property Fact _ch9Opt: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "CH9_OPT")
property Fact _ch10Opt: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "CH10_OPT")
property Fact _ch11Opt: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "CH11_OPT")
property Fact _ch12Opt: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "CH12_OPT")
readonly property int _firstOptionChannel: 7
readonly property int _lastOptionChannel: 12
property Fact _autoTuneAxes: controller.getParameterFact(-1, "AUTOTUNE_AXES")
property int _autoTuneSwitchChannelIndex: 0
readonly property int _autoTuneOption: 17
property real _margins: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
property bool _loadComplete: false
ExclusiveGroup { id: fenceActionRadioGroup }
ExclusiveGroup { id: landLoiterRadioGroup }
ExclusiveGroup { id: returnAltRadioGroup }
Component.onCompleted: {
// Qml Sliders have a strange behavior in which they first set Slider::value to some internal
// setting and then set Slider::value to the bound properties value. If you have an onValueChanged
// handler which updates your property with the new value, this first value change will trash
// your bound values. In order to work around this we don't set the values into the Sliders until
// after Qml load is done. We also don't track value changes until Qml load completes.
throttleHover.value = _hoverTuneParam.value
rollPitch.value = _rateRollP.value
climb.value = _rateClimbP.value
rcFeel.value = _rcFeel.value
_loadComplete = true
/// We need to clear AutoTune from any previous channel before setting it to a new one
function setChannelAutoTuneOption(channel) {
// First clear any previous settings for AutTune
for (var optionChannel=_firstOptionChannel; optionChannel<=_lastOptionChannel; optionChannel++) {
var optionFact = controller.getParameterFact(-1, "CH" + optionChannel + "_OPT")
if (optionFact.value == _autoTuneOption) {
optionFact.value = 0
/// The AutoTune switch is stored in one of the RC#_FUNCTION parameters. We need to loop through those
/// to find them and setup the ui accordindly.
function calcAutoTuneChannel() {
_autoTuneSwitchChannelIndex = 0
for (var channel=_firstOptionChannel; channel<=_lastOptionChannel; channel++) {
var optionFact = controller.getParameterFact(-1, "CH" + channel + "_OPT")
if (optionFact.value == _autoTuneOption) {
_autoTuneSwitchChannelIndex = channel - _firstOptionChannel + 1
// Now set the function into the new channel
if (channel != 0) {
var optionFact = controller.getParameterFact(-1, "CH" + channel + "_OPT")
optionFact.value = _autoTuneOption
Connections { target: _ch7Opt; onValueChanged: calcAutoTuneChannel() }
Connections { target: _ch8Opt; onValueChanged: calcAutoTuneChannel() }
Connections { target: _ch9Opt; onValueChanged: calcAutoTuneChannel() }
Connections { target: _ch10Opt; onValueChanged: calcAutoTuneChannel() }
Connections { target: _ch11Opt; onValueChanged: calcAutoTuneChannel() }
Connections { target: _ch12Opt; onValueChanged: calcAutoTuneChannel() }
QGCViewPanel {
id: panel
anchors.fill: parent
QGCFlickable {
clip: true
anchors.fill: parent
contentHeight: autoTuneRect.y + autoTuneRect.height
flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick
/// We need to clear AutoTune from any previous channel before setting it to a new one
function setChannelAutoTuneOption(channel) {
// First clear any previous settings for AutTune
for (var optionChannel=_firstOptionChannel; optionChannel<=_lastOptionChannel; optionChannel++) {
var optionFact = controller.getParameterFact(-1, "CH" + optionChannel + "_OPT")
if (optionFact.value == _autoTuneOption) {
optionFact.value = 0
// Now set the function into the new channel
if (channel != 0) {
var optionFact = controller.getParameterFact(-1, "CH" + channel + "_OPT")
optionFact.value = _autoTuneOption
Connections { target: _ch7Opt; onValueChanged: calcAutoTuneChannel() }
Connections { target: _ch8Opt; onValueChanged: calcAutoTuneChannel() }
Connections { target: _ch9Opt; onValueChanged: calcAutoTuneChannel() }
Connections { target: _ch10Opt; onValueChanged: calcAutoTuneChannel() }
Connections { target: _ch11Opt; onValueChanged: calcAutoTuneChannel() }
Connections { target: _ch12Opt; onValueChanged: calcAutoTuneChannel() }
QGCLabel {
id: basicLabel
......@@ -133,10 +129,8 @@ QGCView {
Rectangle {
id: basicTuningRect
anchors.topMargin: _margins / 2
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right basicLabel.bottom
height: basicTuningColumn.y + basicTuningColumn.height + _margins
color: palette.windowShade
......@@ -276,16 +270,15 @@ QGCView {
} // Rectangle - Basic tuning
Flow {
id: flowLayout
anchors.topMargin: _margins / 2
width: panel.width // parent.width doesn't work here for some reason! basicTuningRect.bottom
spacing: _margins
id: flowLayout
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
spacing: _margins
Rectangle {
height: autoTuneLabel.height + autoTuneRect.height
width: autoTuneRect.width
color: palette.window
height: autoTuneLabel.height + autoTuneRect.height
width: autoTuneRect.width
color: palette.window
QGCLabel {
id: autoTuneLabel
......@@ -294,11 +287,11 @@ QGCView {
Rectangle {
id: autoTuneRect
width: autoTuneColumn.x + autoTuneColumn.width + _margins
height: autoTuneColumn.y + autoTuneColumn.height + _margins autoTuneLabel.bottom
color: palette.windowShade
id: autoTuneRect
width: autoTuneColumn.x + autoTuneColumn.width + _margins
height: autoTuneColumn.y + autoTuneColumn.height + _margins autoTuneLabel.bottom
color: palette.windowShade
Column {
id: autoTuneColumn
......@@ -417,6 +410,6 @@ QGCView {
} // Rectangle - Channel 6 Tuning options
} // Rectangle - Channel 6 Tuning options wrap
} // Flow - Tune
} // QGCFlickable
} // QGCViewPanel
} // QGCView
} // Column
} // Component
} // SetupView
......@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ public:
QObject* loadParameterMetaData (const QString& metaDataFile);
GeoFenceManager* newGeoFenceManager (Vehicle* vehicle) { return new APMGeoFenceManager(vehicle); }
RallyPointManager* newRallyPointManager (Vehicle* vehicle) { return new APMRallyPointManager(vehicle); }
QString brandImage (const Vehicle* vehicle) const { Q_UNUSED(vehicle); return QStringLiteral("/qmlimages/APM/BrandImage"); }
QString getParameterMetaDataFile(Vehicle* vehicle);
......@@ -222,6 +222,9 @@ public:
/// Return the resource file which contains the set of params loaded for offline editing.
virtual QString offlineEditingParamFile(Vehicle* vehicle) { Q_UNUSED(vehicle); return QString(); }
/// Return the resource file which contains the brand image for the vehicle.
virtual QString brandImage(const Vehicle* vehicle) const { Q_UNUSED(vehicle) return QString(); }
......@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ public:
bool adjustIncomingMavlinkMessage (Vehicle* vehicle, mavlink_message_t* message);
GeoFenceManager* newGeoFenceManager (Vehicle* vehicle) { return new PX4GeoFenceManager(vehicle); }
QString offlineEditingParamFile(Vehicle* vehicle) final { Q_UNUSED(vehicle); return QStringLiteral(":/FirmwarePlugin/PX4/PX4.OfflineEditing.params"); }
QString brandImage (const Vehicle* vehicle) const { Q_UNUSED(vehicle); return QStringLiteral("/qmlimages/PX4/BrandImage"); }
// Use these constants to set flight modes using setFlightMode method. Don't use hardcoded string names since the
// names may change.
......@@ -1922,6 +1922,11 @@ void Vehicle::_newGeoFenceAvailable(void)
QString Vehicle::brandImage(void) const
return _firmwarePlugin->brandImage(this);
const char* VehicleGPSFactGroup::_hdopFactName = "hdop";
const char* VehicleGPSFactGroup::_vdopFactName = "vdop";
const char* VehicleGPSFactGroup::_courseOverGroundFactName = "courseOverGround";
......@@ -279,6 +279,7 @@ public:
Q_PROPERTY(bool coaxialMotors READ coaxialMotors CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(bool xConfigMotors READ xConfigMotors CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(bool isOfflineEditingVehicle READ isOfflineEditingVehicle CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QString brandImage READ brandImage CONSTANT)
/// true: Vehicle is flying, false: Vehicle is on ground
Q_PROPERTY(bool flying READ flying WRITE setFlying NOTIFY flyingChanged)
......@@ -524,6 +525,7 @@ public:
uint8_t baseMode () const { return _base_mode; }
uint32_t customMode () const { return _custom_mode; }
bool isOfflineEditingVehicle () const { return _offlineEditingVehicle; }
QString brandImage () const;
Fact* roll (void) { return &_rollFact; }
Fact* heading (void) { return &_headingFact; }
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ Rectangle {
MainToolBarController { id: _controller }
function checkSettingsButton() {
settingsButton.checked = true
settingsButton.checked = true
function checkSetupButton() {
......@@ -421,6 +421,17 @@ Rectangle {
primary: true
onClicked: activeVehicle.disconnectInactiveVehicle()
Image {
anchors.rightMargin: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth / 2
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
visible: parent.x < x && !disconnectButton.visible && source != ""
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
source: activeVehicle ? activeVehicle.brandImage : ""
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