Commit a41cceec authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne Committed by DoinLakeFlyer

ArduPilot: Only force MISSION_ITEM_INT if vehicle support bit is set

parent ccd2fbd4
......@@ -541,8 +541,10 @@ void PlanManager::_handleMissionRequest(const mavlink_message_t& message, bool m
MissionItem* item = _writeMissionItems[missionRequestSeq];
qCDebug(PlanManagerLog) << QStringLiteral("_handleMissionRequest %1 sequenceNumber:command").arg(_planTypeString()) << missionRequestSeq << item->command();
// ArduPilot always expects to get MISSION_ITEM_INT if possible
bool forceMissionItemInt = (_vehicle->capabilityBits() & MAV_PROTOCOL_CAPABILITY_MISSION_INT) && _vehicle->apmFirmware();
mavlink_message_t messageOut;
if (missionItemInt || _vehicle->apmFirmware() /* ArduPilot always expects to get MISSION_ITEM_INT no matter what */) {
if (missionItemInt || forceMissionItemInt) {
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