Unverified Commit 9f396d68 authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #8960 from DonLakeFlyer/ShortKeys

FactMetaData: Shorten meta data keys for smaller file sizes
parents 403f864b 2afc13e0
......@@ -5,51 +5,51 @@
"name": "usePersonalApiKey",
"shortDescription": "Use Personal AirMap API Key",
"shortDesc": "Use Personal AirMap API Key",
"type": "bool",
"defaultValue": false
"default": false
"name": "apiKey",
"shortDescription": "AirMap API Key",
"shortDesc": "AirMap API Key",
"type": "string",
"defaultValue": ""
"default": ""
"name": "clientID",
"shortDescription": "AirMap Client ID",
"shortDesc": "AirMap Client ID",
"type": "string",
"defaultValue": ""
"default": ""
"name": "userName",
"shortDescription": "AirMap User Name",
"shortDesc": "AirMap User Name",
"type": "string",
"defaultValue": ""
"default": ""
"name": "password",
"shortDescription": "AirMap Password",
"shortDesc": "AirMap Password",
"type": "string",
"defaultValue": ""
"default": ""
"name": "enableAirMap",
"shortDescription": "Enable AirMap",
"shortDesc": "Enable AirMap",
"type": "bool",
"defaultValue": false
"default": false
"name": "enableAirspace",
"shortDescription": "Show Airspace on Map (Experimental)",
"shortDesc": "Show Airspace on Map (Experimental)",
"type": "bool",
"defaultValue": false
"default": false
"name": "enableTelemetry",
"shortDescription": "Enable AirMap Telemetry",
"shortDesc": "Enable AirMap Telemetry",
"type": "bool",
"defaultValue": false
"default": false
......@@ -5,31 +5,31 @@
"name": "angle",
"shortDescription": "Angle from ground station to vehicle",
"shortDesc": "Angle from ground station to vehicle",
"type": "double",
"min": 0,
"max": 360,
"decimalPlaces": 1,
"units": "deg",
"defaultValue": 45
"default": 45
"name": "distance",
"shortDescription": "Horizontal distance from ground station to vehicle",
"shortDesc": "Horizontal distance from ground station to vehicle",
"type": "double",
"min": 0,
"decimalPlaces": 1,
"units": "m",
"defaultValue": 5
"default": 5
"name": "height",
"shortDescription": "Vertical distance from Launch (home) position to vehicle",
"shortDesc": "Vertical distance from Launch (home) position to vehicle",
"type": "double",
"min": 0,
"decimalPlaces": 1,
"units": "m",
"defaultValue": 5
"default": 5
......@@ -121,11 +121,11 @@ const FactMetaData::ValueType_t FactMetaData::_rgKnownValueTypes[] = {
const char* FactMetaData::_decimalPlacesJsonKey = "decimalPlaces";
const char* FactMetaData::_nameJsonKey = "name";
const char* FactMetaData::_typeJsonKey = "type";
const char* FactMetaData::_shortDescriptionJsonKey = "shortDescription";
const char* FactMetaData::_longDescriptionJsonKey = "longDescription";
const char* FactMetaData::_shortDescriptionJsonKey = "shortDesc";
const char* FactMetaData::_longDescriptionJsonKey = "longDesc";
const char* FactMetaData::_unitsJsonKey = "units";
const char* FactMetaData::_defaultValueJsonKey = "defaultValue";
const char* FactMetaData::_mobileDefaultValueJsonKey = "mobileDefaultValue";
const char* FactMetaData::_defaultValueJsonKey = "default";
const char* FactMetaData::_mobileDefaultValueJsonKey = "mobileDefault";
const char* FactMetaData::_minJsonKey = "min";
const char* FactMetaData::_maxJsonKey = "max";
const char* FactMetaData::_incrementJsonKey = "increment";
......@@ -5,19 +5,19 @@
"name": "Latitude",
"shortDescription": "Latitude of breach return point position",
"shortDesc": "Latitude of breach return point position",
"type": "double",
"decimalPlaces": 7
"name": "Longitude",
"shortDescription": "Longitude of breach return point position",
"shortDesc": "Longitude of breach return point position",
"type": "double",
"decimalPlaces": 7
"name": "Altitude",
"shortDescription": "Altitude of breach return point position (Rel)",
"shortDesc": "Altitude of breach return point position (Rel)",
"type": "double",
"decimalPlaces": 2,
"units": "m"
......@@ -5,53 +5,53 @@
"name": "CameraName",
"shortDescription": "Camera name.",
"shortDesc": "Camera name.",
"type": "string",
"defaultValue": "Manual (no camera specs)"
"default": "Manual (no camera specs)"
"name": "ValueSetIsDistance",
"shortDescription": "Value specified is distance to surface.",
"shortDesc": "Value specified is distance to surface.",
"type": "bool",
"defaultValue": 1
"default": 1
"name": "DistanceToSurface",
"shortDescription": "Distance vehicle is away from surface.",
"shortDesc": "Distance vehicle is away from surface.",
"type": "double",
"min": 0.1,
"units": "m",
"decimalPlaces": 2,
"defaultValue": 50.0
"default": 50.0
"name": "ImageDensity",
"shortDescription": "Image desity at surface.",
"shortDesc": "Image desity at surface.",
"type": "double",
"min": 0,
"units": "cm/px",
"decimalPlaces": 1,
"defaultValue": 1.2
"default": 1.2
"name": "FrontalOverlap",
"shortDescription": "Amount of overlap between images in the forward facing direction.",
"shortDesc": "Amount of overlap between images in the forward facing direction.",
"type": "double",
"decimalPlaces": 0,
"min": 0,
"max": 85,
"units": "%",
"defaultValue": 70
"default": 70
"name": "SideOverlap",
"shortDescription": "Amount of overlap between images in the side facing direction.",
"shortDesc": "Amount of overlap between images in the side facing direction.",
"type": "double",
"decimalPlaces": 0,
"min": 0,
"max": 85,
"units": "%",
"defaultValue": 70
"default": 70
"name": "AdjustedFootprintFrontal",
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
"decimalPlaces": 2,
"min": 0,
"units": "m",
"defaultValue": 25
"default": 25
"name": "AdjustedFootprintSide",
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
"decimalPlaces": 2,
"min": 0,
"units": "m",
"defaultValue": 25
"default": 25
......@@ -5,59 +5,59 @@
"name": "CameraAction",
"shortDescription": "Specify whether the camera should take photos or video",
"shortDesc": "Specify whether the camera should take photos or video",
"type": "uint32",
"enumStrings": "No change,Take photo,Take photos (time),Take photos (distance),Stop taking photos,Start recording video,Stop recording video",
"enumValues": "0,6,1,2,3,4,5",
"defaultValue": 0
"default": 0
"name": "CameraPhotoIntervalDistance",
"shortDescription": "Specify the distance between each photo",
"shortDesc": "Specify the distance between each photo",
"type": "double",
"units": "m",
"min": 0.1,
"decimalPlaces": 1,
"defaultValue": 1
"default": 1
"name": "CameraPhotoIntervalTime",
"shortDescription": "Specify the time between each photo",
"shortDesc": "Specify the time between each photo",
"type": "uint32",
"units": "secs",
"min": 1,
"decimalPlaces": 0,
"defaultValue": 10
"default": 10
"name": "GimbalPitch",
"shortDescription": "Gimbal pitch rotation.",
"shortDesc": "Gimbal pitch rotation.",
"type": "double",
"units": "gimbal-degrees",
"min": -90,
"max": 0,
"increment": 5,
"decimalPlaces": 0,
"defaultValue": 0
"default": 0
"name": "GimbalYaw",
"shortDescription": "Gimbal yaw rotation.",
"shortDesc": "Gimbal yaw rotation.",
"type": "double",
"units": "deg",
"min": -180.0,
"max": 180.0,
"increment": 5,
"decimalPlaces": 0,
"defaultValue": 0
"default": 0
"name": "CameraMode",
"shortDescription": "Specify whether the camera should switch to Photo, Video or Survey mode",
"shortDesc": "Specify whether the camera should switch to Photo, Video or Survey mode",
"type": "uint32",
"enumStrings": "Photo,Video,Survey",
"enumValues": "0,1,2",
"defaultValue": 0
"default": 0
......@@ -5,72 +5,72 @@
"name": "Name",
"shortDescription": "Camera name.",
"shortDesc": "Camera name.",
"type": "string",
"defaultValue": ""
"default": ""
"name": "SensorWidth",
"shortDescription": "Width of camera image sensor.",
"shortDesc": "Width of camera image sensor.",
"type": "double",
"decimalPlaces": 2,
"min": 1,
"units": "mm",
"defaultValue": 6.17
"default": 6.17
"name": "SensorHeight",
"shortDescription": "Height of camera image sensor.",
"shortDesc": "Height of camera image sensor.",
"type": "double",
"decimalPlaces": 2,
"min": 1,
"units": "mm",
"defaultValue": 4.55
"default": 4.55
"name": "ImageWidth",
"shortDescription": "Camera image resolution width.",
"shortDesc": "Camera image resolution width.",
"type": "uint32",
"min": 1,
"units": "px",
"defaultValue": 4000
"default": 4000
"name": "ImageHeight",
"shortDescription": "Camera image resolution height.",
"shortDesc": "Camera image resolution height.",
"type": "uint32",
"min": 1,
"units": "px",
"defaultValue": 3000
"default": 3000
"name": "FocalLength",
"shortDescription": "Focal length of camera lens.",
"shortDesc": "Focal length of camera lens.",
"type": "double",
"decimalPlaces": 1,
"min": 1,
"units": "mm",
"defaultValue": 4.5
"default": 4.5
"name": "Landscape",
"shortDescription": "Camera on vehicle is in landscape orientation.",
"shortDesc": "Camera on vehicle is in landscape orientation.",
"type": "bool",
"defaultValue": 1
"default": 1
"name": "FixedOrientation",
"shortDescription": "Camera orientation ix fixed and cannot be changed.",
"shortDesc": "Camera orientation ix fixed and cannot be changed.",
"type": "bool",
"defaultValue": 0
"default": 0
"name": "MinTriggerInterval",
"shortDescription": "Minimum amount of time between each camera trigger.",
"shortDesc": "Minimum amount of time between each camera trigger.",
"type": "double",
"min": 0.1,
"units": "secs",
"defaultValue": 1.0
"default": 1.0
......@@ -5,47 +5,47 @@
"name": "Altitude",
"shortDescription": "Altitude for the bottom layer of the structure scan.",
"shortDesc": "Altitude for the bottom layer of the structure scan.",
"type": "double",
"units": "m",
"decimalPlaces": 1,
"defaultValue": 50
"default": 50
"name": "CorridorWidth",
"shortDescription": "Corridor width. Specify 0 width for a single pass scan.",
"shortDesc": "Corridor width. Specify 0 width for a single pass scan.",
"type": "double",
"units": "m",
"min": 0,
"decimalPlaces": 1,
"defaultValue": 50
"default": 50
"name": "Trigger distance",
"shortDescription": "Distance between each triggering of the camera. 0 specifies not camera trigger.",
"shortDesc": "Distance between each triggering of the camera. 0 specifies not camera trigger.",
"type": "double",
"decimalPlaces": 2,
"min": 0,
"units": "m",
"defaultValue": 25
"default": 25
"name": "GridSpacing",
"shortDescription": "Amount of spacing in between parallel grid lines.",
"shortDesc": "Amount of spacing in between parallel grid lines.",
"type": "double",
"decimalPlaces": 2,
"min": 0.1,
"units": "m",
"defaultValue": 30
"default": 30
"name": "TurnaroundDistance",
"shortDescription": "Amount of additional distance to add outside the survey area for vehicle turnaround.",
"shortDesc": "Amount of additional distance to add outside the survey area for vehicle turnaround.",
"type": "double",
"decimalPlaces": 2,
"min": 0,
"units": "m",
"defaultValue": 30
"default": 30
......@@ -5,75 +5,75 @@
"name": "LandingDistance",
"shortDescription": "Distance between landing and loiter points.",
"shortDesc": "Distance between landing and loiter points.",
"type": "double",
"units": "m",
"min": 10,
"decimalPlaces": 1,
"defaultValue": 300.0
"default": 300.0
"name": "LandingHeading",
"shortDescription": "Heading from loiter point to land point.",
"shortDesc": "Heading from loiter point to land point.",
"type": "double",
"units": "deg",
"min": 0.0,
"max": 360.0,
"decimalPlaces": 0,
"defaultValue": 270.0
"default": 270.0
"name": "LoiterAltitude",
"shortDescription": "Aircraft will proceed to the loiter point and loiter downwards until it reaches this approach altitude. Once altitude is reached the aircraft will proceed to land.",
"shortDesc": "Aircraft will proceed to the loiter point and loiter downwards until it reaches this approach altitude. Once altitude is reached the aircraft will proceed to land.",
"type": "double",
"units": "m",
"decimalPlaces": 1,
"defaultValue": 40.0
"default": 40.0
"name": "LoiterRadius",
"shortDescription": "Loiter radius.",
"shortDesc": "Loiter radius.",
"type": "double",
"decimalPlaces": 1,
"min": 1,
"units": "m",
"defaultValue": 75.0
"default": 75.0
"name": "LandingAltitude",
"shortDescription": "Altitude for landing point.",
"shortDesc": "Altitude for landing point.",
"type": "double",
"units": "m",
"decimalPlaces": 1,
"defaultValue": 0.0
"default": 0.0
"name": "GlideSlope",
"shortDescription": "The glide slope between the loiter and landing point.",
"shortDesc": "The glide slope between the loiter and landing point.",
"type": "double",
"units": "deg",
"min": 0.1,
"max": 90,
"decimalPlaces": 1,
"defaultValue": 6.0
"default": 6.0
"name": "ValueSetIsDistance",
"shortDescription": "Value controller loiter point is distance",
"shortDesc": "Value controller loiter point is distance",
"type": "bool",
"defaultValue": false
"default": false
"name": "StopTakingPhotos",
"shortDescription": "Stop taking photos",
"shortDesc": "Stop taking photos",
"type": "bool",
"defaultValue": true
"default": true
"name": "StopTakingVideo",
"shortDescription": "Stop taking video",
"shortDesc": "Stop taking video",
"type": "bool",
"defaultValue": true
"default": true
......@@ -5,11 +5,11 @@
"name": "PlannedHomePositionAltitude",
"shortDescription": "Launch position altitude",
"shortDesc": "Launch position altitude",
"type": "double",
"units": "m",
"decimalPlaces": 1,
"defaultValue": 0
"default": 0
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"name": "Radius",
"shortDescription": "Radius for geofence circle.",
"shortDesc": "Radius for geofence circle.",
"type": "double",
"decimalPlaces": 1,
"min": 0.1,
......@@ -5,23 +5,23 @@
"name": "Latitude",
"shortDescription": "Latitude of rally point position",
"shortDesc": "Latitude of rally point position",
"type": "double",
"decimalPlaces": 7
"name": "Longitude",
"shortDescription": "Longitude of rally point position",
"shortDesc": "Longitude of rally point position",
"type": "double",
"decimalPlaces": 7
"name": "RelativeAltitude",
"shortDescription": "Altitude of rally point position (home relative)",
"shortDesc": "Altitude of rally point position (home relative)",
"type": "double",
"decimalPlaces": 2,
"units": "m",
"defaultValue": 0.0
"default": 0.0
......@@ -5,12 +5,12 @@
"name": "FlightSpeed",
"shortDescription": "Set the current flight speed",
"shortDesc": "Set the current flight speed",
"type": "double",
"units": "m/s",
"min": 0,
"decimalPlaces": 1,
"defaultValue": 0
"default": 0
......@@ -5,51 +5,51 @@
"name": "GimbalPitch",
"shortDescription": "Gimbal pitch rotation.",
"shortDesc": "Gimbal pitch rotation.",
"type": "double",
"units": "gimbal-degrees",
"min": -90,
"max": 0,
"decimalPlaces": 0,
"defaultValue": 0
"default": 0
"name": "EntranceAltitude",
"shortDescription": "Vehicle will fly to/from the structure at this altitude.",
"shortDesc": "Vehicle will fly to/from the structure at this altitude.",
"type": "double",
"units": "m",
"decimalPlaces": 1,
"defaultValue": 50
"default": 50
"name": "ScanBottomAlt",
"shortDescription": "Altitude for the bottomost covered area of the scan. You can adjust this value such that the Bottom Layer Alt will fly above obstacles on the ground.",
"shortDesc": "Altitude for the bottomost covered area of the scan. You can adjust this value such that the Bottom Layer Alt will fly above obstacles on the ground.",
"type": "double",
"units": "m",
"decimalPlaces": 1,
"defaultValue": 50
"default": 50
"name": "Layers",
"shortDescription": "Number of scan layers.",
"shortDesc": "Number of scan layers.",
"type": "uint32",
"min": 1,
"defaultValue": 1
"default": 1
"name": "StructureHeight",
"shortDescription": "Height of structure being scanned.",
"shortDesc": "Height of structure being scanned.",
"type": "double",
"decimalPlaces": 2,
"units": "m",
"min": 1,
"defaultValue": 100
"default": 100
"name": "StartFromTop",
"shortDescription": "Start scanning from top of structure.",
"shortDesc": "Start scanning from top of structure.",
"type": "bool",
"defaultValue": true
"default": true
......@@ -5,25 +5,25 @@
"name": "GridAngle",
"shortDescription": "Angle for parallel lines of grid.",
"shortDesc": "Angle for parallel lines of grid.",
"type": "double",
"units": "deg",
"min": -360.0,
"max": 360.0,