Commit 9ed0ab6e authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne

Merge pull request #2677 from DonLakeFlyer/InfoView

Info View: Fix multi-vehicle handling
parents e34413a4 3a17aa64
......@@ -54,10 +54,7 @@ UASMessageViewWidget::UASMessageViewWidget(UASMessageHandler* uasMessageHandler,
, _uasMessageHandler(uasMessageHandler)
setStyleSheet("QPlainTextEdit { border: 0px }");
// Construct initial widget
_unconnectedWidget = new QGCUnconnectedInfoWidget(this);
// Enable the right-click menu for the text editor. This works because the plainTextEdit
// widget has its context menu policy set to its actions list. So any actions we add
// to this widget's action list will be automatically displayed.
......@@ -85,16 +82,7 @@ void UASMessageViewWidget::handleTextMessage(UASMessage *message)
// Reset
if(!message) {
} else {
// Make sure the UI is configured for showing messages.
// Note that this call is NOT equivalent to `_unconnectedWidget->isVisible()`.
if (!_unconnectedWidget->isHidden())
QPlainTextEdit *msgWidget = ui()->plainTextEdit;
// Turn off updates while we're appending content to avoid breaking the autoscroll behavior
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