Commit 9b9a973e authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #5448 from DonLakeFlyer/ResumeMissionFix

Resume mission shows up at wrong times
parents 4351b765 dd5519c4
......@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ Item {
property bool showLand: _activeVehicle && _activeVehicle.guidedModeSupported && _vehicleArmed && !_activeVehicle.fixedWing && !_vehicleInLandMode
property bool showStartMission: _activeVehicle && _missionAvailable && !_missionActive && !_vehicleFlying
property bool showContinueMission: _activeVehicle && _missionAvailable && !_missionActive && _vehicleFlying && (_currentMissionIndex < missionController.visualItems.count - 1)
property bool showResumeMission: _activeVehicle && !_vehicleFlying && _missionAvailable && _resumeMissionIndex > 0 && (_resumeMissionIndex < missionController.visualItems.count - 2)
property bool showResumeMission: _activeVehicle && !_vehicleArmed && _vehicleWasFlying && _missionAvailable && _resumeMissionIndex > 0 && (_resumeMissionIndex < missionController.visualItems.count - 2)
property bool showPause: _activeVehicle && _vehicleArmed && _activeVehicle.pauseVehicleSupported && _vehicleFlying && !_vehiclePaused
property bool showChangeAlt: (_activeVehicle && _vehicleFlying) && _activeVehicle.guidedModeSupported && _vehicleArmed && !_missionActive
property bool showOrbit: !_hideOrbit && _activeVehicle && _vehicleFlying && _activeVehicle.orbitModeSupported && _vehicleArmed && !_missionActive
......@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ Item {
property int _resumeMissionIndex: missionController.resumeMissionIndex
property bool _hideEmergenyStop: !QGroundControl.corePlugin.options.guidedBarShowEmergencyStop
property bool _hideOrbit: !QGroundControl.corePlugin.options.guidedBarShowOrbit
property bool _vehicleWasFlying: false
// This is a temporary hack to debug a problem with RTL and Pause being disabled at the wrong time
......@@ -128,7 +129,6 @@ Item {
Component.onCompleted: _outputState()
on_ActiveVehicleChanged: _outputState()
on_VehicleArmedChanged: _outputState()
on_VehicleFlyingChanged: _outputState()
on_VehicleInRTLModeChanged: _outputState()
on_VehiclePausedChanged: _outputState()
on__FlightModeChanged: _outputState()
......@@ -137,6 +137,15 @@ Item {
// End of hack
on_VehicleFlyingChanged: {
if (!_vehicleFlying) {
// We use _vehicleWasFLying to help trigger Resume Mission only if the vehicle actually flew and came back down.
// Otherwise it may trigger during the Start Mission sequence due to signal ordering or armed and resume mission index.
_vehicleWasFlying = true
property var _actionData
on_CurrentMissionIndexChanged: console.log("_currentMissionIndex", _currentMissionIndex)
......@@ -265,6 +274,7 @@ Item {
case actionResumeMissionReady:
_vehicleWasFlying = false
case actionStartMission:
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