Commit 99070b9f authored by Matej Frančeškin's avatar Matej Frančeškin

Added udp265 gstreamer pipeline

parent e997db34
......@@ -200,6 +200,11 @@ VideoReceiver::start()
qCDebug(VideoReceiverLog) << "Already running!";
if (isUdp264) {
} else if (isUdp265) {
_starting = true;
......@@ -240,11 +245,11 @@ VideoReceiver::start()
g_object_set(static_cast<gpointer>(dataSource), "uri", qPrintable(_uri), "caps", caps, nullptr);
} else if(isUdp265) {
//-- TODO
if ((caps = gst_caps_from_string("application/x-rtp, media=(string)video, clock-rate=(int)90000, encoding-name=(string)H265")) == nullptr) {
qCritical() << "VideoReceiver::start() failed. Error with gst_caps_from_string()";
g_object_set(static_cast<gpointer>(dataSource), "uri", qPrintable(_uri.replace("udp265", "udp")), "caps", caps, nullptr);
#if defined(QGC_GST_TAISYNC_ENABLED) && (defined(__android__) || defined(__ios__))
} else if(isTaisyncUSB) {
QString uri = QString("").arg(TAISYNC_VIDEO_UDP_PORT);
......@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ Rectangle {
property string _videoSource: QGroundControl.settingsManager.videoSettings.videoSource.value
property bool _isGst: QGroundControl.videoManager.isGStreamer
property bool _isUDP264: _isGst && _videoSource === QGroundControl.settingsManager.videoSettings.udp264VideoSource
property bool _isUDP265: _isGst && _videoSource === QGroundControl.settingsManager.videoSettings.udp265VideoSource
property bool _isRTSP: _isGst && _videoSource === QGroundControl.settingsManager.videoSettings.rtspVideoSource
property bool _isTCP: _isGst && _videoSource === QGroundControl.settingsManager.videoSettings.tcpVideoSource
property bool _isMPEGTS: _isGst && _videoSource === QGroundControl.settingsManager.videoSettings.mpegtsVideoSource
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