Commit 96fdc127 authored by Gus Grubba's avatar Gus Grubba

Promoted indicator colors to actual QGCPalette (editable) colors

Changed (selected) mission item color to primaryButton instead of buttonHighlight
Adjusted some colors for better contrast
Removed a few JavaScript exceptions caused by the order of object destruction
parent c2e3fa26
......@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ SetupPage {
id: fenceAltMaxCheckBox
anchors.baseline: fenceAltMaxField.baseline
text: qsTr("Max altitude:")
checked: _fenceAlt.value > 0
checked: _fenceAlt ? _fenceAlt.value > 0 : false
onClicked: _fenceAlt.value = checked ? 100 : 0
width: _middleRowWidth
......@@ -408,21 +408,21 @@ SetupPage {
ExclusiveGroup { id: homeLoiterGroup }
QGCRadioButton {
id: homeLandRadio
checked: _rtlLandDelay.value === 0
checked: _rtlLandDelay ? _rtlLandDelay.value === 0 : false
exclusiveGroup: homeLoiterGroup
text: "Land immediately"
onClicked: _rtlLandDelay.value = 0
QGCRadioButton {
id: homeLoiterNoLandRadio
checked: _rtlLandDelay.value < 0
checked: _rtlLandDelay ? _rtlLandDelay.value < 0 : false
exclusiveGroup: homeLoiterGroup
text: "Loiter and do not land"
onClicked: _rtlLandDelay.value = -1
QGCRadioButton {
id: homeLoiterLandRadio
checked: _rtlLandDelay.value > 0
checked: _rtlLandDelay ? _rtlLandDelay.value > 0 : false
exclusiveGroup: homeLoiterGroup
text: qsTr("Loiter and land after specified time")
onClicked: _rtlLandDelay.value = 60
......@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ SetupPage {
spacing: _margins * 0.5
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
Row {
visible: !controller.vehicle.fixedWing && (_landSpeedMC !== -1)
visible: controller.vehicle ? (!controller.vehicle.fixedWing && (_landSpeedMC !== -1)) : false
QGCLabel {
anchors.baseline: landVelField.baseline
width: _middleRowWidth
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ QGCTextField {
property string _validateString
// At this point all Facts are numeric
inputMethodHints: (fact.typeIsString || ScreenTools.isiOS) ?
inputMethodHints: (fact || fact.typeIsString || ScreenTools.isiOS) ?
Qt.ImhNone : // iOS numeric keyboard has no done button, we can't use it
Qt.ImhFormattedNumbersOnly // Forces use of virtual numeric keyboard
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Rectangle {
id: _root
height: editorLoader.y + editorLoader.height + (_margin * 2)
color: _currentItem ? qgcPal.buttonHighlight : qgcPal.windowShade
color: _currentItem ? qgcPal.primaryButton : qgcPal.windowShade
radius: _radius
property var map ///< Map control
......@@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ Rectangle {
signal remove
signal insert
property bool _currentItem: missionItem.isCurrentItem
property color _outerTextColor: _currentItem ? "black" : qgcPal.text
property bool _noMissionItemsAdded: ListView.view.model.count == 1
property real _sectionSpacer: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth / 2 // spacing between section headings
property bool _currentItem: missionItem.isCurrentItem
property color _outerTextColor: _currentItem ? qgcPal.primaryButtonText : qgcPal.text
property bool _noMissionItemsAdded: ListView.view.model.count === 1
property real _sectionSpacer: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth / 2 // spacing between section headings
readonly property real _editFieldWidth: Math.min(width - _margin * 2, ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 12)
readonly property real _margin: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth / 2
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ QColor QGCPalette::_text[QGCPalette::_cThemes][QGCPalette::_cColorGroups] = {
QColor QGCPalette::_warningText[QGCPalette::_cThemes][QGCPalette::_cColorGroups] = {
{ QColor("#cc0808"), QColor("#cc0808") },
{ QColor("#fd5d13"), QColor("#fd5d13") }
{ QColor("#f85761"), QColor("#f85761") }
QColor QGCPalette::_button[QGCPalette::_cThemes][QGCPalette::_cColorGroups] = {
......@@ -56,18 +56,18 @@ QColor QGCPalette::_buttonText[QGCPalette::_cThemes][QGCPalette::_cColorGroups]
QColor QGCPalette::_buttonHighlight[QGCPalette::_cThemes][QGCPalette::_cColorGroups] = {
{ QColor("#e4e4e4"), QColor("#33b5e5") },
{ QColor(0x58, 0x58, 0x58), QColor(0xed, 0xd4, 0x69) },
{ QColor("#e4e4e4"), QColor("#946120") },
{ QColor(0x58, 0x58, 0x58), QColor("#fff291") },
QColor QGCPalette::_buttonHighlightText[QGCPalette::_cThemes][QGCPalette::_cColorGroups] = {
{ QColor(0x2c, 0x2c, 0x2c), QColor(0, 0, 0) },
{ QColor(0x2c, 0x2c, 0x2c), QColor("#ffffff") },
{ QColor(0x2c, 0x2c, 0x2c), QColor(0, 0, 0) },
QColor QGCPalette::_primaryButton[QGCPalette::_cThemes][QGCPalette::_cColorGroups] = {
{ QColor(0x58, 0x58, 0x58), QColor("#badec5") },
{ QColor(0x58, 0x58, 0x58), QColor("#badec5") },
{ QColor(0x58, 0x58, 0x58), QColor("#8cb3be") },
{ QColor(0x58, 0x58, 0x58), QColor("#8cb3be") },
QColor QGCPalette::_primaryButtonText[QGCPalette::_cThemes][QGCPalette::_cColorGroups] = {
......@@ -116,6 +116,27 @@ QColor QGCPalette::_brandingBlue[QGCPalette::_cThemes][QGCPalette::_cColorGroups
{ QColor("#48D6FF"), QColor("#48D6FF") },
QColor QGCPalette::_colorGreen[QGCPalette::_cThemes][QGCPalette::_cColorGroups] = {
{ QColor("#009431"), QColor("#009431") }, //-- Light
{ QColor("#00e04b"), QColor("#00e04b") }, //-- Dark
QColor QGCPalette::_colorOrange[QGCPalette::_cThemes][QGCPalette::_cColorGroups] = {
{ QColor("#b95604"), QColor("#b95604") },
{ QColor("#de8500"), QColor("#de8500") },
QColor QGCPalette::_colorRed[QGCPalette::_cThemes][QGCPalette::_cColorGroups] = {
{ QColor("#ed3939"), QColor("#ed3939") },
{ QColor("#f32836"), QColor("#f32836") },
QColor QGCPalette::_colorGrey[QGCPalette::_cThemes][QGCPalette::_cColorGroups] = {
{ QColor("#808080"), QColor("#808080") },
{ QColor("#bfbfbf"), QColor("#bfbfbf") },
QColor QGCPalette::_colorBlue[QGCPalette::_cThemes][QGCPalette::_cColorGroups] = {
{ QColor("#1a72ff"), QColor("#1a72ff") },
{ QColor("#536dff"), QColor("#536dff") },
QGCPalette::QGCPalette(QObject* parent) :
......@@ -60,12 +60,11 @@ class QGCPalette : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(QColor brandingPurple READ brandingPurple NOTIFY paletteChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QColor brandingBlue READ brandingBlue NOTIFY paletteChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QColor colorGreen READ colorGreen CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QColor colorOrange READ colorOrange CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QColor colorRed READ colorRed CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QColor colorGrey READ colorGrey CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QColor colorBlue READ colorBlue CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QColor colorWhite READ colorWhite CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QColor colorGreen READ colorGreen WRITE setColorGreen NOTIFY paletteChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QColor colorOrange READ colorOrange WRITE setColorOrange NOTIFY paletteChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QColor colorRed READ colorRed WRITE setColorRed NOTIFY paletteChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QColor colorGrey READ colorGrey WRITE setColorGrey NOTIFY paletteChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QColor colorBlue READ colorBlue WRITE setColorBlue NOTIFY paletteChanged)
enum ColorGroup {
......@@ -142,12 +141,12 @@ public:
/// Blue color from branding guidelines
QColor brandingBlue(void) const { return _brandingBlue[_theme][_colorGroupEnabled ? 1 : 0]; }
QColor colorGreen () { return QColor("#05f068"); }
QColor colorOrange () { return QColor("#f0ab06"); }
QColor colorRed () { return QColor("#fc4638"); }
QColor colorGrey () { return QColor("#7f7f7f"); }
QColor colorBlue () { return QColor("#636efe"); }
QColor colorWhite () { return QColor("#ffffff"); }
/// Arbitrary colors used for UI elements. Usually over _window and _windowShade.
QColor colorGreen () const { return _colorGreen[_theme][_colorGroupEnabled ? 1 : 0]; }
QColor colorOrange () const { return _colorOrange[_theme][_colorGroupEnabled ? 1 : 0]; }
QColor colorRed () const { return _colorRed[_theme][_colorGroupEnabled ? 1 : 0]; }
QColor colorGrey () const { return _colorGrey[_theme][_colorGroupEnabled ? 1 : 0]; }
QColor colorBlue () const { return _colorBlue[_theme][_colorGroupEnabled ? 1 : 0]; }
void setWindow(QColor& color) { _window[_theme][_colorGroupEnabled ? 1 : 0] = color; _signalPaletteChangeToAll(); }
void setWindowShade(QColor& color) { _windowShade[_theme][_colorGroupEnabled ? 1 : 0] = color; _signalPaletteChangeToAll(); }
......@@ -167,6 +166,12 @@ public:
void setMapWidgetBorderLight(QColor& color) { _mapWidgetBorderLight[_theme][_colorGroupEnabled ? 1 : 0] = color; _signalPaletteChangeToAll(); }
void setMapWidgetBorderDark(QColor& color) { _mapWidgetBorderDark[_theme][_colorGroupEnabled ? 1 : 0] = color; _signalPaletteChangeToAll(); }
void setColorGreen (QColor& color) { _colorGreen[_theme][_colorGroupEnabled ? 1 : 0] = color; _signalPaletteChangeToAll(); }
void setColorOrange (QColor& color) { _colorOrange[_theme][_colorGroupEnabled ? 1 : 0] = color; _signalPaletteChangeToAll(); }
void setColorRed (QColor& color) { _colorRed[_theme][_colorGroupEnabled ? 1 : 0] = color; _signalPaletteChangeToAll(); }
void setColorGrey (QColor& color) { _colorGrey[_theme][_colorGroupEnabled ? 1 : 0] = color; _signalPaletteChangeToAll(); }
void setColorBlue (QColor& color) { _colorBlue[_theme][_colorGroupEnabled ? 1 : 0] = color; _signalPaletteChangeToAll(); }
static Theme globalTheme(void) { return _theme; }
static void setGlobalTheme(Theme newTheme);
......@@ -211,6 +216,12 @@ private:
static QColor _brandingPurple[_cThemes][_cColorGroups];
static QColor _brandingBlue[_cThemes][_cColorGroups];
static QColor _colorGreen[_cThemes][_cColorGroups];
static QColor _colorOrange[_cThemes][_cColorGroups];
static QColor _colorRed[_cThemes][_cColorGroups];
static QColor _colorGrey[_cThemes][_cColorGroups];
static QColor _colorBlue[_cThemes][_cColorGroups];
void _themeChanged(void);
static QList<QGCPalette*> _paletteObjects; ///< List of all active QGCPalette objects
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