Commit 94a4e02d authored by dogmaphobic's avatar dogmaphobic

Merge remote-tracking branch 'MavLink/master' into offlineMap

* MavLink/master:
  Fix flight mode display for PX4. Missed reverse channel check
parents 6af467ba 07052d03
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ Item {
QGCLabel {
anchors.baseline: modeCombo.baseline
text: qsTr("Flight Mode %1:)").arg(index)
text: qsTr("Flight Mode %1").arg(index)
color: controller.activeFlightMode == index ? "yellow" : qgcPal.text
......@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ void PX4SimpleFlightModesController::_rcChannelsChanged(int channelCount, int pw
int flightModeChannel = getParameterFact(-1, "RC_MAP_FLTMODE")->rawValue().toInt() - 1;
int flightModeReversed = getParameterFact(1, QString("RC%1_REV").arg(flightModeChannel + 1))->rawValue().toInt();
if (flightModeChannel < 0 || flightModeChannel > channelCount) {
......@@ -63,7 +65,7 @@ void PX4SimpleFlightModesController::_rcChannelsChanged(int channelCount, int pw
int channelValue = pwmValues[flightModeChannel];
if (channelValue != -1) {
bool found = false;
int rgThreshold[] = { 1230, 1360, 1490, 1620, 1749 };
int rgThreshold[] = { 1200, 1360, 1490, 1620, 1900 };
for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {
if (channelValue <= rgThreshold[i]) {
_activeFlightMode = i + 1;
......@@ -71,9 +73,15 @@ void PX4SimpleFlightModesController::_rcChannelsChanged(int channelCount, int pw
if (!found) {
_activeFlightMode = 6;
if (flightModeReversed == -1) {
_activeFlightMode = 6 - (_activeFlightMode - 1);
emit activeFlightModeChanged(_activeFlightMode);
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