Commit 8f6e8117 authored by Lorenz Meier's avatar Lorenz Meier

Fixed switch mapping / names

parent c4848a1d
......@@ -492,8 +492,8 @@ void QGCPX4VehicleConfig::detectChannelInversion(int aert_index)
instructions << "YAW: Move stick left";
instructions << "THROTTLE: Move stick down";
instructions << "MODE SWITCH: Push down / towards you";
instructions << "ASSISTED SWITCH: Push down / towards you";
instructions << "MISSION SWITCH: Push down / towards you";
instructions << "POSITION CONTROL SWITCH: Push down / towards you";
instructions << "LOITER SWITCH: Push down / towards you";
instructions << "RETURN SWITCH: Push down / towards you";
instructions << "FLAPS: Push down / towards you or turn dial to the leftmost position";
instructions << "AUX1: Push down / towards you or turn dial to the leftmost position";
......@@ -1315,8 +1315,8 @@ void QGCPX4VehicleConfig::writeCalibrationRC()
paramMgr->setPendingParam(0, "RC_MAP_YAW", (int32_t)(rcMapping[2]+1));
paramMgr->setPendingParam(0, "RC_MAP_THROTTLE", (int32_t)(rcMapping[3]+1));
paramMgr->setPendingParam(0, "RC_MAP_MODE_SW", (int32_t)(rcMapping[4]+1));
paramMgr->setPendingParam(0, "RC_MAP_ASSIST_SW", (int32_t)(rcMapping[5]+1));
paramMgr->setPendingParam(0, "RC_MAP_MISSIO_SW", (int32_t)(rcMapping[6]+1));
paramMgr->setPendingParam(0, "RC_MAP_POSCTL_SW", (int32_t)(rcMapping[5]+1));
paramMgr->setPendingParam(0, "RC_MAP_LOITER_SW", (int32_t)(rcMapping[6]+1));
paramMgr->setPendingParam(0, "RC_MAP_RETURN_SW", (int32_t)(rcMapping[7]+1));
paramMgr->setPendingParam(0, "RC_MAP_FLAPS", (int32_t)(rcMapping[8]+1));
paramMgr->setPendingParam(0, "RC_MAP_AUX1", (int32_t)(rcMapping[9]+1));
......@@ -1690,12 +1690,12 @@ void QGCPX4VehicleConfig::handleRcParameterChange(QString parameterName, QVarian
else if (parameterName.startsWith("RC_MAP_ASSIST_SW")) {
else if (parameterName.startsWith("RC_MAP_POSCTL_SW")) {
setChannelToFunctionMapping(5, intValue);
else if (parameterName.startsWith("RC_MAP_MISSIO_SW")) {
else if (parameterName.startsWith("RC_MAP_LOITER_SW")) {
setChannelToFunctionMapping(6, intValue);
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