Commit 8ed58496 authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne


parent d2c0ef2c
......@@ -32,15 +32,16 @@ QGroundControl builds are supported for OSX, Linux, Windows and Android. QGround
* OSX: 64 bit, clang compiler
* Ubuntu: 64 bit, gcc compiler
* Windows: 32 bit, [Visual Studio 2013 compiler](
* Android: <tbd>
* Android: Jelly Bean (4.1) and higher
* Qt version: 5.5.1 (or higher)
#### Install QT
* Download the (Qt installer)[http://]
* On Ubuntu, you have to set the file to executable:`chmod +x ~/Downloads/\`
* Ubuntu: Set the file to executable:`chmod +x ~/Downloads/\`
* Windows: Default installer not quite correct, use [this]( instead
If you get this error when running qgroundcontrol: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version 'GLIBCXX_3.4.20' not found. You need to either update to the latest gcc, or install the latest libstdc++.6 using: sudo apt-get install libstdc++6.
#### Install additional packages:
* Ubuntu: `sudo apt-get install espeak libespeak-dev libudev-dev libsdl1.2-dev`
......@@ -61,6 +62,7 @@ If you get this error when running qgroundcontrol: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lib
* Warnings as Errors: Specifying `CONFIG+=WarningsAsErrorsOn` will turn all warnings into errors which break the build. If you are working on a pull request you plan to submit to github for consideration, you should always run with this settings turned on, since it is required for all pull requests. NOTE: Putting this line into a file called "user_config.pri" in the top-level directory will set this flag on all builds without interfering with the GIT history.
* Parallel builds: You can use the '-j#' option to run parellel builds.
* Location of built files: Individual build file results can be found in the `build_debug` or `build_release` directories. The built executable can be found in the `debug` or `release` directory.
* If you get this error when running qgroundcontrol: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version 'GLIBCXX_3.4.20' not found. You need to either update to the latest gcc, or install the latest libstdc++.6 using: sudo apt-get install libstdc++6.
## Additional functionality
QGroundcontrol has functionality that is dependent on the operating system and libraries installed by the user. The following sections describe these features, their dependencies, and how to disable/alter them during the build process. These features can be forcibly enabled/disabled by specifying additional values for variables either at the command line when calling `qmake` or in the `user_config.pri`. When calling `qmake` additional variables can be set using the syntax `VARIABLE="SPACE_SEPARATED_VALUES"`, which can be repeated for multiple variables. For example: `qmake DEFINES="DISABLE_SPEECH"` disables the QUpgrade widget, speech functionality, and sets the MAVLink dialect to sensesoar. These values can be more permanently specified by setting them in the `user_config.pri` file in the root directly. Create this file as a plain text file and ensure it ends in .pri (not .pri.txt!).
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