Commit 8af16687 authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne

Arrival of secondary components can't be guaranteed

They may show up after parameters ready is signaled. No way around this
since this is a protocol problem. So can’t test secondary component.
parent e791c3d6
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ FactPanel {
TextInput {
text: fact2.value
property Fact fact2: controller.getParameterFact(51, "COMPONENT_51")
property Fact fact2: controller.getParameterFact(50, "RC_MAP_THROTTLE")
onAccepted: fact2.value = text
......@@ -62,18 +62,7 @@ void FactSystemTestBase::_parameter_specific_component_id_test(void)
QVERIFY(fact != NULL);
QVariant factValue = fact->rawValue();
QCOMPARE(factValue.isValid(), true);
QCOMPARE(factValue.toInt(), 3);
// Test another component id
QVERIFY(_plugin->factExists(FactSystem::ParameterProvider, 51, "COMPONENT_51"));
fact = _plugin->getFact(FactSystem::ParameterProvider, 51, "COMPONENT_51");
QVERIFY(fact != NULL);
factValue = fact->rawValue();
QCOMPARE(factValue.isValid(), true);
QCOMPARE(factValue.toInt(), 51);
/// Test that QML can reference a Fact
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