<long_desc>Selects which pin is used, ranges from 1 to 6 (AUX1-AUX6 on px4fmu-v2 and the rail pins on px4fmu-v4). The PWM interface takes two pins per camera, while relay triggers on every pin individually. Example: Value 56 would trigger on pins 5 and 6.</long_desc>
<long_desc>Selects which pin is used, ranges from 1 to 6 (AUX1-AUX6 on px4fmu-v2 and the rail pins on px4fmu-v4). The PWM interface takes two pins per camera, while relay triggers on every pin individually. Example: Value 56 would trigger on pins 5 and 6. For GPIO mode Pin 6 will be triggered followed by 5. With a value of 65 pin 5 will be triggered followed by 6. Pins may be non contiguous. I.E. 16 or 61. In GPIO mode the delay pin to pin is < .2 uS.</long_desc>
@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ Set to 2 to use heading from motion capture</short_desc>
<short_desc>Multi GPS Blending Control Mask</short_desc>
<long_desc>Set bits in the following positions to set which GPS accuracy metrics will be used to calculate the blending weight. Set to zero to disable and always used first GPS instance. 0 : Set to true to use speed accuracy 1 : Set to true to use horizontal position accuracy 2 : Set to true to use vertical position accuracy</long_desc>
<short_desc>Multi GPS Blending Time Constant</short_desc>
<long_desc>Sets the longest time constant that will be applied to the calculation of GPS position and height offsets used to correct data from multiple GPS data for steady state position differences.</long_desc>
<short_desc>Type of magnetometer fusion</short_desc>
<long_desc>Integer controlling the type of magnetometer fusion used - magnetic heading or 3-axis magnetometer. If set to automatic: heading fusion on-ground and 3-axis fusion in-flight with fallback to heading fusion if there is insufficient motion to make yaw or mag biases observable.</long_desc>
<long_desc>Integer controlling the type of magnetometer fusion used - magnetic heading or 3-component vector. The fuson of magnetomer data as a three component vector enables vehicle body fixed hard iron errors to be learned, but requires a stable earth field. If set to 'Automatic' magnetic heading fusion is used when on-ground and 3-axis magnetic field fusion in-flight with fallback to magnetic heading fusion if there is insufficient motion to make yaw or magnetic field states observable. If set to 'Magnetic heading' magnetic heading fusion is used at all times If set to '3-axis' 3-axis field fusion is used at all times. If set to 'VTOL custom' the behaviour is the same as 'Automatic', but if fusing airspeed, magnetometer fusion is only allowed to modify the magnetic field states. This can be used by VTOL platforms with large magnetic field disturbances to prevent incorrect bias states being learned during forward flight operation which can adversely affect estimation accuracy after transition to hovering flight. If set to 'MC custom' the behaviour is the same as 'Automatic, but if there are no earth frame position or velocity observations being used, the magnetometer will not be used. This enables vehicles to operate with no GPS in environments where the magnetic field cannot be used to provide a heading reference.</long_desc>
<short_desc>Optical Flow data will not fused if the magnitude of the flow rate > EKF2_OF_RMAX.
Control loops will be instructed to limit ground speed such that the flow rate produced by movement over ground is less than 50% of EKF2_OF_RMAX</short_desc>
<long_desc>If this parameter is enabled then the estimator will make use of the range finder measurements to estimate it's height even if range sensor is not the primary height source. It will only do so if conditions for range measurement fusion are met.</long_desc>
<long_desc>If this parameter is enabled then the estimator will make use of the range finder measurements to estimate it's height even if range sensor is not the primary height source. It will only do so if conditions for range measurement fusion are met. This enables the range finder to be used during low speed and low altitude operation, eg takeoff and landing, where baro interference from rotor wash is excessive and can corrupt EKF state estimates. It is intended to be used where a vertical takeoff and landing is performed, and horizontal flight does not occur until above EKF2_RNG_A_HMAX. If vehicle motion causes repeated switching between the primary height sensor and range finder, an offset in the local position origin can accumulate. Also range finder measurements are less reliable and can experience unexpected errors. For these reasons, if accurate control of height relative to ground is required, it is recommended to use the MPC_ALT_MODE parameter instead, unless baro errors are severe enough to cause problems with landing and takeoff.</long_desc>
<valuecode="0">Range aid disabled</value>
@@ -1931,6 +1945,22 @@ This is the ratio of static pressure error to dynamic pressure generated by a wi
<long_desc>Enable/disable event task for RC Loss. When enabled, an alarm tune will be played via buzzer or ESCs, if supported. The alarm will sound after a disarm, if the vehicle was previously armed and only if the vehicle had RC signal at some point. Particularly useful for locating crashed drones without a GPS sensor.</long_desc>
<long_desc>Enable/disable event task for displaying the vehicle status using arm-mounted LEDs. When enabled and if the vehicle supports it, LEDs will flash indicating various vehicle status changes. Currently PX4 has not implemented any specific status events. -</long_desc>
<long_desc>This is the integrator gain on the control loop. Increasing this gain increases the speed at which speed and height offsets are trimmed out, but reduces damping and increases overshoot.</long_desc>
<long_desc>This is the integrator gain on the control loop. Increasing this gain increases the speed at which speed and height offsets are trimmed out, but reduces damping and increases overshoot. Set this value to zero to completely disable all integrator action.</long_desc>
@@ -2730,7 +2770,7 @@ Set to 0 to disable heading hold</short_desc>
<long_desc>This sets the maximum descent rate that the controller will use. If this value is too large, the aircraft can over-speed on descent. This should be set to a value that can be achieved without exceeding the lower pitch angle limit and without over-speeding the aircraft.</long_desc>
@@ -3119,6 +3159,16 @@ but also ignore less noise</short_desc>
<valuecode="8">airborne with <4g acceleration</value>
<short_desc>Heading/Yaw offset for dual antenna GPS</short_desc>
<long_desc>Heading offset angle for dual antenna GPS setups that support heading estimation. (currently only for the Trimble MB-Two). Set this to 0 if the antennas are parallel to the forward-facing direction of the vehicle and the first antenna is in front. The offset angle increases counterclockwise. Set this to 90 if the first antenna is placed on the right side and the second on the left side of the vehicle.</long_desc>
<short_desc>Maximum altitude for multicopters</short_desc>
<long_desc>The system will obey this limit as a hard altitude limit. This setting will be consolidated with the GF_MAX_VER_DIST parameter. A negative value indicates no altitude limitation.</long_desc>
@@ -4588,15 +4638,6 @@ default 1.5 turns per second</short_desc>
<short_desc>Altitude control mode, note mode 1 only tested with LPE</short_desc>
<short_desc>Altitude control mode</short_desc>
<long_desc>Set to 0 to control height relative to the earth frame origin. This origin may move up and down in flight due to sensor drift. Set to 1 to control height relative to estimated distance to ground. The vehicle will move up and down with terrain height variation. Requires a distance to ground sensor. The height controller will revert to using height above origin if the distance to ground estimate becomes invalid as indicated by the local_position.distance_bottom_valid message being false. Set to 2 to control height relative to ground (requires a distance sensor) when stationary and relative to earth frame origin when moving horizontally. The speed threshold is controlled by the MPC_HOLD_MAX_XY parameter.</long_desc>
<short_desc>Delay from idle state to arming state</short_desc>
<long_desc>For altitude controlled modes, the transition from idle to armed state is delayed by MPC_IDLE_TKO time to ensure that the propellers have reached idle speed before attempting a takeoff. This delay is particularly useful for vehicles with large propellers.</long_desc>
<short_desc>Manual-Position control sub-mode</short_desc>
<long_desc>The supported sub-modes are: 0 Default position control where sticks map to position/velocity directly. Maximum speeds is MPC_VEL_MANUAL. 1 Smooth position control where setpoints are adjusted based on acceleration limits and jerk limits. 2 Sport mode that is the same Default position control but with velocity limits set to the maximum allowed speeds (MPC_XY_VEL_MAX)</long_desc>
<long_desc>Vertical thrust required to hover. This value is mapped to center stick for manual throttle control. With this value set to the thrust required to hover, transition from manual to ALTCTL mode while hovering will occur with the throttle stick near center, which is then interpreted as (near) zero demand for vertical speed.</long_desc>
@@ -4951,6 +5010,14 @@ the setpoint will be capped to MPC_XY_VEL_MAX</short_desc>
<short_desc>Manual control stick yaw rotation exponential curve</short_desc>
<long_desc>The higher the value the less sensitivity the stick has around zero while still reaching the maximum value with full stick deflection. 0 Purely linear input curve (default) 1 Purely cubic input curve</long_desc>
<short_desc>Manual control stick vertical exponential curve</short_desc>
<long_desc>The higher the value the less sensitivity the stick has around zero while still reaching the maximum value with full stick deflection. 0 Purely linear input curve (default) 1 Purely cubic input curve</long_desc>
@@ -5023,10 +5090,10 @@ the setpoint will be capped to MPC_XY_VEL_MAX</short_desc>
<long_desc>Minimum time allowed for the motor input signal to pass through a range of 1000 PWM units. A value x means that the motor signal can only go from 1000 to 2000 PWM in maximum x seconds. Zero means that slew rate limiting is disabled.</long_desc>
<short_desc>Set the maximum PWM for the main outputs</short_desc>
@@ -5421,7 +5543,7 @@ the setpoint will be capped to MPC_XY_VEL_MAX</short_desc>
<long_desc>Parameter used to model the relationship between static thrust and motor input PWM. Model is: thrust = (1-factor)*PWM + factor * PWM^2</long_desc>
<groupname="Payload drop">
@@ -7045,6 +7167,7 @@ the setpoint will be capped to MPC_XY_VEL_MAX</short_desc>
<long_desc>Use it to arm/disarm via switch instead of default throttle stick. If this is assigned, arming and disarming via stick is disabled.</long_desc>
@@ -7614,24 +7737,6 @@ to takeoff is reached</short_desc>
<long_desc>A value of -1 indicates the command line argument should be obeyed. A value of 0 disables extended logging mode, a value of 1 enables it. This parameter is only read out before logging starts (which commonly is before arming).</long_desc>
<long_desc>Determines when to start and stop logging. By default, logging is started when arming the system, and stopped when disarming. This parameter is only for the new logger (SYS_LOGGER=1).</long_desc>
@@ -7645,20 +7750,6 @@ to takeoff is reached</short_desc>
<long_desc>This is an integer bitmask controlling the set and rates of logged topics. The default allows for general log analysis and estimator replay, while keeping the log file size reasonably small. Enabling multiple sets leads to higher bandwidth requirements and larger log files. Set bits in the following positions to enable: 0 : Set to true to use the default set (used for general log analysis) 1 : Set to true to enable full rate estimator (EKF2) replay topics 2 : Set to true to enable topics for thermal calibration (high rate raw IMU and Baro sensor data) 3 : Set to true to enable topics for system identification (high rate actuator control and IMU data) 4 : Set to true to enable full rates for analysis of fast maneuvers (RC, attitude, rates and actuators) 5 : Set to true to enable debugging topics (debug_*.msg topics, for custom code) 6 : Set to true to enable topics for sensor comparison (low rate raw IMU, Baro and Magnetomer data)</long_desc>
@@ -7676,14 +7767,6 @@ This is used for gathering replay logs for the ekf2 module</short_desc>
<long_desc>A value of -1 indicates the commandline argument should be obeyed. A value of 0 sets the minimum rate, any other value is interpreted as rate in Hertz. This parameter is only read out before logging starts (which commonly is before arming).</long_desc>
<long_desc>the difference in hours and minutes from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for a your place and date. for example, In case of South Korea(UTC+09:00), UTC offset is 540 min (9*60) refer to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_UTC_time_offsets</long_desc>
@@ -8243,9 +8326,34 @@ This is used for gathering replay logs for the ekf2 module</short_desc>
<long_desc>The offset (zero-reading) in Pascal</long_desc>
<long_desc>This parameter defines the minimum distance from ground required for the optical flow sensor to operate reliably. The sensor may be usable below this height, but accuracy will progressively reduce to loss of focus. *</long_desc>
<short_desc>Maximum height above ground when reliant on optical flow</short_desc>
<long_desc>This parameter defines the maximum distance from ground at which the optical flow sensor operates reliably. The height setpoint will be limited to be no greater than this value when the navigation system is completely reliant on optical flow data and the height above ground estimate is valid. The sensor may be usable above this height, but accuracy will progressively degrade.</long_desc>
<short_desc>Minimum height above ground when reliant on optical flow</short_desc>
<long_desc>This parameter defines the minimum distance from ground at which the optical flow sensor operates reliably. The sensor may be usable below this height, but accuracy will progressively reduce to loss of focus.</long_desc>
@@ -8584,7 +8692,7 @@ This is used for gathering replay logs for the ekf2 module</short_desc>
<short_desc>TELEM2 as companion computer link</short_desc>
<long_desc>CHANGING THIS VALUE REQUIRES A RESTART. Configures the baud rate of the TELEM2 connector as companion computer interface.</long_desc>
@@ -8608,7 +8716,7 @@ This is used for gathering replay logs for the ekf2 module</short_desc>
<short_desc>Run the FMU as a task to reduce latency</short_desc>
<long_desc>If true, the FMU will run in a separate task instead of on the work queue. Set this if low latency is required, for example for racing. This is a trade-off between RAM usage and latency: running as a task, it requires a separate stack and directly polls on the control topics, whereas running on the work queue, it runs at a fixed update rate.</long_desc>
@@ -8636,17 +8744,6 @@ This is used for gathering replay logs for the ekf2 module</short_desc>