Commit 89e1c7a3 authored by Valentin Platzgummer's avatar Valentin Platzgummer

circularSurvey edited

parent dc7b935d
......@@ -430,7 +430,9 @@ HEADERS += \
src/Wima/Circle.h \
src/Wima/PolygonCalculus.h \
src/Wima/OptimisationTools.h \
src/Wima/GeoUtilities.h \
src/Wima/TestPolygonCalculus.h \
src/api/ \
src/api/ \
......@@ -459,7 +461,9 @@ SOURCES += \
src/Wima/ \
src/Wima/ \
src/Wima/ \
src/Wima/ \
src/Wima/TestPolygonCalculus.cpp \
# Unit Test specific configuration goes here (requires full debug build with all plugins)
......@@ -88,29 +88,29 @@ QPointF Circle::origin() const
* \fn QPolygonF Circle::approximate(int numberOfCorners)
* \fn QList<QPointF> Circle::approximate(int numberOfCorners)
* Returns a polygon with \a numberOfCorners corners which approximates the circle.
* \sa QPointF
QPolygonF Circle::approximate(int numberOfCorners) const
QList<QPointF> Circle::approximate(int numberOfCorners) const
if ( numberOfCorners < 3)
return QPolygonF();
return QList<QPointF>();
return approximateSektor(numberOfCorners, 0, 2*M_PI);
QPolygonF Circle::approximate(double angleDiscretisation) const
QList<QPointF> Circle::approximate(double angleDiscretisation) const
return approximateSektor(angleDiscretisation, 0, 2*M_PI);
QPolygonF Circle::approximateSektor(int numberOfCorners, double alpha1, double alpha2) const
QList<QPointF> Circle::approximateSektor(int numberOfCorners, double alpha1, double alpha2) const
return approximateSektor((alpha2-alpha1)/double(numberOfCorners-1), alpha1, alpha2);
QPolygonF Circle::approximateSektor(double angleDiscretisation, double alpha1, double alpha2) const
QList<QPointF> Circle::approximateSektor(double angleDiscretisation, double alpha1, double alpha2) const
// truncate alpha1 to [0, 2*pi], fmod() does not work in this case
alpha1 = PlanimetryCalculus::truncateAngle(alpha1);
......@@ -119,28 +119,28 @@ QPolygonF Circle::approximateSektor(double angleDiscretisation, double alpha1, d
angleDiscretisation = PlanimetryCalculus::truncateAngle(angleDiscretisation);
if (angleDiscretisation > deltaAlpha || qFuzzyIsNull(angleDiscretisation))
return QPolygonF();
return QList<QPointF>();
QPolygonF polygon;
QList<QPointF> sector;
QPointF vertex(-_circleRadius,0); // initial vertex
double currentAngle = alpha1;
// rotate the vertex numberOfCorners-1 times add the origin and append to the polygon.
while(currentAngle < alpha2) {
PlanimetryCalculus::rotateReference(vertex, currentAngle);
polygon.append(vertex + _circleOrigin);
sector.append(vertex + _circleOrigin);
currentAngle = PlanimetryCalculus::truncateAngle(currentAngle + angleDiscretisation);
// append last point if necessarry
PlanimetryCalculus::rotateReference(vertex, alpha2);
vertex = vertex + _circleOrigin;
if ( !qFuzzyIsNull(PlanimetryCalculus::distance(polygon.first(), vertex))
&& !qFuzzyIsNull(PlanimetryCalculus::distance(polygon.last(), vertex )) ){
if ( !qFuzzyIsNull(PlanimetryCalculus::distance(sector.first(), vertex))
&& !qFuzzyIsNull(PlanimetryCalculus::distance(sector.last(), vertex )) ){
return polygon;
return sector;
bool Circle::isNull() const
......@@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ public:
QPointF origin() const;
// Member methodes
QPolygonF approximate (int numberOfCorners) const;
QPolygonF approximate (double angleDiscretisation) const;
QPolygonF approximateSektor(int numberOfCorners, double alpha1, double alpha2) const;
QPolygonF approximateSektor(double angleDiscretisation, double alpha1, double alpha2) const;
QList<QPointF> approximate (int numberOfCorners) const;
QList<QPointF> approximate (double angleDiscretisation) const;
QList<QPointF> approximateSektor(int numberOfCorners, double alpha1, double alpha2) const;
QList<QPointF> approximateSektor(double angleDiscretisation, double alpha1, double alpha2) const;
bool isNull() const;
......@@ -46,7 +46,81 @@ double CircularSurveyComplexItem::additionalTimeDelay() const
void CircularSurveyComplexItem::_rebuildTransectsPhase1()
using namespace GeoUtilities;
using namespace PolygonCalculus;
using namespace PlanimetryCalculus;
QPolygonF surveyPolygon = toQPolygonF(toCartesian2D(_surveyAreaPolygon.coordinateList(), _referencePoint));
QPolygonF boundingPolygon = surveyPolygon.boundingRect();
QVector<double> distances;
for (const QPointF &p : boundingPolygon) distances.append(norm(p));
QVector<double> angles;
for (const QPointF &p : boundingPolygon) angles.append(truncateAngle(angle(p)));
double alpha1 = 0.95*(*std::min_element(angles.begin(), angles.end()));; // radiants
double alpha2 = 1.05*(*std::max_element(angles.begin(), angles.end())); // radiants; // radiants
double dalpha = 0.5/180*M_PI; // radiants
double r0 = 0.9*(*std::min_element(distances.begin(), distances.end())); // meter
double r1 = 1.1*(*std::max_element(distances.begin(), distances.end())); // meter
double dr = 1; // meter
QList<QPolygonF> convexPolygons;
decomposeToConvex(surveyPolygon, convexPolygons);
QPointF origin(0, 0);
QList<QPointF> fullPath;
for (int i = 0; i < convexPolygons.size(); i++){
const QPolygonF &polygon = convexPolygons[i];
double r = r0;
QList<QPointF> currPolyPath;
int direction = 1;
while (r < r1) {
Circle circle(r, origin);
QList<QPointF> sector = circle.approximateSektor(dalpha, alpha1, alpha2);
QList<QPointF> sectorPath;
for ( const QPointF &p : sector) {
if (polygon.containsPoint(p, Qt::FillRule::OddEvenFill))
if (direction == -1){
direction = 1;
} else
direction = -1;;
// use shortestPath() here if necessary, could be a problem if dr >>
r += dr;
if (i > 0) {
QPointF start = fullPath.last();
QPointF end = currPolyPath.first();
QList<QPointF> path;
if(!shortestPath(surveyPolygon, start, end, path))
QList<QGeoCoordinate> geoPath = toGeo(fullPath, _referencePoint);
for ( const QGeoCoordinate &coordinate : geoPath) {
CoordInfo_t coordinfo = {coordinate, CoordTypeInterior};
......@@ -2,6 +2,12 @@
#include "TransectStyleComplexItem.h"
#include "PolygonCalculus.h"
#include "PlanimetryCalculus.h"
#include "GeoUtilities.h"
#include "QVector"
#include "Circle.h"
class CircularSurveyComplexItem :public TransectStyleComplexItem
......@@ -36,6 +42,8 @@ private slots:
void _rebuildTransectsPhase1 (void) final;
void _recalcComplexDistance (void) final;
void _recalcCameraShots (void) final;
QGeoCoordinate _referencePoint; // center of the circular lanes, e.g. base station
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ namespace OptimisationTools {
* \sa QList
typedef QPointF T;
template <class T>
bool dijkstraAlgorithm(const QList<T> &elements, int startIndex, int endIndex, QList<T> &elementPath, std::function<double(const T &, const T &)> distance) // don't seperate parameters with new lines or documentation will break
if ( elements.isEmpty() || startIndex < 0
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ namespace OptimisationTools {
|| endIndex >= elements.size()) {
return false;
// Each element of type T gets stuff into a Node
/// @param distance is the distance between the Node and it's predecessor
struct Node{
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
#include <QPointF>
namespace OptimisationTools {
typedef QPointF T;
template <class T>
bool dijkstraAlgorithm(const QList<T> &elements, int startIndex, int endIndex, QList<T> &elementPath, std::function<double(const T &, const T &)> distance);
......@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ namespace PlanimetryCalculus {
double dx = p2.x()-p1.x();
double dy = p2.y()-p1.y();
return qSqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
return norm(dx, dy);
......@@ -617,6 +617,21 @@ angle
return contains(polygon, point, dummyType);
double norm(double x, double y)
return qSqrt(x*x+y*y);
double norm(const QPointF &p)
return norm(p.x(), p.y());
double angle(const QPointF &p1)
return qAtan2(p1.y(), p1.x());
......@@ -64,7 +64,10 @@ namespace PlanimetryCalculus {
double distance(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF p2);
double norm(double x, double y);
double norm(const QPointF &p);
double angle(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF p2);
double angle(const QPointF &p1);
double angle(const QLineF &line);
double angleDegree(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF p2);
double truncateAngle(double angle);
......@@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ namespace PolygonCalculus {
bool containsPath(QPolygonF polygon, const QPointF &c1, const QPointF &c2)
if ( !polygon.isEmpty()) {
if ( !polygon.containsPoint(c1, Qt::FillRule::OddEvenFill)
|| !polygon.containsPoint(c2, Qt::FillRule::OddEvenFill))
return false;
QList<QPointF> intersectionList;
QLineF line;
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ namespace PolygonCalculus {
PlanimetryCalculus::IntersectList intersectTypeList;
bool retValue = PlanimetryCalculus::intersects(polygon, line, intersectionList, intersectTypeList);
if (!retValue) {
if (retValue) {
for (int i = 0; i < intersectTypeList.size(); i++) {
PlanimetryCalculus::IntersectType type = intersectTypeList[i];
if ( type == PlanimetryCalculus::EdgeEdgeIntersection
......@@ -482,12 +482,14 @@ namespace PolygonCalculus {
bool shortestPath(QPolygonF polygon, QPointF startVertex, const QPointF &endVertex, QList<QPointF> &shortestPath)
using namespace PlanimetryCalculus;
offsetPolygon(polygon, 0.1);
offsetPolygon(polygon, 0.01);
if ( contains(polygon, startVertex)
&& contains(polygon, endVertex)) {
// lambda
std::function<double(const QPointF &, const QPointF &)> distance = [polygon](const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2) -> double {
if (containsPath(polygon, p1, p2)){
QPolygonF polygon2 = polygon;
offsetPolygon(polygon2, 0.01);
std::function<double(const QPointF &, const QPointF &)> distance = [polygon2](const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2) -> double {
if (containsPath(polygon2, p1, p2)){
double dx = p1.x()-p2.x();
double dy = p1.y()-p2.y();
return sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
......@@ -501,8 +503,7 @@ namespace PolygonCalculus {
for (int i = 0; i < polygon.size(); i++) {
return OptimisationTools::dijkstraAlgorithm(elementList, 0, 1, shortestPath, distance);
return OptimisationTools::dijkstraAlgorithm<QPointF>(elementList, 0, 1, shortestPath, distance);
} else {
return false;
......@@ -535,6 +536,16 @@ namespace PolygonCalculus {
return listF;
void reversePath(QPointFList &path)
QPointFList pathReversed;
for ( auto element : path) {
} // end PolygonCalculus namespace
......@@ -22,9 +22,10 @@ namespace PolygonCalculus {
bool isSimplePolygon (const QPolygonF &polygon);
bool hasClockwiseWinding (const QPolygonF &path);
void reversePath (QPolygonF &path);
void reversePath (QPointFList &path);
void offsetPolygon (QPolygonF &polygon, double offset);
bool containsPath (QPolygonF polygon, const QPointF &c1, const QPointF &c2);
void decomposeToConvex (const QPolygonF &polygon, QList<QPolygon> &convexPolygons);
void decomposeToConvex (const QPolygonF &polygon, QList<QPolygonF> &convexPolygons);
bool shortestPath (QPolygonF polygon, QPointF startVertex, const QPointF &endVertex, QList<QPointF> &shortestPath);
QPolygonF toQPolygonF(const QVector3DList &polygon);
#include "TestPolygonCalculus.h"
#include "PolygonCalculus.h"
#include <QPolygonF>
#include <QPointF>
namespace TestPolygonCalculus {
void test()
using namespace PolygonCalculus;
QPolygonF polygon;
polygon << QPointF(0, 0) << QPointF(1, 0) << QPointF(1, 1) << QPointF(0, 1);
bool retVal = containsPath(polygon, QPointF(0.1, 0.1), QPointF(0.2, 0.1));
qDebug("true %i", retVal);
retVal = containsPath(polygon, QPointF(0.2, 0.1), QPointF(0.2, 0.1));
qDebug("true %i", retVal);
retVal = containsPath(polygon, QPointF(1, 0.1), QPointF(0.2, 0.1));
qDebug("true %i", retVal);
retVal = containsPath(polygon, QPointF(0.1, 0.1), QPointF(1, 0.1));
qDebug("true %i", retVal);
retVal = containsPath(polygon, QPointF(2, 0.1), QPointF(0.2, 0.1));
qDebug("false %i", retVal);
retVal = containsPath(polygon, QPointF(-2, 0.1), QPointF(0.2, 0.1));
qDebug("false %i", retVal);
polygon << QPointF(0.5, 0.6) << QPointF(0.5, 0.4);
retVal = containsPath(polygon, QPointF(0.2, 0.1), QPointF(0.2, 0.9));
qDebug("false %i", retVal);
retVal = containsPath(polygon, QPointF(0.1, 0.05), QPointF(0.51, 0.6));
qDebug("false %i", retVal);
namespace TestPolygonCalculus {
void test();
......@@ -196,6 +196,10 @@ void WimaPlaner::resumeMission()
bool WimaPlaner::updateMission()
QString errorString;
#define debug 0
......@@ -29,6 +29,12 @@
#include "PlanimetryCalculus.h"
#include "GeoUtilities.h"
#define TEST_FUN 1
#include "TestPolygonCalculus.h"
#include "testplanimetrycalculus.h"
class WimaPlaner : public QObject
#include "testplanimetrycalculus.h"
namespace TestPlanimetryCalculus {
void test(){
using namespace PlanimetryCalculus;
QLineF line(QPointF(0,0), QPointF(1,0));
IntersectType type;
QPointF point;
bool retVal = intersects(line, QLineF(QPointF(0, 0.1), QPointF(1, 0.1)), point, type);
qDebug("false %i", retVal);
retVal = intersects(line, QLineF(QPointF(0, 0), QPointF(0, 0)), point, type);
qDebug("true %i", retVal);
retVal = intersects(line, QLineF(QPointF(0, 0), QPointF(0, 1)), point, type);
qDebug("true %i", retVal);
retVal = intersects(line, QLineF(QPointF(0, 1), QPointF(0, -1)), point, type);
qDebug("true %i", retVal);
retVal = intersects(line, QLineF(QPointF(0, 1), QPointF(1, -1)), point, type);
qDebug("true %i", retVal);
retVal = intersects(line, QLineF(QPointF(0, -1), QPointF(1, 1)), point, type);
qDebug("true %i", retVal);
retVal = intersects(line, QLineF(QPointF(0, 0), QPointF(1, 1)), point, type);
qDebug("true %i", retVal);
retVal = intersects(line, QLineF(QPointF(0, -1), QPointF(1, 0)), point, type);
qDebug("true %i", retVal);
retVal = intersects(line, QLineF(QPointF(0, 1), QPointF(1, -1)), point, type);
qDebug("true %i", retVal);
retVal = intersects(line, QLineF(QPointF(1, 1), QPointF(0, -1)), point, type);
qDebug("true %i", retVal);
retVal = intersects(line, QLineF(QPointF(1, 1), QPointF(0, 0)), point, type);
qDebug("true %i", retVal);
retVal = intersects(line, QLineF(QPointF(1, 0), QPointF(0, -1)), point, type);
qDebug("true %i", retVal);
retVal = intersects(line, QLineF(QPointF(0, 1), QPointF(1, 0)), point, type);
qDebug("true %i", retVal);
retVal = intersects(line, QLineF(QPointF(0, -1), QPointF(1, 0)), point, type);
qDebug("true %i", retVal);
retVal = intersects(line, QLineF(QPointF(0, -1), QPointF(1, 0)), point, type);
qDebug("true %i", retVal);
retVal = intersects(line, QLineF(QPointF(0.5, 0), QPointF(1, 1)), point, type);
qDebug("true %i", retVal);
#pragma once
#include "PlanimetryCalculus.h"
#include <QPointF>
#include <QLineF>
namespace TestPlanimetryCalculus {
void test();
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