Commit 89dc1125 authored by Remek Zajac's avatar Remek Zajac

remember to floor before bresenham to work in the negative domain

parent 3625e930
......@@ -871,10 +871,10 @@ QPair<QList<QGeoCoordinate>, QList<double>> UnitTestTerrainQuery::requestPathHei
//cast to pixels
long x0 = fromCoord.longitude()/one_second_deg;
long x1 = toCoord.longitude()/one_second_deg;
long y0 = fromCoord.latitude()/one_second_deg;
long y1 = toCoord.latitude()/one_second_deg;
long x0 = std::floor(fromCoord.longitude()/one_second_deg);
long x1 = std::floor(toCoord.longitude()/one_second_deg);
long y0 = std::floor(fromCoord.latitude()/one_second_deg);
long y1 = std::floor(toCoord.latitude()/one_second_deg);
//bresenham line algo
long dx = abs(x1-x0), sx = x0<x1 ? 1 : -1;
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