Unverified Commit 888a5d54 authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #6587 from philipoe/XPlaneFlaps

HIL (X-Plane): Allow to control aircraft flaps in XPlane
parents 359a08f0 be9d92d0
......@@ -532,6 +532,10 @@ void QGCXPlaneLink::updateActuatorControls(quint64 time, quint64 flags, float ct
p.f[6] = ctl_3;
p.f[7] = ctl_3;
writeBytesSafe((const char*)&p, sizeof(p));
/* Send flap signals, assuming that they are mapped to channel 5 (ctl_4) */
sendDataRef("sim/flightmodel/controls/flaprqst", ctl_4);
sendDataRef("sim/flightmodel/controls/flap2rqst", ctl_4);
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