Commit 87c994f4 authored by Mariano Lizarraga's avatar Mariano Lizarraga

Merge branch 'master' of git:// into mergeRemote

parents 226b3f54 4175b2be
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -40,19 +40,19 @@ public slots:
void slugsCPULoad(UASInterface* uas,
void slugsCPULoad(int systemId,
uint8_t sensLoad,
uint8_t ctrlLoad,
uint8_t batVolt,
quint64 time);
void slugsAirData(UASInterface* uas,
void slugsAirData(int systemId,
float dinamicPressure,
float staticPresure,
uint16_t temperature,
quint64 time);
void slugsSensorBias(UASInterface* uas,
void slugsSensorBias(int systemId,
double axBias,
double ayBias,
double azBias,
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ signals:
double gzBias,
quint64 time);
void slugsDiagnostic(UASInterface* uas,
void slugsDiagnostic(int systemId,
double diagFl1,
double diagFl2,
double diagFl3,
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ signals:
int16_t diagSh3,
quint64 time);
void slugsPilotConsolePWM(UASInterface* uas,
void slugsPilotConsolePWM(int systemId,
uint16_t dt,
uint16_t dla,
uint16_t dra,
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ signals:
uint16_t de,
quint64 time);
void slugsPWM(UASInterface* uas,
void slugsPWM(int systemId,
uint16_t dt_c,
uint16_t dla_c,
uint16_t dra_c,
......@@ -91,6 +91,53 @@ signals:
uint16_t da2_c,
quint64 time);
void slugsNavegation(int systemId,
double u_m,
double phi_c,
double theta_c,
double psiDot_c,
double ay_body,
double totalDist,
double dist2Go,
uint8_t fromWP,
uint8_t toWP,
quint64 time);
void slugsDataLog(int systemId,
double logfl_1,
double logfl_2,
double logfl_3,
double logfl_4,
double logfl_5,
double logfl_6,
quint64 time);
void slugsFilteredData(int systemId,
double filaX,
double filaY,
double filaZ,
double filgX,
double filgY,
double filgZ,
double filmX,
double filmY,
double filmZ,
quint64 time);
void slugsGPSDateTime(int uasId,
uint8_t gpsyear,
uint8_t gpsmonth,
uint8_t gpsday,
uint8_t gpshour,
uint8_t gpsmin,
uint8_t gpssec,
uint8_t gpsvisSat,
quint64 time);
#endif // SLUGSMAV_H
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ public slots:
* Adds the UAS and makes all the correct connections for data display on the Widgets
void slugLocalPositionChanged(UASInterface* uasTemp,
void slugLocalPositionChanged(UASInterface* uas,
double x,
double y,
double z,
......@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ public slots:
* Adds the UAS and makes all the correct connections for data display on the Widgets
void slugSpeedLocalPositionChanged(UASInterface* uasTemp,
void slugSpeedLocalPositionChanged(UASInterface* uas,
double vx,
double vy,
double vz,
......@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ public slots:
* Adds the UAS and makes all the correct connections for data display on the Widgets
void slugAttitudeChanged(UASInterface* uasTemp,
void slugAttitudeChanged(UASInterface* uas,
double slugroll,
double slugpitch,
double slugyaw,
......@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ public slots:
* Adds the UAS and makes all the correct connections for data display on the Widgets
void slugsSensorBiasChanged(UASInterface* uasTemp,
void slugsSensorBiasChanged(int systemId,
double axb,
double ayb,
double azb,
......@@ -126,19 +126,123 @@ public slots:
* Adds the UAS and makes all the correct connections for data display on the Widgets
// void slugsDiagnosticMessageChanged(UASInterface* uasTemp,
// double diagfl1,
// double diagfl2,
// double diagfl3,
// int16_t diagsh1,
// int16_t diagsh2,
// int16_t diagsh3,
// quint64 time);
void slugsDiagnosticMessageChanged(int systemId,
double diagfl1,
double diagfl2,
double diagfl3,
int16_t diagsh1,
int16_t diagsh2,
int16_t diagsh3,
quint64 time);
* @brief Adds the UAS for data display
* Adds the UAS and makes all the correct connections for data display on the Widgets
void slugsCpuLoadChanged(int systemId,
uint8_t sensload,
uint8_t ctrlload,
uint8_t batvolt,
quint64 time);
* @brief Adds the UAS for data display
* Adds the UAS and makes all the correct connections for data display on the Widgets
void slugsNavegationChanged(int systemId,
double navu_m,
double navphi_c,
double navtheta_c,
double navpsiDot_c,
double navay_body,
double navtotalDist,
double navdist2Go,
uint8_t navfromWP,
uint8_t navtoWP,
quint64 time);
* @brief Adds the UAS for data display
* Adds the UAS and makes all the correct connections for data display on the Widgets
void slugsDataLogChanged(int systemId,
double logfl_1,
double logfl_2,
double logfl_3,
double logfl_4,
double logfl_5,
double logfl_6,
quint64 time);
* @brief Adds the UAS for data display
* Adds the UAS and makes all the correct connections for data display on the Widgets
void slugsPWMChanged(int systemId,
uint16_t vdt_c,
uint16_t vdla_c,
uint16_t vdra_c,
uint16_t vdr_c,
uint16_t vdle_c,
uint16_t vdre_c,
uint16_t vdlf_c,
uint16_t vdrf_c,
uint16_t vda1_c,
uint16_t vda2_c,
quint64 time);
* @brief Adds the UAS for data display
* Adds the UAS and makes all the correct connections for data display on the Widgets
void slugsFilteredDataChanged(int systemId,
double filaX,
double filaY,
double filaZ,
double filgX,
double filgY,
double filgZ,
double filmX,
double filmY,
double filmZ,
quint64 time);
void slugsGlobalPositionChanged(UASInterface* uas,
double lat,
double lon,
double alt,
quint64 time);
void slugsGPSDateTimeChanged(int systemId,
uint8_t gpsyear,
uint8_t gpsmonth,
uint8_t gpsday,
uint8_t gpshour,
uint8_t gpsmin,
uint8_t gpssec,
uint8_t gpsvisSat,
quint64 time);
QTimer* updateTimer;
UASInterface* activeUAS;
//Global Position
double Latitude;
double Longitude;
double Height;
quint64 timeGlobalPosition;
// Position and Attitude
double Xpos;
......@@ -177,7 +281,67 @@ protected:
int16_t diagSh3;
quint64 timeDiagnostic;
//CPU Load
uint8_t sensLoad;
uint8_t ctrlLoad;
uint8_t batVolt;
quint64 timeCpuLoad;
//navigation data
double u_m;
double phi_c;
double theta_c;
double psiDot_c;
double ay_body;
double totalDist;
double dist2Go;
uint8_t fromWP;
uint8_t toWP;
quint64 timeNavigation;
// Data Log
double Logfl_1;
double Logfl_2;
double Logfl_3;
double Logfl_4;
double Logfl_5;
double Logfl_6;
quint64 timeDataLog;
//pwm commands
uint16_t dt_c; ///< AutoPilot's throttle command
uint16_t dla_c; ///< AutoPilot's left aileron command
uint16_t dra_c; ///< AutoPilot's right aileron command
uint16_t dr_c; ///< AutoPilot's rudder command
uint16_t dle_c; ///< AutoPilot's left elevator command
uint16_t dre_c; ///< AutoPilot's right elevator command
uint16_t dlf_c; ///< AutoPilot's left flap command
uint16_t drf_c; ///< AutoPilot's right flap command
uint16_t aux1; ///< AutoPilot's aux1 command
uint16_t aux2; ///< AutoPilot's aux2 command
quint64 timePWMCommand;
//filtered data
double aX; ///< Accelerometer X value (m/s^2)
double aY; ///< Accelerometer Y value (m/s^2)
double aZ; ///< Accelerometer Z value (m/s^2)
double gX; ///< Gyro X value (rad/s)
double gY; ///< Gyro Y value (rad/s)
double gZ; ///< Gyro Z value (rad/s)
double mX; ///< Magnetometer X (normalized to 1)
double mY; ///< Magnetometer Y (normalized to 1)
double mZ; ///< Magnetometer Z (normalized to 1)
quint64 timeFiltered;
//gps date and time
uint8_t year; ///< Year reported by Gps
uint8_t month; ///< Month reported by Gps
uint8_t day; ///< Day reported by Gps
uint8_t hour; ///< Hour reported by Gps
uint8_t min; ///< Min reported by Gps
uint8_t sec; ///< Sec reported by Gps
uint8_t visSat; ///< Visible sattelites reported by Gps
quint64 timeGPSDateTime;
This diff is collapsed.
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