FENCE_RET_RALLY - if set to 1 the aircraft will head to the nearest Rally Point rather than the fence return point when the fence is breached. Note that the loiter altitude of the Rally Point is used as the return altitude.
qCWarning(GeoFenceControllerLog)<<"GeoFenceController::loadFromVehicle call at wrong time"<<_activeVehicle->parameterManager()->parametersReady()<<syncInProgress();
Q_PROPERTY(boolcontainsItemsREADcontainsItemsNOTIFYcontainsItemsChanged)///< true: Elemement is non-empty
Q_PROPERTY(boolsyncInProgressREADsyncInProgressNOTIFYsyncInProgressChanged)///< true: information is currently being saved/sent, false: no active save/send in progress
Q_PROPERTY(booldirtyREADdirtyWRITEsetDirtyNOTIFYdirtyChanged)///< true: unsaved/sent changes are present, false: no changes since last save/send
Q_PROPERTY(QStringfileExtensionREADfileExtensionCONSTANT)///< Returns the file extention for plan element file type.