Commit 8538e1a8 authored by John Tapsell's avatar John Tapsell

LinechartWidget - Make the scaling log button a propper toggle button

parent b0d4abac
......@@ -225,23 +225,14 @@ void LinechartWidget::createLayout()
layout->setRowStretch(0, 10);
layout->setRowStretch(1, 1);
// Linear scaling button
scalingLinearButton = createButton(this);
scalingLinearButton->setToolTip(tr("Set linear scale for Y axis"));
scalingLinearButton->setWhatsThis(tr("Set linear scale for Y axis"));
layout->addWidget(scalingLinearButton, 1, 0);
layout->setColumnStretch(0, 0);
// Logarithmic scaling button
scalingLogButton = createButton(this);
scalingLogButton->setToolTip(tr("Set logarithmic scale for Y axis"));
scalingLogButton->setWhatsThis(tr("Set logarithmic scale for Y axis"));
layout->addWidget(scalingLogButton, 1, 1);
layout->setColumnStretch(1, 0);
layout->addWidget(scalingLogButton, 1, 0);
layout->setColumnStretch(0, 0);
// Averaging spin box
averageSpinBox = new QSpinBox(this);
......@@ -251,8 +242,8 @@ void LinechartWidget::createLayout()
layout->addWidget(averageSpinBox, 1, 2);
layout->setColumnStretch(2, 0);
layout->addWidget(averageSpinBox, 1, 1);
layout->setColumnStretch(1, 0);
connect(averageSpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setAverageWindow(int)));
// Log Button
......@@ -260,8 +251,8 @@ void LinechartWidget::createLayout()
logButton->setToolTip(tr("Start to log curve data into a CSV or TXT file"));
logButton->setWhatsThis(tr("Start to log curve data into a CSV or TXT file"));
logButton->setText(tr("Start Logging"));
layout->addWidget(logButton, 1, 3);
layout->setColumnStretch(3, 0);
layout->addWidget(logButton, 1, 2);
layout->setColumnStretch(2, 0);
connect(logButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(startLogging()));
// Ground time button
......@@ -269,8 +260,8 @@ void LinechartWidget::createLayout()
timeButton->setText(tr("Ground Time"));
timeButton->setToolTip(tr("Overwrite timestamp of data from vehicle with ground receive time. Helps if the plots are not visible because of missing or invalid onboard time."));
timeButton->setWhatsThis(tr("Overwrite timestamp of data from vehicle with ground receive time. Helps if the plots are not visible because of missing or invalid onboard time."));
layout->addWidget(timeButton, 1, 4);
layout->setColumnStretch(4, 0);
layout->addWidget(timeButton, 1, 3);
layout->setColumnStretch(3, 0);
connect(timeButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), activePlot, SLOT(enforceGroundTime(bool)));
connect(timeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(writeSettings()));
......@@ -294,8 +285,15 @@ void LinechartWidget::createLayout()
connect(this, SIGNAL(plotWindowPositionUpdated(quint64)), activePlot, SLOT(setWindowPosition(quint64)));
// Set scaling
connect(scalingLinearButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), activePlot, SLOT(setLinearScaling()));
connect(scalingLogButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), activePlot, SLOT(setLogarithmicScaling()));
connect(scalingLogButton, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(toggleLogarithmicScaling(bool)));
void LinechartWidget::toggleLogarithmicScaling(bool checked)
void LinechartWidget::appendData(int uasId, const QString& curve, const QString& unit, qint8 value, quint64 usec)
......@@ -626,8 +624,6 @@ void LinechartWidget::setAverageWindow(int windowSize)
void LinechartWidget::createActions()
setScalingLogarithmic = new QAction("LOG", this);
setScalingLinear = new QAction("LIN", this);
......@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ public slots:
/** @brief Append double data to the given curve. */
void appendData(int uasId, const QString& curve, const QString& unit, double value, quint64 usec);
void toggleLogarithmicScaling(bool toggled);
void takeButtonClick(bool checked);
void setPlotWindowPosition(int scrollBarValue);
void setPlotWindowPosition(quint64 position);
......@@ -152,14 +153,11 @@ protected:
QScrollBar* scrollbar; ///< The plot window scroll bar
QSpinBox* averageSpinBox; ///< Spin box to setup average window filter size
QAction* setScalingLogarithmic; ///< Set logarithmic scaling
QAction* setScalingLinear; ///< Set linear scaling
QAction* addNewCurve; ///< Add curve candidate to the active curves
QMenu* curveMenu;
QGridLayout* mainLayout;
QToolButton* scalingLinearButton;
QToolButton* scalingLogButton;
QToolButton* logButton;
QPointer<QCheckBox> timeButton;
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