Commit 8498d36e authored by DonLakeFlyer's avatar DonLakeFlyer

Support survey polygon drag

parent 950ee021
......@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ DebugBuild { PX4FirmwarePlugin { PX4FirmwarePluginFactory { APMFirmwarePlugin {
src/FactSystem/FactSystemTestGeneric.h \
src/FactSystem/FactSystemTestPX4.h \
src/FactSystem/ParameterManagerTest.h \
src/MissionManager/ComplexMissionItemTest.h \
src/MissionManager/SurveyMissionItemTest.h \
src/MissionManager/MissionCommandTreeTest.h \
src/MissionManager/MissionControllerManagerTest.h \
src/MissionManager/MissionControllerTest.h \
......@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ DebugBuild { PX4FirmwarePlugin { PX4FirmwarePluginFactory { APMFirmwarePlugin {
src/FactSystem/ \
src/FactSystem/ \
src/FactSystem/ \
src/MissionManager/ \
src/MissionManager/ \
src/MissionManager/ \
src/MissionManager/ \
src/MissionManager/ \
......@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
<file alias="QGroundControl/Controls/QGCLabel.qml">src/QmlControls/QGCLabel.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/Controls/QGCListView.qml">src/QmlControls/QGCListView.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/Controls/QGCMapLabel.qml">src/QmlControls/QGCMapLabel.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/Controls/QGCMapPolygonVisuals.qml">src/MissionManager/QGCMapPolygonVisuals.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/Controls/QGCMouseArea.qml">src/QmlControls/QGCMouseArea.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/Controls/QGCMovableItem.qml">src/QmlControls/QGCMovableItem.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/Controls/QGCPipable.qml">src/QmlControls/QGCPipable.qml</file>
......@@ -16,15 +16,17 @@
#include <QDebug>
#include <QJsonArray>
const char* QGCMapPolygon::_jsonPolygonKey = "polygon";
const char* QGCMapPolygon::jsonPolygonKey = "polygon";
QGCMapPolygon::QGCMapPolygon(QObject* newCoordParent, QObject* parent)
: QObject(parent)
, _newCoordParent(newCoordParent)
, _dirty(false)
, _ignoreCenterUpdates(false)
connect(&_polygonModel, &QmlObjectListModel::dirtyChanged, this, &QGCMapPolygon::_polygonModelDirtyChanged);
connect(&_polygonModel, &QmlObjectListModel::countChanged, this, &QGCMapPolygon::_polygonModelCountChanged);
connect(&_polygonModel, &QmlObjectListModel::countChanged, this, &QGCMapPolygon::_updateCenter);
void QGCMapPolygon::clear(void)
......@@ -43,6 +45,8 @@ void QGCMapPolygon::clear(void)
emit cleared();
......@@ -53,6 +57,10 @@ void QGCMapPolygon::adjustVertex(int vertexIndex, const QGeoCoordinate coordinat
if (!_ignoreCenterUpdates) {
......@@ -111,16 +119,6 @@ bool QGCMapPolygon::containsCoordinate(const QGeoCoordinate& coordinate) const
QGeoCoordinate QGCMapPolygon::center(void) const
if (_polygonPath.count() > 2) {
QPointF centerPoint = _toPolygonF().boundingRect().center();
return _coordFromPointF(centerPoint);
} else {
return QGeoCoordinate();
void QGCMapPolygon::setPath(const QList<QGeoCoordinate>& path)
......@@ -152,7 +150,7 @@ void QGCMapPolygon::saveToJson(QJsonObject& json)
QJsonValue jsonValue;
JsonHelper::saveGeoCoordinateArray(_polygonPath, false /* writeAltitude*/, jsonValue);
json.insert(_jsonPolygonKey, jsonValue);
json.insert(jsonPolygonKey, jsonValue);
......@@ -162,14 +160,14 @@ bool QGCMapPolygon::loadFromJson(const QJsonObject& json, bool required, QString
if (required) {
if (!JsonHelper::validateRequiredKeys(json, QStringList(_jsonPolygonKey), errorString)) {
if (!JsonHelper::validateRequiredKeys(json, QStringList(jsonPolygonKey), errorString)) {
return false;
} else if (!json.contains(_jsonPolygonKey)) {
} else if (!json.contains(jsonPolygonKey)) {
return true;
if (!JsonHelper::loadGeoCoordinateArray(json[_jsonPolygonKey], false /* altitudeRequired */, _polygonPath, errorString)) {
if (!JsonHelper::loadGeoCoordinateArray(json[jsonPolygonKey], false /* altitudeRequired */, _polygonPath, errorString)) {
return false;
......@@ -249,3 +247,38 @@ void QGCMapPolygon::_polygonModelCountChanged(int count)
emit countChanged(count);
void QGCMapPolygon::_updateCenter(void)
if (!_ignoreCenterUpdates) {
QGeoCoordinate center;
if (_polygonPath.count() > 2) {
QPointF centerPoint = _toPolygonF().boundingRect().center();
center = _coordFromPointF(centerPoint);
_center = center;
emit centerChanged(center);
void QGCMapPolygon::setCenter(QGeoCoordinate newCenter)
if (newCenter != _center) {
_ignoreCenterUpdates = true;
// Adjust polygon vertices to new center
double distance = _center.distanceTo(newCenter);
double azimuth = _center.azimuthTo(newCenter);
for (int i=0; i<count(); i++) {
QGeoCoordinate oldVertex = _polygonPath[i].value<QGeoCoordinate>();
QGeoCoordinate newVertex = oldVertex.atDistanceAndAzimuth(distance, azimuth);
adjustVertex(i, newVertex);
_ignoreCenterUpdates = false;
......@@ -26,10 +26,11 @@ class QGCMapPolygon : public QObject
QGCMapPolygon(QObject* newCoordParent, QObject* parent = NULL);
Q_PROPERTY(int count READ count NOTIFY countChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QVariantList path READ path NOTIFY pathChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QmlObjectListModel* pathModel READ qmlPathModel CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(bool dirty READ dirty WRITE setDirty NOTIFY dirtyChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int count READ count NOTIFY countChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QVariantList path READ path NOTIFY pathChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QmlObjectListModel* pathModel READ qmlPathModel CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(bool dirty READ dirty WRITE setDirty NOTIFY dirtyChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QGeoCoordinate center READ center WRITE setCenter NOTIFY centerChanged)
Q_INVOKABLE void clear(void);
Q_INVOKABLE void appendVertex(const QGeoCoordinate& coordinate);
......@@ -43,9 +44,6 @@ public:
/// Splits the segment comprised of vertextIndex -> vertexIndex + 1
Q_INVOKABLE void splitPolygonSegment(int vertexIndex);
/// Returns the center point coordinate for the polygon
Q_INVOKABLE QGeoCoordinate center(void) const;
/// Returns true if the specified coordinate is within the polygon
Q_INVOKABLE bool containsCoordinate(const QGeoCoordinate& coordinate) const;
......@@ -65,9 +63,11 @@ public:
// Property methods
int count (void) const { return _polygonPath.count(); }
bool dirty (void) const { return _dirty; }
void setDirty(bool dirty);
int count (void) const { return _polygonPath.count(); }
bool dirty (void) const { return _dirty; }
void setDirty(bool dirty);
QGeoCoordinate center (void) const { return _center; }
QVariantList path (void) const { return _polygonPath; }
QmlObjectListModel* qmlPathModel(void) { return &_polygonModel; }
......@@ -75,15 +75,21 @@ public:
void setPath(const QList<QGeoCoordinate>& path);
void setPath(const QVariantList& path);
void setCenter(QGeoCoordinate newCenter);
static const char* jsonPolygonKey;
void countChanged(int count);
void pathChanged(void);
void dirtyChanged(bool dirty);
void countChanged (int count);
void pathChanged (void);
void dirtyChanged (bool dirty);
void cleared (void);
void centerChanged (QGeoCoordinate center);
private slots:
void _polygonModelCountChanged(int count);
void _polygonModelDirtyChanged(bool dirty);
void _updateCenter(void);
QPolygonF _toPolygonF(void) const;
......@@ -94,8 +100,8 @@ private:
QVariantList _polygonPath;
QmlObjectListModel _polygonModel;
bool _dirty;
static const char* _jsonPolygonKey;
QGeoCoordinate _center;
bool _ignoreCenterUpdates;
* QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
* in the root of the source code directory.
import QtQuick 2.3
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import QtLocation 5.3
import QtPositioning 5.3
import QGroundControl 1.0
import QGroundControl.ScreenTools 1.0
import QGroundControl.Palette 1.0
import QGroundControl.Controls 1.0
import QGroundControl.FlightMap 1.0
/// QGCMapPolygon map visuals
Item {
id: _root
property var mapControl ///< Map control to place item in
property var mapPolygon ///< QGCMapPolygon object
property var _polygonComponent
property var _dragHandlesComponent
property var _splitHandlesComponent
property var _centerDragHandleComponent
function addVisuals() {
_polygonComponent = polygonComponent.createObject(mapControl)
function removeVisuals() {
function addHandles() {
_dragHandlesComponent = dragHandlesComponent.createObject(mapControl)
_splitHandlesComponent = splitHandlesComponent.createObject(mapControl)
_centerDragHandleComponent = centerDragHandleComponent.createObject(mapControl)
function removeHandles() {
if (_dragHandlesComponent) {
_dragHandlesComponent = undefined
if (_splitHandlesComponent) {
_splitHandlesComponent = undefined
if (_centerDragHandleComponent) {
_centerDragHandleComponent = undefined
Component.onDestruction: {
Component {
id: polygonComponent
MapPolygon {
color: "green"
opacity: 0.5
path: mapPolygon.path
Component {
id: splitHandleComponent
MapQuickItem {
id: mapQuickItem
anchorPoint.x: dragHandle.width / 2
anchorPoint.y: dragHandle.height / 2
z: QGroundControl.zOrderMapItems + 1
property int vertexIndex
sourceItem: Rectangle {
id: dragHandle
width: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 1.5
height: width
radius: width / 2
color: "white"
opacity: .50
QGCLabel {
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
text: "+"
QGCMouseArea {
fillItem: parent
onClicked: mapPolygon.splitPolygonSegment(mapQuickItem.vertexIndex)
Component {
id: splitHandlesComponent
Repeater {
model: mapPolygon.path
delegate: Item {
property var _splitHandle
property var _vertices: mapPolygon.path
function _setHandlePosition() {
var nextIndex = index + 1
if (nextIndex > _vertices.length - 1) {
nextIndex = 0
var distance = _vertices[index].distanceTo(_vertices[nextIndex])
var azimuth = _vertices[index].azimuthTo(_vertices[nextIndex])
_splitHandle.coordinate = _vertices[index].atDistanceAndAzimuth(distance / 2, azimuth)
Component.onCompleted: {
_splitHandle = splitHandleComponent.createObject(mapControl)
_splitHandle.vertexIndex = index
Component.onDestruction: {
if (_splitHandle) {
// Control which is used to drag polygon vertices
Component {
id: dragAreaComponent
MissionItemIndicatorDrag {
id: dragArea
property int polygonVertex
property bool _creationComplete: false
Component.onCompleted: _creationComplete = true
onItemCoordinateChanged: {
if (_creationComplete) {
// During component creation some bad coordinate values got through which screws up polygon draw
mapPolygon.adjustVertex(polygonVertex, itemCoordinate)
onClicked: mapPolygon.removeVertex(polygonVertex)
Component {
id: dragHandleComponent
MapQuickItem {
id: mapQuickItem
anchorPoint.x: dragHandle.width / 2
anchorPoint.y: dragHandle.height / 2
z: QGroundControl.zOrderMapItems + 2
sourceItem: Rectangle {
id: dragHandle
width: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 1.5
height: width
radius: width / 2
color: "white"
opacity: .90
// Add all polygon vertex drag handles to the map
Component {
id: dragHandlesComponent
Repeater {
model: mapPolygon.pathModel
delegate: Item {
property var _visuals: [ ]
Component.onCompleted: {
var dragHandle = dragHandleComponent.createObject(mapControl)
dragHandle.coordinate = Qt.binding(function() { return object.coordinate })
var dragArea = dragAreaComponent.createObject(mapControl, { "itemIndicator": dragHandle, "itemCoordinate": object.coordinate })
dragArea.polygonVertex = Qt.binding(function() { return index })
Component.onDestruction: {
for (var i=0; i<_visuals.length; i++) {
_visuals = [ ]
Component {
id: centerDragAreaComponent
MissionItemIndicatorDrag {
onItemCoordinateChanged: = itemCoordinate
Component {
id: centerDragHandleComponent
Item {
property var dragHandle
property var dragArea
Component.onCompleted: {
dragHandle = dragHandleComponent.createObject(mapControl)
dragHandle.coordinate = Qt.binding(function() { return })
dragArea = centerDragAreaComponent.createObject(mapControl, { "itemIndicator": dragHandle, "itemCoordinate": })
Component.onDestruction: {
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
#include "MissionItem.h"
#include "SettingsFact.h"
#include "QGCLoggingCategory.h"
#include "QGCMapPolygon.h"
......@@ -52,25 +53,18 @@ public:
Q_PROPERTY(bool refly90Degrees READ refly90Degrees WRITE setRefly90Degrees NOTIFY refly90DegreesChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double timeBetweenShots READ timeBetweenShots NOTIFY timeBetweenShotsChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QVariantList polygonPath READ polygonPath NOTIFY polygonPathChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QVariantList gridPoints READ gridPoints NOTIFY gridPointsChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int cameraShots READ cameraShots NOTIFY cameraShotsChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double coveredArea READ coveredArea NOTIFY coveredAreaChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QGCMapPolygon* mapPolygon READ mapPolygon CONSTANT)
#if 0
// The polygon vertices are also exposed as a list mode since MapItemView will only work with a QAbstractItemModel as
// opposed to polygonPath which is a QVariantList.
Q_PROPERTY(QmlObjectListModel* polygonModel READ polygonModel CONSTANT)
Q_INVOKABLE void clearPolygon(void);
Q_INVOKABLE void addPolygonCoordinate(const QGeoCoordinate coordinate);
Q_INVOKABLE void adjustPolygonCoordinate(int vertexIndex, const QGeoCoordinate coordinate);
Q_INVOKABLE void removePolygonVertex(int vertexIndex);
// Splits the segment between vertextIndex and the next vertex in half
Q_INVOKABLE void splitPolygonSegment(int vertexIndex);
QVariantList polygonPath (void) { return _polygonPath; }
QmlObjectListModel* polygonModel(void) { return &_polygonModel; }
Q_PROPERTY(QVariantList polygonPath READ polygonPath NOTIFY polygonPathChanged)
QVariantList gridPoints (void) { return _simpleGridPoints; }
......@@ -96,11 +90,12 @@ public:
Fact* fixedValueIsAltitude (void) { return &_fixedValueIsAltitudeFact; }
Fact* camera (void) { return &_cameraFact; }
int cameraShots (void) const;
double coveredArea (void) const { return _coveredArea; }
double timeBetweenShots (void) const;
bool hoverAndCaptureAllowed (void) const;
bool refly90Degrees (void) const { return _refly90Degrees; }
int cameraShots (void) const;
double coveredArea (void) const { return _coveredArea; }
double timeBetweenShots (void) const;
bool hoverAndCaptureAllowed (void) const;
bool refly90Degrees (void) const { return _refly90Degrees; }
QGCMapPolygon* mapPolygon (void) { return &_mapPolygon; }
void setRefly90Degrees(bool refly90Degrees);
......@@ -179,6 +174,8 @@ signals:
private slots:
void _setDirty(void);
void _polygonDirtyChanged(bool dirty);
void _clearInternal(void);
enum CameraTriggerCode {
......@@ -188,9 +185,7 @@ private:
void _clear(void);
void _setExitCoordinate(const QGeoCoordinate& coordinate);
void _clearGrid(void);
void _generateGrid(void);
void _updateCoordinateAltitude(void);
int _gridGenerator(const QList<QPointF>& polygonPoints, QList<QPointF>& simpleGridPoints, QList<QList<QPointF>>& transectSegments, bool refly);
......@@ -216,8 +211,7 @@ private:
int _sequenceNumber;
bool _dirty;
QVariantList _polygonPath;
QmlObjectListModel _polygonModel;
QGCMapPolygon _mapPolygon;
QVariantList _simpleGridPoints; ///< Grid points for drawing simple grid visuals
QList<QList<QGeoCoordinate>> _transectSegments; ///< Internal transect segments including grid exit, turnaround and internal camera points
QList<QList<QGeoCoordinate>> _reflyTransectSegments; ///< Refly segments
......@@ -257,7 +251,6 @@ private:
SettingsFact _fixedValueIsAltitudeFact;
SettingsFact _cameraFact;
static const char* _jsonPolygonObjectKey;
static const char* _jsonGridObjectKey;
static const char* _jsonGridAltitudeKey;
static const char* _jsonGridAltitudeRelativeKey;
......@@ -8,15 +8,15 @@
#include "ComplexMissionItemTest.h"
#include "SurveyMissionItemTest.h"
_polyPoints << QGeoCoordinate(47.633550640000003, -122.08982199) << QGeoCoordinate(47.634129020000003, -122.08887249) <<
QGeoCoordinate(47.633619320000001, -122.08811074) << QGeoCoordinate(47.633189139999999, -122.08900124);
void ComplexMissionItemTest::init(void)
void SurveyMissionItemTest::init(void)
_rgComplexMissionItemSignals[polygonPathChangedIndex] = SIGNAL(polygonPathChanged());
_rgComplexMissionItemSignals[lastSequenceNumberChangedIndex] = SIGNAL(lastSequenceNumberChanged(int));
......@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ void ComplexMissionItemTest::init(void)
_rgComplexMissionItemSignals[exitCoordinateHasRelativeAltitudeChangedIndex] = SIGNAL(exitCoordinateHasRelativeAltitudeChanged(bool));
_rgComplexMissionItemSignals[exitCoordinateSameAsEntryChangedIndex] = SIGNAL(exitCoordinateSameAsEntryChanged(bool));
_complexItem = new SurveyMissionItem(NULL /* Vehicle */, this);
_surveyItem = new SurveyMissionItem(NULL /* Vehicle */, this);
_mapPolygon = _surveyItem->mapPolygon();
// It's important to check that the right signals are emitted at the right time since that drives ui change.
// It's also important to check that things are not being over-signalled when they should not be, since that can lead
......@@ -53,66 +54,66 @@ void ComplexMissionItemTest::init(void)
_multiSpy = new MultiSignalSpy();
QCOMPARE(_multiSpy->init(_complexItem, _rgComplexMissionItemSignals, _cComplexMissionItemSignals), true);
QCOMPARE(_multiSpy->init(_surveyItem, _rgComplexMissionItemSignals, _cComplexMissionItemSignals), true);
void ComplexMissionItemTest::cleanup(void)
void SurveyMissionItemTest::cleanup(void)
delete _complexItem;
delete _surveyItem;
delete _multiSpy;
void ComplexMissionItemTest::_testDirty(void)
void SurveyMissionItemTest::_testDirty(void)
void ComplexMissionItemTest::_testAddPolygonCoordinate(void)
void SurveyMissionItemTest::_testAddPolygonCoordinate(void)
QCOMPARE(_complexItem->polygonPath().count(), 0);
QCOMPARE(_mapPolygon->count(), 0);
// First call to addPolygonCoordinate should trigger:
// polygonPathChanged
// dirtyChanged
QVERIFY(_multiSpy->checkOnlySignalByMask(polygonPathChangedMask | dirtyChangedMask));
// Validate object data
QVariantList polyList = _complexItem->polygonPath();
QVariantList polyList = _mapPolygon->path();
QCOMPARE(polyList.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(polyList[0].value<QGeoCoordinate>(), _polyPoints[0]);
// Reset
// Second call to addPolygonCoordinate should only trigger:
// polygonPathChanged
// dirtyChanged
QVERIFY(_multiSpy->checkOnlySignalByMask(polygonPathChangedMask | dirtyChangedMask));
polyList = _complexItem->polygonPath();
polyList = _mapPolygon->path();
QCOMPARE(polyList.count(), 2);
for (int i=0; i<polyList.count(); i++) {
QCOMPARE(polyList[i].value<QGeoCoordinate>(), _polyPoints[i]);
// Third call to addPolygonCoordinate should trigger:
......@@ -126,33 +127,33 @@ void ComplexMissionItemTest::_testAddPolygonCoordinate(void)
// lastSequenceNumberChanged - number of internal mission items changes
// gridPointsChanged - grid points show up for the first time
QVERIFY(_multiSpy->checkOnlySignalByMask(polygonPathChangedMask | lastSequenceNumberChangedMask | gridPointsChangedMask | coordinateChangedMask |
exitCoordinateChangedMask | specifiesCoordinateChangedMask | dirtyChangedMask));
int seqNum = _multiSpy->pullIntFromSignalIndex(lastSequenceNumberChangedIndex);
QVERIFY(seqNum > 0);
polyList = _complexItem->polygonPath();
polyList = _mapPolygon->path();
QCOMPARE(polyList.count(), 3);
for (int i=0; i<polyList.count(); i++) {
QCOMPARE(polyList[i].value<QGeoCoordinate>(), _polyPoints[i]);
// Test that number of waypoints is doubled when using turnaround waypoints
QVariantList gridPoints = _complexItem->gridPoints();
QVariantList gridPointsNoT = _complexItem->gridPoints();
QVariantList gridPoints = _surveyItem->gridPoints();
QVariantList gridPointsNoT = _surveyItem->gridPoints();
QCOMPARE(gridPoints.count(), 2 * gridPointsNoT.count());
void ComplexMissionItemTest::_testClearPolygon(void)
void SurveyMissionItemTest::_testClearPolygon(void)
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
// Call to clearPolygon should trigger:
......@@ -163,49 +164,49 @@ void ComplexMissionItemTest::_testClearPolygon(void)
// dirtyChangedMask
// specifiesCoordinateChangedMask
QVERIFY(_multiSpy->checkOnlySignalByMask(polygonPathChangedMask | lastSequenceNumberChangedMask | gridPointsChangedMask | dirtyChangedMask |
QCOMPARE(_multiSpy->pullIntFromSignalIndex(lastSequenceNumberChangedIndex), 0);
QCOMPARE(_complexItem->polygonPath().count(), 0);
QCOMPARE(_complexItem->gridPoints().count(), 0);
QCOMPARE(_mapPolygon->path().count(), 0);
QCOMPARE(_surveyItem->gridPoints().count(), 0);
void ComplexMissionItemTest::_testCameraTrigger(void)
void SurveyMissionItemTest::_testCameraTrigger(void)
QCOMPARE(_complexItem->property("cameraTrigger").toBool(), true);
QCOMPARE(_surveyItem->property("cameraTrigger").toBool(), true);
// Set up a grid
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
int lastSeq = _complexItem->lastSequenceNumber();
int lastSeq = _surveyItem->lastSequenceNumber();
QVERIFY(lastSeq > 0);
// Turning off camera triggering should remove two camera trigger mission items, this should trigger:
// lastSequenceNumberChanged
// dirtyChanged
_complexItem->setProperty("cameraTrigger", false);
_surveyItem->setProperty("cameraTrigger", false);
QVERIFY(_multiSpy->checkOnlySignalByMask(lastSequenceNumberChangedMask | dirtyChangedMask | cameraTriggerChangedMask));
QCOMPARE(_multiSpy->pullIntFromSignalIndex(lastSequenceNumberChangedIndex), lastSeq - 2);
// Turn on camera triggering and make sure things go back to previous count
_complexItem->setProperty("cameraTrigger", true);
_surveyItem->setProperty("cameraTrigger", true);
QVERIFY(_multiSpy->checkOnlySignalByMask(lastSequenceNumberChangedMask | dirtyChangedMask | cameraTriggerChangedMask));
QCOMPARE(_multiSpy->pullIntFromSignalIndex(lastSequenceNumberChangedIndex), lastSeq);
......@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
#ifndef ComplexMissionItemTest_H
#define ComplexMissionItemTest_H
#ifndef SurveyMissionItemTest_H
#define SurveyMissionItemTest_H
#include "UnitTest.h"
#include "TCPLink.h"
......@@ -19,12 +19,12 @@
#include <QGeoCoordinate>
/// Unit test for SimpleMissionItem
class ComplexMissionItemTest : public UnitTest
class SurveyMissionItemTest : public UnitTest
void init(void) final;
......@@ -95,7 +95,8 @@ private:
const char* _rgComplexMissionItemSignals[_cComplexMissionItemSignals];
MultiSignalSpy* _multiSpy;
SurveyMissionItem* _complexItem;
SurveyMissionItem* _surveyItem;
QGCMapPolygon* _mapPolygon;
QList<QGeoCoordinate> _polyPoints;
......@@ -25,56 +25,31 @@ Item {
property var map ///< Map control to place item in
property var _missionItem: object
property var _polygon
property var _grid
property var _mapPolygon: object.mapPolygon
property var _gridComponent
property var _entryCoordinate
property var _exitCoordinate
property var _dragHandles
property var _splitHandles
signal clicked(int sequenceNumber)
function _addVisualElements() {
_polygon = polygonComponent.createObject(map)
_grid = gridComponent.createObject(map)
_gridComponent = gridComponent.createObject(map)
_entryCoordinate = entryPointComponent.createObject(map)
_exitCoordinate = exitPointComponent.createObject(map)
function _destroyVisualElements() {
function _addDragHandles() {
if (!_dragHandles) {
_dragHandles = dragHandlesComponent.createObject(map)
if (!_splitHandles) {
_splitHandles = splitHandlesComponent.createObject(map)
function _destroyDragHandles() {
if (_dragHandles) {
_dragHandles = undefined
if (_splitHandles) {
_splitHandles = undefined
/// Add an initial 4 sided polygon if there is none
function _addInitialPolygon() {
if (_missionItem.polygonPath.length < 3) {
if (_mapPolygon.count < 3) {
// Initial polygon is inset to take 2/3rds space
var rect = Qt.rect(map.centerViewport.x, map.centerViewport.y, map.centerViewport.width, map.centerViewport.height)
......@@ -87,46 +62,44 @@ Item {
var topRight = Qt.point(rect.x + rect.width, rect.y)
var bottomLeft = Qt.point(rect.x, rect.y + rect.height)
var bottomRight = Qt.point(rect.x + rect.width, rect.y + rect.height)
_missionItem.addPolygonCoordinate(map.toCoordinate(topLeft, false /* clipToViewPort */))
_missionItem.addPolygonCoordinate(map.toCoordinate(topRight, false /* clipToViewPort */))
_missionItem.addPolygonCoordinate(map.toCoordinate(bottomRight, false /* clipToViewPort */))
_missionItem.addPolygonCoordinate(map.toCoordinate(bottomLeft, false /* clipToViewPort */))
_mapPolygon.appendVertex(map.toCoordinate(topLeft, false /* clipToViewPort */))
_mapPolygon.appendVertex(map.toCoordinate(topRight, false /* clipToViewPort */))
_mapPolygon.appendVertex(map.toCoordinate(bottomRight, false /* clipToViewPort */))
_mapPolygon.appendVertex(map.toCoordinate(bottomLeft, false /* clipToViewPort */))
Component.onCompleted: {
if (_missionItem.isCurrentItem) {
Component.onDestruction: {
Connections {
target: _missionItem
QGCMapPolygonVisuals {
id: mapPolygonVisuals
mapControl: map
mapPolygon: _mapPolygon
onIsCurrentItemChanged: {
Component.onCompleted: {
if (_missionItem.isCurrentItem) {
} else {
// Survey area polygon
Component {
id: polygonComponent
Connections {
target: _missionItem
MapPolygon {
color: "green"
opacity: 0.5
path: _missionItem.polygonPath
onIsCurrentItemChanged: {
if (_missionItem.isCurrentItem) {
} else {
......@@ -180,148 +153,4 @@ Item {
Component {
id: splitHandleComponent
MapQuickItem {
id: mapQuickItem
anchorPoint.x: dragHandle.width / 2
anchorPoint.y: dragHandle.height / 2
z: QGroundControl.zOrderMapItems + 1
property int vertexIndex
sourceItem: Rectangle {
id: dragHandle
width: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 1.5
height: width
radius: width / 2
color: "white"
opacity: .50
QGCLabel {
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
text: "+"
QGCMouseArea {
fillItem: parent
onClicked: _missionItem.splitPolygonSegment(mapQuickItem.vertexIndex)
Component {
id: splitHandlesComponent
Repeater {
model: _missionItem.polygonPath
delegate: Item {
property var _splitHandle
property var _vertices: _missionItem.polygonPath
function _setHandlePosition() {
var nextIndex = index + 1
if (nextIndex > _vertices.length - 1) {
nextIndex = 0
var distance = _vertices[index].distanceTo(_vertices[nextIndex])
var azimuth = _vertices[index].azimuthTo(_vertices[nextIndex])
_splitHandle.coordinate = _vertices[index].atDistanceAndAzimuth(distance / 2, azimuth)
Component.onCompleted: {
_splitHandle = splitHandleComponent.createObject(map)
_splitHandle.vertexIndex = index
Component.onDestruction: {
if (_splitHandle) {
// Control which is used to drag polygon vertices
Component {
id: dragAreaComponent
MissionItemIndicatorDrag {
id: dragArea
property int polygonVertex
property bool _creationComplete: false
Component.onCompleted: _creationComplete = true
onItemCoordinateChanged: {
if (_creationComplete) {
// During component creation some bad coordinate values got through which screws up polygon draw
_missionItem.adjustPolygonCoordinate(polygonVertex, itemCoordinate)
onClicked: _missionItem.removePolygonVertex(polygonVertex)
Component {
id: dragHandleComponent
MapQuickItem {
id: mapQuickItem
anchorPoint.x: dragHandle.width / 2
anchorPoint.y: dragHandle.height / 2
z: QGroundControl.zOrderMapItems + 2
sourceItem: Rectangle {
id: dragHandle
width: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 1.5
height: width
radius: width / 2
color: "white"
opacity: .90
// Add all polygon vertex drag handles to the map
Component {
id: dragHandlesComponent
Repeater {
model: _missionItem.polygonModel
delegate: Item {
property var _visuals: [ ]
Component.onCompleted: {
var dragHandle = dragHandleComponent.createObject(map)
dragHandle.coordinate = Qt.binding(function() { return object.coordinate })
var dragArea = dragAreaComponent.createObject(map, { "itemIndicator": dragHandle, "itemCoordinate": object.coordinate })
dragArea.polygonVertex = Qt.binding(function() { return index })
Component.onDestruction: {
for (var i=0; i<_visuals.length; i++) {
_visuals = [ ]
......@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ QGCGroupBox 1.0 QGCGroupBox.qml
QGCLabel 1.0 QGCLabel.qml
QGCListView 1.0 QGCListView.qml
QGCMapLabel 1.0 QGCMapLabel.qml
QGCMapPolygonVisuals 1.0 QGCMapPolygonVisuals.qml
QGCMouseArea 1.0 QGCMouseArea.qml
QGCMovableItem 1.0 QGCMovableItem.qml
QGCPipable 1.0 QGCPipable.qml
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
#include "MessageBoxTest.h"
#include "MissionItemTest.h"
#include "SimpleMissionItemTest.h"
#include "ComplexMissionItemTest.h"
#include "SurveyMissionItemTest.h"
#include "MissionControllerTest.h"
#include "MissionManagerTest.h"
#include "RadioConfigTest.h"
......@@ -61,5 +61,5 @@ UT_REGISTER_TEST(SendMavCommandTest)
// Needs to be update for latest changes
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