Commit 8371c95c authored by Patrick José Pereira's avatar Patrick José Pereira

FirmwareUpgrade: Add warning message about multiple devices connected

Signed-off-by: 's avatarPatrick José Pereira <>
parent 6917d469
......@@ -118,6 +118,13 @@ SetupPage {
// Board was found right away, so something is already plugged in before we've started upgrade
var availableDevices = controller.availableBoardsName()
if(availableDevices.length > 1) {
statusTextArea.append(highlightPrefix + qsTr("Multiple devices detected! Remove all detected devices to perform the firmware upgrade."))
statusTextArea.append(qsTr("Detected [%1]: ").arg(availableDevices.length) + availableDevices.join(", "))
QGroundControl.multiVehicleManager.activeVehicle.autoDisconnect = true
} else {
// We end up here when we detect a board plugged in after we've started upgrade
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