Commit 81564629 authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #4153 from nanthony21/Multicolored_polygon

Multicolored polygon
parents aa956db7 eb751017
......@@ -197,7 +197,8 @@ Map {
property alias drawingPolygon: polygonDrawer.hoverEnabled
property bool adjustingPolygon: false
property bool polygonReady: polygonDrawerPolygon.path.length > 3 ///< true: enough points have been captured to create a closed polygon
property bool polygonReady: polygonDrawerPolygonSet.path.length > 2 ///< true: enough points have been captured to create a closed polygon
property bool justClicked: false
property var _callbackObject
......@@ -220,8 +221,7 @@ Map {
return false
var polygonPath = polygonDrawerPolygon.path
polygonPath.pop() // get rid of drag coordinate
var polygonPath = polygonDrawerPolygonSet.path
return true
......@@ -322,10 +322,13 @@ Map {
polygonDrawerNextPoint.path = [ bogusCoord, bogusCoord ]
polygonDrawerPolygon.path = [ ]
polygonDrawerNextPoint.path = [ ]
polygonDrawerPolygonSet.path = [ bogusCoord, bogusCoord ]
polygonDrawerPolygonSet.path = [ ]
onClicked: {
if (mouse.button == Qt.LeftButton) {
polygonDrawer.justClicked = true
if (polygonDrawerPolygon.path.length > 2) {
// Make sure the new line doesn't intersect the existing polygon
var lastSegment = polygonDrawerPolygon.path.length - 2
......@@ -349,8 +352,7 @@ Map {
// Update finalized coordinate
polygonPath[polygonDrawerPolygon.path.length - 1] = clickCoordinate
// Add next drag coordinate
polygonDrawerPolygonSet.path = polygonPath
polygonDrawerPolygon.path = polygonPath
} else if (polygonDrawer.polygonReady) {
......@@ -360,14 +362,18 @@ Map {
onPositionChanged: {
if (polygonDrawerPolygon.path.length) {
var dragCoordinate = _map.toCoordinate(Qt.point(mouse.x, mouse.y))
var polygonPath = polygonDrawerPolygon.path
if (polygonDrawer.justClicked){
polygonDrawer.justClicked = false
// Update drag line
polygonDrawerNextPoint.path = [ polygonDrawerPolygon.path[polygonDrawerPolygon.path.length - 2], dragCoordinate ]
// Update drag coordinate
var polygonPath = polygonDrawerPolygon.path
polygonPath[polygonDrawerPolygon.path.length - 1] = dragCoordinate
polygonDrawerPolygon.path = polygonPath
......@@ -377,14 +383,20 @@ Map {
id: polygonDrawerPolygon
color: "blue"
opacity: 0.5
visible: polygonDrawer.drawingPolygon
visible: polygonDrawerPolygon.path.length > 2
MapPolygon {
id: polygonDrawerPolygonSet
color: 'green'
opacity: 0.5
visible: polygonDrawer.polygonReady
/// Next line for polygon
MapPolyline {
id: polygonDrawerNextPoint
line.color: "green"
line.width: 5
line.width: 3
visible: polygonDrawer.drawingPolygon
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