Commit 7ebebf7b authored by Julian Oes's avatar Julian Oes

UAS: always send offboard control for now

parent 7bf79879
......@@ -2894,9 +2894,11 @@ void UAS::setManualControlCommands(float roll, float pitch, float yaw, float thr
static quint8 countSinceLastTransmission = 0; // Track how many calls to this function have occurred since the last MAVLink transmission
// We only transmit manual command messages if the system has manual inputs enabled and is armed
// Lets always send velocity commands for now
if (true)
// Transmit the manual commands only if they've changed OR if it's been a little bit since they were last transmit. To make sure there aren't issues with
// response rate, we make sure that a message is transmit when the commands have changed, then one more time, and then switch to the lower transmission rate
// if no command inputs have changed.
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