Commit 7640bd3a authored by Lorenz Meier's avatar Lorenz Meier

Merge pull request #904 from DonLakeFlyer/NewFirmware

New Firmware Upgrade implementation
parents 5e638643 82103fd0
......@@ -5,57 +5,6 @@ WindowsBuild {
INCLUDEPATH += libs/lib/msinttypes
# [OPTIONAL] QUpgrade support.
# Allow the user to override QUpgrade compilation through a DISABLE_QUPGRADE
# define like: `qmake DEFINES=DISABLE_QUPGRADE`
message("Skipping support for QUpgrade (manual override from command line)")
# Otherwise the user can still disable this feature in the user_config.pri file.
else:exists(user_config.pri):infile(user_config.pri, DEFINES, DISABLE_QUPGRADE) {
message("Skipping support for QUpgrade (manual override from user_config.pri)")
# If the QUpgrade submodule has been initialized, build in support by default.
# We look for the existence of for the check. We can't look for a .git file
# because that breaks the TeamCity build process which does not use repositories.
else:exists(qupgrade/ {
message("Including support for QUpgrade")
INCLUDEPATH += qupgrade/src/apps/qupgrade
FORMS += \
qupgrade/src/apps/qupgrade/dialog_bare.ui \
qupgrade/src/apps/qupgrade/qgcfirmwareupgradeworker.h \
qupgrade/src/apps/qupgrade/uploader.h \
qupgrade/src/apps/qupgrade/dialog_bare.h \
qupgrade/src/apps/qupgrade/qgcfirmwareupgradeworker.cpp \
qupgrade/src/apps/qupgrade/uploader.cpp \
qupgrade/src/apps/qupgrade/dialog_bare.cpp \
LinuxBuild:CONFIG += qesp_linux_udev
# Otherwise notify the user and don't compile it.
else {
warning("Skipping support for QUpgrade (missing submodule, see README)")
# [REQUIRED] Add support for the MAVLink communications protocol.
# Some logic is involved here in selecting the proper dialect for
......@@ -137,6 +137,7 @@ MacBuild {
LinuxBuild {
CONFIG += qesp_linux_udev
WindowsBuild {
......@@ -245,6 +246,7 @@ INCLUDEPATH += \
src/ui/mission \
src/ui/designer \
src/ui/configuration \
src/ui/px4_configuration \
FORMS += \
......@@ -358,6 +360,7 @@ FORMS += \
src/ui/px4_configuration/QGCPX4MulticopterConfig.ui \
src/ui/px4_configuration/QGCPX4SensorCalibration.ui \
src/ui/px4_configuration/PX4RCCalibration.ui \
src/ui/px4_configuration/PX4FirmwareUpgrade.ui \
......@@ -544,6 +547,9 @@ HEADERS += \
src/ui/px4_configuration/QGCPX4MulticopterConfig.h \
src/ui/px4_configuration/QGCPX4SensorCalibration.h \
src/ui/px4_configuration/PX4RCCalibration.h \
src/ui/px4_configuration/PX4Bootloader.h \
src/ui/px4_configuration/PX4FirmwareUpgradeThread.h \
src/ui/px4_configuration/PX4FirmwareUpgrade.h \
src/ui/menuactionhelper.h \
src/uas/UASManagerInterface.h \
src/uas/QGCUASParamManagerInterface.h \
......@@ -729,6 +735,9 @@ SOURCES += \
src/ui/px4_configuration/ \
src/ui/px4_configuration/ \
src/ui/px4_configuration/ \
src/ui/px4_configuration/ \
src/ui/px4_configuration/ \
src/ui/px4_configuration/ \
src/ui/menuactionhelper.cpp \
src/uas/ \
src/ui/ \
......@@ -199,6 +199,9 @@
<qresource prefix="/general">
<file alias="vera.ttf">files/styles/Vera.ttf</file>
......@@ -25,9 +25,7 @@
#include "px4_configuration/QGCPX4SensorCalibration.h"
#include "px4_configuration/PX4RCCalibration.h"
#include <dialog_bare.h>
#include "PX4FirmwareUpgrade.h"
......@@ -67,18 +65,8 @@ QGCPX4VehicleConfig::QGCPX4VehicleConfig(QWidget *parent) :
px4RCCalibration = new PX4RCCalibration(this);
DialogBare *firmwareDialog = new DialogBare(this);
connect(firmwareDialog, SIGNAL(connectLinks()), LinkManager::instance(), SLOT(connectAll()));
connect(firmwareDialog, SIGNAL(disconnectLinks()), LinkManager::instance(), SLOT(disconnectAll()));
QLabel* label = new QLabel(this);
label->setText("THIS VERSION OF QGROUNDCONTROL WAS BUILT WITHOUT QUPGRADE. To enable firmware upload support, checkout QUpgrade WITHIN the QGroundControl folder");
PX4FirmwareUpgrade* firmwareUpgrade = new PX4FirmwareUpgrade(this);
......@@ -278,10 +266,6 @@ void QGCPX4VehicleConfig::setActiveUAS(UASInterface* active)
qDebug() << "CALIBRATION!! System Type Name:" << mav->getSystemTypeName();
//Load configuration after 1ms. This allows it to go into the event loop, and prevents application hangups due to the
//amount of time it actually takes to load the configuration windows.
updateStatus(QString("Reading from system %1").arg(mav->getUASName()));
// Since a system is now connected, enable the VehicleConfig UI.
This diff is collapsed.
QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station
This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project
QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see <>.
/// @file
/// @brief PX4 Bootloader Utility routines
/// @author Don Gagne <>
#ifndef PX4Bootloader_H
#define PX4Bootloader_H
#include <QSerialPort>
#include <stdint.h>
/// @brief This class is used to communicate with the Bootloader.
class PX4Bootloader : public QObject
explicit PX4Bootloader(QObject *parent = 0);
/// @brief Returns the error message associated with the last failed call to one of the bootloader
/// utility routine below.
QString errorString(void) { return _errorString; }
static const bool warnOnError = true; ///< call qWarning to log error message on error
static const bool noWarnOnError = false; ///< Don't call qWarning on error
/// @brief Write a byte to the port
/// @param port Port to write to
/// @param data Bytes to write
/// @param maxSize Number of bytes to write
/// @return true: success
bool write(QSerialPort* port, const uint8_t* data, qint64 maxSize);
bool write(QSerialPort* port, const uint8_t byte);
/// @brief Read a set of bytes from the port
/// @param data Read bytes into this buffer
/// @param maxSize Number of bytes to read
/// @param warnOnError true: Log error using qWarning
/// @param readTimeout Msecs to wait for bytes to become available on port
bool read(QSerialPort* port, uint8_t* data, qint64 maxSize, bool warnOnError, int readTimeout = _readTimout);
/// @brief Read a PROTO_SYNC command response from the bootloader
/// @param responseTimeout Msecs to wait for response bytes to become available on port
bool getCommandResponse(QSerialPort* port, bool warnOnError, const int responseTimeout = _responseTimeout);
/// @brief Send a PROTO_GET_DEVICE command to retrieve a value from the bootloader
/// @param param Value to retrieve using INFO_BOARD_* enums
/// @param value Returned value
bool getBoardInfo(QSerialPort* port, uint8_t param, uint32_t& value);
/// @brief Send a command to the bootloader
/// @param cmd Command to send using PROTO_* enums
/// @return true: Command sent and valid sync response returned
bool sendCommand(QSerialPort* port, uint8_t cmd, bool warnOnError, int responseTimeout = _responseTimeout);
/// @brief Program the board with the specified firmware
bool program(QSerialPort* port, const QString& firmwareFilename);
/// @brief Verify the board flash. How it works depend on bootloader rev
/// Rev 2: Read the flash back and compare it against the firmware file
/// Rev 3: Compare CRCs for flash and file
bool verify(QSerialPort* port, const QString firmwareFilename);
/// @brief Read a PROTO_SYNC response from the bootloader
/// @return true: Valid sync response was received
bool sync(QSerialPort* port);
/// @brief Retrieve a set of board info from the bootloader
/// @param bootloaderVersion Returned INFO_BL_REV
/// @param boardID Returned INFO_BOARD_ID
/// @param flashSize Returned INFO_FLASH_SIZE
bool getBoardInfo(QSerialPort* port, uint32_t& bootloaderVersion, uint32_t& boardID, uint32_t& flashSize);
/// @brief Opens a port to the bootloader
bool open(QSerialPort* port, const QString portName);
/// @brief Sends a PROTO_REBOOT command to the bootloader
bool sendBootloaderReboot(QSerialPort* port);
/// @brief Sends a PROTO_ERASE command to the bootlader
bool erase(QSerialPort* port);
/// @brief Signals progress indicator for long running bootloader utility routines
void updateProgramProgress(int curr, int total);
enum {
// protocol bytes
PROTO_INSYNC = 0x12, ///< 'in sync' byte sent before status
PROTO_EOC = 0x20, ///< end of command
// Reply bytes
PROTO_OK = 0x10, ///< INSYNC/OK - 'ok' response
PROTO_FAILED = 0x11, ///< INSYNC/FAILED - 'fail' response
PROTO_INVALID = 0x13, ///< INSYNC/INVALID - 'invalid' response for bad commands
// Command bytes
PROTO_GET_SYNC = 0x21, ///< NOP for re-establishing sync
PROTO_GET_DEVICE = 0x22, ///< get device ID bytes
PROTO_CHIP_ERASE = 0x23, ///< erase program area and reset program address
PROTO_PROG_MULTI = 0x27, ///< write bytes at program address and increment
PROTO_GET_CRC = 0x29, ///< compute & return a CRC
PROTO_BOOT = 0x30, ///< boot the application
// Command bytes - Rev 2 boootloader only
PROTO_CHIP_VERIFY = 0x24, ///< begin verify mode
PROTO_READ_MULTI = 0x28, ///< read bytes at programm address and increment
INFO_BL_REV = 1, ///< bootloader protocol revision
BL_REV_MIN = 2, ///< Minimum supported bootlader protocol
BL_REV_MAX = 4, ///< Maximum supported bootloader protocol
INFO_BOARD_ID = 2, ///< board type
INFO_BOARD_REV = 3, ///< board revision
INFO_FLASH_SIZE = 4, ///< max firmware size in bytes
PROG_MULTI_MAX = 32, ///< write size for PROTO_PROG_MULTI, must be multiple of 4
READ_MULTI_MAX = 64 ///< read size for PROTO_READ_MULTI, must be multiple of 4
struct serialPortErrorString {
int error;
const char* errorString;
bool _findBootloader(void);
bool _downloadFirmware(void);
bool _bootloaderVerifyRev2(QSerialPort* port, const QString firmwareFilename);
bool _bootloaderVerifyRev3(QSerialPort* port);
const char* _serialPortErrorString(int error);
static const int _boardIDPX4FMUV1 = 5; ///< Board ID for PX4 V1 board
static const int _boardIDPX4FMUV2 = 9; ///< Board ID for PX4 V2 board
static const int _boardIDPX4Flow = 6; ///< Board ID for PX4 Floaw board
uint32_t _boardID; ///< board id for currently connected board
uint32_t _boardFlashSize; ///< flash size for currently connected board
uint32_t _imageCRC; ///< CRC for image in currently selected firmware file
uint32_t _bootloaderVersion; ///< Bootloader version
QString _firmwareFilename; ///< Currently selected firmware file to flash
QString _errorString; ///< Last error
static const struct serialPortErrorString _rgSerialPortErrors[14]; ///< Translation of QSerialPort::SerialPortError into string
static const int _eraseTimeout = 20000; ///< Msecs to wait for response from erase command
static const int _rebootTimeout = 10000; ///< Msecs to wait for reboot command to cause serial port to disconnect
static const int _verifyTimeout = 5000; ///< Msecs to wait for response to PROTO_GET_CRC command
static const int _readTimout = 2000; ///< Msecs to wait for read bytes to become avilable
static const int _responseTimeout = 2000; ///< Msecs to wait for command response bytes
#endif // PX4FirmwareUpgrade_H
This diff is collapsed.
QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station
This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project
QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see <>.
/// @file
/// @brief PX4 Firmware Upgrade UI
/// @author Don Gagne <>
#ifndef PX4FirmwareUpgrade_H
#define PX4FirmwareUpgrade_H
#include <QWidget>
#include <QUrl>
#include <QSerialPort>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QNetworkAccessManager>
#include <QNetworkReply>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "PX4FirmwareUpgradeThread.h"
#include "ui_PX4FirmwareUpgrade.h"
namespace Ui {
class PX4RCCalibration;
class PX4FirmwareUpgrade : public QWidget
explicit PX4FirmwareUpgrade(QWidget *parent = 0);
private slots:
void _tryAgainButton(void);
void _cancelButton(void);
void _nextButton(void);
void _firmwareSelected(int index);
void _downloadProgress(qint64 curr, qint64 total);
void _downloadFinished(void);
void _downloadError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError code);
void _foundBoard(const QString portname, QString portDescription);
void _foundBootloader(int bootloaderVersion, int boardID, int flashSize);
void _error(const int command, const QString errorString);
void _bootloaderSyncFailed(void);
void _findTimeout(void);
void _complete(const int command);
void _updateProgress(int curr, int total);
void _restart(void);
void _eraseProgressTick(void);
/// @brief The various states that the upgrade process progresses through.
enum upgradeStates {
void _setupState(enum upgradeStates state);
void _updateIndicatorUI(void);
void _findBoard(void);
void _findBootloader(void);
void _cancel(void);
void _cancelFind(void);
void _getFirmwareFile(void);
void _setBoardIcon(int boardID);
void _setFirmwareCombo(int boardID);
void _downloadFirmware(void);
void _cancelDownload(void);
void _erase(void);
typedef void (PX4FirmwareUpgrade::*stateFunc)(void);
struct stateMachineEntry {
enum upgradeStates state; ///< State machine state, used to verify correctness of entry
stateFunc next; ///< Method to call when Next is clicked, NULL for Next not available
stateFunc cancel; ///< Method to call when Cancel is clicked, NULL for Cancel not available
stateFunc tryAgain; ///< Method to call when Try Again is clicked, NULL for Try Again not available
const char* msg; ///< Text message to display to user for this state
const struct stateMachineEntry* _getStateMachineEntry(enum upgradeStates state);
enum upgradeStates _upgradeState; ///< Current state of the upgrade state machines
QString _portName;
QString _portDescription;
uint32_t _bootloaderVersion;
static const int _boardIDPX4FMUV1 = 5; ///< Board ID for PX4 V1 board
static const int _boardIDPX4FMUV2 = 9; ///< Board ID for PX4 V2 board
static const int _boardIDPX4Flow = 6; ///< Board ID for PX4 Flow board
uint32_t _boardID; ///< Board ID
uint32_t _boardFlashSize; ///< Flash size in bytes of board
uint32_t _imageSize; ///< Image size of firmware being flashed
QPixmap _boardIcon; ///< Icon used to display image of board
QString _firmwareFilename; ///< Image which we are going to flash to the board
QNetworkAccessManager* _downloadManager; ///< Used for firmware file downloading across the internet
QNetworkReply* _downloadNetworkReply; ///< Used for firmware file downloading across the internet
/// @brief Thread controller which is used to run bootloader commands on seperate thread
PX4FirmwareUpgradeThreadController* _threadController;
static const int _eraseTickMsec = 500; ///< Progress bar update tick time for erase
static const int _eraseTotalMsec = 15000; ///< Estimated amount of time erase takes
int _eraseTickCount; ///< Number of ticks for erase progress update
QTimer _eraseTimer; ///< Timer used to update progress bar for erase
static const int _findBoardTimeoutMsec = 30000; ///< Amount of time for user to plug in USB
static const int _findBootloaderTimeoutMsec = 5000; ///< Amount time to look for bootloader
Ui::PX4FirmwareUpgrade* _ui;
#endif // PX4FirmwareUpgrade_H
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<widget class="QCheckBox" name="firmwareDownloadedCheck">
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