Commit 74c36838 authored by pixhawk's avatar pixhawk

Added MAVLink version check

parent 8838c74b
......@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project
#include <QDebug>
#include <QTime>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include "MG.h"
#include "MAVLinkProtocol.h"
......@@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project
#include "ArduPilotMegaMAV.h"
#include "configuration.h"
#include "LinkManager.h"
#include "MainWindow.h"
#include <QGCMAVLink.h>
#include "QGC.h"
......@@ -141,8 +143,7 @@ void MAVLinkProtocol::receiveBytes(LinkInterface* link, QByteArray b)
// of its existence, as it only then can send and receive
// it's first messages.
// FIXME Current debugging
// check if the UAS has the same id like this system
// Check if the UAS has the same id like this system
if (message.sysid == getSystemId())
......@@ -155,7 +156,26 @@ void MAVLinkProtocol::receiveBytes(LinkInterface* link, QByteArray b)
// First create new UAS object
// Decode heartbeat message
mavlink_heartbeat_t heartbeat;
// Reset version field to 0
heartbeat.mavlink_version = 0;
mavlink_msg_heartbeat_decode(&message, &heartbeat);
// Check if the UAS has a different protocol version
if (heartbeat.mavlink_version != MAVLINK_VERSION)
// Bring up dialog to inform user
QMessageBox msgBox(MainWindow::instance());
msgBox.setText(tr("The MAVLink protocol version on the MAV and QGroundControl mismatch!"));
msgBox.setInformativeText(tr("It is unsafe to use different MAVLink versions. QGroundControl therefore refuses to connect to system %1, which sends MAVLink version %2 (QGroundControl uses version %3).").arg(message.sysid).arg(heartbeat.mavlink_version).arg(MAVLINK_VERSION));
// Ignore this message and continue gracefully
switch (heartbeat.autopilot)
......@@ -90,6 +90,8 @@ bool MAVLinkXMLParser::generate()
QString messagesDirName = ".";//"generated";
QDir dir(outputDirName + "/" + messagesDirName);
int mavlinkVersion = 0;
// Start main header
......@@ -180,6 +182,33 @@ bool MAVLinkXMLParser::generate()
// Handle all enum tags
else if (e.tagName() == "version")
//QString fieldType = e.attribute("type", "");
//QString fieldName = e.attribute("name", "");
QString fieldText = e.text();
// Check if version has been previously set
if (mavlinkVersion != 0)
emit parseState(QString("<font color=\"red\">ERROR: Protocol version tag set twice, please use it only once. First version was %1, second version is %2.\nAbort.</font>").arg(mavlinkVersion).arg(fieldText));
return false;
bool ok;
int version = fieldText.toInt(&ok);
if (ok && (version > 0) && (version < 256))
// Set MAVLink version
mavlinkVersion = version;
emit parseState(QString("<font color=\"red\">ERROR: Reading version string failed: %1, string is not an integer number between 1 and 255.\nAbort.</font>").arg(fieldText));
return false;
// Handle all enum tags
else if (e.tagName() == "enums")
// One down into the enums list
......@@ -255,7 +284,7 @@ bool MAVLinkXMLParser::generate()
QString fieldComment;
if (e2.text().length() > 0)
fieldComment = " /* " + e2.text() + "*/";
fieldComment = " /* " + e2.text() + "*/";
currEnum += "\t" + fieldName.toUpper() + "=" + fieldValue + "," + fieldComment + "\n";
......@@ -330,7 +359,11 @@ bool MAVLinkXMLParser::generate()
QString messageType("mavlink_message_t");
// Build up function call
QString commentContainer("/**\n * @brief Send a %1 message\n *\n%2 * @return length of the message in bytes (excluding serial stream start sign)\n */\n");
QString commentContainer("/**\n * @brief Pack a %1 message\n * @param system_id ID of this system\n * @param component_id ID of this component (e.g. 200 for IMU)\n * @param msg The MAVLink message to compress the data into\n *\n%2 * @return length of the message in bytes (excluding serial stream start sign)\n */\n");
QString commentPackChanContainer("/**\n * @brief Pack a %1 message\n * @param system_id ID of this system\n * @param component_id ID of this component (e.g. 200 for IMU)\n * @param chan The MAVLink channel this message was sent over\n * @param msg The MAVLink message to compress the data into\n%2 * @return length of the message in bytes (excluding serial stream start sign)\n */\n");
QString commentSendContainer("/**\n * @brief Send a %1 message\n * @param chan MAVLink channel to send the message\n *\n%2 */\n");
QString commentEncodeContainer("/**\n * @brief Encode a %1 struct into a message\n *\n * @param system_id ID of this system\n * @param component_id ID of this component (e.g. 200 for IMU)\n * @param msg The MAVLink message to compress the data into\n * @param %1 C-struct to read the message contents from\n */\n");
QString commentDecodeContainer("/**\n * @brief Decode a %1 message into a struct\n *\n * @param msg The message to decode\n * @param %1 C-struct to decode the message contents into\n */\n");
QString commentEntry(" * @param %1 %2\n");
QString idDefine = QString("#define MAVLINK_MSG_ID_%1 %2").arg(messageName.toUpper(), QString::number(messageId));
QString arrayDefines;
......@@ -369,11 +402,28 @@ bool MAVLinkXMLParser::generate()
QString unpackingCode;
QString unpackingComment = QString("/**\n * @brief Get field %1 from %2 message\n *\n * @return %3\n */\n").arg(fieldName, messageName, fieldText);
// Send arguments are the same for integral types and arrays
sendArguments += ", " + fieldName;
// Send arguments do not work for the version field
if (!fieldType.contains("uint8_t_mavlink_version"))
// Send arguments are the same for integral types and arrays
sendArguments += ", " + fieldName;
commentLines += commentEntry.arg(fieldName, fieldText);
// MAVLink version field
// this is a special field always containing the version define
if (fieldType.contains("uint8_t_mavlink_version"))
// Add field to C structure
cStructLines += QString("\t%1 %2; ///< %3\n").arg("uint8_t", fieldName, fieldText);
// Add pack line to message_xx_pack function
packLines += QString("\ti += put_uint8_t_by_index(%1, i, msg->payload); // %2\n").arg(mavlinkVersion).arg(fieldText);
// Add decode function for this type
decodeLines += QString("\t%1->%2 = mavlink_msg_%1_get_%2(msg);\n").arg(messageName, fieldName);
// Array handling is different from simple types
if (fieldType.startsWith("array"))
else if (fieldType.startsWith("array"))
int arrayLength = QString(fieldType.split("[").at(1).split("]").first()).toInt();
QString arrayType = fieldType.split("[").first();
......@@ -383,7 +433,7 @@ bool MAVLinkXMLParser::generate()
// Add field to C structure
cStructLines += QString("\t%1 %2[%3]; ///< %4\n").arg("int8_t", fieldName, QString::number(arrayLength), fieldText);
// Add pack line to message_xx_pack function
packLines += QString("\ti += put_%1_by_index(%2, %3, i, msg->payload); //%4\n").arg(arrayType, fieldName, QString::number(arrayLength), fieldText);
packLines += QString("\ti += put_%1_by_index(%2, %3, i, msg->payload); // %4\n").arg(arrayType, fieldName, QString::number(arrayLength), fieldText);
// Add decode function for this type
decodeLines += QString("\tmavlink_msg_%1_get_%2(msg, %1->%2);\n").arg(messageName, fieldName);
arrayDefines += QString("#define MAVLINK_MSG_%1_FIELD_%2_LEN %3\n").arg(messageName.toUpper(), fieldName.toUpper(), QString::number(arrayLength));
......@@ -398,7 +448,7 @@ bool MAVLinkXMLParser::generate()
// Add field to C structure
cStructLines += QString("\t%1 %2[%3]; ///< %4\n").arg("char", fieldName, QString::number(arrayLength), fieldText);
// Add pack line to message_xx_pack function
packLines += QString("\ti += put_%1_by_index(%2, %3, i, msg->payload); //%4\n").arg(arrayType, fieldName, QString::number(arrayLength), e2.text());
packLines += QString("\ti += put_%1_by_index(%2, %3, i, msg->payload); // %4\n").arg(arrayType, fieldName, QString::number(arrayLength), e2.text());
// Add decode function for this type
decodeLines += QString("\tmavlink_msg_%1_get_%2(msg, %1->%2);\n").arg(messageName, fieldName);
arrayDefines += QString("#define MAVLINK_MSG_%1_FIELD_%2_LEN %3\n").arg(messageName.toUpper(), fieldName.toUpper(), QString::number(arrayLength));
......@@ -414,7 +464,7 @@ bool MAVLinkXMLParser::generate()
// Add field to C structure
cStructLines += QString("\t%1 %2[%3]; ///< %4\n").arg(arrayType, fieldName, QString::number(arrayLength), fieldText);
// Add pack line to message_xx_pack function
packLines += QString("\ti += put_array_by_index((int8_t*)%1, sizeof(%2)*%3, i, msg->payload); //%4\n").arg(fieldName, arrayType, QString::number(arrayLength), fieldText);
packLines += QString("\ti += put_array_by_index((int8_t*)%1, sizeof(%2)*%3, i, msg->payload); // %4\n").arg(fieldName, arrayType, QString::number(arrayLength), fieldText);
// Add decode function for this type
decodeLines += QString("\tmavlink_msg_%1_get_%2(msg, %1->%2);\n").arg(messageName, fieldName);
arrayDefines += QString("#define MAVLINK_MSG_%1_FIELD_%2_LEN %3\n").arg(messageName.toUpper(), fieldName.toUpper(), QString::number(arrayLength));
......@@ -435,16 +485,20 @@ bool MAVLinkXMLParser::generate()
// Add field to C structure
cStructLines += QString("\t%1 %2; ///< %3\n").arg(fieldType, fieldName, fieldText);
// Add pack line to message_xx_pack function
packLines += QString("\ti += put_%1_by_index(%2, i, msg->payload); //%3\n").arg(fieldType, fieldName, e2.text());
packLines += QString("\ti += put_%1_by_index(%2, i, msg->payload); // %3\n").arg(fieldType, fieldName, e2.text());
// Add decode function for this type
decodeLines += QString("\t%1->%2 = mavlink_msg_%1_get_%2(msg);\n").arg(messageName, fieldName);
commentLines += commentEntry.arg(fieldName, fieldText);
// QString unpackingCode;
if (fieldType == "uint8_t" || fieldType == "int8_t")
if (fieldType == "uint8_t_mavlink_version")
unpackingCode = QString("\treturn %1;").arg(mavlinkVersion);
else if (fieldType == "uint8_t" || fieldType == "int8_t")
unpackingCode = QString("\treturn (%1)(msg->payload%2)[0];").arg(fieldType, prepends);
......@@ -475,8 +529,14 @@ bool MAVLinkXMLParser::generate()
// Generate the message decoding function
if (fieldType.contains("uint8_t_mavlink_version"))
unpacking += unpackingComment + QString("static inline uint8_t mavlink_msg_%1_get_%2(const mavlink_message_t* msg)\n{\n\treturn %3;\n}\n\n").arg(messageName, fieldName).arg(mavlinkVersion);
decodeLines += "";
prepends += "+sizeof(uint8_t)";
// Array handling is different from simple types
if (fieldType.startsWith("array"))
else if (fieldType.startsWith("array"))
unpacking += unpackingComment + QString("static inline uint16_t mavlink_msg_%1_get_%2(const mavlink_message_t* msg, int8_t* r_data)\n{\n%4\n}\n\n").arg(messageName, fieldName, unpackingCode);
decodeLines += "";
......@@ -511,7 +571,7 @@ bool MAVLinkXMLParser::generate()
encode = encode.arg(messageName).arg(cStructName).arg(packArguments);
decode = decode.arg(messageName).arg(cStructName).arg(decodeLines);
compactSend = compactSend.arg(channelType, messageType, messageName, sendArguments, packParameters);
QString cFile = "// MESSAGE " + messageName.toUpper() + " PACKING\n\n" + idDefine + "\n\n" + cStruct + "\n\n" + arrayDefines + "\n\n" + commentContainer.arg(messageName.toLower(), commentLines) + pack + packChan + encode + "\n" + compactSend + "\n" + "// MESSAGE " + messageName.toUpper() + " UNPACKING\n\n" + unpacking + decode;
QString cFile = "// MESSAGE " + messageName.toUpper() + " PACKING\n\n" + idDefine + "\n\n" + cStruct + "\n\n" + arrayDefines + "\n\n" + commentContainer.arg(messageName.toLower(), commentLines) + pack + commentPackChanContainer.arg(messageName.toLower(), commentLines) + packChan + commentEncodeContainer.arg(messageName.toLower()) + encode + "\n" + commentSendContainer.arg(messageName.toLower(), commentLines) + compactSend + "\n" + "// MESSAGE " + messageName.toUpper() + " UNPACKING\n\n" + unpacking + commentDecodeContainer.arg(messageName.toLower()) + decode;
cFiles.append(qMakePair(QString("mavlink_msg_%1.h").arg(messageName), cFile));
} // Check if tag = message
} // Check if e = NULL
......@@ -531,6 +591,12 @@ bool MAVLinkXMLParser::generate()
n = n.nextSibling();
} // While through root children
// Add version to main header
mainHeader += "// MAVLINK VERSION\n\n";
mainHeader += QString("#ifndef MAVLINK_VERSION\n#define MAVLINK_VERSION %1\n#endif\n\n").arg(mavlinkVersion);
mainHeader += QString("#if (MAVLINK_VERSION == 0)\n#undef MAVLINK_VERSION\n#define MAVLINK_VERSION %1\n#endif\n\n").arg(mavlinkVersion);
// Add enums to main header
mainHeader += "// ENUM DEFINITIONS\n\n";
<ui version="4.0" >
<widget class="QWidget" name="Form" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="windowTitle" >
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