Commit 719c3961 authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne

parent d430df77
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ installer {
MacBuild {
QMAKE_POST_LINK += && mkdir -p staging
QMAKE_POST_LINK += && cp -r $${TARGET}.app staging # fixme rsync instead
QMAKE_POST_LINK += && rsync -a --delete $${TARGET}.app staging
VideoEnabled {
# Install the gstreamer framework
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ echo "GST Installer: Copying $GST_SOURCE to $BUNDLE_TARGET/Contents/Frameworks/"
rsync -a --delete $GST_SOURCE $BUNDLE_TARGET/Contents/Frameworks/ || die "Error copying framework into app bundle"
#-- The plugin scanner needs to find the GStreamer libraries
pushd $GSTINBUNDLE/libexec && ln -sf ../../../../Frameworks . && popd || die "Error creating Frameworks symlink in $GST_TARGET/libexec"
pushd $GSTINBUNDLE/libexec && ln -sf ../../../../../Frameworks . && popd || die "Error creating Frameworks symlink in $GST_TARGET/libexec"
#-- Fix main binary
install_name_tool -change /Library/Frameworks/GStreamer.framework/Versions/1.0/lib/GStreamer @executable_path/../Frameworks/GStreamer.framework/Versions/1.0/lib/GStreamer "$QGC_BINARY" > /dev/null || die "Error relocating $QGC_BINARY"
pushd $GSTINBUNDLE && install_name_tool -id @executable_path/../Frameworks/GStreamer.framework/Versions/1.0/lib/GStreamer GStreamer && popd || die "Error relocating GStreamer"
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