Commit 702fe1f4 authored by Daniel Agar's avatar Daniel Agar

Revert "Update NSIS script to include ANGLE dlls for windows, add NSIS script...

Revert "Update NSIS script to include ANGLE dlls for windows, add NSIS script to otherfiles on windows"

This partially reverts commit 233ea3b4.
parent 00b393ba
......@@ -166,10 +166,6 @@ WindowsBuild {
$$BASEDIR\\libs\\lib\\sdl\\win32\\SDL.dll \
$$BASEDIR\\libs\\thirdParty\\libxbee\\lib\\libxbee.dll \
$$DLL_DIR\\icu*.dll \
$$DLL_DIR\\d3dcompiler*.dll \
$$DLL_DIR\\opengl32sw.dll \
$$DLL_DIR\\Qt5Core$${DLL_QT_DEBUGCHAR}.dll \
$$DLL_DIR\\Qt5Location$${DLL_QT_DEBUGCHAR}.dll \
......@@ -191,6 +187,11 @@ WindowsBuild {
$$DLL_DIR\\Qt5WebKitWidgets$${DLL_QT_DEBUGCHAR}.dll \
$$DLL_DIR\\Qt5Widgets$${DLL_QT_DEBUGCHAR}.dll \
# readd this with Qt 5.5
# $$DLL_DIR\\d3dcompiler*.dll \
# $$DLL_DIR\\libGLESv2$${DLL_QT_DEBUGCHAR}.dll \
# $$DLL_DIR\\opengl32sw.dll \
QMAKE_POST_LINK += $$escape_expand(\\n) $$QMAKE_COPY \"$$COPY_FILE\" \"$$DESTDIR_WIN\"
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